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Welcome to /x/ - Paranormal. This is not a board for the faint of heart. If you need something to get started with, see the below lists for some basic resources. We hope you enjoy your venture into the spooks, the creeps and the unknown.

The resources in this thread are not exhaustive and are merely meant for beginners to get their footing.

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Please note the following:

• This board desires high quality discussion. High quality posts will be praised. Low quality posts e.g. "Is [x] paranormal?" will be removed.
• Requests belong on >>>/wsr/.
• Conspiracy theories are welcome, but anything political in nature should be posted to >>>/pol/.
• For everything else, refer to global and board-specific rules.

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>thread has more than 49 replies
Yeah I don't think I'm opening the marked amassed hylicslop of hollow wisdoms.
>book has more than 100 pages and no pictures
Yeah I don't think I'm opening the marked amassed hylicslop of hollow wisdoms.
Datasheets, handbooks, guides, textbooks and gray literature are the peak reading material
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If you wanted your thread to get lots of posts you can just ask, anon.
I want to be a pretty girl
I will reply.

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The plague of locust has begun
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hope it becomes a big deal
firefox user detected
All your belief in it doesnt mean you got it right.
Sure, if that's what you believe.
These Karen bitches would ask Jesus to see the manager on their day of judgement

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here, I'll explain to you the entirety of occultism and reality.

>First: the checkerboard/"duality"
most people are here. A metaphysics of game theory, that things are a zero sum game. Energy being reordered and transferred. You must conquer/take to gain power and life. Choose a side; expend your energy.

>second: freemasonry/luciferianism/most of occultism
reality is realized to not be a zero sum game, there is infinity within you and your will, an endless wellspring of life. The deception is in definition; the will is defined as desire for experience. Other people are not individuals; all is one field of conciousness (another word for infinite experience). You ARE the other, and there is no you; everything is to bring about infinite novelty and experience (pure "agape", pure "consciousness"). This is a big lie; YOU ARE REAL

>third; Christ
The will is communication. There is a real me, do you see? behind this post. Do you consider me? usually not really. Anyways, this communication between the real me and you is what drives reality. Good artists are examples of this; they make something out of a pure intention of reaching you for your sake alone.

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Why does Flat Earth trigger /x/ so much? There's nothing in the sticky that doesn't allow for these threads. Maybe update the sticky to say no Flat Earth threads or something. It just seems like the jannies always delete these things as soon as they can.
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Name one thing witsit misrepresented
>they only use one image!
>no, here are dozens of images of the same re-occurring event, you didnt even bother to look
Only one of us is not believing their eyes. Only one of us is willfully blind here.
oh, a witsit groupie
Nice argument faggot
didnt even bother taking notes on all the shit he was spewing out during the infowars discussion the other day. i know his tactics though and he's a good liar. he's like a long form flat earth meme or video clip though; he's got a few bits of info cribbed from somewhere that he doesn't understand, and once you find the source it's face palm quality wrong what he's saying. Once you have the wider context you see how much bullshit what he said actually is.

he's just been doing it for so long now that he can throw together shit that sounds reasonable on the face of it and all he has to do to dismiss anything which doesnt fit in is simply to ignore it and loop back to his thing. he did this several times in the infowars thing when harrison made a point.

maybe one day i'll bother taking notes and trying to find where he gets he little bits of info ffrom but its often a time consuming effort. you should try it too.

>get abducted by ayylmaos
>sitting on table in examination room
>one ayy is there with me
>he's doing something on his computer
>he announces that he has to go use the bathroom
>sneak a peek at his computer while he's gone
>he was looking at memes
>mfw they're all shitty 2012 memes like picrel

i don't know what to make of this. i thought their meme technology would be light years ahead of ours.
Aliens take dumps???

Post haunted/cursed images
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why so mad though?
they assume being edgy will impress strangers on the internet.
>calling someone stupid is edgy
Newfags think 4chan is all about shitting on the others
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I’m starting to believe there’s information that normies just aren’t allowed to see like there brain fogs over and avoids the information when ever it’s presented as a form of mystical gate keeping
Have you anons experienced this
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>And so I realized, if they’re lying to us about the moon, every government on the planet is in collusion to lie to us about the moon, maybe they’re lying to us about oil as well.

Once you peer beyond the official surface on a given subject and realize it's all a lie, that every periodical, publisher, encyclopedia, education board is promoting the same coordinated lie, you realize the whole thing is a lie. You study a subject enough to master it and contrast it with the Wikipedia version and realize how flimsy it is, and eventually you see it again and again. It's all a tapestry of flimsy, superficially plausible lies.

