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This board is for the discussion of topics related to business, economics, financial markets, securities, currencies (including cryptocurrencies), commodities, etc -- as well as topics relating to starting and running a business.

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Reply to existing threads about a topic instead of starting a new one. Mods will delete obvious duplicate threads and spam without notice.

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You've probably noticed that /biz/ has a problem with spam. We've had to issue roughly 300 bans a week on /biz/ since January just for advertising and begging, and every day there are a dozen new pump & dump shitcoins being shilled. All this spam pushes actual discussion of business and finance off the board, and creates an atmosphere where users suspect each other of inauthentic behavior (i.e., being scammers or bots).

In an effort to address the spam, we're trialing a new system: email verification. To post on /biz/ you will need to verify your email address using this link: https://sys.4chan.org/signin

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The goal of this new system isn't to eliminate spam and shilling entirely; no system is perfect and perfect is the enemy of good. The goal of this system is to reduce the ease with which bad actors can spam the board, such that the mods and janitors can deal with the remaining spam more effectively.

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>Basic Information

>ex-board member Holly Etlin makes claim that what happened to Bed Bath & Beyond has not happened except in cases of fraud
>Share Buyback Fraud Explained

>Do companies state that they face bankruptcy...but then *suddenly* do a 180 "Reverse Uno", squeeze short sellers and bring riches to shareholders?

>How Can BBBYQ Exit Chapter 11 In A Way That Benefits Shareholders

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It’s funny when you realize you posted yet another example of baggie predictions becoming reality only to promptly delete it.
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>Has bonds
>Says he isn't involved
You did pay for his OnlyFans to find out the truth didn't you? Or did you just follow what he said and hire a lawyer like he paid Michael to do?
Are you short circuiting? This is a blend of 3 different talking points with no clear direction. Once again, I’m genuinely sorry that bbby and jpm colluding to commit stock buyback fraud somehow hurts your feelings. Thats outside of my control.
For those that didn’t get a chance to read the lawsuit against the old bbby board, there are two important takeaways. One, Goldberg has access to all bbby emails dating back to at least 2019. Two, Goldberg has an inside source that knows about closed door off-the-record meetings that occurred between jpm and the bbby board. They have everything they need and more. If I was short I’d be nervous.
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It is pretty strange that for as dead as these threads have been, as soon as the lawsuits appear, the seething comes back too. How very strange.

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>shilled heavily here for weeks
>rugged for 8k


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This is supposed to be the legendary halving.
>supposed to be

That means everybody is expecting it.
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grass is tokenizing AI data management, surprised that there is no biz thread yet

follow this link to register for their open beta


go for it anon
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Grass is a platform with a ponzi scheme.
Pyramidal scheme.
Fuck you anon
no purchase necessary

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he allegedly evaded fifty (50) million united states dollar in taxes
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>why are you admiring him so much?
That is kind of normal for early days bitcoiners.
Roger introduced me to bitcoin in 2012.
It's hard to imagine what bitcoin really was in 2012-2015, because you're assuming it had anything to do with today's crypto community. It wasn't. The reason people were buying was not because they wanted to dump on others at one point, it was because they were emotionally invested in bitcoin succeeding as global cash, it gave them purpose, and buying bitcoins meant that their selfish interests are aligned with their idealistic spark.
What interested the community back then wasn't price, it was adoption, and real-life use cases of bitcoin being a helpful tool to make humanity better. Nigerians in the West, and Pakis and Indians in Dubai were dumping expensive remittance services and sending 20-30% more money to their families, which helped them feed 3-4 children each and return to them earlier than expected.
Communities in Africa were being connected with the financial system of the free world, and they could do simple freelance jobs that could feed their villages (ie personalised safari trek videos for $5, which was their monthly salary at some places).
US citizens buying lifesaving drugs smuggled from Canada for hundreds when they would have been charged their house for the same thing in the States.

Roger was the machine that kept it all going. It is hard to imagine how selfless the man truly is, he practically dedicated his life to making the world better for others, which makes the smear campaign against him feel like an attack on all of us from that period.

He led us when BTC was being hijacked, he attracted all the nastiest punches imaginable and took all of them for the team, and all the team wanted was to create a better world, and enriching themselves was further down the priority list.
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>Why do you know so much about him
Honestly, if you lived the early bitcoin era you'd know it, too.
Roger was everywhere, many of those projects are gone now, but we didn't really have 2384 shitcoins, 283 exchanges and 23984 defi products.
We had one or two of everything and I simply remember seeing Roger's face everywhere.
You probably though of me as someone who had a schoolgirl crush and went on to research the guy, but really I was just there when things were getting built and it was always Roger in the middle of it.
>he DID a lot of things that helped the eco system, but those were all in his own interest as interest in the first place
That's really not the case. The man sold his lambo to buy bitcoin at $1, but then sold hundreds of thousands of bitcoin for dollars again in order to fund these businesses. I guess bitcoin would have never taken off had he not made this sacrifice, but you could imagine how easy it would be for him to just lie and wait for a moon mission.

