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We encourage you to have a look around the catalog first to see what we’re all about before posting your first thread. Topics typically posted here include:
>Outdoor recreational activities (Hiking, trail running, bushwhacking, camping, spelunking, geocaching, orienteering, expeditions, urban exploration, backpacking, etc.)
>Gardening, farming and related activities
>Hunting and fishing, and other activities involving the stalking or taking of game (including bird-watching)
>Outdoor survival, bushcraft, foraging, self-sustenance in nature, train-hopping, hoboism, etc.
>Outdoor destinations and exploration (specific trails, parks, regions, etc.)
>Water-related activities (boats, diving, etc.)
>Outdoor philosophy (conservation, Leave No Trace, protectionism, etc.)
>Outdoor building and living (cabins, huts, treehouses, etc.)
>Outdoor social activities and organizations (meet-ups, Scouts, NOLS, etc.)
>Gear related to any of the above topics

Most topics related to the outdoors are fine. Write properly, behave politely, encourage a respectful community, and most importantly, GO OUTSIDE!!
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Just a friendly reminder that threads about weapons which do not pertain to their use in outdoor activities should be posted on /k/ instead. Thanks.

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post your photos
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In any western state it's measured in tens of millions. And in most eastern states I've outed in it does not change, you get harassed by individual or corporate property owners eventually. Image the little sliver of north central PA but times 10 and with even less people going out in it, that's every single western state minus Hawaii.
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You live in Skyrim or something?
Looks nice.
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sunrise from this past weekend

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I have only ever hiked in Europe but I'm interested in experiences other places when I take a sabbatical next year. Pic rel is the type of environments I have hiked.
Pictures please!
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>I've catalogued soooooo many plants, like, a bajillion and eleventy-seven of them
>p-prove it? UHHHHH t-that would be too much work, I'll just say preconceptions some more
Wrong anon. I didn't mention plant diversity, but your insistance that anyone who likes things you don't like is "not in accordance with reality" is indicative of some real mental issues. Seek help.
>Wrong anon. I didn't mention plant diversity,
Bullshit. Almost every single thread you ever appear in you state stuff like.

>barren wasteland
>no trees
>broadleaf forests are the most diverse
>not enough broadleaf trees
>muh species density (and then reference flawed out of date maps which I reference 4 posts above yours here)
>muh that's not diversity that's false
>muh broadleafs

You've been doing this for years and I have seen you debate people you thought were me and I never even posted in the thread. You consistently have been debunked at this point in your delusions and persist in them, which is mental illness in my opinion.
Incorrect; I've never posted anything about "species density". That is a different anon. I don't give a shit about your metrics; I like walking in the woods I grew up in. You need to set aside your delusions and accept that there could be more than one person in the world that likes a place other than your favorite little autist kingdom.
Yes you have, ITT even. In almost every actual debate you've had with me (and not 10 other different western botany anons). You've even at one point claimed that I couldn't find even 100 species if I walked up that canyon by me right now and that your backyard is as diverse as even one of these canyons in AZ (1,000+ vascular plants and 100 tree and another 100+ sub-tree shrub species, also 500 bird species some from as far away as south America and Alaska). You need to accept the fact that your backyard and preferred biome is not actually the most diverse place in even the US let alone the world, and stop projecting your delusions regarding broadleaf forests and the western US as preference only metrics (there are quantifiable metrics that cannot lie and do not have an opinion).
That's all a bunch of nonsense and doesn't prove anything kek.

This is what we do- we set a specific time frame. Make our own thread- tree with time stamp for everyone to see, and see who can ID the most? Other anons would enjoy it- whoever wins or loses still gets to go out in the woods and have some fun.

>I'm not uploading 90 images.
Oh but you'll post 90 TLDRs literally delusional lyrics sperging the same stuff over and over again??

We've already discussed this stuff numerous times. When you look at the BONAP maps the only state out west that really stands out is California. And on the county wide maps there are counties in the southeast that are 1/100th the size of western counties that have higger densities and numbers kek. And this is true for the species wide and vascular plant maps. The tree species maps are just stark tbqh which is why you spreg so bad when someone brings bonap up.

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And what do they do to protect the woods from weekend warrior citidiots?
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i live near ruby ridge so judge for yourself
Take a deep breath and go touch some grass, retard
They hate dogs cause the mongolnigs fucked their ass so hard
>being this desperate to string together some kind of response.
the creative sterility of the empty shell, LOL.
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I'm ruled by HOA's who think they own the fucking beach and ocean as we cater to the ultra wealthy. Welcome to the panhandle of gulf coast Florida...

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You guys do mushroom and plant foraging/identifying?

