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/vst/ is a place to discuss all types of strategy video games, including both turn-based and real-time strategy, turn-based and real-time tactics, single-player and multi-player (including MOBAs). All platforms are welcome.

Does this mean discussion of strategy games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vst/ is just a separate board specifically focused on strategy games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

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>>don't just make one city in the entire world not have an Anglicised name
I mean it's better than nothing but they could've put more effort in it
It's just half assed powertrip when it's pu with England and one war away from total independence in full borders(none of welsh rulers unified Wales before anglos took south let alone after that)
Praha is also localized.
Is he just making victoria 4?

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What went wrong?
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I haven't played since the Sultans Ascend expansion, so I'm not sure how they play out
Abbadids and Ayyubids
have camel access and build a single landmark that ramps up with several researches depending on what expansion is taken
Mercenary mechanic that can get unique units from other factions
>Chinese and Zhu Xi
Mixed bag of options, nest of bees are scary
>Delhi Sultanate
All research is free, but slow, so builds off of their mosques for elephants
Rush archers
>French/Jean d'Arc
Rush knights
>Holy Roman Empire/Order of the Dragon

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what is going on with all these boats kek
Thanks for the summary, will be useful; at the end I might go for aesthetics
That's how it was for me in Dow 2 (elite mode), played chaos because it was a peculiar vibe
that's from the Sultans Ascend campaign, the missions have options and difficultly, unlike the normal campaign
I meant to say that I haven't played MP since the expansion
I love playing 2v2 but recently I've been running into a lot of French + Zhu Xi matchups going knights + zhu ge nu + rams.
How to defend against that?
>Its biggest strength lies in its civ diversity.
you mean the cookie cutter civ design that everyone gets the sam emaaa, spear, palading that charges. AND NO Fe team balance changes did not fixes it. you know what makes aoeo and aom better in bringin assymetric civ is the unit that are not cipy pasted and everyone has a unique abilites or atributes that nkaes them different from each other.

>The balance in 4 is quite good,
several pros already left becuas the clusterfuck balance earlier and the slow balance fix. team matches are worse than 1v1 for the amoutn of leaver and cheaters.

this game deserves to die as is a insult to the entire franchise and only compfags and e celeb mongrels care about this game

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It only works really well if you're on the mediterranean coastline, preferably away from Rome. Slave raiding for pops is very fun
Inferior to Victoria 3 and stellaris, who have without a doubt the best internal mechanics, but superior to the rest of pdx slop
>conquer some shithole city state
>provinical capital moves from lush farmlands to stinky marsh.
thanks, johan. very cool.
Athens playthrough is fun so far, but unstable as all hell. Everyone always hates whoever is the ruler, and threaten civil wars perpetually. Conversely, I managed to take 1/4th of Greece in a fluke war where I decc'd Macedon just to pick up one province, only to discover their armies were already devastated. So I ended up picking up about 13 provinces and becoming a regional power. Now I just need to take overcome a defensive league and Argos/Sparta before Rome gets here.

I have never, in any playthrough, seen Rome collapse. Modded?
I'd kill to have a EU4/Imperator claims system in CK2 as it stands, love the game but the CBs are annoying and sometimes nonsensical

>please refrain from playing the game and realizing how bad it is
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It's the same game sans Military, at least that's what it was last time I played. This game has more polish though and Ostriv will feel like a subset of Manor Lords or a subpar version of it if you played Manor Lords first.
i do not care for rimworld
Not OP but I'm angry because I desperately wanted it to be great. I was so fucking hyped after the demo and thought he would have made a lot more progress considering he was reticent to release the game until now. Unfortunately it's just another fucking EA tech demo. I'm hopeful he'll finish the game but so many people take the money and run and retards on steam never fucking learn and keep buying this shit anyways.
Why are you shilling against Manor Lords so hard though? The game is universally loved by everyone whose played it.
You hated me cause I told you the truth...

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What do you use to play old games without issues? GoG sometimes bundles a dx wrapper with their releases, but it doesn't always work. I prefer to use dgvoodoo or dxwnd to play shit in windowed mode.
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>M.S.A. is available in all non-Nod vs. Nod scenarios
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This works surprisingly well.
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"HE OPENED THE Total War: Attila Thread,




The day of reckoning has come.
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WRE as God intended.
Gotta give special props to this coliseum completely crippling every invasion that came though it and port Camulodunum for withstanding an enormous amount of assrape before being taken over by brit rebels. Which completely stopped geats and jutes raids, so I still let them keep it.
I don't think I've had a single open field battle that was went much better than autoresolve though.
>going down the WRE tech tree makes aqueducts obsolete giving you more shitty churches instead
ebin, guess I'll just pray the shit away
It is a little off-putting that going further down your tech tree actually takes away some of your inventions. An interesting system... but maybe not an ideal one.
Yeah you wanna try and make all the aqueducts you can before that point.
They kinda try to make the tech tree for both Romes feel like your empire is still irrevocably changed by the events of the campaign, even if you survive. For the WRE you begin to become more of an early medieval feudal state dominated by the church, whereas the ERE suffers the more agonizing fate of becoming Greek.
Aqueducts are super expensive and generally, if you are suffering a crisis,

It shows how technology is lost in the real world. Very advanced and beautiful technology is replaced by cheaper less sophisticated alternative that gets the job done.

