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/r9k/ is an imageboard where there are no exact reposts.

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/r9k/ has no topic, but unlike /b/ Global Rule #3 is in effect. In addition, advice threads and camwhoring/hookup/"rate me" threads should go on /adv/ - Advice and /soc/ - Cams & Meetups respectively. This includes Discord server threads!

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Do not post pictures of yourself on /r9k/.
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I'm ok looking with an ok body. I feel like the guys that go to my school are not super degenerate type losers, though. If you go on Sidechat there's a bunch of horny people late night posting but I dont want them, I want to accomplish the real deal. Real spontaneous connection.

Don't get mad and be like "girls can get any man they want." That's not really true. I want to know how to approach it without scaring the guy off or coming off as too desperate.

If the guy doesn't have a gf, you will 100% guaranteed succeed, unless you are really ugly or fat, and you say that you're neither. This isn't "girls can get any man they want", it's my legitimate opinion.

If the guy DOES have a gf, there's still a high chance you'll succeed if she's not right there with him and he can think of any way to get you into his bed without her finding out.
you're obviously ignoring guys who will break down and just keep saying 'what?' or just be too nervous/suspicious to bother. of which there are many

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I am suffering from chronic nihilism
What no pussy does to a mf


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Chippy edition
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smedium cod for me please, maestro

Based and fryuppilled. It's a hard life but someone has to fucking do it.
>someone has to fucking do it
You didn't, your carer or your mum makes your meals even though you're nearly 40.
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Remember to avoid Swanscombe Fish Bar lads
Phwoar good R&R this was

Didn't really fall fully asleep but better than no R&R at all

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Have you ever given a woman the "ick"?
Her balding head gives me the ick
What a piggy
I cant fuck this one

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i feel like shit i want to die
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ewww wtf is that im throwing up rn
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heres something even worse
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eh, not as bad as that other photo, but still disgusting, i wonder why you wpuld save such a thing
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Hello Iris, how was your day?

Mine has been going excellent, just got a rare shiny.
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my day was nice in the morning but its all just going downhill. nothing is fun and i have no motivation to do anything but lay in bed and doomscroll. blehg. congrats on the shiny though!! i'm glad your day's good

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Why are men so bad at having sex?
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>were never going to have sex with you, men. Sex is a prize for you to earn.
>omg why do men suck at sex?
I hate women I hate women I hate women
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It's a mindnumbingly stupid attempt at a point. Why do so many women have casual sex more than once if it's so bad? Why do they desire to have multiple sex partners instead of just teaching your bf or one sex partner to please you in bed? Then you can both become much better at pleasing the other and learning the best ways to enjoy sex. Plenty of guys want to feel like sex gods or whatever and to make women cum every time even if he's not your bf. It doesn't make sense for women who love sex to have many sex partners.
A lot of women also barely even know what men are supposed to do for guys to please them, like >>77350343 implies.
Also, the ease for women extends past sex, obviously. They have countless options for dating guys and can sift for one they find best fits their desires for face, height, income, etc.
Entitlement, the usual.
They think it's easy so they remain unskilled
women unironically think men can't have earth-shattering orgasms and make sure to gaslight them into thinking that's true just because giirls suck so bad at sex.
Can a woman please answer: how are you supposed to be "good" at sex if you're not having any?

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in my 30s and thinking about getting a real life fap bud.
you mean you're a faggot? good now tell your parents not us
not interested in penetrative sex or any kind of romance. Just a guy to jerk off with, and a guy to jerk off, give some blowjobs too.

Pretty faggy, I will admit but not full on to the point where I feel a need to tell anyone about it

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>when the cute guy is short
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Its a dude. Those be balls
if a cis girl doesn't take me, the tranner will do too
>t. wink
I already had my twink bussy rammed and creampied by a tall thicc mommy ^.~
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I don't get what she's saying
hot, one actually ghosted me bc she was a bit weird

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I keep reading about people with autism using alcohol to self medicate but that seems like a really bad idea to me. My frontal lobe has to be running full throttle to stop myself from spazzing out like an epileptic or to prevent my eyes whipping around like a confederate battle flag in a hurricane. I also have to screen every word out of my mouth to not break the masquerade. I already start to act like a drunkard when I run out of willpower in prolonged social situations so I have no idea how an actually intoxicated sperg is supposed to function
Using any substance as a crutch to live life is probably bad for you anon, especially something addictive like alcohol. It's tough for us spergs, but we gotta do social stuff legit. No shortcuts or band-aid solutions. It will get easier eventually.
It works extremely well for me and I don't even need to be drunk. It just works. It is like the barriers are gone and I can speak more clearly
I don't believe you but I've never actually touched alcohol before since my mother is such an embarrassing drunk and drugs kinda fucked up my life already
Fellow autist here, I can confirm that alcohol helps with my autism significantly even if it's just three or four drinks

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Moids, describe yourselves using the following template:

>body type
>eye and hair color
>facial features
>personality type
>dress style/aesthetic