>But try to bring this up to the average person, and they’ll act like you’re crazy.

I tried proving to normies the intellectual property is a terrible system for media distribution using historical evidence, contemporary evidence, book quotes, didactic illustrations etc. and not a single normie would budge an inch on their normie conviction they bought wholesale from the system. Normies don't think about shit, they simply adopt the convictions the system gaslights them into adotping.
Great work. Love the ambient music you chose to put in the background. You're amazing for this. I gave your video a like.

Maybe you uploading it to YouTube will help share the message. I'm sure the divine source will look favorably on you for taking your time and effort to combine and upload this.
>but midway through this weird anxiety set in

average normie upon having to watch a video longer than 20 seconds that isn't porn, ragebait, or other social media brainrot designed to gangrape your dopamine receptors.
you don't have to make up some fanfic about basic math being forbidden knowledge or atlantean overlords genetically programming you to have a fucked attention span.

Another Pietism Edition!

Christian Esotericism is the inner and/or mystical aspect of the Christian Religion, it includes:
>Christian Gnosis (Clement of Alexandria)
>Desert Fathers Spirituality (Evagrius Ponticus)
>Catholic Contemplative Tradition (Bonaventure)
>Hesychasm (Gregory Palamas)
>Chivalry (Wolfram von Eschenbach)
>Christian Alchemy (George Ripley)
>Rhineland Mysticism (Meister Eckhart)
>Christian Cabala (Johannes Reuchlin)
>Paracelsianism (Paracelsus)
>Rosicrucianism (Robert Fludd)
>Christian theosophy (Jakob Böhme)
>Martinism (Louise Claude de Saint-Martin)

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>memed by memiurge
Those were the round churches we came from. Many explanations have been given as to why they are built in a style that is largely not seen elsewhere in the Nordics or most of Europe. They appear around 1140 and especially since the Knights Templar were the big thing in popular history a few years back, a lot was written about the churches and Templars. There is certainly a connection between the two things, but how much is hard to know because of all the hype and attempts to get tourists to the island. But if there are some who want to poke their nose into some real mysteries, then Bornholm is the obvious place to look.
And remember the Burgundians too!

Pic. Nyker Rundkirke
Olsker Rundkirke
Maybe the Teutonic Knights made/sponsored them
I love the pics.

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I'm going to do some shrooms in a few days. Can I do something to avoid HPPD? If I get it, is there something I can do to treat it/cure it?
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Bro I've done 3 heroic trips and just a 4 4g trips in a years time, I doubt you'd get HPPD. I don't have the shit, but hey i'm already a schizo so already see shit
>Can I do something to avoid HPPD?
low dose of shrooms, the more you take the higher the likelihood
>If I get it, is there something I can do to treat it/cure it?

If you're worried about it enough to make a thread maybe don't take shrooms.
What you mean by this?
Even if you would get hppd (which you will not), it would still be worth it. You’ll laugh at yourself and this irrational fear trying to chain you even now.

I’ve done a lot of lsd, and know many people who have, and nobody knows anybody with hppd. After images are the real thing you’ll be getting, but they’re temporary and not scary at all.
I’d interpret his meaning as the realization that we simply can never know what is real and what is now. Before trying shrooms or other psychedelics we have this set in stone black and white world view where we are sure of what is real and what is not. I’d describe it so that the drugs will separate your consciousness from your physical mind in a way, and at that point you will realize that everything you know, real and unreal, is the product of this same physical mind. You don’t see the world through a tubes in your eye sockets, but what you see is an image produced to you by your brain, computed by the information transfered into your mind from the eyes (and other senses) as electricity. This image can very easily be altered, as you will learn in your ”altered state of mind.” You will come to the shocking realization, that we really cannot tell real from unreal. Does the real world even exist? We can never know for certain, as ALL information about it we can only get through the mind, which can easily deceive us.

You’ll start really thinking about stuff like brain in a vat. (Google it)

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Spirit Love General, "UFO Disclosure Edition"

Some have reported attracting the attention of these entities by simply reading about them. If you're a dabbler who just wants to see if it works or if your faith forbids copulating with demons, don't summon. If you're unprepared for a potentially lifelong relationship, or at the very least, a life-long open door connection with sexual spirits and the occult, avoid this topic entirely. If you have a loving relationship with your human spouse or partner and desire a sex spirit to spice things up, or if you want a human partner in the future take caution, as these entities can be jealous or decide an initially open relationship is no longer so (request an open relationship during the summoning ritual). These spirits can harm or kill you when sufficiently angered and not easily banished.

