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is devil may cry 5 the peak of cuhrazy?
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For some reason, a lot of action game players hate it when a game forces them to experiment and not just play the same exact way against every enemy. The way I see it, "annoying enemies" that force you to play in a different way are good for action game design, that is if they actually follow the rules of what the game actually designed its’ systems around for and encourage you to play in interesting ways as opposed to Simon Says-tier interactions.
4 and 5 do it wrong. 3 works because of the limitation of allowing only 1 style and 2 melee weapons at a time.
Combofaggotry has been a disaster for the DMC community
Werehog xisters, we eatin good
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Nigger iq tier post. Fodder aside, every single bayo enemy is fought in the exact same way, and all the mechanics and systems pigeonhole you into the samey, simon says playstyle, as opposed to actual action games.

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>Gaslighting inhabitants into letting dangerous ghouls live inside
>Exterminate said dangerous ghouls after they kill and get rid off of all inhabitants
Nice morality system.
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>this might sound weird to an American but in theory you're supposed to rehabilitate the person you've put in prison, give him useful life skills to they won't have to commit crimes again
You make it sound like committing crimes has no real consequences, which gives green card for criminals to become even worse criminals
I can tell you're a european who doesn't have to deal with nigs, because black people in general see empathy as a weakness to be exploited, especially in Africa
>feral ghouls chase me while I go to meet the ghouls and immediately aggros them
Genuinely didn't know there was another way to complete. These games are so fucking trash. I got so sick of it by the end I didn't even bother to do the whole quest for the talking tree. Let that nigga fry.
Attack speed does nothing on Thermic Lance or Chainsaw (the best melee weapons)
Crit damage may not seem like much on a weapon with only 10 extra damage on crit, but you get like 5 chances to crit per second, and taking all crit damage perks causes pretty much anything that grazes your lance to instantly explode. The game becomes actual w+m1
>t. finished melee run doing this about 3 days ago
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>man from britain decides to travel across the atlantic for unknown reasons
>does so through unknown means
>settles in a tower inexplicably located in the middle of nowhere
>all the residents are filthy rich but nobody knows why
>they have clean water even though the main plot of the game is that no one knows how to purify water in the DC area somehow
revenge is always morally correct. revenge is based. revenge IS justice.

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Why can't japs make a good user interface for their video games?
>what westoids think a good UI is
Nice shit thread retard fatfuck

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Junko archive
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how scantily clad are we talking?
>hebe archive
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Uzawa Reisa! SAN JO!
fucking retard

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I, for one, think that the Sinclair buffs were badly needed and that the new Ishmael EGO is well balanced.
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How I've fucking missed you. Such a cool abno.
That's how it's been since Lob.
The threat level on gear was streamlined before because they're mass manufactured so anyone fitting the criterias could become a Claw clapping machine. It's different now, though as for what is evaluated to know what creates a good resonance between the sinner and the abno is an absolute mystery to me.
No one will be able to convince me that Heathcliff resonates so well with My Form Empties that he gets it at HE. I can get behind Alleyway Watchdog but damn, MFE really?
Then you look at Gregor with Maggoty Apple and it's Zayin for him, which creates interesting implications.
All in all, this entire rambling to say I look forward to ALEPH EGO Crash Testing Dummy for Sinclair.
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Even linton got laid and actually impregnated ■■■■■ in one of the mirror world... so don't the mighty to some pathetic anon who can't accept reality
>cuck queen
You can't even fucking spell KEKQUEAN correctly
get the fuck back in your shed

not even Hod would want to get near you
Kim is super fucking strong even in early sotc
Does he fall off shortly after?
On demand Rip-Space (more rng dependent) for ishmael if that makes sense

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Eve is my wife

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>We don't want politics in our videogames
Then explain why Metal Gear is such a success.
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According to who? Jews?
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We've had fascists presidents for 30+ years and we'll have another one for the next four.
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hey beter
>>We don't want politics in our videogames
"Politics" in this context is a code word for "gay tranny nigger shit"
>nuclear deterrence
>rogue ai
>child soldiers
>underground organ trade
>actual rape


>respect my heckin' pronouns, bigot
>gurrl POWER yayyy
>trans women are women
>i was literally raped in a call of duty lobby

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The anti-japanese/anime sentiments on /v/ are out of control as of late. So I ask all of (You) to JOOOOIIINNN MEEDEE, and proclaim your love of japanese vidya!
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is that jap fanart of a western cartoon? it's over, they've been corrupted
>The anti-japanese/anime sentiments on /v
hahahaha what
this website dickrides japanese media way tooo much and i say that as someone whose favorite games are all japanese
kek i didn't say it was; i just called your association exploitable and retarded.
Don't worry xister, you're valid and heckin based!
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maybe if everything they made wasn't juvenile slop that cateres to the untouched then id give it a little more respect

the only thing commendable that has come out of japan has been touhou

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>bricks your windows

heh, nothin personnel kid
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The falsely so called galactic federation of light and its Jewish protectees still can't get over it.
>microkike's initiative NGSCB (next-generation secure computing base)
Yeah I know, I've been mentioning it for a few months to enlighten the zoomers. It's clear they're trying to push it through again with the Windows 11 TPM requirement.
Dumbledore said calmly.
If you told them even if they asked they would tell you "Who asked?"
not him. I didn't, but if they want to bleed money by going full kike, they're more than welcome to

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are you taller than Queen Marika?
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why are all fromsoft MCs manlets?
I get having a single size for the hitbox, but couldn't they have been taller?
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marika means 'fag' in portuguese
No one in my family is taller than 5'4"
>not short enough for ass level
>not tall enough for tits level
I want to die
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Same as me, astolfo and bejita.

