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MacKenzie is doing his MacKenzie stare in the car.
That kid has never visualized an apple in his head.
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mackenzie is aphantasic?
He's a fucking retard.
Maynard can get it.

X-Men makes more sense as a gun control debate.

Mutants are feared because some of them can depopulate a neighborhood.
There are ways to take away mutant powers but they don't want to out of "rights".
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Only rich kids have that.
This is objectively the dumbest most retarded post on this board right now. Congratulations, it's not an easy feat
The Avengers were created before the right-wing trans narrative. They got hate in the beginning, same with the Fantastic Four but saving world a couple of hundred times will ender you others

The X-Men and Spider-Man act in secret that's another reason people hate them.
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>X-Men makes more sense as a gun control debate.
Yes. But Marvel writers are anti-guns so it's not allowed.

Bruce, we're so sorry, but you've left us with little choice...
Avengers Disassembled
House of M
Secret War

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Would you Marie Kanker?
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have you guys ever considered hiw far apart her eyes would be without the bangs
i'll help wipe the sweat off her asscrack with my tongue
No weirder than most the characters on this show

Velma is a bit of a bimbo sometimes.
Witch's Curse

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I'm sure I missed plenty of them.
probably doesn't help that it's also a comic book series and not a comic strip series like kurami and rosebuds and comic book pages don't work well on twitter
>Picture Related
May i request these two kissing each other passionately.
Nice! Love the freckles on the buns
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I wish to smack those things like bongos. Good to see Pen get a time to shine
>butt freckles

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What's your favorite EC story?
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Sort of; Oni Press has licensed the EC Comics name out to use as a name for a new imprint which will be publishing two new anthologies (one a sci-fi anthology and the other a post-apocalypse anthology). And it launches this summer.
What the fuck is going on with that cover? Did Gaines write a story about the Spanish Inquisition or some shit whipping girls for the sexual pleasure of young men readers? Is that the shock?
Those hooded men aren't from the Spanish Inquisition. They are supposed to be KKK members, but for whatever reason they were made to look like torturers from the Spanish Inquisition because EC Comics didn't want to put actual hooded Klansmen on the cover of one of his books.

The plot is that a guy is in a dark, windowless hospital room being interrogated by the police about how he was assaulted. The guy was traveling through the south on business and his car broke down on the side of the road and while walking through the woods trying to find help, he stumbles upon the KKK torturing a woman for "being a whore". The torturing ultimately escalates into murder when the woman yanks off the hood worn by the head Klansman overseeing the torture and the poor guy watching this sees the head KkK guy's face and him murdering the woman, since he can't risk her going public with his identity.

The guy gets caught having seens all of this and gets chased and ultimately he gets back to the road where he gets hit by a car he tries to flag down for help and wakes up in a hospital.

The story then cuts back to the present where the cop asks him if he remembers what the Klansman looked like and the guy goes "Hell yeah! I remember!".... and gets shot by the cop who's been taking his statement. Then the head Klansman walks in, revealing that the driver who hit the poor guy just kept going and the KKK grabbed him and took him NOT to a hospital but to their headquarters, where they nursed him back to health simply so they could confirm if he did indeed see the KKK leader's face and if he retained the memory after being hit by a car. And the punchline being that the leader of the KKK is a very important person in his small town and that the Klansman that interrogated him really was a cop, just a Klansman cop. And then the writer screeching that all men wearing masks are monsters and must be purged from polite society.
I guess nobody cares.

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Jesus Christ.
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Larkin definitely embodies Power Girl’s personality a lot more than most cosplayers. At least in my opinion.
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Graziano's still my favorite.
Larkin Love has a weird face and fake tits. Stefania is better.
I like both. Just prefer Larkin myself.
I fucking love fake tits

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>What is this thread?
Every Wins'day at Win-O'-Clock we gather here and post links to the latest scans and rips of comic books.
Most links we uploaded ourselves, others we are sharing from elsewhere.
Some comics we've even purchased ourselves (but most we didn't).
If you'd like to help out, just ask and we would be delighted to tell you how.
Otherwise, be patient, be polite, and understand the simple concept behind these words: Not posted means not available yet.

>Where can I find old Win-O'-Threads?
(Note: This finds the OP for old threads. If you want to search for comics in the archive, clear the subject field!)

