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/p/ - Photography

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R: 0
Welcome to /p/ - Photography: Go /p/ro: • Please post images that are JPG format and ideally smaller than 1 MB, and/or about 1000 pixels on the longest side. • Expect to be judged harshly. Learn to deal with it. Want: • We come here for photos, so post yours as often as possible, even if "image unrelated" to your text. • "Flickr/500px/Tumblr/Facebook/Portfolio" threads are for critique and networking. • Use "Recent Photos" threads if you are shy or only want to post a couple of photos. • Shared raw files which we can collectively edit for discussion of post-processing techniques, are encouraged. • Use the Catalog to consolidate similar topics (photographic themes, images or technical gear threads). Do not want: • Go to /wsr/ or /r/ for specific Photoshop requests. • Gear threads are discouraged, but identified as necessary. Many users simply hide these threads. Want to learn more? • The /p/ Wiki
R: 10
We're bringing back rage-baiting in 2025.
R: 40 / I: 32
/bpd/ Bird Posting & Discussion: Previous >>4359803
R: 101 / I: 39
Pentax DSLRs
R: 165 / I: 81
/rpt/ - Recent Photo Thread: late autumn edition continued last: >>4382671
R: 16 / I: 13
/dst/ digishit thread: fall edition
R: 226 / I: 98
/fgt/ Film General Thread: photos that convey movement edition Previous thread: >>4380134 /fgt/ daily reminder (courtesy by anon): one stop per decade is (generally) bullshit >negative film ages better than positive >black and white better than color >slow films better than fast >storage conditions (dry/cool) matter more than years >Negative film is shot 1 or 2 stops overexposed and then PULLED in development so that you build more density in the exposure and develop less such that the fog is limited >slide/positive film is shot at box speed or overexposed and pulled. >if you home develop you can also use benzotriazole as a restrainer for the the first developer in E6 process Useful links >[massive dev chart] gives times for home film development https://www.digitaltruth.com/devchart.php >[film dev] shows results of development regimes https://filmdev.org/ >[news & community links] 35mmc.com casualphotophile.com kosmofoto.com emulsive.org japancamerahunter.com >thread question do you have friends that like analog photography as well or do you just do your stuff by yourself?
R: 3 / I: 2
Best photo organizer: I'm looking to start from scratch and organize all my photos. Problem is I have about 12 years of digital photos from cameras and phones I want to get all into one place and sift though. I think there's good AI programs to help do this now, but I don't know which one is worth a fuck. Lightroom is OK I guess it just seems to hang up and take forever if you add too much shit to it. And it's not really an organization application it's more of a quick editing deal. I'd like the program to just sift though the shit and assign keywords, which camera it was taken with, date, all of that and organize it all for me. Then I can go though and grab favorites and put things into different sections, and eventually sift out all the stuff I don't really want to keep and get rid of all that. At the end I just want folders of everything organized so I can do a couple good hard backups. Right now I have hard backups but they are all scattered and have various different attempts at organization. Any tips?
R: 69 / I: 39
Post your favorite painterly photos with female models/actresses. I'll start
R: 41 / I: 24
Do I take excellent street photography?: I will share some of my work
R: 199 / I: 46
Lens Autism Thread: there is so much autism about cameras on this shithole but where is the autism about lenses? lets start a lens autism thread feel free to shill lenses, their character, color/tones renderings, weird traits etc.
R: 16 / I: 5
I figured out how to get the portra look on digital: you shoot building corners
R: 45 / I: 11
Overcast sky broke my buck: How do I cope with it? It's impossible to take good photos under overcast sky. How do (You) kope with it?
R: 49 / I: 31
Frames from the past: Recently got a film scanner, so I started digitising some old negatives from my family. Most rolls are from the 90s, but there is a box of slides from around 1962. First shots are from Mauritius and were shot on AGFA Vista 200.
R: 2
Photography: Tatsuo Suzuki is a big inspiration and edited one of his photos and I kinda fw with it love tips and how to better tooooooo
R: 197 / I: 17
/vid/ - Video General: /film/fags have found us edition All video related questions and discussion is intended for this thread. Here we discuss techniques, gear and anything else related to capturing video footage. Please don't pretend to be an expert if you don't know what you're talking about. Kindly leave your ego at the door. Posting short films/scripts or other work you've done is encouraged. We tend to use and recommend DSLRs/mirrorless cameras because they provide phenomenal picture quality for their price, have large sensors (ie the same size used in high-end cinema cameras and higher) and have interchangeable lenses. In contrast, consumer camcorders often have much smaller sensors and a fixed lens. >STICKY - https://text.is/QZ1J >Helpful guide, additional books and more in-depth FAQs - https://web.archive.org/web/20200926115310/https://pastebin.com/kG0gRmTZ >NO ONE CARES WHAT AN EXPERT YOU THINK YOU ARE. IF YOU’RE ASKING BASIC-AS-SHIT QUESTIONS, YOU CAN’T BE ALL THAT GREAT. SEE ABOVE Previous thread >>4372038 Quick FAQS >what’s the best camera available on a “budget”? The blackmagic pocket cinema camera 4k, or the Panasonic gh5 (can pick one up for like 500 bucks atm) >what’s a good beginner video camera? Anything that works, shoots at least 1080p and preferably has interchangeable lenses. Any recommendation beyond that will cause arguments so read the fucking sticky if that isn't satisfactory. >What's a good sound solution that won't break the bank? Zoom h1 >Can I use a zoom lens for video? Yes >Do I need cine lenses? No >Do I need 4k? No. 1080 looks great on a cinema screen. 4k looks better. >Can someone tell me if my video is any good? Yes, but be prepared to receive harsh criticism. If you're going to waste 5 minutes of our time with a shitty out-of-focus montage of nothing then we'll tell you that it's crap
R: 143 / I: 33
I need to learn how to edit photos, Show me what I could be doing please, Currenty fucking around in Darktable, and lightroom gofile.io/d/7hlW1x
R: 190 / I: 90
Smartphone photography: Post your phone pics, what phone do you use, etc. The best camera is the one that's with you!!!
