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The new /sci/ wiki

(More resources in replies)
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Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

If you want advice regarding college/university or your career path, go to /adv/ - Advice.

If you want help with your homework, go to /wsr/ - Worksafe Requests

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How did the lockdowns cause such a phenomenon? Was it all the chinese food that got delivered?
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Holocausting the vaxxxies is Trump's greatest gift to humanity
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>get vaxed to prevent dying from a nonexistent viral epidemic
>die of the vax

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Why are "never events" so common in the medical practice? Are doctors a bunch of lackadaisical incompetent bunglers?
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The various different races of humanity are all identical, evolution isn't real
The parents or the child should get at least some of that money, but the greedy doctors keep it all for themselves
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this just goes to show how unscientific anti-racists are
Doctors are extremely greedy people, everyone who goes into medicine wants to be rich, but they end up frustrated because their wealth is always comparatively meager compared to the truly rich people, such as the insurance company bosses they work for
thats what happens to greedy people, they're never satisfied with what they've got and always want more.

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Dragon Edition

Previous - >>16154376
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>Female(s) have a much higher propensity to be crazy
a lot of guys who worked on the soviet space program were convinced that tereshkova lost her shit during vostok 6 and that was why they didn't fly another woman for 20 years. nothing's ever been firmly settled one way or the other and i doubt it ever will be, but it's a matter of fact that she violated procedure to eat food from a nearby farm after landing, possibly to cover up how she hadn't been eating while in orbit.
>stalked a guy
stalked a girl, the girl you're thinking of was gay

Yes, when they had their official post-mission performance reviews, the men were all rated "very good" or an equivalent phrase, while Tereshkova's performance was rated the inferior "adequete" label.
Women are fundamentally earthly creatures and are not suited to activity outside a gravity well.

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With few exceptions academia wholeheartedly refuses to talk about this subject and racial supremacists aren't exactly objective. Obviously we can be diverse in physical size and appearance. I'm more interested in IQ and temperament which have been proven to be at least partly influenced by genes.
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>So you see that wolf subspecies have been defined without breeding isolation.

>Or do you really think Quebec wolves don't mate with other wolves two miles away because those are from Ontario ?
Subspecies can make hybrids where they come into contact with one another. The map shows geographic isolation which implies breeding isolation. Whether the map is accurate is a separate matter of discussion. Wolf taxonomics are in a terrible shape right now, so I would be surprised if it were.

Anyway, ultimately the lines between subspecies without absolute breeding isolation will be blurry, even more than the lines between the various taxonomic ranks above species. Taxonomics is an evolving field and a lot of junk is still floating about in current records.

Also stuff like lines between species and breeding isolation don't even work for species that don't reproduce sexually or all the nonsense that goes on with plants.
Wolves and coyotes diverged more recently than people.
So... yes? That there is what I would consider a substantial genetic drift between different groups of humanity?
If you define substantial as greater than between wolves and coyotes bearing in mind wolves and coyotes are incredibly closely related.

I'm not really sure what you're trying to say here. Substantial relative what? They're the same subspecies.
Why are all humans considered the same when there is a greater genetic difference by what looks like a factor of ten in various relatively closely related animals

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Which one is the best textbook to learn physics from as a beginner?
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Feynman, definitely
Feynman is only good after you've already learned the subject. I think University Physics is good. You don't need to spend too much time on it before you learn classical mechanics from Taylor, followed by quantum mechanics from Mcintyre and electromagnetism from Griffiths.

It's actually most important that you learn calculus and linear algebra. I liked Spivak's proof based calculus books but honestly you only really need Stewart's calculus for physics. On the other hand I highly recommend learning linear algebra with proofs from Axler or Friedberg, this will help you with quantum mechanics.
>as a beginner
FUP by Alonso & Finn
thanks for the advice friend! the Axler book looks amazing, it makes concepts like vector spaces seem so simple!!!

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Which hypnotic medications causes sleep walking? I've had an anon on /fit/ tell me that all of them do. Ambien will definitely make you sleep walk (and do batshit insane shit while doing so), and lunesta will also make you sleep walk. A lot of unrelated sleep medications will also apparently make you sleep walk, like belsomra; although I find this highly unlikely. GHB is known for literally knocking people out. People will literally pass out in the middle of standing and just fucking drop if they take enough of it. There's a reason why it's such a popular date rape drug. I find it unlikely that this hypnotic would cause anyone to sleep walk. It essentially turns you into a stone at a high enough dose (3.5 ml or higher).
I used to room with a chick in college that would take Ambien and do all kinds of fucked up shit and not remember it. She would cook and leave the burner on, drive places, and she sucked my cock more than a few times while apparently dead ass asleep. I finally had to move out because I was afraid that she would burn the fucking house down on an Ambien zombie adventure while I was sleeping, blowjobs or no.
>and she sucked my cock more than a few times while apparently dead ass asleep.
Kek. Did she ever suck your cock while she was awake and not under the effects of ambien?

