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>The Uchiha side with the village instead of their most powerful leader
>reward them by making them the police force, marginalizing them amongst the civilians
>steal their sharingan for research
>refuse to elect an Uchiha as hokage
>make them fight kirigakure (water release) in the third shinobi war as fire release users, severely crippling their numbers
>give them no credit after the war, don't even consider Fugaku as a serious hokage candidate despite his meritorious achievements
>member of the hokage council and one of the sannin continuously assassinate their members, stealing their sharingan wantonly
>push them to the edge of the village under constant surveillance after the kyubi attack
>steal the mangekyou sharingan of one of the most pure hearted people in the entire world, forcing him to kill himself
>surprise pikachu face when they decide to finally throw a coup to stop being oppressed and treated as livestock in a village they founded
>have the son of the uchiha patriarch slaughter the entire clan (along with the man who initiated the kyubi attack)
>naruto wants to stop sasuke from destroying the village who oppressed, farmed, and genocided his clan

Holy fuck. What a retarded stupid fucking story. What Sasuke did was mild compared to what Konoha did to his clan, not to mention Naruto never punished the two other elder advisors. I feel stupid for watching this stupid show.
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That guy changed editors more than I count. Also he literally named after ayy clan after one of his editors' last name.
Oh, is the Itachifag who thinks he speaks for everyone is here? Lol, why does he do that? I'm pretty sure he's the same guy who hates the anime and wants a B*ruto style reboot
I'd play this hadn't melanin enriched folk ghettofied the whole game
Black fans and anime games. They're inseparable lol
Psychiatrista unironically should study people who like Itachi.

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Who will live and who will die?
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Watch this fucking rat Gege make the ending of JJK like NGE episode 25&26 with a Megumi omedetou ending.
Ino and Miwa will LIVE and have babies, their kid with be the MC of Bujutsu Kaisen: Next Generations, taught by sensei Yuji
At best yuji is the one getting "congratulated" by his (dead) comrades while offering his life to stop/stabilize the merge.
The only way THE cog can finally see gratification.
Who's maki even holding there mei mei?
Uruame, play Judas by Lady Gaga.

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It's out, both on Shitflix and torrent.
Trailer : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNIFbX1dMIE

I wish all CH enjoyers a very mokkori day.
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Quite the opposite, he knows his dick will assume control as soon as she touches him.
English/ north america release I mean.
Does it have his partner who died? That's the only emotional part I remember. I can't feel any emotion from any of the dumb bitches he messes around with but his bro dying was kino.
He doesn't "initially" want to mess with kaori becuase she is underaged in earlier parts and also his best friends brother and promised to take care of her in a brotherly way.
best friends "sister" i meant

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The countless war crimes of our heroes can not be ignored. They must be brought to justice and repent for their heinous actions against the multiverse.
The WAKUWAKU shall cease.
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The strongest human? Will forever be Krillin.
Goku is stronger
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She tanked that, then had a passionate, hand holding sex with Trunks

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episode 4 soon
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>literally a professional bull
i was not expecting that from her
Will Sara ever become like Conan?
Wow, she's one of those Time Retrograde Army people from Touken Ranbu.

>one line flips the manga on its head and makes the readers re-evaluate the MC
This is good writing.
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as if japanese actually remembered their names when they have mountains of study and absent parents that work on a black company
>gets instantly mad at IQ being brought up
>then starts talking about gay shit unprovoked
Tranny detected.
Again, Maeda was hostile towards Ruri before the name even became an issue.
why do people get so riled up over this manga lol?
>Mind if I hop aboard for a flight?