R: 23 / I: 1
need help with modding my pentax: so a while back i bought an old k100d dslr camera so i could reap the benefits of the film-like shooting experience without firing money away on rolls in my p30. But ngl, the experience hasn't been too good. I plan to make the shooting experience more reliable with things like dedicated lithium ion rechargables, and a nicer focusing screen. But one of my concerns is its portability, know ik its silly to buy a dslr expecting it to be portable, but in my defence im very used to 80s film slr bodies which are rlly tiny compared to chunky dslrs. I plan to buy a new compact pancake 40mm lense to help out, however i also want to remove the overhanged space caused by the flash unit. My question is, can i easily just remove this chunk without accidently exposing the pentaprism or something? Oh and how do remove the flash bit so it doesnt interfere? Do i just remove the flash tube and cap off the end of each wires and shove them in the body?
R: 136 / I: 88
Figurine Thread: Feel free to dump any figurine images you got. Here are a few of mine.
R: 6 / I: 2
What are your recommended nature documentaries/films to help get inspired?
R: 169 / I: 21
/NIG/ Nikon Imaging General: Joined the big boys club today. This thing feels like fucking wall-hacking the AF is just ridiculous it will see shit in the middle of pitch black dark and lock on to it with 30 year old AF-D lenses. I also grabbed a 70-200/2.8 VR II for cheap. Talk Nikon stuff, share Nikon images, ask Nikon questions here.
R: 44 / I: 7
/p/ lifestyle: we are living in a new dark age and there's no hope and life is meaningless. so i am thinking about living like moriyama in 60s. lurking the streets like a dog, fucking whores, doing drugs. all this while doing odd jobs. thoughts on photography lifestyle? what is your lifestyle?
R: 15 / I: 4
Stock photography deserves a fate worse than irrelevancy: Stock photography was the worst thing to ever happen to photography and I'm glad it's dead. It was pushed to a beyond ridiculous conclusion. I waited for 20 years for it to die and it's finally dead and buried. I wish it never ever got started. I would be happy, but along the way photography died also. Guess we have to be careful for what we wish for.
R: 13 / I: 8
>Im Daido Moriyama >I take photos of literally anything in high contrast black, and white >...... >Profit
R: 8
Hows the fashion photography going /p? You are still doing it right, this thread is to discuss fashion photography.
R: 48 / I: 25
My photography sucks: Whats bad about it?
R: 21
M MOUNT: What is the cheapest leica M mount camera?
R: 73 / I: 3
Gear recommendation: Should I get rid of this old gear? It's a Canon 5D mark II. What other camera or brand should I be looking for? Is Sony A7IV any good?
R: 61 / I: 7
>Yes, I have thousands of dollars worth of electronics in my backpack, how could you tell? Yes, I am low test and likely unable to defend myself. How do you carry your gear? I don't use a dedicated camera backpack since I don't want to be a walking red flag.
R: 119 / I: 20
Sony releases new compact f/2 zoom: >Petapixel: One of the Best Lenses Ever Made >Canoncels on suicide watch Sonychads just keeps on winning
R: 75 / I: 18
/fag/ - Fujifilm Appreciation General: Hi boys. I want to ask a question about adapting M mount lenses to my X-T4 and noticed there was no /fag/ thread. Does anyone use the Leica M to FX adaptor? I'm also planning on using a 28mm and want the best yet most compact lense I can find.
R: 100 / I: 40
Panoramo: Post your Panoramas
R: 158 / I: 117
Home photography thread
R: 100 / I: 76
Aa am ii a talented photographer?
R: 2
Is there a tripod system that can quickly swap from different sizes of tripods for filming? I film car shit for my YouTube channel. and I'm getting annoyed at having to switch camera mounts all the time for different shots. I use a Canon EOS-M with a 22mm pancake lense for 99% of my shots I have 3 mounts I usually use 1. regular sized tripod. 2. a mini tripod that's 8in tall 3. a gooseneck clamp mount for areas a tripod can't reach. a recommendation for a better camera would also be welcome. the EOS-M was $165 and has served me well. but I'd like something with image stabilization and higher quality footage.
R: 59 / I: 34
Night Walk in Paris: Hello people. Since it's a photography board, I'll post some photos from yesterday. Comments and critics welcome.
R: 46 / I: 7
Is whining about to replace rage-baiting as a new trend in photography YouTube?
