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Post the most delicious substances known to men
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Correct assessment but wrong solution, this here however
Don't sleep on Grey Poupon. It's good stuff. Pretty middle of the road, inoffensive, easy to eat, goes well in mayonnaise for instance.
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you will probably hate this one even more. it's like a stronger more pure version of the american yellow. less sweet a lot more more spicy.
Taco Bell's "Hot" hot sauce is delicious stuff.

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Do you scrape your plate into the trash, or are your pipes good enough that you don't need to?
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I generally eat most of it or save it for leftovers. But every once in a while when I clean the fridge out and there's some 2 week old whatever, I'll scrape most of it into the trash before running it through the garbage disposal. It's just common-sense household management. A garbage disposal isn't magic; it's there so you don't have to keep a sieve when clearing out bits from your cereal bowl, not to magic food away.
That's actually pretty irresponsible. Typical of most central Europe "green" policies, it's green-signaling, but decomposing offgasses way more harmful chemicals than proper disposal and filtered incineration does. But filtered incineration is expensive and non-Northern Europe is poor.
pulverising your food waste down the sink is the most backwards amerilard thing ever invented. use a fucking trash can.
>fellow time saver
I let my dogs do that for me unless it's spicy

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ITT: stupidest fucking kitchen gadgets
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I always wanted one of these in my car
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>local man baffled as coffee is still "too hot to sip" after three hours
this looks like something peter griffin would use
le monke
I also fuck this guy’s wife.

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Who does it best?
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Correct. So much of this retarded thinking, the kind that causes people to say the west "doesn't have a culture" and then go out and attempt to roll their Rs when they order "arroz con pollo" from a Mexican chain restaurant, is just due to the language we've chosen to use about these things. We could have just described Indian staple dishes as "stew" (like he have here, and everywhere) but we very strangely decided to refer to them by their main spice, so it sounds like some uniquely foreign miracle that we would have had no chance of discovering on our own.
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Japanese curry
>You're right about Japan but curry actually came to the Caribbean directly from India. The Brits replaced the African slaves in their Caribbean sugar plantations with Indian indentured servants after the abolition of slavery,
Look I'll give you one point for an interesting fun fact, it explains this Indian/Jamaican guy I met back in college, never really knew what his deal was. But I think you can see how this just comes off as "it's appropriation when wypipo countries in the western hemisphere (who have no culture and don't season they food) use indian ingredients, and a proud and interesting cuisine when a black majority country in the western hemisphere uses indian ingredients"
>but curry actually came to the Caribbean directly from India.
It came "directly" to Britain too. Both by virtue of shipping and by virtue of immigration, same as Jamaica. You know that the UK is filled with Indians, I'm sure.
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japanese or this >>20454371

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Well, it's better than starving.
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Did you ever do anything else with the Hotdogs?
Better than canned is to use fresh cherry tomatoes. Fry them in olive oil and crush them and garlic salt and basil and bam, sauce.

If you want to add to it, you can fry fine chopped onions and red chili peppers to give it a kick.
Huh? Huh? Huh?
Or just get tomatoes and crush them yourself, it's not hard.
>Verification not required
dude just spend an hour making the sauce so you save 20 cents lmao!

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What's a good pastar?
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I tried picrel several years ago and haven't looked back. I may be retarded, but to me it's distinctly and obviously better than any other brand of supermarket pasta I've tried. It feels profoundly silly to ship American wheat flour over to Italy, shape it into pasta, dry it, then ship it back here again, but whatever. It's good pasta.
Source? I'm already buying Barilla when it's on sale (Girandole N°34 best pasta) but I might as well have a second reason.

If gays "like our pasta and our advertising, they'll eat our pasta, if they don't like it then they will not eat it and they will eat another brand," he said.
>What's a good pastar?
Well, that also depends on the sauce, as pasta is a sauce delivery device. Think about regular spaghetti compared to say fusilli in that regard.
ok i'll be that guy. I bought a pasta roller a few years ago and have been making my own pasta ever since. It's so incredibly easy to make that after my first few tries I felt like a retard for ever buying dry pasta. It's literally flour, water, oil, salt and sometimes an egg. So easy, and tastes so much better.

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> Do be seated. Would you care for refreshments? Some dates, perhaps? I have some very fine persimmons as well. Wine no longer agrees with my digestion, I fear, but I can offer you a cup of iced milk, sweetened with honey. I find it most refreshing in this heat

It seemed so good in Game of Thrones, so I tried to make "Chilled Milk with Honey" myself.

But the honey doesn't mix into the milk, it congeals into gross globs that float around in the milk.