Fembots, rate moids ITT.
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You're mentally ill, sorry, I don't feel like elaborating
>the ideal relationships are where you find the opposite gender version of you
maybe you find this ideal. personally i think it would get boring quickly.
>since relationships with mutual attraction and love are impossible in my age bracket
i don't agree, and 26 really isn't that old to be so doom and gloom but i understand why you might feel that way
>I'm just going to be a traveling sperm donor and sugarbaby/escort patron until I get bored then get a surrogate + egg donor and be a single father.
well if that's what you want, hope you're be happy with that life anon
>why do you think being too similar makes us incompatible?
well im also 26 finishing med school and also doing IM and i spend my free time the same way as you (i want to get real hobbies but it's hard with the demands of life) and it'd be really boring if we had the same thing going on and were both super stressed all the time.
>please be honest with yourself it will make sorting out your love life a lot easier and it's less condescending for the person you're talking to.
sorry, didn't mean to be condescending. good luck
>body type
/fit/ otter
>eye and hair color
Blue and auburn
>facial features
Clean shaven, young looking face, small nose, normal lips, fluffy hair, decent chin
Park ranger

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>Of course you're from there lol
I'm not weird. Whores post their bodies, I use them accordingly. I'm just a healthy young man, they're the ones who are being weird and slutty.
>Where do you people get the time and determination for this stuff?
That's probably because you are not passionate about these things. Keep trying new hobbies and learning new stuff until something clicks, and trust me it will. When you are truly passionate about something, you will make time for it. I can't even count the amount of stuff I have tried before really honing in on my interests. This is the key to feeling happy and fulfilled.


my standards for a woman:
>18 to 20
>no min income
>wants kids
>not married
>obese fine
>smoking and drinking fine(if she will quit)
>any hair color, eye color, height, religion

There are about 3 million women in the US that fit my standards. I think thats not super bad, using the internet and taking a more aggressive approach style, I basically have it guaranteed if Im fit and making money. I am 5 11 and 26 years old.

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Why are her standards delusional?
Isnt she allowed to like what she likes?
>women aged 20 to 25, non-smoking, non-married, not obese, white or asian
Is that good or bad? I genuinely don't know.
Also why the fuck is married even an option on a matchmaking website?
I did it again with a six figure income compared to the median income
It was one percent after
ironically the only members of my bloodline that aren't obese are all atheists. Whenever I think of fatasses I always imagine them being southern baptist or some other low IQ American denomination
Shit calculator 0 males like me in America.

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Daily reminder the sudden influx of femoids is part of a co-ordinated raid of trannies from discord.

Topic: Favourite War

Other topics:
>Whats for dinner?
>employment status
>favourite movie
>last book you read
>what really grinds you gears atm?
71 replies and 12 images omitted. Click here to view.
yeah that's a lot more chill, thank fuck
though tell me, if things get crazy but not enough to warrant the cops, what do you do then?
do you just like, radio someone else or? (e.g. a heated discussion about to spill over into a physical fight)
Under normal circumstances I know I'd be able to win a fight, but now if it gets to that I just call the cops and trespass them
oh i meant it happening somewhere else, if you spotted it on the cameras as well
though i suppose trying to intervene is an option, lol
but yeah good choice, not worth the trouble

what do you do at work to pass the time? looking at cameras must be awfully boring, i imagine
Exactly what I'm doing right now while I'm at work, lol. Usually I'm allowed to bring my Xbox in the summer because all the snowbirds go up north so there's nobody here anyways, but my dumbass forgot the controller at home
sounds comfy as fuck, you look like you landed a good job, anon
peak neeting except you're paid for it, living the dream
try and leave your controller and your bag close together, so that when you look at one, you remember to bring in the other
example, i leave my wallet next to my keys always, so i don't forget to bring it with me when i go outside

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Can't get the good goy pills in time
Cannot take it easy
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>hopefully it won't fuck me up too bad then
I'd suggest lowering your dose to save up some and avoid a complete gap. What are you taking?
This is another reason why I don't wanna depend on goy pills...
>have u been playing more eu4?
I did today. My campaign is getting a little chaotic. Got a parliament, money isn't a problem anymore and I still haven't claimed the goldmines. My army and navy are huge. It's going pretty well so far.
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>I'd suggest lowering your dose to save up some and avoid a complete gap. What are you taking?
>This is another reason why I don't wanna depend on goy pills...
has ur therapist ever tried 2 shill u some pills?
>I did today. My campaign is getting a little chaotic. Got a parliament, money isn't a problem anymore and I still haven't claimed the goldmines. My army and navy are huge. It's going pretty well so far.
have u devd the gold mines that u have?
what about other nations? Who are ur rivals?
Kaguya crushes balls daily
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I think I will take it easy for the rest of the day.

But tomorrow I'll either try to get baltoy, honedge or castform.
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>I suppose if u get bored that easily...
cursed with adhd stupid brain
>I enjoy his posts
>he has such a way with words
>I wish he would post more here
true i agree, maybe he'll come back eventually
woah... hat pikachu

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