R: 355 / I: 47
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread: Post your questions here that don't fit anywhere else or are too short to deserve a separate thread. Dumb. Smart. Snooypy. We got'em all. 1. Generally, don't be a fuckwit to someone asking a question unless it's deserved. 2. Gear topics are fine so long as it's a question 3. Read the /p/ Sticky
R: 15 / I: 1
I just impulse bought someone's filter stack for 15 bucks. How did I do? A lot of these seem memey but I can for sure use the ND filters for that price Are any of the rest useful in any meaningful way
R: 66 / I: 2
Filmmaking Tools Recommendations: I want to make films. Any recommendations for cheaper tools with better quality? CAMERA, LENSES, and ACCESSORIES $2,489 TOTAL – 1 - Sony ZV-E10 Mark 1 (Body Only) - $700 Image Quality Sample: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=EVwloedpYwk – 2 - 7Artisans 25mm f/1.4 Lens Sony E Mount - $73 – 3 - TTArtisan 35mm f/1.4 Lens Sony E Mount - $73 – 4 - TTArtisan 50mm f/1.2 Lens Sony E Mount - $98 – 5 - Rokinon 85mm f/1.4 Lens Sony E Mount - $200 – 6 - TTArtisan 17mm f/1.4 Lens Sony E Mount - $120 – 7 - Tiffen Variable ND Filter (72mm, 2 to 8-Stop) - $120 – 8 - Sensei Step Up Rings (39mm, 40.5mm, 46mm, 52mm) to 72mm - $100 – 9 - Hollyland Pyro H Wireless Video Transmitter. (Useful for directing shots you are also acting in. Use phones as camera monitors on set.) - $350 – 10 - DJI RS 3 Mini Stabilizer/Gimbal - $280 – 11 - SmallRig Cage for ZV-E10 Mark 1 - $70 – 12 - Two Anker Power Banks 20,000mah (2x USB C Slots, 1x USB A Slot) - $100 – 13 - 0.5ft USB C to USB C Cables (x2) - $10 – 14 - Short Micro HDMI to HDMI Cable - $10 – 15 - Phone Holders for Power Bank - $20 – 16 - ¼” Camera Mount Screws Pack - $10 – 17 - Decent Generic Tripod - $40 – 18 - Eirmai Camera Backpack with Large Laptop Slot - $50 – 19 - Sandisk 128GB 200 mb/s Read Speed Memory Cards (×2) - $45 – 20 - Lens Hoods - $20 AUDIO RECORDING AND MIXING: $1,415 TOTAL – 1 - Sennheiser MKE 600 Super-Cardioid Shotgun Microphone - $330 – 2 - Zoom H4 Essential 2-Input Portable Recorder and Audio Interface - $200 – 3 - KRK Rokit 5 Audio Monitor Speakers (For Audio Mixing) - $400 – 4 - AKG M50x Headphones - $150 – 5 - Boom Pole - $100 – 6 - Midi Keyboard - $150 – 7 - Sandisk Extreme 128GB MicroSD with SD Adapter - $25 – 8 - USB C to USB C Cable - $10 – 9 - XLR Microphone Cable - $25 – 10 - Generic C Stand Tripod - $25
R: 43 / I: 27
Animal Thread: What's your favorite animal, /p/? Mine is the frog. Here are some snapshits from a fair I went to. My dad gave me a Sony A6400 which was really fun but I think I did something wrong with the colors so I've just gone and turned those off.
R: 4
I have an editing dilemma. I want to move away from my big desktop and edit on my laptop because I'm tired of having a big, autistic computer. But my laptop isn't capable of outputting a 10-bit signal to my monitor and my built in display is only 8-bit. How much am I sacrificing in color accuracy by switching to an 8-bit display? Is it even noticeable or would it be worthwhile to look at getting a different laptop which can make use of my 10-bit monitor? I tried looking up articles online, but almost everything is just about 8-bit vs 10-bit video
R: 223 / I: 30
EOS RP: What's the deal with this camera, why does it have such a bad reputation? I was looking for a mirrorless body to adapt my vintage glass too and this really cheap. Is it worth it for adapting lenses?
R: 46 / I: 4
Absolutely mogs Portra 400. More pop, brighter colors, significantly cheaper. This is Kodaks best film and its not even debatable.
R: 6 / I: 1
Is Your Camera Better Off As A Lamp?
R: 15 / I: 1
Any tips for street photography in Marrakesh? Apparently Moroccans believe a part of their soul is stolen when their picture is taken. I know people who have been accosted for simply holding a camera. How can I do it bros without being martyred?
R: 31 / I: 1
Poorfag here. What's the cheapest full-frame camera I can get for wildlife? I don't want anything smaller than full-frame because I value image quality and don't want noisy pics.
R: 6
I got this from a thrift store years ago for super cheap. I can't afford to buy a better one right now. Is it worth using or should I just put it in storage and wait until I can buy a new one?
R: 23 / I: 11
Just wanted to share some photos: Most of my family and friends dont really care about photography, and i am not really good at it, but i just really wanted to share
R: 15 / I: 4
Hey lads, I need actual advice for a genuinely tricky shot. I have this idea for an album cover that I'm doing which involves having a bird to perch atop the scroll ("headstock" for you guitarists) of a violin or cello. I live in Australia so we're hoping to use one our more iconic species (blue wren in pic related) which are quite tiny but plentiful. Now the question is, is this something I can realistically do or should I just photoshop it? I live next to one of the biggest bird sanctuaries in the area, so there's no shortage of birds. I do wildlife photography all the time and understand these birds quite well, but I can't just sit here for hours every day for a month, I would need some sort of strategy. If I do photoshop it, how do I make not look awful?
R: 56 / I: 5
Any video cameras that emulate film yet? I haven't researched since like 2017 but back then there wasn't shit except for some expensive digital bolex
R: 66 / I: 8
Finding good deals on the used market: Got any great stories? I haven't found any massive scores, but I am quite consistently able to get somewhat sought after vintage lenses for cheap when bundled with with cameras and other gear. What about you guys?
