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This board is for the discussion of classic, or "retro" games, including consoles, computer games, arcade games (including pinball) and any other forms of video games. Retro gaming means platforms launched in 2001 and earlier, and official game titles for those platforms released no later than December 2007 (homebrew console games made after this date will be permitted). The Microsoft Xbox, Nintendo GameCube, Nintendo Game Boy Advance, and Sony PlayStation 2 will now be considered "retro".

Helpful links:
Game Tech Wiki
Emulation General Wiki

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Retro sizer https://retrosizer.com/
Retro handhelds spreadsheet https://pastebin.com/ZyqXr19r
SoC Comparison https://versus.com/en/mobile-chipset

>Where to buy
Aliexpress, gogamegeek, litnxt, keepretro, mechdiy, Anbernic/retroid store

>What to know about brands
Retroid: Well built, powerful, but expensive (100$+)
Anbernic: Balance between price, power and build quality. Just avoid the RG Nano
Powkiddy: Cheap, low quality builds, interesting shapes (square, clamshell, big screen)
Miyoo: One hit wonder
Game Console: Copycat popular products with lower prices, better specs, but weaker build qualities
TrimUI: Good build quality, shitty software with no good CFW alternatives

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>ie. things that actually matter
being actually able to play my fucking games DOES matter anon
any device can be piracy crap and do it better than a 5yr old discount chip from mainland china
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Two year old snapdragons, unisoc's and mediateks would be a godsend. Rockchip NEEDS to die once and for all
>There are STILL anal loggers who think the pocket isnt a chinkheld
How the fuck?
>designed in california by non-chinks
pick one
where is the device manufactured tho? Don't deflect, answer the question
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>designed by Chinese-Americans
>made by regular Chinamen
>bought by retarded Americans

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There is a $99 clone of the DE-10 Nano now, less than half what an official DE-10 Nano costs.

Will still need testing to see if it's a 1:1 replacement for an official DE-10 Nano, things such as RAM or analog timings, especially for more complex cores like the PSX, Saturn, or N64, are at most risk for having issues if it's not cloned as well, but otherwise it could severely slash the costs of building a MiSTer if it's the same performance an official board.
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From what I can tell those are just USB cartridge dumpers, no different than how Retron or Polymega does it. It's not running the game off the cart like real hardware or Analogue does, it's just dumping the cart and acting like a USB drive for the ROM file.
I just got to wonder what black magic and demon summoning rituals they did to make it supposedly cost around 100 dollars.
>not sure who made the ARM CPU but I doubt it's Terasic, and even if they did not hard to swap in a different one since the ARM CPU just does auxiliary tasks like run the UI that aren't related to emulating the games.

The ARM CPU is directly embedded in the FPGA, it’s not getting swapped out for anything else on this board design.
That's what I am wondering too. The bare FPGA chip costs more than the entire subsidized board itself, how did they manage to get them for so much cheaper? Was it just some limited stock they managed to get their hands on? Did they somehow clone the FPGA chip itself?
The DE-10 used to cost approx $100 and still should be that price now, if not cheaper given how old the components are. All this is doing is giving it to people at a normal price.

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Three Gods, One True Morrowind 22th anniversary thread.
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Rainy day in Vivec
Wealth beyond measure.
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I will wait for the next Tamriel Rebuilt episode before reinstalling. I still need to decide what business my Khajit thief will be running in Narsis
>Khajit thief
Crassius Curio is a fag

honourable mention: microsoft encarta
Did you watch the movie Dangerous Creatures? It's easily one of the worst movies I've ever seen. Right up there with Ladyhawke.

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Why isn't there an English patch for the Sega Saturn version yet?
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We get it, you have a porn addiction.
B-but it's not the same unless you're holding the piece of plastic you coomlected.
Did we ever get Yu-no & Kun-kun's great adventure?
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I heard it was trash before watching and didn't expect much from 4 eps, but I never anticipated just how offensively bad it could be. Its biggest problem was meshing multiple character's personalities and plot points into the main girls + mr porn director (in a very weird choice to reduce the character roster, considering it seems to be already aimed at people who played yu-no before) which results in wacky BS like Mitsuki being a weird lesbian rapist version of Ryuzoji then later Illia's role verbaitum, Mio starting off as her usual virgin tsundere self in episode 1 but then taking on the role of fuckin Hojo in ep 2, complete with using Kanna's "services" AND holding Kanna/Takuya at gunpoint, then inexplicably showing up in Dela Grande the next episode so she can cuck Sayless and get pregnant to Kanna (yes, she takes Amanda's role, no, they didn't consider the fact that this would make Kanna supermajority human and therefore not need Hypersense to live...) and Toyotomi becoming the main villain (since he's the only male character besides Takuya I guess?) he's ALSO merged with Ryuzoji, and kinda Koda tooi, plus the Knights to become the ultimate NTR master. His entire character motivation is to take everything Takuya loves since Katiya was his adoptive mother who fucked off to meet Kodai, so he searched endlessly through timelines to find her and got pissed because she gave birth to Takuya. Oh, and Sayless is his adoptive sister btw
The only characters left relativity unscarred by the plotline merging shit are Kanna, if you the ignore having lesbian sex with your mother shit & the Hypersense discrepancy Kaori and Eriko who somehow manages to maintain her virginity from the unhinged lesbian sex and the Dela Grandian rape squad- erm, I mean knights
Honestly it was pretty fun to watch in a "it's so bad" way, until ep 3
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where loli yu-no gets raped and it just started to piss me off. Didn't help that the second half impressively got even less coherent than the first half, and had to have extra dumb reasons for all of the girls to be nude at the ending, plus Ayumi got pretty butchered characterwise in the last half.
Although admittedly there were three story elements I actually liked (although they were horrendously executed)
namely, Kaori impersonating a school girl seems very in character and fits with the line Takuya says in game about being unable to tell if she was a teenager or mid 20's based on her looks. YU-NO killing Takuya. Could've been a very interesting bad ending in the game if the epilogue was more fleshed out and had branching paths like was originally intended and the general idea of Toyotomi being the head Dela Grande knight might've worked too. Plus the wedding ring bit at the start was silly and hilariously on the nose but also pretty in character for her.
Would recommend if you're a YU-NO fan and want to ruin your day, or take screencaps of okish artwork (there's some nice backgrounds and animation, shame it was wasted on this shit)

