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/vmg/ is a place to discuss all types of mobile games, including both Android and iOS, phones and tablets. Please note that Nintendo and Sony handhelds are considered consoles, and that threads pertaining to those platforms and their gaming titles should be posted elsewhere.

Does this mean discussion of mobile games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vmg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on mobile games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vmg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

There's an eternal thread for Pikmin but no teppen threads? Is the game dead or something?
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The 2 most recent sets are very strong and won't be rotating out any time soon
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I was planning on making a machine pile with X but i see megaman Zero is red, still a good idea to go with green or better to use Ammy/other red hero?
Green is better for machines and can be played with any of X's hero arts
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Do you get zenny/crystals/packs from adventure mode?

Do you like Konomi Suzuki and her songs for She is Legend?
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I saw some fanatics complaining about the explicit indirect kiss, but they clearly don't know what's good in life.
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Good thing I don't care about 1m, because I feel like it'd be rather tough this time. No aoe ice blaster.
Anyways. Misato is actually quite good. You can just use her ult once to generate OD, and get everything Kozue set up by turn 9 with OD 2 available.
They did, Kakinuma just said there won't be any style reveals today. They've completely given up on this GW, the 30G banner didn't even make the top 10.
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Can't even DP break againt this event's secret boss. I guess I can say goodbye to those quartz
>2 dead weeks
Is the game really doing that well for them to not give a shit after chapter 5 came out?

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Remember those epic afternoons spent glued to the TV, cheering on our favorite cartoon heroes? Futurum Gaming is about to take that nostalgia and turn it into playable reality! Their first game stars everyone's favorite huggable polar bear, Paddles, and you get to adventure alongside him! But it's not just about reliving childhood memories. Futurum Gaming cleverly blends education with entertainment. As you explore and conquer challenges with Paddles, you'll also be earning $FG tokens, the game's currency that unlocks exclusive in-game goodies and even real-world rewards! And for parents, fear not! Futurum Gaming prioritizes safety with robust parental controls that let you monitor progress and ensure a fun and secure space for your little ones to learn and play. Get ready to team up with Paddles and embark on an unforgettable adventure – Futurum Gaming is coming soon!
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nicheing a game so deeply is actually a very dumb idea, you'll make no money from it. nobody would pay good amount of money for a children's game, except they just looking for some quick cash which is most-likely the case.
kids are now on 4chan, didn't know this
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cool story
post gameplay

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Temesia edition
(what team setup is good for her?)
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Temesia's big ______!
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How far does thing go till? And are you able to max out the VIP thing from it eventually?
Should I be stingy with these silver forging stones? It doesn't seem like you get many.
reso lvl 240 is the cap i think, it probably ends with that, the afk stages and the story

nah, they're the last tier for now. spend em how you want

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Thoughts about the upcoming champs?
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Jarvan has
>10 skins
>3 of which are limited-timed event
>2 are in the Hextech Shop so they're ridiculous expensive with one being a Chroma
Is Jarvan like super popular in China or something?
are fabled good now???
Graves and Tryndamere are oddly too.

Maybe it easier to port skins for them.
The game's balance really has gone to dogshit. I see Chinese players complaining about this too, right now the game is so fast paced, everyone is oneshotting everyone else (unless you pick mundo or urgot or something).

Which Rioter thought these new Armor boots or Lethality boots are healthy for the game?

Why do we need MORE movement speed on every single champion, when the map is TINY, and flash can be used every 1-2 minutes?

We just want League of Legends adapted to mobile, not an entirely different game.
Some of new boots are pretty retarded desu.

Mages hit such a ridiculously strong powers pike after only 900 gold in lane because the Mages boots gives way too many good stats

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Buu lost. Cooler lost. GODhan won.
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I won btw.
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brown underage minorities in my general

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How bout that Hypercharge Event, huh?
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Supercell needs to hire this man ASAP
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Tomorrow's patch notes.
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>Mutation modifiers would occasionally disappear when a new event started.
I thought that was intentional... Hope the rest fixs the gamemode though.