R: 251 / I: 33
Micro contrast is not real. 3D pop is not real. Well, they may be real phenomena of an image, but they are not imparted by certain lenses due to certain optical designs. Anyone who supports the idea of 3D pop, Zeiss pop, or micro contrast is an anti-science luddite or a grifter. Watch any of these people try to explain what 3D pop or micro contrast is and their bullshit is self evident. If a phenomenon cannot be described using scientific language and measured objectively, it isn't real. Every time you see an A/B test for 3D pop or microcontrast, the tester is using different camera bodies, or the composition is different, the color grade is different, different exposure levels or the lighting has changed. The only other area that has so much peasant level superstition has got to be pro audio.
R: 28 / I: 3
This movie was shot with an iPhone 15 Pro: I think it looks awful, personally. Should've used a DJI Pocket 3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yuxssP9vSGY
R: 30 / I: 5
10 hours in the darkroom hope you guys like it.
R: 117 / I: 21
Which full frame? Which lense mound?: >Canon >Sony >Nikon >Panasonic
R: 260 / I: 88
I have been studying alot of ancient history, specifically ancient astronomy. I am now certain that all world events can be predicted from studying the skies. Anybody here using telescopes to photograph comets? I am looking for roughly what I need, and examples of what you guys are getting with your gear? I really need to be able to see and photograph comets and meteors in space.
R: 7 / I: 4
Help me fix my camera: Retard here, I'm trying to fix up my camera settings so it stops being so fucking blurry in close-ups, which is something that's been plaguing it even in ideal lighting. Please bear in mind that I'm an amateur photographer. I'm going to upload some photos directly. from my camera so the EXIF data should automatically transfer over. The first will be in "auto" mode and has a noticable red filter that idk how to get rid of, the second will be with "Easy Mode" turned on
R: 77 / I: 57
R: 0
Photographing the World 2: >300 dollars >First episode is free >80% of the video is just sponsored software shilling The on the spot footage is pretty nice though, but how come I can't find the torrents anymore of these? I remember watching the first Japan ones but idk where I got it from
R: 3
Are these circuits/contests relevant or something? I meet a guy that was bragging the fact that he has 120+ photographic awards.
R: 32 / I: 3
Basic gear facts photographers keep getting wrong: >1 - you need moar card slots You don't need 2 cards slots. You need to learn card management. Cards fail due to excessive write cycles and data fragmentation. Never cull on camera. Fill your card entirely before wiping it. If you are working for someone, use a fresh card. They're thirty fucking bucks. Problem solved. Ignore this advice and enjoy having your dual cards fail anyways. I have never experienced a card failure since the days of 1gb primitive SD cards that would 100% be filled at least 20 times in a week. I have always used single cards. You are more likely to need a full sized HDMI port than a second card slot. >2 - ETTR is an essential skill You do not need to ETTR or protect all the highlights. Even in 25 stop DR human vision some areas are pure black and pure white. As long as the areas transitioning to these don't hard clip in one or two channels the photo will look good. Expose for the subject, not for the bokeh balls and lightbulbs. >3 - flash looks bad Your cheap diffuser, poor understanding of shadow and contrast, and inability to use gels to match flash to ambient light looks bad. Skill issue. >4 - "equivalence" and dynamic range charts are useful Use your eyeballs and the shadow and highlight sliders and observe how your results will always beat the charts and be noncongruent with equivalence theories because the way cameras work on real images is actually a bit more sophisticated. Real dynamic range testing is a lost art among photographers. DXO scores were invented to be easily cheated review metrics, not anything relevant to IRL photography. Just ignore them, most every camera handles DR better than you need it to unless its micro four thirds. >5 - lens sharpness is a bar graph It is certainly not. Most often these bar graph tests are actually field curvature at 5 meters test. Lens performance varies between MFD and infinity and so does the shape of the depth of field. >6 - color science is in your camera It's actually in your lens.
R: 33 / I: 5
What would make you buy the GR IV? Minimum: Wider apature, better auto focus. If they could make it the same size as current ones adding a viewfinder, 35mm standard, an 85mm add on lens that doesn't crop
R: 220 / I: 150
/RPT/ - Recent Photo Thread: late autumn edition: previous: probably one of these: >>4376419, >>4373079, >>4379203
R: 231 / I: 60
/compact/: Any compact camera enjoyers here? Post your gear, show your pics Compact video people also welcome
R: 84 / I: 16
>"excuse me anon, did you just take a photo of me? I want you to delete that right now." How do you respond?
R: 19 / I: 2
What software?: >haven't processed pics in a couple of years >reinstall Canon's raw image software >An error occurred. >it installed anyway >launch it >An error occurred. Fuck Canon, what's the thing to use in the Current Year?