You ever find anything cool or rare? I found these Datura plants recently and dug them up. Anyone ever found one of those plants that eat insects?
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Check it out I found a castor oil plant. It's the one that contains ricin.
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Found some hemlock as well, will I become smart like socrates if I eat it?
brick cap / Hypholoma lateritium
looks like Suillus spraguei / west coast synonym so long as it's got yellow pores

the brick caps are A+ edible and easily tissue cultured/cultivated on logs/sawdust

I've eaten alot of everything in the genus Suillus, butterball (S. weaverae) and chicken fat boletes (S. americana) are all I really bother with anymore - entire genus is mycorrhizal with pines, damn near the entire genus can be found beneath Eastern white pine (pinus strobus) in the northeast
>Hypholoma lateritium
>Suillus spraguei
Thank you, I will mark this in my notes,and hopefully they return this year,so I can verify.Very helpful.
I saw a pitcher plant recently. It was either in a creek or an overgrown swampy area next to a river.

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I have a dream to see the Wollemi pines in the wild. But the actual location of the valley containing the trees within the national park is a closely guarded secret. Wollemi NP is massive and almost entirely wilderness; I'm pretty sure I could search for years without ever finding them.

Does anyone have any leads or know anything about this?
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All I'm saying is the jannies are fucking lazy for allowing the location to stay up.
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trannies also are lazy. a-are you saying jannies are trannies?
-33.02508002817495, 150.31693168015713

these aren't the coordinates. I just thought it looked like a cool spot for a hike ;)
>jannies protect my exclusive club trees waaah waaah
Either the coordinates get posted and I go harmlessly look at them, or I find them myself and a bunch of them mysteriously get girdled
All someone needs to do is collect botanical cuttings or seeds from domesticated source trees and then hike into a couple of those canyons and start seed bombing and planting more of them.

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how hardcore are you?
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youre a fucking retard if you think a limp-wristed tree faggot has the resilience to do anything except complain on twitter
Like clockwork, this board's quality is taking a nosedive when spring is in the air. See you all in November!
Lmao she did it and none of your seething will ever change that.
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>go on /out/, the outdoors board
>people are complaining and whining about a woman saving a tree
>a woman carried 2 years worth of food on her back whilst climbing a tree
Yeah fake

I heard Europeans find our forests to be woefully underdeveloped, our grasslands astonishingly mundane, our swamps horrifically useless, our plains ridiculously boring, our badlands pitifully impractical, our deserts outlandishly dangerous, our mountains hilariously unusable, and our canyons disgustingly red. Is this true?
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The canucks and aussies ive dealt with are captivated with boring plain birds and some were scared of fireflys, thinking they were some kind of swampgas monster
Europeans destroyed there nature so anything naturally growing that wasn't artificially influenced by European hands and there regulations looks too disorganized for there tastes.
Is it time for shitpost bumpin?
I'm European and would never go to USA. Like 50% of you country is nature not for white men. Dessert, canyoinlands, etc. = not white. Maybe I'd do NE if I had to because the nature is properly european.
The most recent immigration of "white" man into Europe was from the steppes. The other half was from Asia minor and the middle east.

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starting this because i don't want to clutter the catalog with my dumb ass question. i am trying to plan an /out/ing, 4-day weekend type deal. i would ask my best friend who i usually camp with for advice but he's deployed. i'm planning on getting a tent, foam pad, sleeping bag, and solar phone charger. i already own clothes, lighter, water bottle, plenty of packed food, and a mora companion (it was on sale for like $14 and i like to get plant and mushroom cuttings) and flashlight. do i need anything else, or is it all just consumerist memes? forgive me if i forgot anything super crucial, i'm retarded (89 IQ). i don't plan on making fire. i just want to hike and sleep. it's a normie campground so i don't need water purifiers, i think. it'll be in southeast oklahoma, sunny and hitting 60F at night. good weather to not go missing? thanks in advance! :)
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Cool, I used it every other day for about 3 weeks. It works pretty good, gets rid of smells, works better than just wet wipes, I have no idea where all of the sweat and oils and BO stank and frumunda cheese went but it seemed to have been cleaned away
will be fine if properly installed
Undeveloped land is very cheap, and the tax is cheap.
Is there any reason why I shouldn't buy cheap land for conservation as an absentee owner, to protect it from development? I'm in USA, for reference.
I could camp on it. I could later decide to sell it or use it agriculturally, or it could serve as a backup site for mobile home if I get priced out of urban housing.
There's no law saying I have to develop land that I buy, is there?
The worst I can anticipate is squatters or trespassing vandals damaging wildlife while I live in the city, but it's improbably and recoverable.
Has anybody done this?
Recently transitioned over to a propane firepit because I'm tired of buying overpriced wood and hauling it. It's a small setup with a 5 lb propane tank. I live in an apartment and don't have outside storage for the tank, so my plan was to use it all or bleed it empty before returning home and storing it in doors. Everything I see about propane storage says not to store it indoors, even when empty. I should be alright to keep it inside, right? Even if there are residuals, the amount would be so small to not be an issue.
absentee owning land and preventing development isn’t conservation. conservation requires active work like research, invasive removals, plantings of natives, and usage of fire or responding to wildfire. a better way to conserve land is to buy it and then donate it or work out some shared ownership deal with an org like the nature conservancy

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what's your gaymen/entertainment setup when backpacking, /out/?
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My man servicing fixed wireless for yokels to post on facebook
Just get a retroid pocket 4 or whatever the newest one is
You can drink or take a benedryl
Its worth putting some effort into the design. It's rolling out something we'll-made and aesthetically pleasing for game at the end of the day.
She did the chessboard one with six celtic knotwork and runic memery and took some inspiration from link related for the backgammon board.
Bumping for interest
The post that made everyone seethe But he was right. Nintendo Switch+ tent is ultimate comfy.

