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Thread for the discussion of arthouse and classic cinema.

/Film/ Dreams Edition

QOTD -- Have you guys ever hooked up with a black chick?

>/film/ charts
>/film/ directors directory
>/film/ literature
>but anon, where do I find these films?

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Dutch is very pleasant to me actually
Looking for this racing short film, that was more just footage of raw racing, some dirt rally car going up a hill. 70's or 80's I think.
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What scene did you clap at, /tv/?
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>whoa...this nuke scene that has never been in a movie or series before was chilling...
Redditors are jizz in the dirt
Salt of the earth is such a weird term since salting the earth makes it barren.
no clue what this is
I hope you die slowly, painfully alone and unloved

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Eating animals is morally indefensible, because we no longer need to eat animals to survive. So we're killing them and forcing them to suffer for no justifiable reason.
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Meat tastes good. Dumb animals ain't doing anything else productive. What, are they gonna become school bus drivers and factory workers? Oh, they'll literally just stand in a fucking field looking blankly at the world before keeling over after a few decades? And they can't communicate intelligently and have no emotions or feelings, just instinct? Cool. I'll take Bessie over there. Hurry up, I'm hungry!
It's not just that the animal's life is relatively short. We breed them into prisons to be chopped up and commodified like you say. That's disgusting. It's also a massive burden on our planet. You might say it's a pick one or the other scenario. Plant agriculture or Animal Agriculture. In either case, death is involved, but only one is done with intent to kill, and a business built on that does very little to negate the suffering involved. And yeah, there's nothing wrong with eating roadkill or animals that have died of 'natural' causes. If you are hunting animals, and that's your only source of meat, then I would have more respect for you, but not by much unless you were using a spear.
What does abolishing death and suffering accomplish?
Yes. Also
Who fucking cares about animals? Like the other poster said, they're just tastier walking plants as far as I'm concerned. A cow from 20,000 years ago is gonna be the same dumb cow on the farm today. Animals are just food to us, unless they got charm like dogs or a cool attitude like cats. Hell, I'd love to have a pet duck myself. But I'll also just as soon eat duck as well because, you know, it's just a duck and I'm a hungry human.
You can't abolish it, you can only minimize it. Ecologically speaking, it'd be better for the planet not to fish our oceans dry and have billions of animals, their guts and feces contaminating our water and being sprayed into the air.

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Dan "She's a Fighter Hold Her Tighter" Schneider claps back.
Hope our boy wins the lawsuit.

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Did the people at Nickelodeon know about the sexual abuse of Drake Bell?
yes but only dan protected drake
As a blind, I dictate my posts to my parakeet.
what did he even do
he listened. and that's what nobody else did.

>praised by everyone
>notably worse than shin
Why does gook drama get people's panties in a bunch
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yikes, i saw it in theaters and it was amazing
>The acting from the kamikaze guy is laughably bad

Have you never watched a piece of Japanese media before?
The swell and the music up to the point where it torches the city is the most kino movie moment in recent memory
This is objective fact, sorry you were filtered
I liked both. Apples and oranges desu
Shin zilla was peak slop with a retarded Fukushima allegory slapped on it. Minus One is what zilla was meant to be - KINO.

Have you guys caught up to this movie yet or do you still watch that Star Wars cringe? Before anyone mentions it, the worst part of Valerian by far is that faggy David Bowie song and the scene that's stuck to it. Everything afterwards is great.
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I see you crying, and yet I don't give a fuck. Curious! I bet your favourite movies are stuffed to the brim with nepotism and yet you're able to stifle your sobbing. Ah well!
I'd rather be filtered than listen to his faggy music and feel proud about it.
>If Valerian was as well edited as Fifth Element and had half the character it would have smashed 5E to bits.
These views of Fifth Element are relatively recent. Most people thought both were bullshit in that movie at first. They are different movies but both equally unusual and good for being so.
>DeHaan is so fucking abysmal in this, he is competing with Hayden Christensen for worst ever in a SciFi Franchise.
His less than perfect performance is part of the charm. Still, I think he delivered his lines better than Christensen, and has more charm as an aloof weirdo. Also, he demonstrates the existence of human heterosexuality toward women, which Christensen does not.
>this imdb post is what got the imdb forums shut down.
>yet I don't give a fuck
What if I offered to pay you slightly more than what Conde Nast is paying you, you whore shill. Better yet, I'll triple it if you livestream your suicide.
Keep posting it you sobbing girl. I still don't give a fuck that some actress is the product of nepotism. You're talking about Hollywood. If it surprises you, you're almost assuredly retarded, which your replies heavily imply.