R: 19 / I: 4
Selling my Contax g2 for a Bessa: Thinking to sell my g2 set finally and get a Bessa r2a eventually. I've been using it for around 10 years and it's a great great camera but my concern is that it will eventually shit itself one day so better sell now. 2 years ago the shutter stopped working and it was just a minor issue: a gear wheel worn off so got it replaced by some german professionals. The cameras size, feel, weight, ergonomics everything's just perfect to use. As you know the VF is small and dimm but never bothered me that much, the AF is always on point though but the MF is another reason that bothers me bc you can't really accurately MF with it... Anyways i'm thinking to get a Voigtländer Bessa R2A maybe with either a Ultron 35mm or Nokton 35mm. Since the internet is fucking shit i'm depending on your opinions anons. I'd like to have a small 35mm lens. So that would be the Nokton/Ultron right ? My g2 set includes g2 body, 28mm,45mm,90mm lenses, all lens hoods, boxes, manuals, tla200 flash (will keep this one maybe) contax cable release etc. So in one hand this will bring me good money and on the other hand i will lose a great set of a brand....Give me your opionions please and post your Bessas if you own one thx.
R: 89 / I: 6
GH5ii, GH6, GH7, G9ii?
R: 159 / I: 11
How do we save photography and ourselves bros? Media has gone completely schizo and there is no way one single image of literally anything, not even hardcore porn can compete with what short form video has done to 99% of people's brains. The output of our hobby is decimated because of over-stimulation and information overload. Is there anything that can be done? Do we have to all get into video ASAP and accept that stills are dead? Do we start writing on blogs again like it was 2012 to go with our photos? Walling off into Flickr did not work as that platform is even more dead than Instagram. We have some of the most realistic, smartest autists online on 4chan, I am sure we can come up with a logical practical solution. inbf >just shoot for yourself >just print the photos and put them on your bedroom wall who cares lol No, this is just cope. We all know it.
R: 29 / I: 2
I've realized that there is no perfect camera for me, after about a week of comparing camera systems, I found that there is always something lacking which is a major feature I want. So I have decided that I should just be happy with what I have. The question then becomes; how do I simply accept and be happy with the camera gear that I already own? I've realized buying gear is an endless cycle of fulfillment
R: 38 / I: 8
Advice on editing portraits of this nature: I'm new to this. I like the lighting in this photo, but I have no idea how to post process this to take it from mediocre to great. Any input is greatly appreciated, even if you just want to hop in the thread and call me a fag.
R: 12
Buying used lenses. I've been a bit hesitant lately with buying used, older lenses that would still work great for even mirrorless. Issue is, people tend to take good care of their gear and not scuff it up, but internally, it might have lots of use,how do I know if a focus motor or something is still in good condition?
R: 54 / I: 5
What do you reckon /p/ https://www.digitalcameraworld.com/news/young-people-no-longer-practice-photography-says-fujifilm
R: 61 / I: 9
I bought it as an everyday camera, about to load a roll of Gold tomorrow. Is this a mistake? I really like the idea of having a small, half-frame analog camera to take pictures that are meant to be viewed by me, a few friends and no one else and don't want to either carry my mirrorless setup and lenses or fuck around with an external light meter on vacation. This one fits into my pocket.
R: 55 / I: 15
Where my surrealist at?: New here starting to explore surrealism Picture was shot on a camera modified for full spectrum
R: 17 / I: 3
Should I get the Canon R7?: I found a great deal for an R7 and everything looks good, except for the battery recharge capacity being 2/3. I'm a hobbyist and would use it primarily for street photography and wildlife. But I'd to also do professional portrait photography in 1 or 2 years. And I don't really do video, but would learn the basics, since it has IBIS. What do you think of that camera?
R: 5
What's the glowy effect on this photo? Always been after something similar
R: 25 / I: 5
Behold /p/osers!: I present to you, marvel of landscape photography... Rhein, the second! >That'll be $4,300,000.00 + tip
R: 234 / I: 41
How the fuck he did it bros? HOOOOOOOW For me Edward S Curtis is an absolute towering mammoth of 20th century American photography. What a fucking genius.
R: 13
How to get good photos of myself?: >have only a budget phone with shit camera >absolutely horrible at taking photos anyways >no experience with editing >no photos with friends/family that I could use What can I do? I've been thinking of asking random photographers I find on net to take photos of me in nature, probably grab a few changes of clothes to switch between too. But idk, it's probably gonna be extremely expensive and they will only agree to take the photos in their studio, which is gonna be cringe af if I ever use it for dating app profile. Any ideas?
R: 60 / I: 9
XT-4: Is there any reason to get the XT-4 or is it stuck as the shitty inbetween for the XT-30ii and the XT-5?
R: 32 / I: 6
Are there any reasons to choose A7IV over A7III?
R: 3
R: 139 / I: 88
Brutal Street Photography: In this thread we'll share brutal street photography that we like. These streets are fucking hard man Moriyama the GOAT of hard streets
R: 68 / I: 22
/mage/ Macro Photography General: >Cheeto Dust Covered Bee Edition 1. Macro is based 2. Anything lower than f/16 is useless, anything over f/8 causes diffraction (we don't care) 3. Get a flash of some kind if you're doing handheld macro, get a softbox if your lighting is too harsh (it is) 4. 1x magnification can be overkill. Nobody cares if you hit 1x or greater, if it's framed like shit 5. 200mm for bugs, 100mm for all-purpose, lower focal lengths are memes 6. Extension tubes are cheap enough to dabble. Stick them on something between 50-200mm and go to town 7. Gear posts are allowed but keep it on topic 8. Any macro is encouraged. Bugs, plants, textures, minis etc. all welcome Previous Thread >>4342854
R: 1
>Charges $1 per photo >Buys a fast shooting camera >Takes 40 photos/sec >Stonks
R: 102 / I: 11
Is this common or did I get a 1 in a million lemon?