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100 years of 'mana training' with the forgotten sorceress! Becoming a powerful SKKmagus with Arkhangelsk! Playing VR RPGs with botes (and TB) in the port! This is a mobile video game about naval warships, BTW. Discuss!
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I'm stuck on 352
I wish they reworked it so its far less luck based (or at the very least introduce a modifier that makes its so after a certain point you are pretty much guaranteed to get the needed event) even as somebody who already 100% those I will never wish that type of pain on even my worst enemies
I've been playing since opsi release i still need 2 switches activations in one of the deep zones.
Anthology Breaking hasn't gotten a new volume in years, QO is over, but they seemed to have revived the manga publications for AL with a new manga for the Muse plotline.
honestly wonder if the muse manga is a sign of something new, or if its just a one off thing to really promote muse

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Another year with spider mech daughters!
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so with this, we'll be two AGs away from CN server
i didn't even know white sakabula existed
Today, I've done it. Rolled the last 40 pulls on Noire's banner. Got TWO (2) Black Heart ranks, plus the one from pity, plus the last BonBon from the charge track. Amazed at such a display of love from the game, I promptly decided to rank Black Heart up further - she did, after all, have straight +ATK rankup bonuses. The final result is Neptune at Rank 3 (rolls spent: 270) and Noire at Rank 4 (rolls spent: 90). Noire LOVE

Today I've started work on max level Alice - the wiki says she's bread and butter for so-called cleave setups, which forego speed and health for the sake of more damage in terms of gear. Given that I have no gear to speak of at this time, I think it's a worthwhile investment. Here's hoping this pays off.

Special shoutout to alliance fren who generously donated three 3* skill level chips. I've leveled Roko's S3 up to the ailment boost with your help, man. Much appreciated.

Nice one, congrats!
>running Factor Nio banner again
Oh shit, looks like I will be unbricking my account
I have a ton of intermediate skill chips if you want to switch to those, dont know if you can refresh the same item request
this is base

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Mirror World Madness, the newly added event is almost over.
How did it go for you? Was it fun or way too challenging?

>Upcoming New Heroes Banner:
Eshean / Hofmann

Coming soon:

>SP Almeda
>New Covenant - Vidar
>Forbidden Battleground
>Guild Dimensional Expedition
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Oh, I get it now, I need 3 more emblems to start getting the weekly rewards. Thank god I don't have to do the stages again. Thanks.
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Did they change something last DE? The permanent rank 1 guild finished in under 4 hours.
There was some kind of change that made it finish stupidly fast, which meant if people couldn't get up in the middle of the night to grind that their guild was getting a lower place. I was in favor of making it shorter, but they just made it another flavor of suck.
Wait you guys have DE already? I thought you guys just finished mirror world like last month. Unless you mean the one a few months ago. I don't think they changed anything, 4 hours seems about par for the fastest guilds. Our rank 1 finished in slightly under 5. They probably either merged or had one guy no life pilot multiple accounts.
Yes our non main banner content was sped up a while back. Some of them haven't been reverted to normal but come out weirdly spaced now. For example last month was Andriole/Nemia. Last week ws Eshean/Hofmann. The only thing we didn't get in the previous update was FB, equipment and SP Amelda. That whole long ass list of adjustements was last time. I'm actually surprised we didn't get anything from Isolde/Jayce yet. DE was moved up presumably since it's currently golden week in Japan. It's also bugged as fuck, dragging characters to spawn spots didn't work more than half the time and performance was stuttery as fuck in general until you hit the battle start button. My game was also crashing after two battles so I couldn't participate in grinding, thankfully my guild still hit #3 but usually 4th and beyond don't clear till the weekend on my server. If it didn't take a minute at least to set shit up prebattle things would have gone much faster.

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Tick tock, genkeks. Basically a month left until the new open-world gacha will take you out of the conversation.
>Superior combat
>Superior endgame
>Superior multiplayer
>Skip button that respects your time
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Whatever bro, enjoy your "gakumas" whatever the fuck that is. Sounds like what the call Christmas in dragonball.
I doubt the average chink gachaslopper even knows what site they're on
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I am a heterosexual male and this character appeals to me.
How much porn do you have saved of him?
I didn't find any

>That Feel When:
-you didn't fall for the ACR meme. Nobody gives a shit about some badge you got for all that time you wasted grinding for.
-you didn't fall for the "Mii Meta" meme. Just a waste of rubies and an obvious scam to get you to buy more rubies.
-you didn't fall for the Gold Mii Suit is good meme, that shit stayed at level 1 for me ever since I got because it never covered any tracks I didn't already have a driver for.
-you didn't fall for the LARGE HITBOX meme. You can do perfectly fine in rank without buying big karts.
-you didn't fall for the Gold Mario is the best Driver meme. Game was already Over when he released, So he's useless, no need for investment in him.