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>is supposedly part of the geforce 4 family
>its just a beefed up geforce 2 with at the time newish features
how did they get away with this?
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my guy you buy anything nvidia below the xx70 range and you are basically buying previous gen tech.
on the upside: the FX 5200 has really good compatibility and will run anything up to 2000-2001 just fine
it can even run Vista/7's fancy aero desktop without major issues
and because it's both in huge supply, and known to be kinda crap, it's also cheaper than dirt. so it's a decent pick for a retro PC nowadays - search for anything better and you'll pay the usual RETRO VINTAGE tax
Fun fact: GF4MX-es weren't *merely* GF2s, they were GF2MX-es, the tard little brother of the GF2GTS. You can tell by the core config, which is identical.
If I recall, the difference between GF2MX and TI wasn't nearly as stark.

Why is she so sassy?
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Wtf, it showed a whole breast like that? I don't remember that.
Funny you mention Evolution, it's very much like Legends/DASH in terms of setting and plot, it just felt very basic for an RPG when I bought it on DC a million years ago>>10897664
too sexy
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We needed more games with her and her retarded Servbots.

I've picked up and dropped this fucking game like 3 times. Its not super hard or anything but I'm sick to death of replaying the same gimmick stages over and over again, they made a game with crisp movement and yet none of their level design actually uses any of it. Should I finally admit I'm filtered or do I beat this game out of hatred and spite?
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Bau bau?
>but I'm sick to death of replaying the same gimmick stages over and over again
Zoom Zoom
t. faggot who was never into hardcore.
I always preferred Sonic.

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Have you ever bought anything from Limited Run?
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I bought the Sigil special edition, the C&C collector’s edition, quake, doom, and system shock. I’m STILL waiting on Sam & Max 2 years on and haven’t seen anything I’ve been interested in since. The floppy disk usb drives are very cool but they don’t bother even with those anymore; zero effort
I almost got their Shantae stuff but I bought an SNES instead.
I bought a collectors edition from LRG because it's one of my favorite games ever.
It took -two years- to show up.
The belief is that pressed CDs last longer than CD-Rs, but depending on the type and quality of CD-R, that's debatable, since quality "gold" CD-Rs can match or maybe outlast even pressed discs.
I know I have an X-Files pressed DVD from the 2000s which no longer works properly, but some CD-Rs from the very early 90s which are still fine.
It took this dude until some shitty 3DO game for him to realize that LRG is just a shitty scam site that prays of stupid collectors?

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Is there any reason at all to play this instead of FireRed on GBA?
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Found the Twitterfag disgesting on "wholesome" Pokemon memes.
I'm playing through crystal now with animations on and it seems a bit quicker than gen 1, and I just played through blue a week or so ago.
Though I will say I forgot how long winded some of the dialogue was.
Gen 2 would be slightly quicker than Gen 1 but there's a bug that causes the health bar to deplete much slower than it should, which you'll start really noticing once you hit the Elite 4. The bug occurs starting at 45 max HP, but isn't noticeable until the Pokemon you're fighting has about 200 max HP. https://youtu.be/SE-BfsFgZVM
The video description has instructions to fix it, but I'm not sure if that's via a hex editor or via a debugger.

This game sucks. Seriously though, what's supposed to go through my mind when I walk into yet another random encounter and know exactly that I'm getting another easy "fight" where I select the same shit in the same menus again? This stuff was already outdated by 5th gen and that was already my opinion then

The goofy writing that takes itself so seriously, the characters and the fact it never ends not helping
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>The goofy writing that takes itself so seriously, the characters and the fact it never ends not helping
Remake/Rebirth had more serious writing while still retaining the most memorable aspects of the original game.
You could give that a shot.
the lizard part of your brain is supposed to enjoy watching small numbers become big numbers
numbers big
and sword big. and hair long
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why does /vr/ never talk about business sims?
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i will now play your business sim
oh I can change history alright >:^)
NTA but in Pizza Syndicate you would practically order a irrevocable pizzeria bombing with this on your menu. Where's the essential big slab of juicy steak on top?
We have RCT threads on the regular, anon
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I have a lot of happy memories of playing Chocolatier when I was quite young, but I've never gone back to it because I'm afraid I only liked it because it was the first business sim I really played and I don't want to tarnish my feelings about it.
Has anyone else here played this or the sequel? Does it hold up at all?

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>nephew is checking out my game collection because I'm the super cool gamer uncle with a bunch of tendie games
>he sees Sonic Mega Collection for the PCROM and asks me about it
>I explain that it's for the PC but PC's can't read CDs nowadays
I guess I should get rid of this but I doubt anyone is gonna buy it. What did you do with your physical PC games?
This is the most Reddit thread I've seen on here all week.
>What did you do with your physical PC games?
I put them in my disc drive and installed them.
I gave a copy of this collection to my nephew like 10+ years ago. He was little and I doubt he tried it out. I regret it now
burn em to ISO and upload to archive org

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We need to take a few minutes to talk about everyone's favorite Street Fighter character: Sawada. Will Capcom finally cave to fan pressure and bring him back in newer SF installations? They can't ignore his millions of adoring fans forever.

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