R: 46 / I: 6
Z50ii announced https://www.nikonusa.com/p/z50ii/1784/overview
R: 5
Autofocus no longer working: Alright so I was taking pictures with my camera like I normally do and then suddenly the viewfinder in my camera goes a bit darker. This is a DSLR so I don’t even know how this happens. When trying to take another picture the autofocus ring just makes a full turn in one direction and then a full turn in the other direction. This keeps happening when I press the shutter button. I then put the lens in manual focus and the picture is completely over exposed. I take pictures in 1/100 s and normally the exposure would be set correctly but now it seemed like the camera overexposed the image by two full stops. I also have the focus point selection set to Auto and it used to light up the squares that the auto focus would focus on but now none of the squares light up when I press the shutter button. When I manually select the focus point the square I select lights up, but the focus ring still only does one full turn. What could be the issue here and how do I fix it? It is a canon eos 50 and an old sigma 18-200 lens. Sorry for shit formatting as I am on mobile posting from where the incident happend. Thanks for any help. Also wtf happend to 4chan? How bad has the bot issue gotten?? I have to wait 900s to get the captcha?? Like wtf I have to wait 15 minutes to make a post what is this bullshit
R: 83 / I: 6
did I make a mistake by investing in nikon's mirrorless ecosystem
R: 70 / I: 8
What's a good alternative, Is 6 still viable? I dont intend to pay so price isn't an issue.
R: 77 / I: 13
The first known photograph of a little girl
R: 104 / I: 10
Are Leicas worth the hype?: Or do soviet rangefinders take comparable photos?
R: 271 / I: 150
Recent Photo Thread (RPT): Alright, Previous threads burning out. Time for more of your recent photos - post em' here. Previous RPT >>4373079
R: 2
what's your assigned memory recall 1/2/3
R: 83 / I: 17
Ever since I started shooting digital again, I've seen an immediate drop in the quality of my photos. Am I bad or does digital just suck?
R: 31 / I: 1
Just bought one of these and three rolls of Kodak tri-x 400 with no prior experience in photography. What am I in for?
R: 51 / I: 3
And here we go again: Canon not focusing my photos again. What brand has reliable autofocus? I'm tired of losing pics
R: 126 / I: 99
B&W: B&W Thread because last one reached image limit. I’m not as good as previous OP yet but fuck it here are some of mine
R: 22 / I: 2
Digital Medium Format (Macro Four Thirds) doesn't make any sense as a format. >most lenses for MFT hover around f/4, with some fast primes around f/1.7. With a crop factor of only x0.79, means you get an equivalent DOF of f/3.16 and f/1.34 respectively . Meaning that full frame actually has shallower dof in most cases. Another drawback of the f/4 average is that the aperture opening is the same meaning that the iso on MFT needs to be higher (or shutter speed slower) in order to match the exposure on an equivalent FF lens. >there is no consistent dynamic range advantage. This was the second best dynamic range MFT camera I could find on photonstophotos (besides a Phase One IQ4 ($62,000) As you can see the Hassleblad HD6 is only 1(one) stop better than an a7riii at base iso, at iso 100 there is only about 1/2 a stop difference. At 400 ISO the Sigma FP-L actually surpasses the DR from the Hassleblad. Also remember you're iso on the MTF camera will need to be higher throughout to match the exposure of the FF camera. So what are we left with? Medium format is slower, vastly more expensive, has a deeper DOF and doesn't even have a significant dynamic range advantage past the base iso under a nearly best case scenario. The older MTF cameras often have WORSE dynamic range than a modern FF camera. There quite simply is no performance-oriented reason to buy a medium format camera except where maximum resolution is required. Having more physical space for the pixels. Digital medium format is simply a luxury buy and if it wasn't for the social signaling and rarity, it would be going extinct like it's micro cousin. *drops mic*
R: 8 / I: 1
I photographed a bird using a short telephoto: Feel free to roast my photo.
R: 12
Which lens for sports, /p/? >100-400 (smaller, sharper, shorter range) >200-600 (bigger, slightly less sharp, bigger range)
R: 36 / I: 13
My first rolls in 10 years: I carried a camera daily for 10 years, tried and failed to have several photo essays published. Felt defeated and stopped posting / lurking here and haven't even thought about shooting for a decade until last month. Here are a handful of photos from my first 8 rolls in 10 years. Voigtlander Bessa L 21mm Skopar Portra 800
R: 181 / I: 91
Took this photo of a cute lovely bird
R: 128 / I: 87
architecture thread: dedicated to Filippo Brunelleschi but if you're more into Palladio that's fine too boring formal shite dump all your building corner shots here and flat on facades
R: 197 / I: 150
dst digishit thread: mavica cave textures
R: 320 / I: 110
/fgt/ - Film General Thread: This is the Film General Thread, aka the /fgt/. Please post film photos in this thread. It's ok to ask about film gear in this thread. >it's not gay to post in the /fgt/, unless you actually believe a lab has ever pushed a film 1 stop in development for you old thread >>>4375751 Thread Question: >now that hiroshimoot has killed 4chan what is the point? t. waited 900sec to post this because I have my browser set to clear cache and delete cookies and close it whenever I'm away from my computer like any sane person, leaving the bulk of all posts on the board to be made by absolutely wet newfriends without the barest skerreck of opsec
R: 15 / I: 7
3CCD Supremacy Thread: CMOS was a step backwards in our evolution. Post your pictures/stills from CCD cameras and camcorders. Pic related is a still from my new DVX100 I got on ebay. I'm in love with this obsolete thing.