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Cherry blossoms bloom in Tokyo, 15 days later than last year, 5 days later than average


Cherry blossoms finally burst into bloom in Tokyo on Friday after heavy rain in the morning, marking the latest blooming in over a decade.
The declaration of the blooming made by the Meteorological Agency came 15 days later than last year and five days later than in an average year. Private forecasters had also expected this year's bloom to come much earlier.

Friday’s blooming is the latest in Tokyo since 2012, when cherry blossoms were declared to have blossomed on March 31, according to the agency.

Cherry blossom forecasting is big business in Japan. As early as in January, companies start to issue forecasts for when cherry blossoms will first bloom and reach their peak.

The weather agency, which began forecasting the annual bloom in 1955, sets a government standard for observing cherry blossom trees. For consistency, the meteorological agency only uses data gathered from the Somei-Yoshino variety, which produces pale pink blossoms.
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that good news tho
No it isn't, if sea level continues to go down at this rate eventually the oceans will dry up completely
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Did global warming do this?
hey look the 20th climate change thread

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>You have 2000 physicists at CERN and not one of them is famous because they haven't done anything original

How do you respond without sounding like a CERN physicist?
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We need a bigger one.

who's the wallmart keira knightley?
the n word is racist
The Greeks only had irrational reasons, they should've trusted the soiyence
How much longer until LHC creates some sort of breakthrough discovery that has any substantial use? Two weeks?

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Background: Symptoms of primary HIV infection, including fever, rash, and headache, are nonspecific and are often described as flu-like. COVID-19 vaccination side effects, such as fever, which occur in up to 10% of people following COVID-19 vaccination, can make the diagnosis of acute HIV infection even more challenging.

Case presentation: A 26-year-old man presented with fever and headache following COVID-19 vaccination. The symptoms were initially thought to be vaccine side effects. A diagnostic workup was conducted due to persisting fever and headache > 72 h following vaccination, and he was diagnosed with Fiebig stage II acute HIV infection, 3 weeks after having unprotected anal intercourse with another man.

Conclusion: Thorough anamnesis is key to estimating the individual risk of primary HIV infection, in patients presenting with flu-like symptoms. Early diagnosis and initiation of antiretroviral therapy is associated with better prognosis and limits transmission of the disease.
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Who makes and sells the AIDS drugs? They're going to be making massive profits off this
same people who made and sold the vax that causes aids
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>complain about the vax?
>they give you AIDS as revenge and to shut you up
They do that, but then they screech about homophobia out of the other side of their mouths

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what happened to sabine?
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That's just what happens when women don't have kids and their clock runs out.
she has twin teenage daughters
Huh... Some other kind of mid-life crisis, then.
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I'm reminded of pic-related.
I'm too baked/tired to come up with a caption though.

I am not against vaccines in general, but after covid I started to question a lot things going on in the "scientific community".
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>everything is about politics because i'm obsessed with politics
>i'm too low IQ to control muh childish projection instinct
>narrative quastioned
>must be /pol/
consumption is way down since the 1800s too
Consumption is way down, because they stopped declaring every respiratory issue as "tuberculosis" aka consumption.
Same goes for Neuralgia, wtg science!!

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i was just perusing nairaland and i noticed they like the same kind of memes that /sci/ does
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>it creates safe spaces for bullies, thieves and slackers and other kinds of destroyers of society
Seems to me like tolerating intolerance would do that much better
people were so shit at memes back then, rage comics were actually sometimes good by comparison
they're closer timewise to demotivational posters made by unhinged boomers than to present day
>mom scolded me for acting like a retard in public
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is it the epiphenomena of 5-HT receptor agonism, i.e. the hallucinogenic experience, or is it the neurological changes such an enhanced neuroplasticity due to BDNF release?

I have always found this perplexing
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Her husband needs to make one more change and it will be perfect for him.

Imagine having to live with a women like this.
Grow your own. I was in the same boat several years ago. Now I grow 10+ dry ounces a year that I give away to people who want them. I microdose on a schedule and only trip about twice a year while camping.
If you're not retarded they are stupid easy to grow.
Good to see that there are somewhat responsible psychonauts out there, to counterbalance the irresponsible "party drug" crowd.
I spent tens of hours in my early teens holed up on Erowid learning everything I could about these substances, before I ever set my hands on any of them

anyway I had undiagnosed ADHD & Autism; addressing that changed my drug-seeking behavior almost instantly (just a weed hippie now).
My brain was not retaining enough dopamine or something like that; it's no wonder I was so drawn to drugs
That is exactly what she is so worried about
American? It’s ridiculously easy to grow them here

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Get a degree in business. Climb the corporate ladder or go into business for yourself. Also consider a job in government, or criminal justice. You don’t want to end up homeless do you anon?

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Science bachelor's degrees are a joke. They don't qualify you for anything
Even if he doesn't have a desirable degree or skill, ten years in the field means he should know something which he can leverage for at least the same position elsewhere.
Are companies hiring for his skills?
didn't read. you're a fag.
excellent advice
it's easy to judge others when you haven't walked a mile in their shoes, if you lived a life similar to his you'd probably end up the same, empathy is missing in those who haven't endured hard circumnstances.
Curiously enough my father leeches off my family and he sucks and all, but it's definetively a leap to say that all homeless people are like my deadbeat/lazy dad.

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