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Welcome to /k/, 4chan's weapons board. Our board centers around weapons, armor, and other myriad military technology. While guns are the primary topic, threads involving any other sort of weapons, from swords and knives to tanks and jet fighters, come up frequently as well. If you're new, we suggest reading the sticky at http://amagicalplace.wikia.com/wiki/Sticky to get acquainted with the board's subject matter.

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/k/ is a board devoted to weapons and military equipment.

Discussions about politics or current events belong on /pol/.

Do not post threads about gun control. They belong on /pol/.

Troll threads will be deleted, and those posting troll posts will be banned.

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Northrop Grummans Manta Ray has conducted initial trials at sea.


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I read that too and was also reminded of it. Good job on remembering and finding it.
What are the hydrodynamic benefits of a manta shape
what if it can go into ground effect
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Literally flies underwater, generating lift just like plane wings do in the air. Normal submarines use buoyant air tanks to control their vertical axis, floating like balloons.
Not lift. Dive. The wings are upside down compared to aircraft wings and generate 'dive' to counter the craft's buoyancy. Gun fact, normal subs are reverse-zeppelins too.

Post examples of units where they had unique uniforms/identifiers compared to the rest of the military. In this case Croatian/Bosnian SS Troops wore Fez's,
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*the day of the grill
It's the same as British dpm, probably had a special name in canadian service but I dont know it.
>camo MKIII combat shirt
I love my MKIII parapants
Don't forget the neo nazi literature these guys were also passing around
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Nork commando gear is neat. It has this very 2000's Land Warrior feel to it. I'm 99% sure it was inspired by a Tom Clancy game some general was able to smuggle in.
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There were very few videos of BUK destruction during winter, but now we have a new one every few days.
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This was inside Kursk in Russia by the way. Hence the board being raided. And we got the daily smoking accidents in refineries too.
>going home to Russia
He was home. This was in Kursk, lmao hence the firefighters.
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>We are on a stage of a 3-days SMO with F-16 getting to the Moscow airspace
I keep re-watching but I don't see the russian Ben Johnson.
Does anyone have the full video this was sourced from?

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Holo sun
Won't you cum
And wash away the jewish prices
Holo sun
Won't you cum
Won't you cum
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I'm not a big fan of preconfigured chest rigs they never have what I want and always have too much shit I don't want.
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Does it come with a free chastity cage and pride patch? You should ask them because that's the frutiest chest rig I've ever seen.
I hate jews and muslims.
I really really like this image.
>he likes arabs
kek. yeah, you're brown
So, AR15 huh?

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Terrorism Deterrence edition

Previous: >>61464388

Lying about criminal history = BAD
Lying about medical history = GOOD
Marine Corps = BASED
Intel/Cyber = POZZED

>Free ASVAB Practice Tests

>Fort Jackson Army Basic Training Guide (Nov. 2020)
https://pastebin.com/yg972vRE (embed) (Short version)

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Thanks, anon. I dunno if i actually expected something else, but thing do be like that sometimes.
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here's a flashy image to get your attention to my important question
If I just wanna be a supply marine reservist they dont do helicopter dunker school or whatever right?
I learned the term was poolie today, forgot it when the recruiter talked to me a month ago. I'm a nosebreather, but I am a bit of a retard.
Had a good time, kicked my ass but I liked that.
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do you guys have a loadout that is more than just a CCW? Dunno what you would call it besides grey man+
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Pop Tarts, small packet of Kikkoman onions sauce
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>Literally a brown dude
Only looks brown because it's dark in the photo. I think he's a Slav.
The Twink we deserve, but not the one we need right now...so we'll bash him because he can take it

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Infiray just got fucked by sanctions. No more sales, period.
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>PRC based

Don't care. Total commie death.
Shouldn't have been doing business with the Russians.
>Why do I feel like there is going to be a ton of money keeping them on this list forever?
I don't want to sound like a conspiracytard but this whole thing seems like an attempt to prevent thermals from getting into the hands of civilians. All of the Western thermal manufacturers make 99% of their profit on government/institutional sales, not selling a few thermal scopes to skeeter so he can shoot hogs at 2 AM. This isn't just about """protecting""" US arms manufacturers from imports.
ding ding ding ding, winrar
I think Uncle Sam pays the crazy prices because they know by keeping the price high they are keeping a large volume of civilians from having thermals/night vision

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Post modern secret weapons that are cool in some way
I'll start with
>the Aurora; A stealth Recon Aircraft that is the Successor of the SR-71, flying at Mach 5+ and likely with stealth capabilities, basically a satellite recon on a 2 minute call

