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How to roll dice: "dice+2d6" without the quotes in the email field rolls 2d6. "dice+5d42+23" rolls 5d42+23. "noko+dice+2d6" rolls 2d6 without showing the roll in the email field.

In the rules department, you can look at http://www.4chan.org/rules - all global and board specific rules are in full effect. Apart from that, only two rules are important.


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Please post all quest threads on /qst/


Quest threads that are posted on /tg/ will be removed.

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Guardsmen Ready for War Edition

>Balance Dataslate:

>Tau Rules:

>Emperor's Children Index is coming:

>Community Links:

>3rd Party Models Pastebin:

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Knights should be deleted or redesigned to look less gay.
I don't know, anon, that sounds like one hell of a projection.
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Just leave you crack addict. You can plug your ears and deny reality as much as you want but GW printing so much money they can't even keep up with model production should tell you how much people agree with your opinions.
Do you have a better answer for why Chaos players get so mad whenever anyone suggests they should all be lumped into one book? I mean, it's such an irrational thing to get angry about since there is literally no downside to it.
>"I'm happy to announce today that I'll be working with Games Workshop to create official Warhammer stories and continue the Astartes Project!" Syama Pedersen wrote in a farewell address on his YouTube channel

He did indeed stop making videos for TTS, but he was never C&D'd

Are same sex couples tolerated or actively persecuted?
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Depends on the setting but I don't care as long as it doesn't get into RP territory. When it gets into RP and ERP, I don't want to deal with it.
I have never thought about any of it.
>Additionally, female childhood mortality is nearly 0% while male childhood mortality approaches 33%
Why are the rates so skewed?
Virtually non existent. If it does exist, it's in some far flung corner that will remain irrelevant to the story. Second strongest(?) character in the setting is a manlet twink nature spirit, but he is asexual.
More common among elves, dwarves, and halflings.

Elves because they don't even notice/care. Their language doesn't even have gendered pronouns, to them it'd be like having pronouns about whether you gave dangly or attached earlobes, instead their pronouns are about what kind of elf you are, or some kind of sub-elf. Not to mention they're androgynous as hell so it hardly matters either way.
Dwarves because you can't hardly tell until women take their fake beards off when disrobing on the wedding night (very salacious), and by that point they're already married and a promise is a promise, if your spouse is not what you hoped for you just make do, sickness and in health.
And then halflings are just comfymaxxing hedonists. It's like if humans evolved from bonobos instead of chimps, and also never got taller and they're too lucky to experience negative consequences. Everybody fucks anybody they want, with lots of cuddling, and all the kids are everybody's kids.

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Work in Progress, "Mid-Week Re-organization" Edition

>Full-on /WIP/ OP Links Pastebin:

>Saint Duncan's "Six Things I Wish I Knew When I Started Painting"

>Saint Duncan also explains thinning your paints

>Paint thinning 102

>Darren Latham's 20 top tips for miniature painting success

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hope the traitor librarian claw is a recast.
While I do think the base paint is fine looking at it in person and because my camera quality sucks ass. I do agree with making the edge highlights slightly brighter. Thanks for the advice.
What really is spirit medium? Is it an acrylic thinner like AMMO's Acrylic thinner or is it a glaze medium type paint?

I was watching a Duncan Rhodes tutorial on how to make a plasma glow that I really like and he uses something called "spirit medium"
I assume spirit means alcohol?
Nah it's haunted. 3.5 ghosts in every bottle.

>Previously in the Mortal Realms:


Forgotten, edition

>Official AoS website:

>Downloads, Rules Errata and FAQs:


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They come with closed helmets as well. They just inexplicably decided to build them with the much worse option (presumably to showcase new idea).
the reveal article says there will be an alt head with an enclosed helmet
Thank fuck.
>23/24 factions
>only 4/5 Vanguard boxes are actually bad, maybe 5 more are borderline
The only thing awful is your math
I agree with this, though the more I think on it, the more I think I want to trade for the female bits and make a valkyrie squad. Maybe head swap with some sobs

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>Brutus' Drive

>DriveAnon's Drive

>Jumpchain IRC Chat


>How to Jumpchain

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Okay but why was Yaldabaoth kicked out of Pleroma? Why do Chaos and the other Aeons care about Yaldabaoth doing his own thing off in Kemona where it isn't really affecting them except for a very tiny amount of Pleroma-stuff? Why is Jesus a fish-eye-thingy?
Listen anon, you got the basic broad-strokes explanation. If you want details you'll have to dive into abstract occult lore.
>I hate how the jump pops up the print pdf prompt every time I open it
You should be able to fix that by downloading it from the print prompt if you're on Firefox; that save method jacks up the filesize though...
Why is the thread mad about Tsukihime this time?
Can you not reply to yourself?

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The /btg/ is dead! Long live the /btg/!

