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A cat won't protect you from a home intruder
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While walrus and dogs are in the same Carnivora order, they are completely different suborders.
Taxonomy is a religion, not a fact

Yes even your favorite classification system, that one is a religion too
rottweilers seem kinda lacking
no, why would you think that?

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Horse General

Lonely Commute Edition

>>4769672 - Old Grey Mare
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why would they bottle it like that then…
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Thanks, there's never a need to start posting tiktok on 4chan, I don't get it
Where did Witch Horses come from?
Mareless Whisper...

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Are you supposed to keep the TV on for your pet?
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thanks for sharing?
your pets are supposed to live free in your yard
Certain people aren’t going to like this one…
No, he can turn it on himself.
What's happening in this image

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Toadlines of the Slamuminati edition

Discuss anything related to the bulldog/frenchie/american bully mixes, also known as exotic/toadline bullies, and its associated culture here
Previous: >>4780283
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maybe the FRESH AND FROZEN has some penis skin cells in it that we can use to clone him outright…
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The weak should fear the SLAMMED
You lack Jesus Christ, only God can help you
You see pain I see schadenfreude
I wonder how much progress the anon who made the v2 graph has done so far.

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Tell us, friends, what are your thoughts on the orange people and their need for respect?
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reminds me of that dad joke
My friend came up to me with a carrot in his ear so I asked him
"Why do you have a carrot in your ear?"
and he responded
Clever monke
this hurts to look at it but wow it actually healed quite nicely
god felt that they weren't cute enough

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Post birds, appreciate birds
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the neck is long
Anons, I would love a pet BIRD, but I can only love animals that are SMASHED and SLAMMED.
I will name him CUMSTACK.
That there is a perfect name for a fancy pigeon.

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Lounging edition.

>Food &Nutrition
>Outside Enrichment
>Behavioral problems
>Kitten care
>Cat Food Database:

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I'll do that. I also arranged the bowls in such a way that I'll know if it touched the food or not. Really, if the kitty is feeding itself and isn't injured, it shouldn't be a huge problem.

Another thing that I noticed is the meowing. Last night it started at around 22 and continued all the way to 2AM. I want to see if it will calm down tonight. I dunno if cats just instinctively know when to stop meowing to avoid dehydration.
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Speaking of cat races I think Chai is a Norwegian forest cat but she loves roti, paratha, kulfi, lassi, paneer, and samosas. She won't eat beef either. Is she actually a pajeeta? If so how do I honor her heritage?
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Say hello to my lovely boy waiting for his meal
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Terror birds are fucking overrated predators. Only reason why people obsess over them is because they're the only hypercarnivore terrestrial bird, the closest thing to Dinosaur raptors. People keep glazing these birds because they're annoyed that mammals dominate the current age. But frankly, terror birds are terrible predators compared to mammals.

>On average, terror birds weigh less than mammalian apex predator.
>Sharp beaks but are not as useful or powerful as toothed jaws.
>No teeth means can't hold down large prey with mouth like canines, felines, and bears can.
>Reduced forelimbs means less weapons for hunting and combat unlike cats and bears that can use all four limbs.
>Can't wrestle nor jump on backs like cats and bears do which allows them to take down big preys like bovines.
>No evidence for pack hunting or high intelligence like canines. Canines can compete against bears and felines because of their numbers.
>Pathetic hollow bones means they're very robust.
The North and South American interchange resulted in these birds being bullied and displaced by chad mammals. They aren't as good as hunters as cats nor can they beat one in combat unless they have significant weight advantage. Felines, Canines (with numbers), and Bears have a good chance at taking down large herbivore preys but terror birds? They're way to weak and lack the weaponry. Terror birds only hunted small or medium sized prey animals.
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>Also I think its really only possible compare Titanis to other placental carnivores since it obviously coexisted with them, in that regard, the only things really larger than it (around 300+ KG) and were predators were Arctodus, which probably didn't compete with it since it was a bear.
But an Arctodus would absolutely fuck up a Titanis if they were to fight. If a Titanis and Arctodus come across a carcass at the same time, who'd you think would flee?
They also get scared off by vultures all the time.
damn, I had no idea cheetahs had driven Ostriches to extinction.
Thank you for continuing to confirm that you are a fucking retard.
If this is what they actually looked like then they’d be a force to be reckoned with
Oh absolutely an Arctodus would fuck up Titanis if it came to that, but I was trying to say that Arctodus is a bear and most research I've seen seems to place it as an omnivore, so they're not competing for the same food source and thus Titanis probably doesn't compete with Arctodus.

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Now that the dust has settled, did dunkchuds learn to cope with picrel or did they move onto basedfacing over other marine life?
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little buddy :D
What a wimpy looking creature
this is such a bizarre way to think
dunks were obviously scavengers. all the evidence points to that basic fact.
Why did they make the skull smaller even tho it has been known for years?

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Australian Shepherd Edition

cont. from >>4770582


Ray Allen Manufacturing: Tactical Dog Gear | Police and Military K9 (https://www.rayallen.com)

Kurgo: High Quality Outdoor Adventure Dog Gear Products (https://www.kurgo.com)

AVOID: Weight Pull/Sledding Harnesses as They Encourage Pulling Which Can Lead To Death

ALWAYS: Size Correctly

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It's good to be back.
Yes. I have to be careful or he will smash his forehead into my face, catch his canine in my nose, or bite me hard while cobbing. Worth it.