He started the ecosystem because he cared. He gave money to anyone in bitcoin who would ask for some, in order to build something, with the exception of Brian Armstrong (who ironically became the richest of them all) - because Roger was against holding your bitcoins with a third party, and that's what Coinbase was on day one. He felt like while the business will become popular, he'd rather skip making money, because he wanted people to learn how to set up their own wallets, and he didn't want to financially help businesses that teach users to do the exact opposite.

> He seems like a scumbag guy with anger issues
He was literally attacked by glowniggers 24/7 for years. He led a miserable life that would destroy anyone's nervous system, too, but none of us is nearly as selfless as the dude, so we find it hard to put ourselves in his shoes.
> and nobody really seems to like him besides you
99% of early bitcoiners adore the man, the rest are the Max Kaiser type of pump and dump scammers
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3/3 - as I said 99% of early bitcoiners adore the man, the other 1% are the Max Kaiser type of pump and dump scammers. Then anyone who joined crypto in 2017 was basically greeted by "hi there, bitcoin is supposed to be small block, roger ver idiot tranny scumbag scammer". The history was being erased, and replaced by shameless propaganda. It's impossible to understand bitcoin pre-2017, because any attempt at researching will just yield more and more propaganda.
If you truly care about understanding bitcoin from the pre-2016 era, Roger's book might very well be ONLY resource you have. I strongly suggest reading "Hijacking Bitcoin".

>I'm REALLY not trying to be a dick here even if it may sound like it mate.
You're the exact opposite of a dickhead, you are someone who feels that he might be wrong about an opinion he holds so you're genuinely asking for the other perspective.
That's literally a trait that 99% of people don't have.
I can tell you were late to the crypto party but with your curiosity and open mind you're almost guaranteed to make it one way or another.
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Actually 4/4
Just felt like giving you some food for thought.
You seem to think that 99% of people dislike Roger.
Could be true nowadays, but here is the stereotypical person who likes Roger:
> Went into bitcoin for reasons other than "making it"
> made it
> fought against bitcoin and crypto becoming a useless casino
And the typical person who dislikes Roger
> In hopes for a Lambo bought bitcoin for $1000+ - very likely from Roger himself, who sold his lambo to buy Bitcoin at $1
> thinks he understands bitcoin better than Roger, completely blinded to his own hilarious display of hubris and brainless arrogance
> has built 0 businesses in his life and has led 0 people
> likes crypto because of the ability to buy at one price, and scam others into buying at a higher price
>Remember his "you're killing children [by not using bcash]" moment?
The point he was making was 100% correct.

>Basic information
In response to the scam-mania that 2021-/biz/ was jannies have decided to go scorched earth and kill the board with over moderation.

This is an appeal to jannies to please allow at least 1 general where there are no rules and we can once again try to find mooners amongst the trash.

We accept that every project shilled in this thread is a scam, nobody should buy anything here. This is purely for research and entertainment purposes. However posting a honey-pot or other flatly malicious contract should still warrant a perma-ban.

I encourage people to post pump.fun tokens or other tokens that have been around at least for 3 weeks. 99% of projects go to zero within 3 weeks, and pump coins have hardcoded out many of the common rugs such as liquidity pools and malicious contracts. This provides a level of safety crypto for degens that crypto hasn't seen in years.

>General insights
Memecoins are likely to be a new asset class, similar to NFT's. Yes there will be a huge bubble and many people will get rekt, just part of the cycle. They are here to stay, only the strong will survive.

Highly recommend everyone reading the following threads. Memecoins are literally the best casino in the world, degen millionaires are being minted constantly.