Ambush at Dinju Pass (Day 2 of Operation Scorpion) edition

Last Thread: >>92669559

>BattleTech Introductory Info and PDFs

>Overview of the major factions

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>liao and kurita
amusingly, both of their ruling families have red hair and green eyes. The liao especially have only become "han chinese" recently due to social pressure and plastic surgery
Picking a faction to play based on their race is the stupidest possible criteria to use.
There are japanese in the LC (New Kyoto), and other asian nationalities in the other Succesor States.
Kuritans barely even speak japanese. It's a small minority language for them. Arabic is more common.
Lights with active probe between clan invasion and civil war?

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It's time to START Edition

>The Latest Warhammer The Old World News

>TOW Official Website and Resources:

WFB: https://pastebin.com/qVGrgwwh
WFRP: https://pastebin.com/inbyBsR6
Novels: https://pastebin.com/PFqPDr0H
Warhammer Chronicles: https://files (dot) catbox (dot) moe/0xt777 (dot) zip

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All I can say is that for my own army I'm considering a unit of 17 or 20 Bestigors joined by a Beastlord and 17 or 21 Gors joined by the BSB and maybe a unit of 10 ungors with shortbows to block LoS to my chariot-riding shaman. I don't think that there's much other use for the latter in TOW.
Gors are far better value PPM unfortunately.
My Troll Horde has 21 models at 2000. Could probably go then lower with a Bone Grinder.
I'm no authority but I think Ungors are best as ambushers where you don't expect to take much heat and can plink off an artillery piece or wizard to annoy the opponent. Since you are fairly limited on ambushers I'd say one unit of 20 or two units of 10 is all the Ungors you'd ever want.
>Could probably go then lower
Yeah even with the 33% core you can go 13 river trolls, bonegrinder and 2 heroes

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Charge edition

>Previous Heresy: >>92657435

『Horus Heresy』
>Official Website
>New to The Horus Heresy? Here’s Everything You’ll Need to Get Started
>Official FAQ/Errata/Downloads:
>Thread FAQ (very old, remembers Age of Terra)

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Are the regular SA infantry and the Veletaris cross-compatible in terms of the kits themselves?
chad budget dread
I was thinking about going along those lines and at the very least painting them all over in their colors. The idea is mainly because I have a shitton of IF bits from a printerbro but I’m not doing IF and the blackshield army is made to be used as both really desperate shitbag TSons or blackshields. I may just use the bits for base decorations and loot to highlight how the “loyalist” group will kill loyalists with zero hesitation
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Which Horus Heresy character do you look the most like?
Cor’bax Utterblight

Start of Liberator edition

Previous >>92608928

>Basics Pastebin

>Anon's Locals Survival Guide

>BT15 Exceed Apocalypse questionnaire

>ST17 Double Typhoon questionnaire

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haha :)
>evo effect will basically block any level 4's and many level 5's from coming out of raising
Is there anywhere the full art of cards can be viewed without all the text, or have they just never been released?
Man, I really like this deck back in the EX3-era, but it's really sad that it'll probably still be underpowered even with the new stuff. A new Hina definitely helps though.
Now if only locals didn't die off.
If the new Hina gives them Blitz + the old "On evolve, use on-play" I can see this deck being decent off the back of being able to also do stupid Dorbickmon plays now that they have 2 sources of +Sec Attack.

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Yu-Gi-Oh! General #539

TCG exclusive? Edition

Previous Thread: >>92563962

Most Yu-Gi-Oh! discussion encouraged. Post OC, write dumb fanfics with bad CAC in them, duel each other, have fun, etc.

>Yu-Gi-Oh! Online Play
Automated Sims:
●EDOPro website:https://projectignis.github.io/download.html
●YGO Omega:https://discord.gg/duelistsunite
●Dueling Nexus:https://duelingnexus.com/
●Master Duel:https://store.steampowered.com/app/1449850/YuGiOh_Master_Duel/

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>Enough interactions are packed in those turns that it doesn't feel short
This. Depending on the format and what you're playing, those short games can easily end up going to time in round 3 if you aren't careful or you encounter a deck that plays on a different axis from what you were expecting to play against.
What the short turn count essentially means is that you'll draw fewer cards off the top of your deck as a result of fewer turns. It essentially means that every game will be decided by a combination of the interactions between your opening hand, your opponent's opening hand, 1-3 cards drawn off the top, and the cards that the above allow you to access.
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>i got sick because i was shuffling cardboard all night
Nah you're just a pussy, it's okay, i build decks irl and never go to locals to actually play them because i don't know how to strike a conversation with anyone there, the one chance i had to make to play against a real human being was when i bought my 3 traptrix structures plus a few staples, the owner told me i was free to join him tomorrow in a newbie tourney if i didn't know how to play the deck, i said i did and declined his offer, and i never came back to that specific store to buy cards.
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i really did get sick and i'm still sick.
also i've been to locals, but only a small locals for casual play.
but this is a different, bigger one that runs tourneys a bit further from where i live.
>Not going to locals sick, crud on your hands, touching the opponent's cards, and being a That Guy

>Trap cards
I think part of what feels weird to me is the amount of effects that are just stapled to Monsters in YuGiOh. Handtraps for example, seem like they could just be traps that read "you can activate this from your hand" (along with maybe a few other changes to cards that interact with them). Maybe I'm missing something deeper here in YuGiOh, this is just my "surface level" understanding of the game.

