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>ask co-worker out
>she tells me she'll let me know if she has time
>2 days later she texts me around 9PM
>tells me she has time to go out coming Saturday
>immediately follows up with a text asking me if I could maybe come pick her up at the train station that same night around 1 AM
>kinda want to, but worried she'll cancel on me or use me
>tell her I'll gladly come pick her up for a little kiss
>she agrees and thanks me incessantly
>she's super nice with me to the point I feel like she's already pretty into me
>pick her up, drop her off, she kisses me
>unexpectedly kisses me a second time
>Saturday rolls around
>she cancels the date ~2 hours in advance, tells me she needs to see her dad off at the airport
>afterwards she keeps being busy
>try to tell her as honestly and politely that I feel like she kinda did one over on me because I came to pick her up and then she cancelled on me last minute after saying she'd have time

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If she was telling the truth about her being busy you mean? I did want to help her out because I like her and I thought it'd be fun. What part of what I did was rude?
>asked to get a kiss for doing a favor
Don't date co-workers. Apart from that, yeah I would suspect the same. Remember, if a girl cancels a date and doesn't give an alternative it's usually in general a no for any other date.
>Apart from that, yeah I would suspect the same
About what?

>Don't date co-workers
I'll be switching jobs soon so I figured I'd make my move on the way out.

It didn't seem like a big deal to her
It was okay when this >>31167319 was a silly joke and you wanted to help her. Saying "I feel like you tricked me and led me on to get a free ride" kind of implies you didn't want to and only did it because she said she would kiss you. Which is gross.

When someone cancels on you and you don't have proof that they're lying you don't call them out on it. It's rude.

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Do men exist who aren’t religious and don’t want kids but have a disgust for sexually promiscuous behaviour?

Especially women who love to have lots of male attention and show off and show their cleavage etc.
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Yeah that's me. I'm not religious at all. I absolutely hate kids and sluts. I believe that sex is a special and intimate thing and should only be shared between two people who really love and trust each other and are willing and comfortable with being vulnerable with one another.
I'm like this too, personally I simply wouldn't date a "normie" guy who lusts after popular women. But it is hard since you also need to avoid the creepy guys who are obsessed with virgins, tradwaifus, the kind of guy who thinks it's a good compliment to say that you look like an anime girl lol. You need to be good at vetting if you want to find the right kind of guy.
And I agree that 99% of men have sinister intentions when they try to befriend a woman. If you're not the kind of girl who wants to take advantage of that by basically collecting orbiters, then don't befriend men. although I can imagine having a taken guy friend while you're also taken could be possible if you hang out as couples, but mostly Imo it's a bad idea to befriend men.
There are 4 billion male humans on this planet, so sure, there must be some that match your parameters.
Not really, because most religious or "traditionalist" men who have outward disgust for promiscuous behavior also want a white picket fence fertility fantasy.
I'm sure there's a small amount of them though.
>Do men exist who aren’t religious and don’t want kids but have a disgust for sexually promiscuous behaviour?
You mean men with their own set of values and a deep sense of critical reflection?
You don't have to be religious to share some of the values of a religion.
You have to remember that a religion is essentially a product of critical reflection by a group of humans on their observations, knowledge, life experiences over thousands of years.
It is entirely possible for a man to independently develop some of the values that are in common with some religion.
In any case, to answer your question, yes, there are plenty of men who, despite lack of religion, find modern degeneracy of females to be absolutely repulsive.
Not only am I deeply disgusted by sexually promiscuous behaviour, I am appalled by the drinking and drug culture that exist in Western world.
It is nothing to do with religion. Self-harm and recklessness for no other value than excitement and fun is not something I am amused by.
I am well aware that these values are for my own application, though. So, I don't go around telling others whom I don't know or care about to stop drinking or fucking around.
The disgust I feel when I watch people engage in behaviour that goes against my values is just by brain reminding myself not to be like them and not to mix with them.
Hope this helps.

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This will probably be really gross so please just hide this thread if this is uncomfortable to read.

>grew up with a porn addiction, started around 12-13, 25 now
>struggled with it most my life
>only realized how harmful it actually is maybe 4 years ago
>but I have it real fucking bad
>set up an appointment with a therapist close to a week ago for help
>relapsed a bit after and went into a three day porn-obsessed stupor with zero self-control
>in the past three days I sent a dom a few hundred dollars to send me toys, booted up all my accounts, etc.
>panic mode as I snap out of it
>the money is already over and she's persistent on sending me shit

Before you call me a retard, that Im beyond help, that Im just fucked up and should kms, believe me I hate myself more than you ever could. Im setting up an appointment with a shrink to help me because at this point I do not trust myself at all. I genuinely feel like I have two personalities in me and the addicted one just takes over and I have no self-control.