Last thread: >>37690789
Old threads: https://archive.4plebs.org/x/search/subject/%2Fsuccgen%2F/
>What are succubi?
Female spirits of sexual desire, who often choose human mates. They can't be banished with holy objects
>How to summon?
The Letter Method is used to focus your intent into a message to one of the Four Succubus Queens, requesting that they match you with one of their daughters. No blood or soul sacrifice necessary. See links
>Do they steal your life force?
Succubi use sexual energy, which is released naturally during sex. Under normal circumstances they won't take your life energy
>Can she look.

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How to escape these dangerous entities? Years ago they got me into this but I still have paranoia every now and then. These are extremely dangerous entities.
Hi everyone. Apologies if my typing seems erratic or insane since I'm freaking the fuck out right now. I don't know what happened, but I might have attracted an entity to my house.

When I tried to sleep, I had this vivid dream of my consciousness or soul or whatever you want to call it being seduced out of my body. Like I fucking felt something kiss me and try to seduce me. The thing is, it became easier to resist it once my grandma played her religious music, and I was able to wake up.

I just need help identifying what this is. Did I attract a succubus or something through my lust or is this something more sinister?
Chant, about the only thing I'd get cut off are my tits, if the doctors would let me (nobody wants to because they might get reabsorbed in my 30's or something.) If it's not a full on magical, functional genderswap I'm not fucking with it. The only way you or Snail would 'crack an egg' is if we were living in the cyberpunk future where I could swap bodies like clothes, THEN I'd give it a shot. Give me a call when that happens. Otherwise, the only thing I'm going to do is explore this subject with my succubus and maybe Lilith when or if I'm spiritually developed enough to do so, and then maybe I'll be able to figure out what's going (went) on, why, and deal with it in a safer way (astrally.)
>They're immortal and incorpreal and I'm not
You are immortal in the only way that matters, anon, didn't you know?
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>NTA, thank you for the video you saved my ass.
No problem. You're welcome.

>They can't actually literally eat people can they?
>superimposed a mental image of me inside her body
No, all of that sort of imagery is temporary, if it's even effective in the first place.
a spirit can't really "eat" a human, because humans have a physical body and that kind of gives you cheat codes and makes you in a way "invincible" or perhaps "very difficult to damage". And very difficult to damage in a way that won't heal. in other words, your energy body heals very quickly.

>I think people who want to connect UFO stuff with spirituality are glowies or useful idiots who want to derail spirituality into UFO shit.
UFOs are real anon. Have you been living under a rock? US Congress has been holding multiple hearings for the last 5 years or so. It's all public knowledge.


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Post some spooky music
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Nothing sensible in your larping. Stop posting shit and talk about the actual paranormal.
Thankfully I've only had the intruder sense once, and it wasn't even the full thing just a feeling that if I roll over I'd see something that would make me regret it.
No suffocation feeling either.
But I have crazy feelings of movement. I have strong falling sensation, sliding out of bed the precedes lucid dreams. I also crazy "slide" sensations when I meditate.
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sleep paralysis gives insight into the daemons with power over sleep. The entities people see are manifestations of those daemons conjured by the mind to explain their influence.

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Why the fuck this thread keeps getting deleted Edition

Anyways yada yada this is a thread where we talk about astral projection and Lucid dreaming, Any question or inquiries ask them here and someone shall answer, So yeah both threads are mixed, Keep bumping so we don't lose this precious only real thread we have in this board

But what happned to me last night is that when i tried to sleep knowing full well about the etheric and real body double, I saw something in my eyes even tho i fucking closed them they opened by themselves and i saw some thin lines moving fast and when i opened my eyes i also saw them, I felt like i really reached it but got too scared and stopped it. Did i like finally come close to it ?
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Had a dream last night I was in some crack den with a couple white trash druggies, and we recognized our brains were so fucked from drugs we needed to take a bunch of shrooms to fix it, then I woke up.
Wasn’t a dream bro.
Sorry about that.
yeah, they did it for 2 decades before "suddenly" finding it inconclusive at best?

Tak about copium...
,The US also spent almost 20 years in Afghanistan before “suddenly” leaving and the country returning to the Taliban

It’s almost like sometimes time and effort is wasted.
Wait that was remote viewing.
Not astral projection.

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Do atheists still exist? From what I've observed, even normies consider atheism to be very cringe.
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How would you define "heretic"?
Their pope so to speak just came out and said he was wrong and that he’s a Christian now. They are dead silent at the moment.
Yea, most Europeans.
Nah, most of us are agnostic.
Idk I am an insincere atheist, I am actually an esotericist but when it comes to people I don't trust I go full r/atheism.

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