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waiting for the demi-ramuh confirmation
it's not an ability, doesn't have the ability effects, so whatever summoner casted in the benchmark is a spell and not an ability
very weird post
why do you care?
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catbox now

This is what WoW players want
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i need
Pandas are for monogamous vanilla love
Panda wife happy life
yes, that is exactly what i want

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So Marvel vs. Capcom is pretty much dead now that 2XKO, Garou: COTW, and Hunter x Hunter Nen Impact, are all anime fighters, right?
diaper negro
I don't have any problems pooping, I haven't had them in decades.
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They made Rogue ugly

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Post sage horny designs
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>the fucking manface
No wonder journalists were praising this shit.
The artist is a female coomer, so she rushed through the female designs and then spent months on the male ones, and the designs kept getting delayed because of how much she was cooming to them.
She's completely shameless
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This is what she looks like if you guys are wondering
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>sage horny

When will Japanese realize that gamers all around the world think boys in their games look gay as hell?
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Go back to /pol/ notboogie
>boys in their games look gay as hell
And that's unironically a good thing.
>t. bisexual
It helps that the japanese society see it as a phase so they don't have a problem
>here, get satisfied
>and admit it
the ones that post in /vt/ pretend they don't post in this hateful site
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His voice is so annoying. Feels forced
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I wish I had someone in my life to do this with me.

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>If consumers are led to believe that a game will remain playable indefinitely for certain systems, despite the end of physical support, the CPRs may require that the game remains technically feasible (for example, available offline) to play under those circumstances.
Only 1 month in and Stop killing games already won in the UK.
Australia, Brazil, Canada and the EU next
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EULAs are literally made to be unreadable on purpose. They are excessively long, full of legalese, and most importantly presented AFTER you already made the purchase. They aren't valid. If you want to actually make a game that only works for 10 years, you gotta put that shit on the cover, big bold letters: "WARNING: GAME EXPIRES AFTER 9/2027". See what it does for sales.
>>No you aren't, I'm selling a license to play the game
ok i wont buy it
The first adult response ITT
I don't mind giving you my sloppy seconds.
>No you aren't, I'm selling a license to play the game
This isn't how European consumer law works, you can't say you're "indefinitely renting" a product. You can't sell a car and take it back several years down the line. The EULA can call it whatever it wants but the EULA is not legally binding.

>there are absolutely ZERO good boxing games
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Fight night champion is goated. Just looked it up and it's trapped on 360/PS3, which is a shame. Might emulate on rpcs3 later, thanks for reminding me.
>incredible roster
>absolute dogshit everything else
FUCK Don King Prizefighter
>Just looked it up and it's trapped on 360/PS3
Back compat on Xbone/Series. Just played it the other day. I think you can actually still buy it too.
You can buy it. It's on gamepass.
Yep, that's the Don King Magic™ at work.

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Viva New Vegas now has an automated wabbajack install, you have no excuses
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>Nazi modder makes his mod gay by removing all the waifus
Every time
Do people not follow advice, and still install shit in program files. I only crash in New Vegas if I try running borderless window tweak. Besides that it's stable.
That's just how it is Anon, modding takes a lot of reading and different programs, that's just how it is. Otherwise your game will crash. The easiest way to mod a game is wabbajack, you still have to use a list that's known for being stable. You can't expect it to be a quick easy thing because it isn't, and many people will give awful advice and many hugely popular mods are awful and break your gamer so you can't trust that either, all you can rely on is a trusted wabbajack or take your time to read a lot and know how to look for conflicts
NV trooner is having another melty.

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amd and nvidia are both owned by the same people
but dumb goyim will keep fighting about which is the better jew
I meant the 4080 since you said if Nvidia didn't price it under $1k you'd skip
if i were to go for the 4070s which brand would be the better one?
>I wouldn't recommend a 12GB card for someone playing at 1080p
I have an 11gb card and play at 1080p, and have yet to see any game that needs 12gb VRAM at 1080p. newest games are usually in the 5-8gb range at ultra textures. it's when you try to turn on raytracing that VRAM usage goes up above the 8gb mark consistently
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>Vanguard Group

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How did this game manage to have this many players after 2.5 yrs ??

I was told it's a failure cuz of open world
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No it won't, because the DLC is set before Farum Azula. There will be overlevelers coping with every excuse at not being able to craft builds and then people that actually play the game
It's woke
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you seem the only one upset here
Target 138 so you can grab 125 and 150 meta
No the pvpclown is. That's how it always works out. She gets mad bc 150 incidentally avoids her naturally in invasions so she rages about it.
Iys funny to be honest famiglia

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