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What type of food do you guys sneak into events/movies?

Big fan of chinese myself.
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>no singles
nice try buddy
I stuffed 3 pizzas into a sweat shirt pocket for the movies. Fucking Titanic took 3 hours.
I'm not much of an eater when I go to movie theatres, I usually take care of eating before I watch the movie. Sometimes i'll sneak in a couple tall boys of beer to enjoy with the movie, and sometimes i'll smoke a joint before the movie.
for me it's

yeah this is why i don't drink in the theater anymore. i HATE missing parts of a movie. the 2 times i did go drunk into a theater i held my piss the entire time and by the end my bladder was legit about to explode each time.
i just bring in an apple or two in my pockets, sometimes a can of seltzer

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Breakfast menus should be banned. If I go to McDonalds I want a Big Mac, simple as.
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... If this is a regional thing and I have been excluded from it, cities will burn.
All restaurants should take the dinerpill and have the same menu all day.
>I want a Big Mac
npc detected.
it literally is back.
mcdonalds breakfast is good though
the egg mcmuffin is a perfect fast food breakfast sandwich. They should do a quarter pounder with an egg on it burger (and just bring back all day breakfast)
i bet you're never awake before 10:30 so why does it even matter
also the big mac is the worst item on the menu AFTER the filet o fish

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anyone been? how was it?
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Lmao Hiro dreams of cunny
/fit/ actually, but thanks nerd
He didn’t try that shit with Obama and Shinzo Abe though. In fact Obama didn’t even finish.
This is basically every "high end" restaurant and you're just supposed to eat it like the retarded chef made it.
Everyone's taste is different unless you're in an expensive restaurant and want to pretend that everyone has to like the same slop.

jesus goddamn fuck I love bagels.
Depends on the bagels. You need to find a store that boils them in potassium hydroxide before baking
hebrew please

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It really is impressive how they managed to make chicken taste like water.
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fast food pipo don't......

....aaahh it's all so tiresome.
that's the funny part
What's the difference between canes and zaxbys?
I can't trust blacks when they say the 'white peepo don't season they food shit' anymore.
I used to think there was some truth to it like any stereotype but then I remember coming across some cooking video. Can't remember what the woman was making but she seasoned it with 7 different herbs and spices and there were STILL niggers in the comments going "WHERE'S DA SEASONIN".
When I grew up I realized that sometimes less really is more and flavour can also come from... you know... the fucking ingredients of the dish and not just colourful powders.
It really is a thing honestly. When you look at the media certain standards are maintained as to how western countries, their armies, governments and citizens should behave. Then when some browns use military action or terrorism to get their way people mutter some shit about how there's no wrong way to resist opression or some shit.

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Why do American food chains employ a lower standard of quality in America compared to their operations in other countries? Where’s the patriotism?
simple answer: because they can. the floor is set so low that americans will accept all sorts of ingredient changes and will be too stupid to notice. also other countries have more stringent food laws. to paraphrase george carlin:
>think of how stupid the average person is and then realize that half the population is more stupid than that
'tis a mystery
'tis a chin massager
Patriotism doesn't exsist in 50% white countries, we're just an economic zone that exists to give money to israel and ukraine.
Why don't you call them all and compile some data to share with us? Thanks in advance.

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Overhated. This shit is perfectly drinkable, tastes like bananas (which happens to be my favourite fruit). It does the job and is better than most macro beers.
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Paracelsus would like to have a word with you about "poison" and dosage.
Drink 15l of water try eating 200g of good old harmless table salt and see how that goes.
are you the ESL that's been seething in every thread that mentions alcohol the past couple weeks?
why is this? it's not the green bottles, because canned heineken is just as bad (if not worse)
>the does makes the poison
Yes, being regularly exposed to small amounts of mercury over a long period of time is perfectly harmless, I'm sure.
You must be thinking about someone else, because I'm no ESL.
Yes, that is embarrassing of me. How kind of you to notice.

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In theory, if I dump out this excess vinegar that collects at the top of this hot sauce everyday can I transform this runny liquidy hot sauce into a thicker sauce?

What's the middest of all pastries and why is it pain au chocolat
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>you don't like panettone?
I can manage it once a year. Colomba Is better, imo.
Weirdly, it's the chunks of dried fruit I don't like about panettone which is weird because I like panforte and panpepato which are literally just the fruit chunks and no bready cake.
>"lobster tails" suck
I'm not sure what you mean. I can guess: is that an American style sfogliatella?
>nobody likes the almond croissant
>always more for me
The filling freaks people out. I worked in a place that sold them and an old man tried to return it because he thought it was raw dough. At the end of the day there was usually some left behind because they weren't as popular, so I would always take it home.
These were hyped up so much to me, but it's very disappointing.
Sfogliatelle have the traditional ricotta filling maybe with some citron. Lobster tails are usually bigger and filled with some generic whipped cream that tastes way less substantial. A lot of bakeries might cheap out and just do lobster tails.