You can keep building aqueducts., but the cheap alternatives take less time and money to build.

Of course, if you play on suepr easy modes or any of the braindead mods that turn off anything difficult, you won't understand this.


This game was trying

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Which Penultimo?
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You can tell which one was an actual caricature artist and which one was just 'an artist'.
>left: confidently gazing and smirking at the distance. Unique cartoonish style
>right: doing a gay ass eyebrow raised halfsmirk while gazing at nothing. Absolutely ordinary drawing style.
4 hit just right with the satire and real life politics for my taste. 5 is just "lol so randum, Penultimo is retarded xDD"
I should have said 'power and ambition' desu, but whatever.

Are you guys retarded? Penultimo is clearly looking concerned, which fits his character. He is acopic and relies on el Presidente to tell him what to do. He reminds me a lot of Basil from Faulty Towers

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>want to start new game
>spend 30 minutes trying to generate a map that isn't either straight up broken or nonsensical
Definitely something that's going to have to be improved in the sequel.
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I wonder if you could make a system with 0 chance to hit but actually felt fair and worked.
>0% to hit isn't 0% to hit
>It's just the rounded down representation of the real 0,000004% chance to hit, into its significant figures (4)
>This bs hit starts a panic cascade that ends in total personnel death and mission lost
Games for this feel?
It's criminal that no one mentioned daggers in this argument. Hitting Punctures is infinitely easier when the enemy doesn't have a shield. Also, it is absolutely worth it to break shields against human enemies early on when your bros have a hard time hitting things. Poleaxe is the best way, but having one dude on the front with a one hander isn't the worst thing.
If you're having difficulties with anything you're playing the game wrong.
eh, early on you're still better off just using swords/spears. Spears +20 hit chance means you're hitting more often against anything that isn't a heater shield, as opposed to an axe vs shieldless. Better yet, taking backstabber on a pike bro makes it easier to stack up the surround bonus, on top of the base +10.
Plus, that way your early game axe bro isn't going to be eating shit from having a weapon he can't use, fatiguing himself out against singular shield enemies
Daggering down on the other hand is weird. You kinda need to surround the enemy before daggering, since the +25 surround bonus is the only real way you're getting past the base -15. Also, if you're not surrounding, then the morale hit from body damage means they're more likely to try to run too early, triggering reaction attacks and damaging the armor, making it less likely to drop anyway.

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I'm relatively new to Anbennar, but somewhere here I came across information that the mod has been sanitized over time (for example, Orcs have lost their bloodthirstiness). I'm particularly interested in the "elven supermacy" trees here.

Can anyone confirm this?
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Going by real life, you could considerably decouple the nobilty vs commoner aspect of the conflict if you wanted it to start in the 16th century.
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alternative mission rewards
the idea of it in the lore is that mages are, in most cultures, extreme elitists. The "divine right to rule" equivalent in Anbennar is often derived from a connection to magic, and a lot of different cultures are functionally magocratic in some ways. Parts of the world that are more democratic also tend to have worse mages, or to ban them altogether, like the Lake Federation. Artifice, on the other hand, is a way for the non-magical masses to wield magical power. So, Artificers are naturally associated with egalitarianism, and are resented by mages for "stealing" their power. The conflict makes perfect sense, as the setup in many parts of the world is geared towards it.

unfortunately the actual implementation of the conflict right now is that you get a popup in 1650 that says "hey you want mages or artificers?" and whichever one you don't pick gets banished to the shadow realm instantly

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Keep the leaks coming.
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The new Brazil content starts in 65 where the current Brazil content ends, since other anons haven't mentioned it.
Yeah I forgot to mention that. new content picks up from there and goes untill the following presidential election just as the oil crisis kicks off
>And also, there will be anything for noteworthy to deal with? Besides Argentina getting a bit uppity?
Adhemar only really has one crisis and that's surviving his coma or dying. Well I guess also the fact that his secretary gets exposed as a german spy (Suzerain reference!!11!) but that's what triggers the coma in the first place.
Lacerda has 2: Japanese race riots in Sao Paulo at the start of his path and strikes against the repeal of the varguist labor laws around 1968 or so.
And of course the oil crisis which affects both.
The focus trees were leaked before they were formally shown off but otherwise no.

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You only need one peasant to save isolated villages.