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Where does someone who's graduated university meet single women besides dating apps, bars, clubs and social circle.
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You don't

t. schooler's disciple
She's beautiful without makeup too.
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There's only one way and its through your mutual friends
>besides dating apps, bars, clubs
neither allows for meeting women at all
they do not use apps and in bars/clubs they all sit inside of meat wall of people they already know, no way to ever get close to them there

If your social circle failed you

these are completely solitary activities that do not allow for any interaction with any human being at all
there are none outside of school and social circle he already has, since the beggining of humanity people just raped one another but that's illegal the only social activity left that connects men and women is school and their friend groups
No way to start the process outside of school setting

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She's so much hotter without make up
>where do i meet women except for all the places i could meet women.
get help my friend, i really mean it.

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Hello everyone, I am looking for books about money/wealth/way of thinking that are gatekept by the 1% and cannot be obtained by normal means (amazon/bookshop)
Thank you.
The only thing gatekept by the 1% is starting capital, including human capital and social capital. Everything else you need is freely available.
Henry Ford started as a garage tinkerer.
And John D. Rockefeller (OP's pic) came from a poor family.

My girlfriend of 1.5 years has been self harming. Cutting her arms and thighs. I knew she had a problem with this stuff from university, but I thought she had spotted. What do?
break up, suicide attempt, lured back in
rinse repeat until you're a zombie
This is a very delicate situation so don't do anything rash just yet. Many people who cut themselves do it as a cry for help as opposed to a suicide attempt.
You could tell her she's lazy and to put some real effort into it!
this reminds me of google search or chat gpt answers about these subjects where if the gender switched the answer would something along the line of "RUN SIS RUN"

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Do you find androgyny in the opposite gender attractive? Why or why not? Is it a good look?
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That's not gay
Like literally? You want to have kids with one?
I find androgenous men beautiful. But they don't inspire sexual feelings the same way traditional masculinity does.
Purely feminine women or purely masculine men are actually rarely deemed super attractive by the average person. The most attractive you can get is to be masculine as a man, but also have some feminine features, and vice versa.
Would you not date one?

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Am I Nice?

a cool guy,
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Oh. I don't know. Are you nice?
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I just hope if someone in the world likes me.
I have no idea.
If you think there is a chance that no one in the world likes you, you may not be very nice to people.
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Yeah, right.

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Sex life in my marriage is dead. Last year we did it 5 times. So far, we've done it twice this year. I was always very active sexually and communicated this to my husband, who made a series of promises he didn't keep. He keeps coming up with excuses. It was never good to begin with but I was naïve. I admit this is my fault for believing things would change.

I honestly don't know what to do because I'm VERY frustrated. I masturbate at least three times every day and can't stop thinking about it if I don't do it. I'm seriously considering taking some sort of medication to kill my libido. Am I overreacting? I talk to friends who've been in relationships for far longer and this doesn't seem to be the normal. I really don't know what to do.

We're both in our early 30s and he was a virgin before we met. His first excuse was "I thought sex would be amazing but it's kind of a hassle".
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>you must be overcome with lust for your wife or you are gay.
Are you sure you're not just a coomer?
are you sure you are not mentally ill? I don't even have a high libido, yet I'd definitely have sex at least once a month, and Id get horny even if she was as close as a sister. I can't imagine a man not wanting sex... such a MAN definitely has issues or reasons.
This post explains my primary motivations
Besides. If I ever get married i would likely be over thirty and women look so much worse after 25. I missed the bus, so celibacy is preferable
Assuming this whole thread isnt bait, I'll bite.

I was the guy in the relationship who just gave up on having sex. Here are my reasons why it died out.

> I'm the only initiator
Sex only happened because I'm the one that engages first.

> I put in all the effort
Most of the time, it's me throwing my back out, while she just lays there.

> The actual romance had died and we became more like room mates.
I would try to inject romance and she just thought it was corny and I was trying too hard.

> I'm a huge fan of vocal sex.
Moaning, dirty talk, all of it, I want to know what you want and how it's making you feel and she was mostly silent, except when she was reaaaally drunk.