How do I make it actually mix?
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Why do people like that gross shit?
You just described pasteurization, anon.
True fact: I am incapable of keeping straight which one is a persimmon and which one is a pomegranate. They occupy the same part of my brain or something. I can't help mixing them up.
I guarantee you that your stovetop is not that
Sure it is. When you make homemade yogurt you heat the milk first to pasteurize it before introducing the cultures you want.

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Eat more salt.
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Herbivores gravitate towards salt licks specifically because fruits and veggies don't supply their daily salt intakes
It's been a long time since high school bio, but I think it'd do the exact opposite. I think having a high concentration of salt in your color would draw water out of the surrounding tissue through osmosis. I guess you'd get terrible diarrhea and then poop out all the salty colon contents and a lot of water.
Bro I eat pork and beans with half a dozen slices of bread for breakfast I am getting plenty of salt trust me.
>Herbivores gravitate towards salt licks
yes and humans are herbivores as well
>because fruits and veggies don't supply their daily salt intakes
that's not true and if it were, all herbivores would be dead because salt licks are not very common. it's simply a needed nutrient in high concentration, like added sugar. no herbivore "needs" more salt than what is in plants. salt licks are just natural junk food
Anyone who says that humans are herbivores can't be convinced otherwise because they're already ignoring so much evidence that the whole situation is comical.

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Ck webm thread?
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fuck me and it's actually a decent poured pint at the end
Nothing. You got it in one.
Modern media always stinks of 'the past was bad' propaganda.
would eat her ramen, if you catch my drift
this video never fails to disappoint

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Best and Worst Cheeses go
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best: Stilton or possibly Muenster
worst: that one with live maggots in it; that's not even food
why does your cum smell like french cheese, anon
True, the english being new to the cheese game is no excuse for them making dogshit products
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Best has to be Gouda, Limburger and Camembert
Shittest is probably cheddar and american
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Do curds count as cheese?

How do you like your juice, /ck/?

no, it makes my mouth spicy

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>Sandwich "artist"
>has to make exactly what you tell them to make
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My autistic friend always went in and told them "surprise me" with a smirk
That sounds fun actually
>I don't fucking know if there should be tomato in my burger
Do you want it there? McDonald's let's you alter their burgers bro all you gotta do is ask and be willing to pay double.
dude looks like a fartist
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Subway: eat fresh!

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A new challenger approaches..
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Are you Music Biz Marty?
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>oh, waitress! *snaps fingers* come hither, my poppet, I've decided on what I shall dine upon today.
>Oh, and of COURSE! My apologies for not realizing that the hot sauce menu was a subset of the MAIN menu (albeit a separate pamphlet detailing the intricacies of each sauce, as well as pairing suggestions, would be a welcome addition (pass that along to your sauce monger)). I shall sample your in-house BEELZEBUTT'S 7,000,000 SCOVILLE HEMORRHOID HOLOCAUST NUCLEAR ANAL LEAKAGE XXXXXX FECAL FURY SAUCE; and, my sweet, mayhaps a bottle of it to go? Though I am yet to taste it, I am sure that my buddies at the barcade - yes, a portmanteau of 'bar' and 'arcade,' and YES, you can actually DRINK as you PLAY VIDEO GAMES, whatever will they think of next? - will be utterly TICKLED by the label your crew has concocted for that bottle!
*taps glass*
>and another round of your hoppiest IPA, please!
Someone run this man through a gigachad filter. Imagine the rizz
already was >>20453173
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How’s that going? I did a lot of them yesterday and am gonna do some more. Which apps you use? I might have some tips for ya
Are you talking about Marty Squirtz from GuitarJamz.com??

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what are your favorite drink mixes? alcoholix or not everything is welcome
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Australians should try this at least once, we call it "Poison apple" in my household.
My own recipe, discovered this when I lived out of shitty motels for work travel. They all have juice machines with apple juice and orange juice.

2 shots rum, Bacardi preferably
1 cup apple juice
1 cup orange juice
Tapatio to taste (it doesn't mix, so you have to stir each time you take a drink)
I taught myself how to take shots on gin. To this day I have a jacked up shoulder due to the time I was biking back home from the liquor store with a handle of Tanqueray in my backpack when I hit a big fucking gulley and went over the handlebars. The liquor was fine, which meant that I went back to my room and got shitfaced instead of looking into medical treatment for my wrenched limbs.
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Frangelico, dry ginger ale and twist of lime.
wtf did they bring back original mother?

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Redpill me on Yocco's
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I hate AI
They're organic, it's just that OP is an unimaginative zoomer who can only hold one unfunny thought in his tiny brain at any one time.
can I get a quick rundown?
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Chili dogs with onions and mustard.
The steaks are good too.
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>local fare

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