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#21-27, Annual #1
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>When you’re in charge of translating a cartoon that has a lot of puns and wordplay that only make sense in the original language
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They literally make shit up constantly and brag about how they don't know a lick of Japanese. They treat every game like yugioh abridged except they are incapable of being actually funny.
The entire short is about English puns, so the only real opportunity you have is to provide brief explanations in the subtitles. It wouldn't be funny, but there is no Japanese equivalent to "foothills" which are then drawn as literal hills with big feet.
I understand the argument when you’re talking about shit for little little kids like Pokémon or Precure, but I’m a big boy and can just research Japanese culture if I don’t understand something
Nah, anon. It means you should raise your power level instead of tossing just a tweet. Here, I'll fill in for you this time.

Original text of the tweet, so there's less chance of misunderstanding.
>トムとジェリーの真ん中の話(所謂Tex Avery作品)で
「へんな体験記(Symphony in Slang)」というのがあるのですが、これよく訳そうとしたなぁと子供心にも思ってた。

I think the machine generated translation is pretty good here.

Here's the original tex avery clip in English.

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I love it when zoomers pretend to know what they're talking about
>Normal words, but an ugly guy!
All it took was a couple Newgrounds veterans over a decade of trying to pitch shows to networks, until they succeeded, and then they brought in every talented Internet animation artist they knew.
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wrong again
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It's honestly insane how effortlessly Smiling Friends made me laugh in just this one episode. Things are looking good for Season 2, then.

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Bubblegum thread
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>buy girl at store
>wallflower, decide to convert her to a cartoon template
>make her take off her panties, cut off the back of the bottom part
>dip in a fluid that turns it solid and gold, and place her converting program in the top like a gem
>make her wear her panty crown
>record her explaining who she is at that she belongs to me, and that her body and mind don't appeal to me, so she's being converted into a cartoon character from the 2010s
>explain that she's nervous about being owned and not being what her owner wants, and hopes this process will make her a more ideal lover, which is what women should be first and foremost
>the crown starts leaking pink goo through her hair
>she gets more hot, rubbing her legs together, still looking at the camera
>ask her questions about herself
>the more the hair starts getting filled with this drippy concoction, the more heady she gets, the harder it is to remember herself, even from what she just said
>starts masturbating
>ask if she likes being changed
>she says yes, it feels good

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Why my pp hard!?
I always get greatly annoyed when you get some pseudo-intellectual jackass going 'Uhm, ackstucally, she's an evil dictator!'
Not really, she's pretty altruistic when it comes to her people
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There's so much unnecessary girl boss shit with her character. Remember when Bubblegum was a prize at a wizard contest and then she started hating magic.

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Who are your favorite /co/ autists?
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dooming an innocent child to have my looks and brain problems wouldn't be very ethical.
You annoy me with your never ending pity party
welcome to 4chan. i'd rather be realistic and miserable than delusional.
but let me guess, women's standards for you are unfair yeah
i would say don't be morbidly obese or a single mother are pretty fair standards since both are avoidable and mean you're making bad decisions consciously as an adult. can't will myself to be taller, hung, or attractive, or suddenly have an amazing outgoing personality after decades of being ostracized because of my looks.

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If Lola got her intelligence from her father then what did she get from her mother?
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Production on the show has wrapped up
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Seems like it probably will. The leaked episodes had some songs.
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Oh cool. Thanks anon.
Does anyone have the leaked Primos episodes?
Check the archives.

Should we run out the remaining 50 posts before posting a new thread?
BitChute has the leaked Primos pilot, but I'd rather not link to BitChute.

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It seems Amphibia girls would be for the most part trad wives. But they can also switch into battle mod whenever required. Why haven't you take the frogpill yet?
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Do girls really do this?
All it takes is one friend in the group to get it going.
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Here they are.
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I am falling, I am faded, I am drowning
Help me to breathe
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Nice been a while since we've had a MCU thread, has anyone updated the archive in a while?
I guarantee AJ would look like a wrinkly abuella with real proportions, you fat cum brain.
Hi Peet.
S'on his baraag
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Is character tragedy subjective or there's certain tier to how good it is?
theres a clear difference between a fridging, a tragic death of hero, and the dramatic killing of a villain, just to name a few
Subjective, I guess. I've seen many people online say how they felt nothing when reading Watchmen, but to me, practically every death was fucked.
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>Emphatized death of Who's in the wrong side

Only you retard

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Here's your new Kang, bro.
More like they're going to have him replace Harry Styles as Starfox and adapt THAT story.

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>Provide References for all requested characters and keep them to one image/post.
>Keep requests /co/ related and keep them concise.
>General OC discussion belongs in "Work on your art" and the Donut Steel threads.
>However, OC requests are allowed as long as they aren't /trash/ material or fanfiction. If it's not /coc/ you must provide a link to the comic or cartoon.
>Be patient and take it easy! Don't forget to check the booru to see if your request was filled.
>Drawfriends, don't hold back.
>Post a sample of your art when "taking X requests"
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>Keep art critique short, otherwise take it to the Batman thread.
>No one is entitled to a request delivery.
>Don't bump or "second", "third", etc. requests. They eat up the post limit.
>Don't fight spam with spam.
>No begging.
>No AI deliveries, no AI discussion. Take them where they're wanted.
>To make the new Drawthread, wait for page 10 at bump limit.

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Requesting Holli Would de-aged to a tween by the pencil of an animator.
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I'll bite the bait. Requesting Natasha Romanov as Shadaloo Dolls
Please draw a cartoon Hitler blazing it up.
Next requester is a faggot
Requesting nude She-Zow.

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Why are Trixie and Stripe always arguing all the time? Bluey's parents aren't like that.
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You don't know many married couples, do you?
That scene in The Sign specifically showed that their daughter was playing by mimicking an argument they’ve had. It’s affecting their children.
Muffin is clearly spoiled because Stripe buy everything for her and bratty because Trixie is nagging all the time.

90% of what kids learn in their early years is by what you say not what you do. Good thing Socks is a nice kid
Bluey will inherit her mom's apathy to other people's feelings and bitchiness

Are you looking forward to Zootopia 2?
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I am.
I just want more porn of Judy to be spawned.
As long as it's not a Saint Fentynol Floyd BLM analogy, sure.
Even the tv show didn't risk this.
>no Rich Moore
>No return of shock collars

I just hope there's more Judy toilet scenes

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Looking back on it, was this THAT bad?

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