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Sadly not yet which sucks cause I like the shots and how she drawn better in the anime.https://files.catbox.moe/f9bvxo.webm
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This needs (good)nipples, editGODS please.
Nah I think the scanlations are just bad. The scans made the mistake of saying an ushioni is worse than the chinrinki.
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>canon virgin
How? She's pretty enough and has a ridiculous body. That's the biggest mystery of the show.
she has autism and its a pretty assertive girl, nips don't like that

Chapter 486 - Piano
Last Thread (479-485): >>265555957
The Beginning: https://desuarchive.org/a/thread/246835384
Previous Chapters: https://desuarchive.org/a/search/subject/Daily%20One%20Piece%20Chapter/
Arc List: https://pastebin.com/2qD7h8US

We are on the cruise!
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kind of crazy that this whole flashback happened decades before Roger's execution. They're not even looking for the One Piece or anything, they're just travelling the Grand Line for the fun of it
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In celebration of this manga finally ending, lets all read it from the start together!
Having some of the most emotionally tough and complicated writing in manga, with artwork to match, there isn't much out there like HNK/LOTL.
So whether you're a new reader or wanting to reminisce, join up.
13 volumes, 1 volume per day. Starting between 10:30 and 11:00 AM EST.

Interaction and reactions are encouraged, but please make use of spoiler tags.
New readers are encouraged to post any of their theories about the direction or themes of the manga as we go.
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It's not. +150 chapters is long, HNK is at least medium.
12 was released recently, 13 I'll post based on the translations on Mangadex.
Thank you so much OP. I got interested since it finally ended but threads like this are a good reminder for someone as unorganized as me
Double pages are good.
I won't follow the storytime though, I still don't know how to feel about the ending.
very lewd image here

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Chihiro's breakdown broke my heart ;_;
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You summon many little attacks instead of a huge one and compress it into the sword.
Now he's going to generate a fucking thunder blade.
An attack Chihiro made in the heat of the moment. It minimizes the output of the enchanted blade while maximizing frequency of attacks. Like a hot knife through butter.
UU ends in 30ish chapters
>still seven enemies you go+the final boss(es)
It will end well into 2025.
>According to Ryokutya, a credible leaker, Kagurabachi Volume 2 is going to have a recommendation from a big author just like how Volume 1 had gotten one from the MHA author, Kohei Horikoshi

>Manga is about the struggles of a teenage boy and his duties to protect the world
>Series does a major job of showing how this is mentally affecting him and how it's an awful life
>All people talk about is which girl is the best to the point theories become cope-level retardation
>Many of the ships are ethically immoral, including one incest and one nonce ship

I finally get it... Chainsaw Man's fandom is just the zoomer version of Evangelion's
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Your waifu is trash
She probably got that apartment from being a know it all like book nerd like her sister Makima. Or she took it from Kobeni just because she has a contract with her to eat her burgers and spaghetti.
Algerian post the pic.
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Here he's tucking

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"The Quintessential Quintuplets" is receiving a NEW ANIME PROJECT subtitled "Gotoubun no Hanayome * " (with an asterisk), original story supervised by author Negi Haruba.

Honeymoon time's story of Fuutarou and the quintuplets which is not depicted in details in original manga.
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Take your meds, and don't put that autistic bitch as 4chan's pet.
I think it'd been better to combine Itsuki and Nino in a single character, F being a dick to her in the beginning would justify her being a turbo bitch to him in return, later on you can develop her daddy issues as her blaming Maruo for breaking up their parents marriage since she doesn't know the full story and idolizes her mom too much to think she just married a dick, then as the truth gets revealed and they deal with biodad she can get over her trust issues against men and recognize what her feelings for F are
by all means keep posting stuff from your image folder though, they are funny pictures.

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Sensei spent the night at Akane-chan's again...
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>Schizo finds copy-pasted plebbit post interesting
Shut up avatarfag.
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Kamiki has a twin brother
Come on, Akaneschizo is clearly a redditor. Look at how he constantly posts walls of text that say fucking nothing and is almost entirely braindead headcanon.

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This bunny has entranced me
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How many babies in her first pregnancy?
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Miruko is so perfect. If only she was taller.
It's true that you can easily forgot that she's the same height as Deku.

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Would you like Chopper more if he could split up into a bunch of little guys?
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>..'s current owner, Saint Garling.
...'s designated Marine bodyguard, Vice Admiral Momonga.
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We love Zoro here
Nope and nah
Is it translated?
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