R: 4 / I: 1
There was a website showing all codes for the Lomography films and which version is what repackaged film. Anyone got the link? also Lomography Color Negative 100 = ProImage 100 Lomography Color Negative 400 = Ultramax 400 Lomography Color Negative 800 = Portra 800 correct?
R: 5
How are you all storing your prints for your own viewing? I want a way to store my 20x30cm and be able to flip thought them when I feel like it. But none of the albums I've found locally are aesthetically pleasing. Ideas?
R: 11 / I: 1
Rangefinder: What film rangefinder should I get? I'm mainly considering the Olympus 35 SP because it also has a manual mode. Which rangefinder would you recommend? (I don't have 2k to blow on a Leica)
R: 83 / I: 15
Have you taken a photo on your Full Frame camera that’s more compelling than this photo I took and edited on my phone? If so post it below
R: 67 / I: 7
what's /p/leb's stand on these brands?: Canon Sony Fuji Panasonic Nikon Olympus Pentax Leica Ricoh Sigma
R: 23 / I: 3
Earlier today Fujifilm announced its first dedicated camera for filmmakers, the Fujinon GFX Eterna. RIP SNOY and Canikon
R: 7
going to jersey and york in april what do i photograph? (digital only)
R: 25 / I: 1
Everybody laugh at the Fujifags
R: 52 / I: 11
Bliss: There will never, ever be another photo as recognizable and ubiquitous. It was the first and last thing hundreds of millions of people saw every day for a decade. It sits on millions of install CDs, hard drives and is burned into monitors on every continent on earth. Like it or not, it will outlive you. It will outlive your children.
R: 8
I can get like 10 of these (expired in 2020) for peanuts. Is it feasible to open these and use the unexposed film in a different camera?
R: 20 / I: 1
I use windows 10. Today I opened windows photo viewer and it seems to have auto updated, now its mentioning onenote, and AI, WTF is it now going to be any photo I even view in windows gets sent to their AI? Getting real tired of this stuff, are there any windows alternatives that I can still use captureone or an editing program?
R: 8 / I: 4
Hi guys i haven't posted here in a while I made this abomination, why isn't this a more common form factor?
R: 297 / I: 69
Instagram Thread: Classic IG thread. Post yours, rate others etc etc. and feel free to post whatever other site you post your photos on.
R: 34 / I: 1
>spend ages researching what camera to get >went down rabbit hole of gear autism and spec sheets and reviews >after 6 months finally make a firm decision >get my camera >come back to /p/ >now wondering if I made a mistake Fucking hell how do you get over this and just use the camera? I hate thinking I made a bad choice >why, what are you poor Yes faggot
R: 94 / I: 46
Improving foreign trip photos: Dear /p/. Recently I took part in scientific conference in Japan and since we had some free time to spare, I tried to make as many photos I could. While they were interesting for my family, showing country much different from our own, I was wondering about what could I do, perhaps next time, to make these kind of photos more interesting for broader viewer, as in going from “nice vacation snap” to “interesting take”. Overall selected around 30 to upload here, out of around 500 (out of around 1500 I took). Thanks for any kind of help.
R: 101 / I: 20
This really is the only camera you need. Anything else is unironically cope or mental illness.
R: 4
What makes a good photo, What can you do when you have just bland flat light, and no flash. Do you sometimes just have to call it a day? I know photographers takes thousands of shots just to keep a handful.
R: 17 / I: 3
I need more.
R: 64 / I: 24
Group f/64: How did they get their pictures correctly light when using f/64?
R: 10
I want lenses with spherical aberrations. How do I identify lenses likely to produce them?
R: 6
>be me >be shooting film on my Pentax MZ-S >love it >want to get a camera that feels more modern with better quality glass >buy a nikon f100 and a 24-120 f/4 >get the roll back >it basically looks like digital >mfw I realized that the part I liked was pentax's shitty F series lenses Well I guess that saves me from buying a bunch of new lenses and I can sell this stuff now.
R: 40 / I: 10
I love photography, but I've gotten bored with modern digital cameras. They're nice in the fact that I can shoot plenty of pics, but I just want something different. I want to do film, but 35mm just seems too expensive. Buying the film, developing, scanning, etc. There's a local place near me that does all that for 25 dollar PER roll. I have 400 dollar store credit to this camera store. I was looking at the Pentax 17. Sure, it's half-frame, but the pics look nice and sharp. But what really caught my attention was the polaroid I-2. All the manual controls and upgraded lens seem appealing. I like instant cameras, so I'm really leaning to this one. Anyone here able to vouch for the polaroid, or should I get the Pentax?
R: 59 / I: 9
Pentax is objectively correct about lens-body design. Put the autofocus motor and image stabilization inside the body instead of in the lens. It opens up the creation of some truly compact lens design once you incorporate floating apertures. Pic rel is a 35-105 f/4-5.6 FULL FRAME lens. >72x71mm (2.8 x 2.8in) >345g It's smaller than most mirrorless 18-50 aps-c kit lenses. The autofocus speed/accuracy you sacrifice by doing so is well into the range of diminishing returns for 98% of photographers It's amazing how correct one company can be about camera design and really highlights the legendary fumble in marketing Pentax has made.