Bonus [SPOILER] The U-2 is litearlly just a loli Starfighter [/spoiler]
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you niggers could've posted thing like the ATAC or a DEW, but you had to be niggers and derail my fun thread
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>XF-42: Airbreathing plasma(!!) SCRAMjet strikefighter
>MSLAMs: Marginally SubLuminal Accelerated Munitions. Aluminum plasma/Hydrogen afterburner warmfusion powered missiles traveling at .94c with an (IMO superfluous) stabilized Polonium warhead. Based on Mars to kill potential ayys.
>C-100: extremely heavy-lift flying wing cargo plane capably of bringing over 1000 tons of materiel across the Pacific in under an hour. Does not use conventional engines.
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This thread went from speculating about fast planes to nukes on the moon much quicker than usual
>successor to the sr-71
doesn't look like that
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picrel is too cool not to post, though I believe it's a little bit outdated now. Some of my favorites:

>NB-36H: there was a time we saw nuclear power as the future
>X-20: cool concept, basically a space shuttle for the USAF
>X-31: actually flew, pretty impressive capabilities at high angles of attack
>X-37B: who knows really what that little guy is doing right now?
>X-44: F-22 with no tails, control through TVC

As for Aurora, I don't believe it was ever real, you can't hide a plane like that for decades.

You go to a hot springs and you see this wyd annons?
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Unnaturally dexterous feet typed this post.
How does the brain stop itself from flopping over when he is laying down ?
>fake gun to scare monkies, this is
Ripped straight from Yoda's Japan travel blog.
high pressure air

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What weapons related hijinks will this original odd couple get into now?
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it's probably pre-2014
How would it be treason you fucking retard
The happy ending
Why can't we all just be friends bros? :(
The kinda pranks where you hide alarm clocks in their quarters.

Between Blitzkrieg and Deep Battle, which was "less" of a meme?
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Exactly. What I'm trying to say is that it's a meme. By 1944 they weren't doing "blitzkrieg", because they couldn't get enough not-completely-destroyed forces together to do anything. Blitzkrieg is a fucking annoying term and I wish people would stop using it.

Deep battle actually worked in part because it pinned down the Germans and forced them to have small reaction forces that were over relied upon and worn out. I don't think, in most cases, a singular penetration would have worked against the Germans. You had to do it all over the place all at once, all of the battles I've read about the 1943-1944 period in Ukraine mention that the Germans were holding out quite well until suddenly they weren't.
I find it interesting that all of the tactics we read about in earlier eras, from Alexander and Hannibal all the way to Napoleon and Lee, are still used today but on the operational and strategic scale instead.
Schwerpunkt is less of a meme. Choosing the time and place of your breakthrough is always better than applying pressure and taking losses along a wide front until you can make a breakthrough.
force concentration is the end-all, be-all of warfare and the basis of all strategy
attacking in every area simply ensures you lose in detail

even deep battle is about concentrating in a single spot, the only difference is that you pressure the enemy along multiple points first to test where the best place is to send the concentration
airland keeps all their forces in reserve and only committing them when counter-attacking after the enemy has shown their hand

whether on the offense, or defense, you always want a spear point not a thin line
Long range fires targeting the reserve deep battle forces before they reach the front line while the defensive line fights an elastic defense and then counterattacks.

What is the best destroyer class in the world? Are any of those fancy boutique euro destroyers any good or is the arleigh Burke class still the best
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Yes it’s the AB
don't forget the spam of pictures of half naked gook bodybuilders pretending to be soldiers
Sm-2, Sm-6, and SM-6 are just superior missiles. There is no getting around that
Whatever the chinks make because they can build 20 of them in the time it takes anyone else to build 1 of whatever they make.
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AK General /akg/
Mag Dong Edition
>Thread 2023

Old thread here >>61517852
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"just a few years ago" your dollar was worth 25% more
And also the most expensive by kikes like Geiselle, Daniel Defense, and LMT. Who would pay $2k for an AR lmao
niggas who would rather have a 2000 gun they never shoot it rather than a $500 psa and 1500 rounds
>I remember in 2009 that shit was 13cpr
I got my first job in 2010, and I totally could’ve afforded that shit. Grew up in a bourgeoisie county and never felt I needed a gun. Fuck I hate how ignorant I was.

I already have a basic bitch ar-15, aks just that soul factor that melts my butter.
Can someone explain to a nogunz why this guy is making such a big deal about cases ejecting toward his feet?

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