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What is the tried and true bivy. Light/durable/inexpensive etc

>A battered Brazilian Spanish travel influencer has detailed being horrifically gang-raped in India while her husband was forced to watch — as police revealed Tuesday that eight men have been arrested over the sick attack.

>The couple, who go by Vicente y Fernanda on their social media pages, allege they were set upon by the gang of men while camping in the eastern Indian state of Jharkhand last Friday night.

The place they picked to camp was sketchy as fuck but that later on the night I'm not sure they had many choices left.
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i dated an indian girl once and she talked about how she loved being in canada because she could finally go camping

she was from the south of india, so I know there was nature nearby. I asked her why didn't go camping there. her response:

>oh, women don't go camping in India because they will be raped for that
This should be moved to /trv/
Fuck it if you're a jeet with a dead end life this is a win
how do people not know this? They have gangs of murders and rapists in certain parts that target tourists.

At least when the Brits ran india they put a stop to this
Retard take desu

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>america has no cultur-
America has a culture. And it's beautiful.
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I'm gonna level with ya, bud. You sound faggy.
There's the Adirondacks and the Catskills, most of Maine looks undeveloped as well, but yeah a lot of urbanization on the east coast.
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theres a mountain about 3 kms away from where i live and there are always tons of rabbits there.
maybe im autistic or something but i think it would be really cool to try hunt them only using primitive tools/weapons (nothing more advanced than a bow, and thats already pushing it).
has anyone tried it? or tried rabbit hunting in general? im just looking to get a couple every few weeks or so, nothing too crazy
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>im going to use a slingshot, ive already decided that and you would know if you read the thread
Well fuck you too then, dickhead.
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Everybody does
Can't argue with that
You’re delusional
>curve your shot downwards
What do you even mean by this kek?

But look a bow is obviously alot more quiet. You can also shoot it with relative imputiny as far as there being anything behind the target goes. Having said that, it is about 50x inferior to a firearm obviously if you are actually trying to kill something to eat. For me it is almost strictly sport though I dont have much desire to eat a rabbit. It is fun and rewarding to shoot something with a bow mostly- but it is hard on the animal and some people have certain sensibilities that make this aspect repulsive to them.

I didn't realize you'd be walking around d inhabited places with it kek.

And no I don't do a whole lot with them. Throw them over the back of a chair or set lamps on them etc. that sort of thing.

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New USDA zone map has been released: https://planthardiness.ars.usda.gov/

Koppen Climate Map: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/f/fb/K%C3%B6ppen_World_Map_High_Resolution.png

Search terms:
Agrarian, Agriculture, Agrology, Agronomy, Aquaculture, Aquaponics, Berkeley Method Hot Composting, Cold Frames, Companion Planting, Composting, Container Gardening, Core Gardening Method, Cultivation, Deep Water Culture (DWC), Dry Farming, Espalier, Farmer's Market, Forest Gardening, Forestry, Fungiculture, Geoponics, Greenhouses, Homesteading, Horticulture, Hot Boxes, Hügelkultur, Humanure, Hydroponic Dutch Bucket System, Hydroponics, Keyhole Garden, Korean Natural Farming, Kratky Method, Landscaping, Lasagna Gardening, Ley Farming, Market Garden, Mulching, No-till Method, Ollas Irrigation, Orchard, Permaculture, Polyculture, Polytunnels, Propagation, Rain Gutter Garden, Raised Beds, Ranch, Rooftop Gardening, Ruth Stout Garden, Sharecropping, City Slicker Composting, Shifting Cultivation, Soil-bag Gardening, Square Foot Gardening, Stale Seed Bed, Sugar Bush, Truck Farming, Vermiculture, Vertical Gardening, Window Frame Garden, Windrow Composting, Alpaca, Snail, Toad, Trumpeter, Turkey, Worm

previous: >>2718306
Fruit thinning allows your plant to allocate its resources more efficiently. Each leaf is a source, and each fruit is a sink. If you have too many sinks, the sources will not be able to provide.
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Hi all. The HOA (or the lobotomites they hire) sprayed a bunch of my native plants with round up. The plants im most upset they sprayed were the Solidago goldenrods I grew from seed that I collected on my hikes. Anyone have a similar experience? Some have died back entirely, others the leaves have turned white and thin but still have green grow points, and others have just burns from the splatter.

I believe that theyll bounce back from the root but after a bit of reading Im a little afraid. Apparently roundup can take up to 2 weeks to kill a plant to the root, and it seems roundup is often recommended to kill goldenrod.

Im very very very upset. My garden is really the only reason I havent committed suicide.
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Compost material collection...
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Yes im a larper
Bill them for it and take them to court when they refuse to pay you.
It's about time for me to get my scythe out too.

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