R: 35 / I: 18
Urban birding trip to asia: Hi /p/. Ubran birder here. Recently went to Bangkok/Tokyo and took some bird/landscape photos. Fedex lost my wide angle lens so I had to do it all from a 100-400mm on my R10. These are mainly sooc jpegs with the Fine picture style and +1 saturation. Sometimes edited to taste with exposure/haze. Hopefully some of these are good. I'm just a hobbyist trying to keep the existential dread at bay. Enjoy.
R: 8 / I: 1
Sydney Opera House: Sydney, Australia
R: 16 / I: 8
My last roll of black and white got voted as boring, I tried to mix it up a bit more this time, thoughts?
R: 2 / I: 1
Please help me improve my skills: the camera is a canon powershot a810, and the lens is fixed, what editing would you do to make this photo better
R: 26 / I: 4
I don't care if Mapplethorpe was a massive homosexual who died because of AIDS. His lighting technique was great and his composition was kino. At least old homosexuals were based and not as soi as globohom lgtdgsght fags. Simple as!
R: 343 / I: 52
Gear Containment Thread /gear/: >Gear thread for all gear related questions, news, bitching, and dick-measuring competitions I personally am about to drop $2k AUD on a new Canon and want people to tell me I'm retarded one way or the other. I'm either buying an R8, R7, or R6 and can't make my mind up. Currently rocking an R10, but most of my lenses are FF. I'm kind of swaying to the R7 because of all the "pro" features and the fact I like the FoV of my current primes 24/50/100mm. However the amount of faging people do about FF just being overall superior is causing me to be indecisive. I do landscape, astro, travel snapshits, and macro primarily. I'd rather keep bulk to a minimum which is why I'm leaning towards the R8 over the R6, but like I said, call me a retard and tell me why.
R: 8 / I: 3
How long until the average point and shoot camera is obsolete? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aYpzmhMZUTY
R: 1
How did he got away with it: >solved photography >*heh personnel kid*
R: 229 / I: 150
/rpt/ - Recent Photo Thread: Workboots edition Previous shitshow: >>4376419
R: 55 / I: 26
Iceland - October 2024: Did a 4-day trip to Iceland last week, took some pictures I'm quite proud of. This is a thread of some of my favorites. Shooting with a full spectrum-converted A7 III. Some of these shots were taken with an IR filter, will try to specify with each pic. Used a 720nm (& ND) filter for this picture of Hallgrimskirkja.
R: 18 / I: 1
Who are the photographers pushing the boundaries and doing something new currently? Im looking for some inspiration of whats current cutting edge.
R: 12
Just got a GX85 for my future traveling. What micro 4/3rd lenses should I get for this.
R: 14 / I: 2
So the 5d I just bought has to be returned due to having haze in the viewfinder. Which now presents me with a opportunity. Do I just buy another 5d or a 5dii? I liked the images I got out of the 5d, but reading about it being basically impossible to adjust the micro focus makes me nervous. Is it a big problem or should I not worry about it? I liked also the 12mp files a lot and I don't really want to go up to 20. I found the 5d did a really good job at night. But it is tempting to have a video-capable camera as I have been tinkering with the idea of shooting some video.
R: 324 / I: 43
/vid/ - Video General: Spooky season approaching 2024 edition All video related questions and discussion is intended for this thread. Here we discuss techniques, gear and anything else related to capturing video footage. Please don't pretend to be an expert if you don't know what you're talking about. Kindly leave your ego at the door. Posting short films/scripts or other work you've done is encouraged. We tend to use and recommend DSLRs/mirrorless cameras because they provide phenomenal picture quality for their price, have large sensors (ie the same size used in high-end cinema cameras and higher) and have interchangeable lenses. In contrast, consumer camcorders often have much smaller sensors and a fixed lens. >STICKY - https://text.is/QZ1J >Helpful guide, additional books and more in-depth FAQs - https://web.archive.org/web/20200926115310/https://pastebin.com/kG0gRmTZ >NO ONE CARES WHAT AN EXPERT YOU THINK YOU ARE. IF YOU’RE ASKING BASIC-AS-SHIT QUESTIONS, YOU CAN’T BE ALL THAT GREAT. SEE ABOVE Previous thread >>4353857 Quick FAQS >what’s the best camera available on a “budget”? The blackmagic pocket cinema camera 4k, or the Panasonic gh5 (can pick one up for like 500 bucks atm) >what’s a good beginner video camera? Anything that works, shoots at least 1080p and preferably has interchangeable lenses. Any recommendation beyond that will cause arguments so read the fucking sticky if that isn't satisfactory. >What's a good sound solution that won't break the bank? Zoom h1 >Can I use a zoom lens for video? Yes >Do I need cine lenses? No >Do I need 4k? No. It will make your footage look sharper if it’s in focus, and it gives you breathing room in post. But 1080p is still absolutely fine >Can someone tell me if my video is any good? Yes, but be prepared to receive harsh criticism. If you're going to waste 5 minutes of our time with a shitty out-of-focus montage of nothing then we'll tell you that it's crap
R: 136 / I: 83
Meow: Post cats
R: 2
William Mortensen killed Incel Adams: How did he got away with it?
R: 107 / I: 39
/pat/ - Photo Art Thread: This thread is dedicated to the discussion of art side of photography. General topics might include >Great photographers, photobooks, history of photography, movements in photography, world photography, classic photobooks, photography literature, exhibitions, photography canon, magnum collective, photo festivals, art criticism, photographer's biographies, photobook reviews etc.
R: 317 / I: 43
Nikon DSLRs: Nikon DSLRs General /NDG/ Anyone still shooting with them? What's your favorite?

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