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Study btc rune coins.
-Decentralized: is 2nd rune to be minted, created by cyber apes nft community
-Pups: 13th rune to be minted, pre rune coin you can buy the brc20 version or bridged sol version. Biggest meme on btc right now
-Wzrd: 17th rune to be inscribed, very first btc meme ever created done by maven bot in 2013 for btc subreddit. Huge potential to take over pups as top meme, but is 100% a blue chip regardless

Buy these coins now or cope, seethe and dial8. The biggest bullrun narrative will be shitcoin casino on the mother chain (btc).
The true world peace coin is PUPS on BRC20 and soon to be on Runes.
i got airdropped decentralized for holding a wizard ordi. i think i sold it for $100?

shill me on it if i should rebuy in size, i dont like the ticker it sounds like a utility coin and not a memecoin

i faded pups to my demise, but i have a decent wzrd bag. cant catch every moon its fine to fade some imo

also just taking a moment here to dab on all the hammy haters. outperforming 100% of the market and this is just the beginning. repricing to 100m will be swift, and billies comes after
What do you guys think of Mochi and Circle and APU?
got listed today, bought a bag after it shortly dipped at 650k mc or something today

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pssst here's a secret

grass is tokenizing AI data management, surprised that there is no biz thread yet

follow this link to register for their open beta


go for it anon

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It looks like the meme season is over. What's the next bullish narrative?
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Meme season was a trap. Avoid it. RWAs with NXRA and DUA, AI with Fetch. Do some research.
Stop with that negative dream. We're still in the bull run so it is just a little correction. As long as you're in the right narrative such as real world asset and account abstraction, I believe you're safe.
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>It looks like the meme season is over
Sure thing, Bobo
pssst here's a secret

grass is tokenizing AI data management, surprised that there is no biz thread yet

follow this link to register for their open beta


go for it anon
Shitcoin casino on the motherchain (btc) study rune tokens

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Cryptocurrency has no value. If I bought all the crypto coins that exist, what would I be able to do that I can’t do now?
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I don't get you, what's your goal?
One thread, you say utility memecoins are worthless, another one you say all of crypto is worthless

Are you doing Ok?
who are you trying to FUD lil bro
i don't think any currency has great utility or value if only one person holds it
you are the same retarded of the pdfs, i see you are changing thread when you are humiliated in one lol
doesn't matter how much money you have, lil bro
you won't get your dick wet, girls can smell the ick oozing outta your bitch ass
you will die fiatcel

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Alright boys, no memes, serious replies only.

Do we expect $12 $13 to be the new accumulation support line or do we expect another run down?

I am tempted to place a major buy order or dca the way down.

Fundamentals, technicals, and Sergey looking wellfed and strong.

Remember, this coins value is tied to its value generation not it's hype. The singularity is approaching. With each new product release, we are going to see the god candle soon. Link is capturing more and more biz. The pop won't be expected. But I just wanna be as deep into link as possible before it.

At the end of the day buying link at $5 or $13 is irrelevant when it hits $81k.

Please share serious thoughts
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>"Link is just a 7 year old altcoin built on Ethereum"
>continues to make 11 pbtid
fucking lol

>everything regarding Chainlink is 5-10 years away
Still closer to mass institutional adoption than any other crypto.
Err, anon.. Tesla has already lost the race. They kicked the race off and were the only competitors, and now major car companies have come in and simply produced better vehicles across every metric. More powerful, more efficient, more luxurious, more stylish, better technology, safer. Tons of excellent options in the EV class now. But it's completely different, they never stood a chance to really corner that market because of course as soon as there was money to be made competitors who have been building cars for multiple generations would come in and eat their lunch.

With Chainlink the business model is so much different. It's not a product to sell to retail, it's infrastructure for businesses to build on. Tesla builds cars. Chainlink builds roads. Try coming in to a city and saying "I'm going to build my own highway to compete with the city's highway". See what happens.
i dont see us dropping much further unless the overall market decides to take a huge dump. Consensys talk at the end of this month is key in understanding the trajectory for the rest of this bull run. if its another nothingburger i dont see us regaining more than the Staking announcement high of 0,00067 BTC/LINK, if we get something more definitive I think we can have a rerun of 2020.
singularity is all but confirmed now, so it doesn't really matter, but it would be nice to take some more profits and upgrade life quality
>. See what happens.
most major toll roads are privately owned
Yeh baby and Chainlink built them all and the pool is closed

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ticker is joe
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pssst here's a secret

grass is tokenizing AI data management, surprised that there is no biz thread yet

follow this link to register for their open beta


go for it anon

now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?
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>not fucking retardio token
Cool story man, I'm down like 300k. Still not selling.
the schizo fudders won. for what purpose i know not. but it was an ember about to burst into a great bonfire until it was doused with fud.
Our plan was simple, after we were mocked and ridiculed relentlessly we decided to End the fox coin. Apologize in the telegram and maybe we'll let it reach .003 again.