It just feels weird for there to be three card types but have such a big focus on Monsters (to the point where Traps are hardly used).

I guess Enchantments in MtG are also rarely used so maybe I'm being too harsh here.

> Bigger turn count =/= having a better game.
Thanks anons, this is a very good point. I guess part of the concern about having a small turn count is the fewer turns a game has, the bigger advantage it is to go first (in general). Do "going-second" cards help enough with this in YuGiOh?

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Are Tieflings overrepresented in DnD media? Despite Humans and Half-Elves constituting the majority of "played" races, Tieflings seem to be everywhere; every time a "group shot" is posted, there's at least one Tiefling, sometimes two. Whenever you flick on a Let's Play of Baldur's Gate, they're running a Tiefling. Every time somebody's gushing about their character or a situation that happened in their game, a Tiefling is mentioned. They're extremely common, if we went by the people that talk or draw their campaigns.

What's with that?
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they're certainly overrepresented in media, commerce and government
Have you been living under a rock, OP? There's a huge push to make demons an acceptable alternative to humans. I hate the Antichrist, the champion of humanind.
> you have summoned the schizo
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Tieflings are the '20s equivalent of the '00s Drows
Either are "le super evil" or "le discriminated minority of good guys who look evil"

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Games that are currently being translated
most of the main texts in the core book are translated, playable, but I rather wait for the full book.
>Wares Blade
Official LionWing localization.
>Kedamono Opera
Official LionWing localization.
>Shin Megami Tensei
Official LionWing localization.
>Beast Bind Trinity
Some typos here and there, and no scenario chapter, but playable.
>Reach the Sky, Revulture
No replay, haven't read it yet, but most of the main text is translated.
>Embryo Machine
Anon said he got 1/2 of it translated.

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That dad should be black, just sayan.
Either way, I would absolutely make "to date my daughter, you must defeat me in a duel" as a tutorial duel and also to set the stage about just how ingrained Soul Card (Card Ranker's card game) is in the setting.
The dad was only introduced to the game recently because he wants to bond with his daughter, who loves the game, and so committing to a duel instead of the usual "threaten the boyfriend" spiel is how he shows his love for her - by fighting for her on the terms she understands best.
A black dad wouldn't know his daughter.
May as well share at this point, but note that some terms and assets aren't final (etc etc) and the .zip files may be removed "in the future" to make room for other drive stuff.

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>players get floorplans of the heist location
>security includes electrified fence
>party face goes to case the joint
>leans on fence to chat up the security guard
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Being an expert in C4 doesn't mean your character always remembers everything and is immune to making mistakes. It means that they should always be able to check the rules or ask the DM and get an answer. If you choose not to do so and do something stupid, it's on you for not double-checking.
You are a fucking retard. You don't just walk around carrying armed explosives at all times. The discussion became a fight, and he didn't state that he took the time before then to arm the explosives, so they aren't armed. Why would they have been?
>Rogue Trader
>One character is a homebrewed Tau fire caste
>Want his very own exo-armor, but is away from the Tau empire
>Hear some local old weirdo in the pirate space station might have one, and somehow managed to learn enough about Tau tech to make work somewhat
>Party raid his workshop
>Tau player shoot the unarmed old man in the face
>Realize his suit is useless, because he executed the only person with proper skills and knowledge to keep it functionnal
>Party has a fight with a reoccurring vampire villain, beats him, and chases his mistform to his lair.
>Party previously found blob of magical holy sun metal that can only be shaped by pure evil. Said sun-metal glows extremely brightly.
>Party finds vampire's coffin in the back of his lair, in a small hidden room. Opening it up, the vampire is incapacitated and slowly regenerating inside. Per rules, said vamp can only be permakilled easily while inside this coffin.
>Party BSF (Big Stupid Fighter) has a bright idea, and pulls out the sunmetal, intending to barter the villain's life for smithing services. He holds it up to the vampire to show it to them.
>Brilliant magical sunlight glow immediately sets the 1 HP vampire on fire, permakilling him instantly.
>Hunter: The Vigil game set in the 1930s
>Party are investigating some kind of body-snatching wizard cult
>Said cult has been taking people and turning them into near-copies of its founder
>One party member, played by a particularly edgy dude, is searching a municipal works building taken over by the cult
>Finds some old photographs of the workers
>They're black
>The workers (changed by the cult) approach him to ask what he's doing in their stuff
>He says he's going to intimidate them
>"Let me go or I'll tell everyone that you used to be niggers"

I really don't understand how he thought that would lead to anything good

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