Anyone who spent money on Karts & Gliders was a fool.
Anyone who spent money on Premium Challenge Cards was just straight up retarded.
Anyone who still continues to buy the Gold Pass for a game that's not getting any new content anymore, just...what in the fuck is wrong with you???

In my opinion: F2P games should stay what they are- Free-2-Play. I had my fun with Mario Kart Tour and will continue to do so until its eventual shutdown and glad I was able to do so without needing to empty my wallet on it.
I'll also always miss the Gacha aspect of it, felt good not being a Lucklet!
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Unless you got them as they were debuting, buying new suits for your account every tour is pretty expensive, you need to also focus on the karts and gliders, going for suits only is a difficult strategy for a f2p player
Is the Iggy mii worth buying? I see mixed things
Only for the basepoints, for investment he's bad
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Current state of content that hasn’t returned.
The 3 track variants are probably genuinely dead since there is no evidence that the tracks in the loop will ever be changed and those variants were never changed in the IDs post-3rd anni
Soaring Jack and the hanafudas are probably dead too because these gliders have no ranked topshelves at all, they could’ve made them obtainable by making them GP rewards like how the hanafudas first debuted, but since they didn’t even do that they clearly don’t care about making these missing gliders obtainable
Similar deal with Standard 8s, they could’ve been put in GP or a pack at some point in the loop but they weren’t
Detective Baby Rosalina is city-locked so it’s very unlikely she is actually available in Mii Tour, best we can hope for is for her to replace a challenge card reward like Bus Driver did…. However, Baby Rosalina’s also the most hated Mario Kart character by far so it might actually be intentional that her alt is the only completely unavailable driver
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>>1462046 (me)
Bowser Tour update: I have a famous opponent in ranked this week!

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New trailer just dropped: https://youtu.be/4TmccWDP1V4?si=7ZuIfCy8XXU3glkm

Cherno sure has a lot of character development. You rolling?
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so can I have sex or what? the first camera angle she reacts to your hand touches, but every other angle she just moans and stuff, kind of underwhelming, was hoping for more reactions, can't even lift her skirt. The skin is god tier though.
I don't even mind the extra rooms now since it's still a lot less useless clicks compared to before. Using all of the past maps is also a nice touch.
To be fair, legitimately nerdy faggots (who actually play video games) usually enjoy really sexy designs too; the overtly sexy femme fatale is usually the favourite trope there, like how Bayonetta is like a gay nerd icon. It's really the younger zoomzoom faggots who only ever played The Sims or whatever who bitch and complain about fanservice, every other cocksucker is playing the same huge titted moaning cameltoed anime bimbos right along with you and you'd never know.
t. redpilled faggot
really good update IMO but as always Snowbreak is janky, not much to say other than keep up and Im curious what the plan is for anni
Events pretty fun. I hope with all the new revenue they get a bigger team though, Not really for more content but for more bugfixing and QA because it still has the snowbreak jank.

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Only a few days left of the 7th anniversary. Asteria event coming soon.
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Just because she said it didn't work before, doesnt mean it was never going to happen if she tries again years later. There was nothing conclusive about it. Stop being a retard, or keep going, doesnt really make much of a difference.
is it even years later? it's a video game, it's not like real world time matters

it wasnt conclusive, but the explanation given in the story is kind of stupid. i dont know why youre getting mad on behalf of the devs
"Tenebrae's element is dark and that was affecting Marta" sounds like something they just came up with. He's still accompanying them too. Ratatosk is actually a spirit, and the third arc seemed to be hinting at Marta getting a Spirit Gear with him as the medium, much like Luke got Lorelei. They just didn't follow through with it for whatever reason, so they came up with some random excuse.

Being uninterested in Arise I don't know if I'm missing something with Rinwell's, but we are given no reason as to why Mithos got Shadow either. Feels like Rays was just phoning in for this event.
Thanks anon for clarifying that tickets can actually get the banner MAs of all things otherwise I'd be confused. It unlocked T3 of the SG and added 200 more of those pink mirror things to my stockpile of the character.
It just had to be the racist from not-Tales though luckily I was grinding for Mithos so whatever.
>Being uninterested in Arise I don't know if I'm missing something with Rinwell's
Rinwell is more of a light element since only Dahnans can use light artes but since she's from Cyslodia which is the resident Ice town. She got Celsius instead

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