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Last: >>35611930
Qott: what is the laziest thing youve ever done?

Pic unrelated. Here is real op pic: >>35621406
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you genuinely dont have to. even if you believe theyre dumber than you, there is no virtue in hating the dumb. its just petulance. its animal behavior.
repgen then faggot. anywhere but here. you're not a tranner you're just a massive faggot who nobody likes
Do I look like I care.
my insides hurt
will do

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How did your orgasms change after HRT?

im MtF, calculated my w:hr as 0.9, is it over should i give up and boymode forever?
post yours
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shoulder-hip ratio is far more important
Mine is right at .8 waow

Yeah I was gonna say this lmao, my shoulder and chest are so bad
I have a 0.78 WHR, I have not been miss'd or maam'd once. WHR is not a cheatcode nor does it really matter.
though I have to say, I've paid close attention to women's SHR outside and their shoulders are mostly wider than their hips? not sure if it's an ethnic difference or something but it's weird, like the ratio is close to 1 often but generally stays above
spoken like a trhu hip-hon

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I love a bit of jiggle. Seems to be the default straight man body lol
this would of went wild if you told it to a hsts girlie
>It's because Black Americans have started to say it, that was the tipping point I think.
Yeah and the dam is starting to burst everywhere. First in mainstream was Kanye (some say MJ) then it was sort of stewing in the rap community because of course they were bound to notice some coincidences about their labels eventually and how they were treated. Then Candace Owens, and the Hodge Twins, Tommy Sotomayor.

And now its a non-white thing outside of black celebrities also. Its a perfect storm. I have no idea where it goes but its going to take physical force because there is no way you can have a group of protected people talking on an open internet and persuade them to keep quiet all at the same time. You cant keep buying them off either or they will be playing whack-a-mole for eternity.
>default straight man body
americans love outing themselves like this
Ugh thats just weird. Sounds kinda menthol. More than kinda tbph

1. Your letters

2. Which console or consoles do you prefer?
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>I unironically play games on my phone
DISGUSTING. Peasant filth!
which phone games?
M is just one letter
3DS is a console bro
"bi" mtf
and nintendo, mostly now the switch and 3ds
nintendo has always just felt cozy to me, never really was interested in pc games or other consoles

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Talk about cute twink things and cute stories and other wholesome twink things.

QOTT what is the best thing about being a twink
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that does not look like a twink
I call myself a Twink online but I'm actually a 31 yo office worker

you're all so easy to fool
you're a twink on the inside, and online that's what matters
i call myself a twink online but i'm actually a chevy hybrid convertible
>60kg and feel like I should go down to at least 52kg
You trying to be a twink or a skeleton?

What makes you not trans? What's the one attribute or characteristic that makes you fake trans 100% of the time?
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peeing standing up if you still can is different from piv lesbian sex
Not having at least some GNC traits as a child
mtf only interested in cis women
come on, let me have my star wars hons
nta but not wanting a hormonal transition at all (as opposed to wanting it but being unable to get on hormones / the cons outweighing the pros in your circumstances) is where i would draw the line

Sure it gets better. It HAS gotten better for me, I actually received psychiatric help when most people are left to sort themselves out, I am 7 weeks sober, no more smoking, the antidepressants actually do something, they even put me on ritalin again, but the thought, "I should probably kill myself" doesn't go away, the shame, the embarrassment, the cringe, it's still all there and I keep adding new moments to hate myself over, no matter what I do. It's just now that I don't run to the bottle every time I am ashamed or bored or have something to celebrate. And of the things I beat myself up over, most of them I blow out of proportion in my head snd somrtimes other people don't even notice those things, but then someone reminds me there are definitely certain cringe things I did or about me in general which I was right about or didn't even occur to me before... I'm sick of being a freak and a fuck up.
I feel like my sexuality is a curse, and it has only exacerbated all of what I already mentioned. If I had just been straight maybe I would have fit in a little better in school, and I definitely wouldn't have spent so many of my "young adult" years refusing to look inward and understand myself, only half-heartedly following my weirder impulses and never really diving into anything because I was too afraid to go after what I really wanted, too afraid of failure and shame and being ostracized and looked at funny. I wasted the prime years I could have been "crossdressing" and learning to make myself pretty and wearing skirts and being a hot little fag and living my best life. Instead I was repressing AGP and bisexuality, only half-conscious of these things, until after I was married. And that marriage is/was something beautiful and wonderful and I should most definitely be grateful for everything it brought me, not least my best friend and closest confidante and years of genuine love and infatuation and fun and great memories, but...
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It's time to end it all fag
Kek is this a high standard for trannys?
Honestly sound slike autisem why do you care so mutch about being desired by others anyway? sems like something that can never be satisfied. But then agien I will never understand you fags that let your sexuality become your entire being just autisem.
>tranny genes
Now that's a cope I not heard before or is this code for him raping you into a fag?
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no he's done nothing like that. He never even gave me the talk. He's just the embodiment of a macho-man repper and I'm coming to this conclusion years into transition. When I was younger it just felt like being raised as a boy and it was fine.
He looks like an aged Riley Hawk to this day. I already know he's bi and hiding it. He's ashamed of the feelings but I broke past that

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I've noticed that there are many incel chasers on this board. So chasers that are really into trannies but for some reason never have fucked one.