Nice and non-violent.
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Oh but the
Includes a
That gets kind of pushy
Cheese check or is she making sure you haven't been with any other dogs?
September 2nd

i ordered the rainy blue rose own root (pic related) and i live in zone 6. (canada)
it's a japanese rose (originally german-bred) with hardiness being zones 5~10. it's a small climber. (5 ft)

my goal is to train it to climb over an arbor. i know it's supposedly a smaller climber, but that's why i intend to raise the bed of it higher with a tall planter pot to make it over the arch at least half way.

i need it to stay in a pot because i intend to sell my current house 5 yrs later and want to bring my plants with me, rather than leave it behind with the new owners. i'm also afraid that it won't fare so well in canadian winter, so i was going to store it in my unheated garage after it goes dormant.

some questions:
>sufficient pot size recs for my goal?
>what can i do to ensure it's survival and so it grows vigorously?
>is it fine to plant near the end of may? (when it arrives)
>canadian winter protection tips?
>tips to maximize blooms?
>how to prune canes for better "air circulation"? any tips on what to look out for?

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The bigger and healthier the roots the more and bigger the bloomings, so they come with ages and good fertilizers

>tfw rotated
Sick as fuck, looks like red hot metal. Hell yeah
I know right, it's fucking amazing

We have them here in Lima Perú, they're called "Golden Sun" (Sol de Oro)

I got that one from a garden nearby It's the best Golden Sun specimen I've seen so far, it looks better irl

Idk what kind of fertilizer the old lady uses
wow!!! thank you so much, i thought i saw something about upgrading pots but i thought i could skip right to the biggest. in this case, i'll start with a smaller one.

>But you should keep it inside on a place with good light, and feed it until it recovers from the trip, and then furthermore until it becomes strong and healthy; only then take it outside (this perhaps will take you 4 to 6 months, don't rush it)
hey so when you mean feed it, do you mean watering and fertilizing? i think the snow/frost period is over (we are getting lots of rain though) is this in case of a cold snap? i don't have a lot of sunny areas inside my town house so i'm a little concerned about bringing it inside.

i'll have to dig out my very poor japanese and korean to do more research on the specific rose, but thank you so much. learning as i go.
>hey so when you mean feed it, do you mean watering and fertilizing

Yep, artificial fertilizers can kill your plant if done wrong, natural fertilizers are way less risky

It should be ok if the temperature is not so cold outside, pretty sure you can find info about it in english somewhere

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Discovery channel edition

Post all things insect and arachnid
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What if you were to catch it and put it in the fridge for a while so it “falls asleep”? Then I’d imagine you could quickly remove them with a small paintbrush
I should get a setup like that, with clear tunes, it'd be a lot nicer to know whether or not they're filled with bees or spiders
That poodle moth thing looks like a walnut mouth or whatever the big motherfuckers in the southern US are called. The ones whose cocoons look like cat turds.
Nonporous tunnels like glass or plastic can trap moisture and make the pollen rot and attract pests.
Are there any beneficial things that nites do? Why can't we just exterminate them all

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Rare Gecko Edition

previous: >>4757767

This thread is dedicated to all animals of the reptilia and amphibia classes. Topics include, but are not limited to: geckos, snakes of all kinds, frogs, salamanders, newts, turtles, tortoises, and much more. Before asking a question, do a search on the internet to see if it has been answered
Classifieds for finding breeders and products:
>reptilescanada.com (Canadian breeders)
Most forums will have a "for sale" section on them, so look for that, especially if you have a specific herp you want. Craigslist can also be a good source for cheap aquariums, and make sure to check for any reptile expos that occur in your area.

When asking a question, make sure to include these details:
>Type and size of animal

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Think we should just have a terrarium general for all land critters desu. Aquarium general already exists so don't see why we can have /terrag/.

Not even cancer can stop the eternal animal abuse youtube grift.
Oh God
>mfw faggots like this have millions of dollars at their disposal and all they do is rack breed the same fucking snakes that are already oversaturated in the hobby
>mfw nobody is bothering to import cool shit from overseas or establish breeding operations for rare expensive herps
Fuck I wish I could go back ten years when reptile expos weren't just ball pythons and leopard geckos everywhere
he even does the same "performative sadface" baiting. cats in the cradle, etc.

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>friend brags about his purebred Russian Blue cat
>it's just a plain ass grey cat with green eyes
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maine coons, bengals, ferals, and strays are the only breeds I know.
i love this stupid fucking feline girl
*Modern dog breeds. Dogs started to become specialised for certain jobs not long after they became properly domesticated
>ugg need dog to guard uggs children when ugg hunting. Ugg choose the biggest and guardiest puppy.
>grugg need dog to sniff out prey. grugg choose the sniffiest puppy
And so on. Dog breeds have come and gone, but specialization has been there from the beginning. Not to mention the different environments that the dogs needed to survive in, consider the difference in landrace breeds from the arctic circle and africa, they're incredibly specialised just due to their environment.
Domestic cats specialised to their environment too, but that's about it. Since cats only had two jobs since the beginning of their domestication journey: be mousers and companions, there was no need for specialisation. So cat breeds are a much more recent thing.
>be mousers
but they don't do this and never have
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I want for cats to be SMASHED and SLAMMED, and when they are it won't be a MEME.

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He must be partly run over, his rear leg is destroyed
I can't find a wildlife rehab that will take him help!
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100% he was eaten
Unfortunate but true
This is a better outcome than me drowning it in a bucket though, isn't it?
I never asked for this
>This is a better outcome than me drowning it in a bucket though, isn't it?
Who knows, it could have died very painfully or instantly, I guess you can take solace in the fact we’ll never know
But now we know the real villain in the story is the so called wildlife rescue that you have to contact through email and will only reply during regular business hours
I continue to be let down by institutions I want to trust

Now all that's left is to see if I still have my old guinea pig cage and keep it handy in case something like this ever happens again I'll have a comfortable habitat to temporarily keep the animal instead of a cardboard box under some bushes
You really should have killed him.

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