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Protip for the first phase of the X Residence mission: go with catgirls in camo at night, and find a way to either evade or kill the tank without it exploding.
Of course, then you'll have to fight Black Sun dudes and a lot of Stormtroopers and a few Supersoldiers at relatively close range
As someone who went through that mission, I recommend having a hovertank or something that draws the small arms fire, and about 7 or 8 mortars ready to take out the gun emplacements
That or you bring a loader suit gnome and drill through the mountainside to the end
>Reactions is simply a weak stat
Difficulty 2 "Fair"
I only play it for fair market prices but actually, especially in early game, difficulty 3 is a bit easier
You get another shambler, around 20% more enemies to stun and ransom, more glory and loot etc.
Its cheaper, sure, but the amount makes up for it
>Try clearing the LZ by opening with an ogre when star gods with plasma are on the field.
Turn 1:
>Take cover inside and/or using ship, throw some grenades where applicable, end turn.
Turn 2+
>Focus fire down enemies in order of proximity/visibility of the LZ, because the start of the mission is when you have access to your entire roster against each opponent. Apply heavy ordinance, which ogres can field like assault rifles, as necessary
It's just the standard LZ clear procedure. The fuck else are you trying to do?
>oh I'm such a strategy god taking snap shots into the LZ while reserving half my TUs each turn
>wtf how am I supposed to know an enemy would reserve so many TUs there and instakill my gal [reload save]
>wtf they lucked right through my web of reaction fire and vaporized half the crew with a single hellerium grenade that's so bullshit [reload save]
Ogres are the closest units in the game to being RNG proof. They can't even die to a direct hit from an RPG at full HP while naked. They field the absolute maximum amount of firepower during your turns when you have the ability to make responsive decisions, and they have the mobility to accommodate that responsiveness. They have the absolute maximum amount of HP and defenses to survive whatever the AI does whenever it's not your turn. Enemy reaction fire is something that happens on your turn and is ultimately under your own control, it uses snap shots which are generally less dangerous than aimed shots and autos, it's an easy mechanic to deal with against the AI and a bad mechanic to rely on against the AI for the same reason. Reactions put the initiative in the opponent's hands while leaving you unable to deal with unexpected fail states or prioritize targets until you get a new turn. Ogres also get one of the most absurd transformations in the game, as well as totally unnecessary access to Charmy Dance and Designer Beauty for even more HP and armor. They cost less upkeep than fucking bugeyes.

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Since there isn't a thread up
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γαλατία on google translate on Greek.
Second one.
I am getting fed up with exploration and empty systems. Half of the systems in the game are empty stars, and there is literally no point to exploring them. I jump in, see no planets or objects, and ther's never a reason to explore. They really should put some occasional rare drops so i don't just immediately jump back out.
>he doesn't know alex putted it at the edge of the system
I also don't get the point of surveying gas giants, they are expensive and never have any good survey results, nor do I find research station more often around black holes or neutron stars like people say, its about the same for all stars.

I'm fascinated with the possibilities between different unit types and gear/tactical instructions. I'm only about 10 hours into the game and trying to dip into the finer details before the difficulty curve becomes less comfy.

What builds are you guys running and what lessons have you learned?
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Empire Total War kind of letdown, or Dynasty Warriors Empires kind of letdown?
I mean it works, so not Empire TW and as far as I remember, DW Empires was awesome. I think it's more that I was expecting Rance with multiple routes and a freeplay option. But Rance is Rance and no game is Rance. So instead it's more just like an ogre battle or fire emblem campaign with a bit of wiggle room over which battles you do when. Still just a single linear story.
Will put on my backlist then, thanks.
What I meant about dw Empires, as I only played the later ones in the series, was that most interesting maps were cut from the DW, making it quite samey.
Oh right, yeah the later ones were kind of boring. The earlier Empires games felt more like strategy hybrid games. You actually needed to work with your armies. Later ones were just excuses to let you make an OC and interact with DW characters. There was no real reason to play them instead of the base DW games. Fuck I want a new good DW game. I've played some SW stuff, but it's just not as good a series.
I've enjoyed the map so far, but your mileage may vary.

It's segmented into 5 zones. Tutorial high medieval land, desert dragon land, forest elf land, icy beastman land, and church+angel land.

I'm currently on Elf Land. Tutorial Land is kinda generic and prefeunctory but you can run through it pretty quickly. Dragon Land is a nice step up and has some cool story beats. Elf Land good so far as well.

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Mount and Blade thred, what mods for warband apart from warsword still are in development? Any?
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With the hardware to run it I never had anything with the gameplay to complain about. But the “story” is nonexistent and their economy balance was pretty awful. Devs seemed resigned to just let mods fix it and the mod scene seemed to lack the motivated mod devs that really pump out quality mods (or they were over ambitious and are unfinished/unlikely to finish)
Multiplayer was fun but servers seemed pretty inconsistent back when I played
It's a bit less polished with better graphics.
why the fuck do we still not have control over which specific group our troops are in?
i want warbands troop thing back, i want to be able to split my troops how i see fit not just have them based on whatever equipment they have
i want my low tier archers separate from my high tier archers, maybe im fighting some shitty peasants and want my recruits to engage the enemy while my high top tier troops observe and shout words of encouragement
Is there a mod that let kingdoms form alliances?
in my mind this should just be a thing in the base game, only reason i can think of for not implementing it is that 2 factions could ally then take everything, imagine a valandia-khuzait alliance
also it would be nice if the rebel factions could create their own kingdom, not just join an existing kingdom (except the players, because fuck you apparently) if multiple rebellions happened at the same time they could form their own faction and have a chance at doing something other than immediately get destroyed or just get taken over by an existing faction

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