Colby Jack.
Does your country have it?
Does your country have either of them on their own? Have you tried them?
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Right. So why are you lying and getting emotional about cheese of all things?
>You are faggot.
>why are you getting emotional??
Still didn't answer the question, nice deflection though
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you didn't ask me any questions
>does your country have it
Of course not.
>Does your country have either of them on their own?
Of course not.
>Have you tried them?
Why would I want to? We produce +/- 950-1200 different cheeses annually (competition is cut throat) for a population smaller than the city of New York. 12% of our population are Italian immigrants who brought along their 2500+ different cheese styles. We live next door to France with its 1200-ish varieties, and south of The Netherlands wherewe can get any variety of Gouda imaginable. If I ate a different cheese style every day it'd take me 10 years to try them all. That's just talking cheese styles, not individual producers, aged, refined ("affiné") or cured cheeses (with Barolo, edible flowers, hay, Jenever...). I know there are a few fantastic new producers in the NY, Boston areas and in Vermont and Oregon but they're irrelevant where I live (Belgium).

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>Go to polish deli/bakery I like (Chicago place)
>They have lots of different fish, traditional polish shit, pastries, imports and the like
>Usually open minded about food, have liked most of the stuff I tried so far (Rum ball, herring filets, weird cheeses, etc)
>Get curious about blood sausage (Kizka) because "oh hey, it's like that one healing item from that game I like"
>Get home, cut it
>Looks gross
>Smells gross
>Maybe it's good?
>For 5 seconds, try my hardest to find something good to say about it, the taste, the texture, anything at all, best I can think is "might go good with mustard" before I can no longer deny it and run to the garbage can to spit out the first bite, dry heaving as I do so
>This 1.5 pound of shit cost me 7 good bucks I could have spent on polish cake instead

Is there anything I can do with this meat turd? Why is it so horrible? I cannot say I have ever eaten anything so foul in my entire life. I've eaten food that is literally spoiled that tastes better. How can they eat this?
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Did you seriously eat this raw ?
Like came home, took out a knife and started slicing coins ?
Oh man you fucked up big time, hope you didn't get sick at least.
Yeah, I tried, I didn't make it very far, I only got one bite in and couldn't go through with it. I thought it would be fine like the other sausages I got from there. I think I ate maybe a speck of it but I felt mostly okay. Hope I don't got tapeworms now.
Mayo jelly sandwich.
The tripe soup, it taste like shit (sorry).

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>coca cola dehydrates you
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See above, re: minimum requirements
So doubly not food related
The calorie count reflects that. Yo dont gave some hidden magic knowledge
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>it depends on what the meaning of the word is is
the heat of the egg cooks the rice

I don't eat soups usually but I want to try things out
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Chirry? WTF is that seems creepy
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>heckin' chile peppers omg!
Creamy onion and cheese soup with croutons.
Hits particularly hard on a snowy day.
Anon what kinda fucking low income abomination is this

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What are some essentials for a minimalist kitchen?
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You're a fag, Josh
>>you can do that on the floor with your bare hands
>Okay, but that's nobody's idea of "cooking." We're not cavemen, at least not most of us.
All you really need is a cai-toku and a piece of well-oiled slate.
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Your mom fucks niggers.
having to use a 3rd world gang infested shithole as comparison to make it seem the country doesn't suck really doesn't make it seem like it doesn't suck.
that facial hair isn't minimalist
as a descriptor to your person isn't minimalist

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have you ever been to prison? what was the food like?
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it's badgoy industrial feed
>the big joke about the food is that they are all sugar free by law so your body is in a constant shock from not having any sugars
Horse shit motherfucker. You may have been in a facility that's "heart healthy" which means no added salt to anything. But you get bread or tortillas and various other shit with sugar in it.
Better than at my school. Worse than what was in the picture.
We usually got things made from unsold bakery goods as they were deemed edible but not sellable.
Which fucking sucked because meat or vegetable doesn't go unsellable without inedible for a long time.
I fucking hate bread soup.
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Time to flaunt my europoor privileges: I really enjoyed the food in prison. The food the staff served was like normal school lunch food, and always with bread, salads and milk to go with it. But most prisons (I was in high-sec, but even our equivalent of super-max get to do this if the security situation allows) let inmates cook their own food with normal store-bought ingredients from a monthly budget. Actual home-cooked meals twice a day, and we shared the remaining budget to buy whatever breakfast items or snacks (eggs, pickles etc, not candy) we wanted for ourselves
Not prison but jail.
Extremely bland and bad. They use literally the cheapest crummiest ingredients to make the slop, it's so bad it makes everything in commissary look gourmet by comparison. Oh, and it's basically designed to give you diahrrea. They also give you just enough food to not die, but not enough to feel even close to full.

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