This is an incredibly faggoty LARP, even by 4chan standards

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So in the last couple of weeks we've had:
>Sergey has been talking to central and commercial major banks in finance centres across the world and it's universally clear that Chainlink is the access point between trillions of tradfi dollars and blockchains
>CCIP GA is open and transactions are going parabolic
>Chainlink has made nearly $400 million in income, with $50 million of that just in the last couple of months
>Paris Blockchain Week names Sergey Web3 personality of the year
>VRF 2.5 comes out
>more competitive pricing model comes out
>Chainlink joins ISSA (the International Securities Services Organisation) as its only crypto project
>Sergey and Johnathon Ehrenfeld Solé are on stage together again at the end of the month
and probably more that I've missed.

And on the other side we have torpid, completely BTC dependant price action. No notable volume, no decoupling, no sentiment change. You can't even blame "Sergey dumps" because there's no extra volume, no inflow for him to sell into. Team dumps or no dumps make no difference when there is simply zero general will to buy LINK, and this despite the fact that the product update said that they were working on auto-conversion of all incoming payments to LINK as well as all payments in non-LINK assets having a premium.
What does it mean? What is a market? Is the market some sort of abstract representation of the usefulness and perceived future usefulness of something, rendered in dollar terms? So is Chainlink not only not useful, but not perceived to be useful in the future, despite everything that has happened?
What does literally any of this mean if the unbelievable tsunami of positive Chainlink development is completely, and I mean COMPLETELY decoupled from the price of the fuel that the Chainlink network runs on?
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what fundamentals? its all been selling and no value brought back to the token. There is no reason to hold his if you're not a dev
staking, CCIP universal gas payments, functions, VRF are all examples of the LINK token being used as either direct payment or collateral. Just because the end user does not need to hold the token in his wallet does not mean that the token is not accruing value from the protocols utilizing the Chainlink services
everything you just listed is not getting used.
the usage is only ramping up over time, and we are not even in DeFi season yet
checked and wrecked fuddiecucks who are still doing captcha's and throw away email verification just to get called dumb niggers faggots, the only purpose they have in life to fulfill

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pssst here's a secret

grass is tokenizing AI data management, surprised that there is no biz thread yet

follow this link to register for their open beta


go for it anon

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grass is tokenizing AI data management, surprised that there is no biz thread yet

follow this link to register for their open beta


go for it anon

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so, we've officially entered the red days. This is starting to look a lot like 2016.
Short term, some additional small dumps and a crabbing summer are on the way, great time to DCA.
Everything perfectly on track for the top in late 2025.
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Yeah it seems to be going along pretty normally like the 2017 cycle.
2019-2021 just kind of looks fucked up for whatever reason, I think people who were underwhelmed in that period will be in for a surprise.
Going to be stacking like crazy this summer 2025 will be wild
What about good chainlius?
Paused my DCA, budgeting out some debts and stacking cash rn. We either get the dip and I can do a high impulse injection and continue to DCA, or I live with the bags I built thus far. Either way I'm happy desu
yeah last run was atrocious. normal cycle would have ended just north of 100k in november.
personally I think we will have a nice crabby summer and then price discovery in fall/winter and a blow off top in Q2. I'm not betting on the bullrun continuing into second half of 2025 because I feel like this is the majority opinion

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>Live a pretty good life in a country I like
>Have gf that wants to start a family
>Stable job with an okay salary (100k)
>Around half a mil in crypto in ETH/BTC
>50k ish on the stock market
>Travel often
>Good social life

Yet I'm not really happy.

I often think about wanting to have 5 mill to buy a home, break up with gf and just live a chill life with full freedom to do whatever I want.

I feel like that is never going to happen though, I'll be forced to have a family, buy a home with all my savings and settle down with insane opportunity cost loss that will forever tie me into an "okay but mediocre and average life" and it sucks.

You might think "poor guy he's complaining of a life that many would kill for" and I get you. Even knowing this fact and my position of privilege makes me feel worse.

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>I wish I had $5m so I could buy the generational top of real estate
there's a reason you don't have $5m
Just wanna get someplace to not have to worry about rent, doesn't have to be worth 5m or close

>Anon, I've been working for this company since I was 16. I started off working part time and now I'm the CEO. Why should I hire a 30 year old with limited work experience?
I have a tight bussy and i'm a fast learner... *wink *wink.

Retail investors got burned too many time to buy your ponzi coins /biz

r/Buttcoin is right.
Retail would continue to get burned if they could buy in ICOs at $50m cap.
But literally everything launches at $1B+ these days. What was EigenLayer? $15B or something? Absolutely retarded bullshit. The exit liquidity is the first day buyers then it's just downhill from there.

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