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>I'm also not very happy with the way we do it when we do it. It's always the same.
Maybe this is part of the problem for him too. It sounds boring for both of you. What if you try a BJ to get him in the mood? And then suggest different positions to him? Get on top of him?

Good points, OP are you vocal in bed? Guys like to know that they're making you feel good. The louder the better

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Would you still date your girl if they decided to become a vtuber

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How much can collections actually hurt you? Basically I canceled my insurance years ago, but they billed me for an extra month after I transferred to a different company, well after I cancelled. Out of principle I never paid it and told them I'm not paying it. I still get letters and phone calls about it three years later. It's only like $300, so it's not an issue if I HAD to pay it, but I simply refuse. Realistically, what could they really do to me?
They can't. If they were going to do anything to you it would have been before it went to collections. You can just ignore it at this point.
It can affect your credit score. You should've threatened legal action.
It already did if it's gone to collections.

The insurance company no longer owns the right to collect on his debt. They sold his debt to the collections company for cheap to get SOME money out of the deal but give responsibility of collecting on it to the collections company, and they get to keep it if they get him to pay up.
Thankfully I bought a house right before I switched insurance, actually that's the reason I did it since the new rate was cheaper bundling it with homeowner's. How bad could if affect it?

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Do men who aren't porn addicts exist in 2024?
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After enough years introducing more novelty becomes impossible. Hence the alpha fucks beta buxx principle. Gentlemen, act accordingly.
there's nothing wrong with pr0n.
if wmn were more attractive and more willing to have sex, the amount of pr0n would decrease.
pr0n is a marketplace reaction to the lack of attractive wmn willing to have sex for a reasonable price.
the same thing with the internet - people have always wanted to communicate with one another and the internet is a marketplace service to facilitate that.
you can't fight the marketplace - it's always going to create a product or service that the people want.
Yes especially in eastern Christian monasteries
Wrong it's not intrinsically addictive but it can certainly become addictive to watch. Porn is a supernormal stimulus this isnt up for debate just scientifically and evidently true. Especially hardcore pornography, so its a given that it can become addictive to watch.
This. But you're still an evil moid subhuman because you have needs and urges, unlike us roasties with double digit body counts. Get on our level you awful human detritus! Kill all menz!

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Girlfriend is pregnant and angry because I asked for a paternity test. What now? She is very upset.

Two days ago, I had the day off, so I woke up early and headed to my best friend's place for some beers and breakfast. It was a typical weekend spent watching musical videos and MMA. Upon returning home, I found my girlfriend still in bed, feeling terrible. I helped her get dressed and called a taxi to take us to the nearest hospital.

We wait until it was her turn to see the doctor. (Personally, I dislike hospitals; they always seem like pits of misery). I accompanied her during the examination, where the doctor asked routine questions and ordered some tests. we received the results about 30 minutes later and the doctor told us my girlfriend is pregnant. She broke down instantly repeating over and over that her career was over and she just a promotion some months ago (she is a financial analyst)
Then I asked the doctor if he knew the price of the NIPP test (the NIPP is a prenatal paternity test) and she lost her shit even further.

Upon returning home, she had a complete meltdown, "you want to test to see if it's yours, because you suspect it might not be, and that really pisses me off because im losing everything for you and you repay me with distrust, I will never forgive or forget this"

I mean what's the issue? If she is certain the baby is mine she shouldn't be bothered by a DNA test. If she isn't hiding anything what's the issue right? I won't pay for someone else bastard children, I just want to make sure it's mine and I'll marry her afterwards.
Anyway, now she keeps looking at me with hatred in her eyes. I'm getting worried. Do you have any advice?
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Kek even her white knight isn't sure it's his. One fun fact: a DNA test can turn that "presumably his child" into a "definitely his child". So what is she waiting for? Why is she such a cunt that she wants to withold this certainty from him? The only answer is that she has been fucking other men and so that she herself is uncertain who the father is.
Trust but Verify. If it's truly his kid, then he's legitimately on the hook for child support. If it's not his kid, then it is immoral and evil for her to force him to support another man's spawn.
>walk out on her with a younger woman while she carries another man's baby
this is really something she should have thought about before spreading her legs for another man
>But a woman is not you.
Tough shit. Her right "to not feel upset for a few days" does not trump his right "to not pay for some other fucker's child for 20+ years".
Interesting all these people quick to spitting the "just trust her" shit.

