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This board is for the discussion of technology and related topics.

Reminder that instigating OR participating in flame/brand wars will result in a ban.
Tech support threads should be posted to >>>/wsr/
Cryptocurrency discussion belongs on >>>/biz/

To use the Code tag, book-end your body of code with: [co­de] and [/co­de]

The /g/ Wiki: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/
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Why are pajeets like this?
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best part about this is that github sent an email to every single member every time a reply was posted, meaning they had to send around 62 million emails
Actual content? Thanks, anon. Made me chuckle.
>github doesn't have an option to block PRs from a specific country in 2024

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Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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What is a terminal file manager with built in image preview support
I am mentally retarded and I do not understand the most simple instructions to 'patch' image support into a terminal file manager
I do not understand why ever single time I search this topic it leads to some stupid 20 min youtube video or github repo
Do not ask why I need a terminal file manager with image support
Do not suggest any type of software which is not a terminal file manager with image support
Acceptable answers include (but are not limited to)
>A single repository in either the standard arch repos or the AUR (As in a single package I can install using pacman or paru)
>A single git repository which can be cloned, made, installed, and executed from the terminal (As in a single repository, with very clear installation instructions, which when called from the terminal will open a terminal file manager with image support)
>A single downloadable, executable file / appimage / whatever which when executed will open a terminal file manager with image support
I am NOT married to my current terminal (st) if there is a solution which uses a different terminal that is acceptable.
I will NOT be reading any additional material
I will NOT be patching, installing additional software, or writing config files
I will NOT use a graphical solution
Thank you for your understanding, enjoy this image of a whale as tribute
Related to the above post, I want a file manager that gives the benefits of both TUI and GUI. I've been digging Ranger keybinds and running arbitrary commands but I'd like the benefit of drag and drop (files onto already running GUI programs, e.g. dropping an image on a browser to upload or a video on a player to add to playlist), having a thumbnail grid for a media folder, etc.
>terminal file manager
More like terminal mental illness.
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Turns out I just needed Details view mode
go back to >>>/a/ >>>/lgbt/ tranime pedo

Do americans really have framed pictures of Linux in schools
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This looks comfy as fuck, where did all go wrong?
When Hadrian didn't finish the Jews off
they may have switched from mandrake to gentoo between 2003 and 2006
clearly the adminitrator(s) are linux enthusiasts, it's not out of the realm of possibility, plus it helps to have 20 computers with the same hardware, you can use nfs (which they say they're using for home folders already) to share built packages and only compile them once for all the computers
could even use those computers with distcc during off hours for fast builds as well, you have a build cluster right there!
Thus, which was to be demonstrated.
that Chad right there is prolly making >$500k a year

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Started learning this recently in my CS classes, is this just a forced tranny meme? Doing anything is so fucking convoluted. Why not just use C? Ensuring everything is safe seems to lead to a lot of inefficiency and obfuscation of what should be easy tasks.
I can't imagine this has much application realistically. Why not just use external programs to ensure C safety? That kind of modular design has more application, no? Or am I just dumb and inexperienced?
Is this all forced by troons?
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>Doing anything is so fucking convoluted.

I know you won't believe me, but this is a skill issue. You are simply being exposed to something new you have to get used to and you are knee jerk calling it restrictive just because you don't think in a way that fits the language. Imagine knowing LISP for 10 years and then you go learn C and complain about types. This is literally you.

And you know how I know? Because every argument you have against Rust, and every reason you think you can think of for calling it restrictive I had before it clicked for me. I will leave you with a protip: When you learn rust, the borrow checker isn't something you think about / fight.
that's a man
>where universal shebang
>where unofficial strict mode
>where arrays
>where curly braces around every reference to a variable
>where local variables
>where getopt
>echo > languages just so later we can do cat languages
>call exit in a shell script so that it kills the whole shell session

It's because of people like you, that everyone thinks Bash sucks and thinks that we needed to replace shell scripts with systemd units. Holy fuck. You write like you're not even 20. No offence. You're probably young and inexperienced
A cute man
Not that anon but I've always seen bash scripts written like that everywhere. How, then, are you supposed to write bash scripts?

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Why do people even try to make new color schemes? Gruvbox is literally perfect.

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G programming language when?