My question is, what the fuck are you doing? Why are you chasers if you don't fuck trannies?
Are you afraid of being seen with a tranny? I just don't understand how you'd be a chaser being into trannies but not go the next step and actually fuck one
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This, the best way for a trans woman to validate herself is to reject me
plenty of tranny are stable anon, i've known a bunch, just haven't found one with who i truly vibe with
I'm not a "chaser" although I am a straight cis man who would be open to dating a trans woman.

Problem is I have no confidence in my ability to attract women whatsoever, whether cis or trans. I have never had a woman express romantic interest in me. I've never kissed. I've never been on a date. I don't like using the term "incel" because I don't agree with their politics, but being a 27 year old kissless dateless virgin still weighs on me heavily.

>not an incel but i guess that question still works for me, i don't want sex just for the sake of having sex, i want someone with who i have a deep emotional bond
This too. I only want a serious monogamous relationship. Casual sex is completely uninteresting to me. I even had female friends at university offer me sex/blowjobs and I turned them down because I don't want it if there's no meaning behind it.
Not an incel, have had dated women before lol. Trans women don’t exist in small Texas towns and LDRs are cringe.
>I am a straight cis man who would be open to dating a trans woman.
If you're completely straight and also not a chaser, why are you on this board?

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I was going post Before and After FaceApp photos of the troons on this board to make fun of them. But what the fuck, they all look close to the Afters and a few of them even look better Before. Are you trannies actually going to make it?
For the rest of you, post yourselves with your FaceApp results and compare.
Hons especially welcome so we can laugh at you and see if your FaceApp results are realistic.
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i'm sure someone saved it from the circus
What, you? I have no idea what you look like from your name alone. Post your own faceapp
What if i just shave my jaw to make it rounder
is this the guy from grooby girls speaking?
you're so fucking annoying, such a transparent sex pest coomer

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>be me, 32 year old mtf 8 months hrt
>depressed, cut off my family completely because they were not supportive
>have basically no one to talk to because i'm a neet and my 8 year long relationship ended after I started crossdressing
>get on some trans subreddits to see if I can find something interesting
>trans meeting at my local mall, bingo
>really stressed, i'm used to girlmode but I don't pass at all
>see the ppl at the meeting and somehow feel worse, i'm most definitely the tallest one in there
>think to myself "meh, another day another failed attempt at trying to be human" after like 30 minutes of not talking to anyone there
>get off my seat to leave while trying not to cry
>while leaving i get interrupted by a small hand and a girly voice saying "hey"
>turn back
>a cute boymoder, she's like way smaller than me in every way imaginable. i'll call her "candy" just for the sake of it
>"how are you, i saw you were alone and wanted to talk to you but i was too nervous, i don't know anyone here"
>answer "oh yeah i don't either hehe but we can talk if ur fine with that"
>she says "i'm obviously fine with that, that's why i'm here lol, i'm trying to meet ppl!"

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I hope your dumbass learned a lesson about being nice at least
>I didn't do it for my pleasure, I just thought it was something she would enjoy.
Do you expect anyone to believe that?
So lucky i look actually decent, if i looked like this i would have killed myself immidiatley LMAO
She told you she was in a relationship from the start. Geuninely subhuman level of communication on your part. But being this retarded is the first step to becoming human if you manage to learn from the glaringly obvious mistakes you describe.

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>6'2" straight MtF
>clocky unattractive face even after FFS
>very broad shoulders
the only trannies who get boyfriends are the ones who are short and pass and are cute.

I am going to die alone.
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Not tryna flex just wanna five you hope
I'm 6 foot 3 and I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years and he's just my type
If I can you can too
lots of us are 6'2 round here it must be a curse
>I'm 6 foot 3 and I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years and he's just my type
>If I can you can too

Tbh it's mostly the ugly part that fucks me over at 6'1 (honestly probably 6'2), being born ugly is hell
>my voice does pass
please please please post voice
Or just date me, I'm a euro too.

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does your chaser bfs friend group scare you?
I don't have a bf :(
I am the chaser bf, hypothetically, my friends are all normal and well adjusted but definitely huge nerds.
get out normie sex haver

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sperg edition

qott: what topic do you know a weirdly large amount about? :3

previous: >>35609481
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Is this girl fr
i take 100mg test c every 5 days
I blame every reverse trap in any series I've read
why do you think youre skinnyfat
Been DIYing close to 11 months now, still in process of acquiring legal roids, don't even know if it'll be worth it at this point. What do you want to know? A lot of your questions can be answered at diyhrt.wiki

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>seethes about poly and cheating no less than 10 times a day
>kilinefelters (low iq)
>aimless arguments and psuedo intellectualism
>ugly as sin under the 3mm of concealer she has in most pics
>built like a twink
>predator towards ftms and talks about wanting ftms all the time
>tries starting drama with other hons
>talks about all her trauma/rape and drug abuse like theyre badges of honot

whats her goal?
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>this is always how it’s been honestly
I mean those are also prime conditions for gaslighting. I hope you don't end up in an abusive relationship because of that.
This kind of passion and honesty is sadly something thats not rewarded but often abused. Stay safe

>but my life is a bit slow at the moment
I wish you all the best, you got out of your addiction, so keep the ball rolling
that's impossible for someone like you i fear
>insisting you know more about my relationship than me
damn so you are just bitter, i guess i jnow why people here dont like you. im sorry that happened to you but after like 3 failed relationships im living my best life and im so happy i never listened to buttmad losers like you bb :)
Jennie literally has no relationship prospects besides being abused lol
nah, she's not a manipulator, she's too retarded for that, she's definitely abusive tho, the whole thing about being obsessed with people 100% show it

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