I was in a relationship for 5 years, we were thinking of marriage. She comes to me one day and says that she is probably pregnant. She starts crying about it. Very upset. As far as I could tell, there was no reason to be. We both worked jobs. We were prepping to move out of our shared accommodation (we lived with house mates) and everything was going really well. But yet here she was, upset. We had talked about having kids and it was something we both wanted. Yet in that moment of consoling her I had an epiphany: the kid isn't mine and she feels guilty.

I asked her to take a test to be sure. She did and it was positive. She had another break down. But I paid attention to her behaviour over the next few weeks. We went to the doctors together to get a proper test done and I asked about a paternity test. She was dead silent the whole time, but agreed to the test.

The following week she had to go on a trip, I forget where. When she returned she was no longer pregnant and she became 300% more clingy and trying to initiate sex more, which was very out of character.

I'm pretty sure she got an abortion. I broke up with her the following month because she became increasingly unhinged.

A year later, I found out she was fucking her stepdad at the end of our relationship. I assumed he knocked her up and she was going to palm it off as mine. Her trip must have been him taking her to get the abortion.

My point is, go with your gut and get the test done, the peace of mind is worth it.
Nope. People in loving and trusting relationships that aim for a life long marriage do not ask for paternity tests upon hearing they may become parents

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I've been to therapy two separate times in my life for two different issues, probably about 6 sessions total. Both times went the exact same way. I would pay some woman a few hundred dollars over the course of a couple of weeks just for her to tell me a bunch of shit that I already knew about myself.
My mom is pretty much demanding that I start going back, I don't know why, I haven't talked to her in a few months.
Is therapy even worth it? I feel like if you aren't actively suicidal then there's no point.
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I do agree, but this isn't totally safe either. Knew one, a brit. He has multiple psyche degrees, but the only real job he was able to get with them is a school counselor and occassional guest lecturer at the local uni. Dude is machiavelian as hell, and uses his authority as a "shrink" to try and control the friend group. He once claimed some dude in our group threatened to beat or kill "not even his kids", but some woman he knows kids, because he once said "The only reason I don't kick your ass is I don't want the kids to see."

He accused him of this for years, until FINALLY someone actually there said "That didn't happen." and the rest of the ingroup also agreed that didn't happen, and he just kinda deflated. But he made all these lame little attempts to justify it. He finally left the group because we wouldn't kick out some girl he hates for being a (very, very nominal) Christian who disagreed with him once.
>6 sessions over 2 separate instances
not how this works skippy. since you couldn't be arsed to learn that it's a process that almost always takes a lot of time it's safe to assume that it's not for you. and that's ok, therapy is not for everyone.
I mean some people are just nutjobs, also most shrinks are nuts themselves outside of work so that doesn't necessarily reflect how good he'd be at his job. Being a therapist is a trained thing and a lot of therapists get into it because theyre interested in mental health due to being mentally ill themselves. But obviously a therapist being a man doesn't mean he's a good therapist necessarily either, obviously there's plenty of bad male therapists, I'm just saying as a man you're much more likely to resonate with a male therapist than a female therapist.
>spend so much it becomes a sunk cost fallacy when it doesnt work
Fuck off psyop.
literally told you not to spend anything you spastic retard. reading comprehension is another problem that you don't have?

I am a girl but I want to look like picrel
What is causing this?
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>What is that? Attraction to my male self?
In Ray Blanchard's transsexualism typology, the proposed paraphilic tendency of a biological female to be sexually aroused by the thought of becoming a male.

However, now that I'm reading more about it, I dont think it really covers your situation very well. I think you might be the inverse version of guys who want to have the female attributes that they are attracted to.
At least you know you will never be a man. You are projecting a lack of masculine characteristics in your life onto physicality. Either develop them for yourself, or find a man who embodies those and can share them with you beyond sex (so don't get pump and dumped).
>you might be the inverse version of guys who want to have the female attributes that they are attracted to
But I already have female attributes
>Either develop them for yourself
I don't think that's possible. I cannot change my skeleton I can only become roided
>But I already have female attributes
No I mean the inverse. Also, how do you feel about your female body? Does it gross you out or disgust you? Does it make you unhappy?
>I don't think that's possible
I mean non-physical attributes (that you are projecting onto your body). Confidence, charisma, inner strength, a sense of purpose, a call to build and protect

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