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Oh no no no no no no no no
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>This is about expanding Congressional control over the private market. Under this legislation,

they already can you fucking moron. congress has a right to control communication channels. it is so we cant be subverted by foreign governments

rupert murdoch had to become a u.s. citizen so he wouldnt lose his reporting empire
Congress doesn't have rights. That's not what rights are. And no, they don't have control over communication channels. I don't know where you pulled that out of, but you need to put it back.
Unironically why are you so profoundly stupid yet so sure of yourself?
I will give you a hint:
Your post, just now, the one I'm responding to, is dripping with irony. Maybe this will help you figure out what the word actually means.
>our government filled with israelites

I cant wait for this generation's version of nazism to rise

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Please donate to this struggling enthusiast startup

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I am working in technical support right now
and finding it hard.
Is my IQ too low for this job? I like it but am not very good at it.
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Jesus christ on a motorbike. How did yo even get this job? Did you get someone else to write the application?
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i apparently have an IQ of 112 and literally all i was able to solve on the test were those basic "things are moving in a certain direction" and xor problems (like line + line = no line, line + no line = line). All you have to do is figure out where the xor is, sometimes its lines, sometimes its dots, sometimes its something else.

whenever it gave me something more complicated i looked at it for a bit but i could never spot a pattern so i just skipped. Im pretty baffled im apparently above average intelligence when the only two types of problems i could solve was so basic and just repeated over and over.

I also feel like you would have a massive advantage / disadvantage if you didn't know what things like xor operations were since that was like 70% of my questions on the test. If i never studied programming and were never explicitly taught about them i'd definitely have a hard time figuring it out in the test myself and i'd probably get a below average IQ.

Thats one of the reasons i think IQ is bullshit. Well maybe not, but its not this "concrete absolute intelligence" measure we think it is, its definitely dependent on knowledge too. Thats probably also why most mathematicians have such a high IQ.

Its not that if you are born with a high IQ you are likely to study math (thats probably true but not to the extent we see) rather its that if you choose to study math your IQ increases as you gain knowledge and learn about fundamental patterns to look for that appear in math and general logic problems.
Imagine how dumb you have to be to get 85 on this. I am baffled by OP
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nah i just think its because he didn't know what patterns to look for.
But im genuinely curious now OP if you take the test again with this knowledge of having to look for xor patterns will you do better?

picrel is an example of an xor problem btw so you know what i mean. As you can see if the straight lines overlap in the two first pictures they disappear in the final image, otherwise the stay. With the dots its the opposite, only if they overlap will they appear in the final image, so the answer here is F

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mpv ffmpeg yt-dlp
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making my own distro
are video players bloat or should i compile mpv for it
so cute
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nanoseconds or something
when I look up mpv in the OED I get a redirection to "transgender pedophiles"

daily reminder that Microsoft's Copilot is better than Google's Gemini in every way

Google seems to respond faster but it can't understand context or multifaceted questions so it's speed is irrelevant.
google has ai?
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>click me
>click me
>click me
>PLEASE click me
Ok fine, *click*
>You have to sign in
>You have to sign in
>You have to sign in
next time signing in is mandatory for ALL offline windows programs.
I wouldn't know because I didn't fucking ask for it and thus don't want to use it.
If they just silently enabled it with no UI changes and just had the search have a little "ask copilot" option it would've been fine but no instead they're making everyone choke back vomit as they put 15 bajillion dedicated copilot buttons on everything
Its like they never learned from clippy.

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>inserts USB pendrive
>gets hacked
attack from 2014
used in the wild ever since
OpenBSD unfixed

inbout seething retards:
no you dimwitted mutt, it's not
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>ignore this attack on BSD
>because no one uses BSD
>therefore it is secure
What points do they use? I just want to know if I somehow became a glownigger without my knowledge.
not her but
>threat model
>memory safety
>O(2**n) scheduler
>hardware support
>blowjob mascot
Looks like I am safe then. I just complain about performance and Bluetooth.
>physical access to a serial bus line doesn't count as physical access
You're retarded.

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can you solve it?
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waifu does not mean anime girl and its plural is waifu
But I don't give a shit about programming I'm not a Pajeet
my solution is outsourcing it to a poo to manually type out and return the string array
Does it need to be O(n)? If so it's not that much harder, but mildly annoying.
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I used Java regex so you can forget about the "efficient" part, but it was a good excuse to remind myself how to do lookaheads

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Between hydro energy and solar energy, which is "less" of a meme?
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No energy source is more perfect than Natural Gas
solar should be shut down for EOL cadmium pollution
Which is why you study the area to measure and predict precipitation. Basic stuff that you do before building a dam.
That's being diverted to plastics manufacturing. There just aren't enough bags caught in trees.

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