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I am 27 years old and still a virgin. Thinking about how I missed out on a prime sexual life genuinely makes me want to kill myself. It feels like that at my age girls are looking to settle down after they burnt themselves out from fucking hot guys in high-school and college but now the relationships they seek are not about love but all about your job, your money, your apartment and your social status. I don't want to enter a loveless miserable sexless relationship. I just want a normal girlfriend who is genuinely attracted to me and wants to FUCK.
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>not going to approach random women in public because that's creepy
It's not creepy if you're as tall and handsome as you say you are. It's only creepy if you're ugly or very socially retarded.
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The truth is that most of us autists just simply don't have "it".

Call it game or a vibe or flirting or sexual energy or simply being a normal person, we're devoid of it. We are desperate to quantify and rationalize it to find the right algorithm of interacting with a female or society at large, but there's no such thing, which is why a normal person just says "things just happened" or a movie just skips the entire part from a girl looking at a guy in a bar cutting straight to them having sex. That middle part is the part where us autists will forever remain autists, just how it is.
Play in nightmare mode or don't play at all
>Do girls still fuck like this at 25+?
Not usually because there is more naughtiness, urgency etc. when you're a teenager and having to sneak around to have sex and your homones feel more intense.
But sometimes they do. There's a lot of variation among females. Some teenage girls fuck in a mundane way and some older women fuck like they feel intense novelty etc. But on average there is a difference.

>I just want a normal girlfriend who is genuinely attracted to me and wants to FUCK.
You can find non-teenage women like this

Besides, what really matters isn't how much sterile , impotent sex you have
What matters is how many children you have and how good their genes are and whether you raise them well to have many kids themselves. That;s what winning at life really looks like.
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>I had gfs aging from early 20s into late 20s and their bodies changed significantly. Like I couldn't even recognize them anymore.
That's called having a poor diet and not doing any resistance training, which results in poor mitochondrial health, which leads to aging.
>don't want to ask out women I know because women generally hate being confessed to by their male friends, it's a HUGE risk that puts a friendship at risk
Are you their fucking orbiter, dude? Ask them out and see what happens. If the friendship ends because of that, then they weren't your fucking friend to begin with.

What am I in for?
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Yes hes an actor????????
Dont they all fuck men?
Liz doesn't suck dick and he wanted his dick sucked so he went out and got a hoe who sucks dick
I miss well toned thighs. Every girl now is either skinnyfat, actual fat, or a bodybuilder. What happened to the girls that can walk a few miles but don't spend multiple nights a week in the gym?
Is there a side quest where they finally resolve the bonus situation?
early 2000s comfy comedy

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If only blacks didnt exist sigh
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these blokes block your path on your way to gregg's, wyd?
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These people aren't stabbing each other like nogs do. 60% of knife crime in the UK is BAMEs.

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My god his face looks bogged

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They'll shitcan it as it's losing money. Just shove their shows and movies on Netflix.
Paramountbros....I'm scared...
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>Lina Khan, you're fired
bros, it's happening

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post em
ok you sstart
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specifically the one with marion on the dock
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i actually prefer the whale.png one
Someone should make a movie called "The Nigger" and the poster can br G Floyd's bloated corpse, that way the next thousand times you make this thread it can be a racist nigger hate thread too

Yet no one even discusses it anymore. What is with this franchise?
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They're pretty generic sci-fi fare, but that doesn't stop them from being good. There's just not much to talk about.
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name a movie that is over a year old and still 'being discussed'?
Barbie, Oppenheimer etc etc
Star wars didn't own is copyright so EVERYONE can spoof it parody or even steal stuff from it, now this is culturally relevant,btw star trek is for nerds go the kinoplex instead before you get bite by the nerd virus
Do you really?
Aren't all the conversation about how mid both are?

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Name a single flaw in this movie.
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The only good part was an IHOP getting destroyed. Fuck ihop.
>That ontario licence plate
was it filmed in Canada?
he whines about the burden of needing to save them, not them dying
No, Bateman just liked to think he was being original by having a weird license plate on his car. Ironically all of the other guys at the office also went for faux-Canadian plates.
>muh mythos
Pandering to Batman fanboys was the worst thing WB has ever done. "Realistic" and "grounded" Batman that never kills is the most idiotic concept put on film. The Nolan/Reeves Batman wouldn't last one night in the real world

no one's ever really gone
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Only if it's a full length version of the Tom Cruise film
Who will be cast as the woman of color who does most of the stuff in the movie
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Worst film of the three but the opener is one of the best scenes of the entire trilogy.
I made it about half way through the first episode of his netflix show without laughing once before i threw in the towel. He should just live off his shrek residuals because whatever comedic talent he had is long gone.
They already did that with beyonce in goldmember before it was cool and fake and gay.

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