>Where can I find downloads for other comics?
Warez forums/blogs, DDL-indexing search engines (like FilesLoop), torrent trackers (like 1337x) and other P2P networks (like DC++).
If a link has been posted on 4chan, you can search for it in the Desu archive (add "http*" to searches to return only posts with links).

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Queen of Swords v01 - A Barbaric Tale (2023) (digital) (Son of Ultron-Empire).cbr

X-Men 2099 Omnibus 001 (2024) (digital) (Marika-Empire).cbz

X-Men 2099 010 (1994) (digital) (Marika-Empire).cbz

X-Men 2099 011 (1994) (digital) (Marika-Empire).cbz

X-Men 2099 012 (1994) (digital) (Marika-Empire).cbz

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Yeah I know they are other reasons why piracy exists.

Hail Marika! :)
Fuuuuuuck Yeah!
benis :-DDD

How is this acceptable?
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It ended at Wishology.
Thank you!
>Zoomers think trashology was any good
>So you have no argument,
Yes, I have no intention of engaging your schizo rant, and you seem too mindrotted by amerimutt media to even follow a conversation. How you went from
>actually le anime has no darkies!!!
in 1 post, and somehow don't think it's irrelevant is beyond me. I suggest you go back to scouring Twitter for ragebait screenshots, cuz that's all I can imagine faggots like you do all day.
>Cosmo and Wanda stick with one kid for three-five episodes until that child is happy.
>They keep getting assigned to different kids at the same school, because all the kids at this school are miserable due to the same external sources: Francis the bully, Vicky the dogshit babysitter all the parents love, Crocker the fairy obsessed teacher who investigates every new kid he thinks has fairy god parents, and everyone's parents being oblivious morons so caught up in some bullshit happening around Dimmsdale that week they keep forgetting to be parents.
>Every new kid is part of the original kid's supporting cast, and each time they make a kid happy and move on to the next, that now happy kid is a supporting character again and has a positive personality shift.
>Cosmo and Wanda need to deal with struggle of their new kids not always getting along with their old kids, or being assigned a new kid that maybe wasn't so nice to their previous kid.
>A few other fairies are also assigned to the school because it's such an unusual nest of childhood despair and misery, allowing for good old fashion fairy beef.
>Jorgen is the handler for all the fairies at school, evaluating each fairy after they fix their kid, regularly throwing DA RULES at everyone and just being Jorgen.

There's certainly potential for that format.

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Does being popular matter that much?
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>what upside do they have?
the joy of creation, perhaps? how sad "artists" that don't do it simply for the joy of it must be
The real discrimination going on here has nothing to do with OCs vs trends, but males vs females.
If his OC was a cute or hot girl, everyone would be going awooga and drawing porn and ecchi.
Nobody gives a shit about male chaeracters.

This is the real issue
Correct, he should've given the bug tits
95% of these replies suck

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I don’t get how this is Spider-Man’s number 1 enemy. Venom and doctor octopus are far more iconic.
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OK but what's Mephisto?
The Temptress who only appears to guide the hero off the path of good. That's who he is for all heroes he interacts with.
Mephisto's not a Spider-man villain, he's just a general antagonistic force across the marvel universe.
Enemy? Mephisto is his ally. Best divorce attorney souls can buy.
i always had the feeling the goblin felt bad when spidey kind of killed stacey himself breaking her neck because of the whiplash, she probably would have died for the fall nonetheless but i think the writers consciously chose the reaction and lines by goblin immediately after her death

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just because they're recommended doesn't mean people will click on them, quite the opposite in fact
Turn off your watch history you idiots. They don't even show you trending videos on the front page anymore if you do so.
you underestimate my power
Pedo priests are protected by the church. That's why the previous pope before Francis fucked off.

were you banned from watching spongebob?
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I agree i dont like judaism or islam either but catholicisms no better.
>I like pagans but they tend to have a searing contempt for christianity
Thats how i feel honestly. In all honesty i believe theres things like celestial gods and lovecraftian deities but i havent made contact to any specific one to worship. I just wish their were more people like me and catholicism is such a stark contrast to what i like and what i believe in and it never offered me anything but being treated as an outsider when i was within its ranks
Not enough
Imagine not being allowed to watch Ren & Stimpy for babies.
Have you ever burn the bible or told your parents that god is a lie?
Do you believe that if everyone was united under one religion that the world be better off?
Not really. I think it's just fine that people differ in religious belief. The problem arises when one group tries to imperially enforce a religion on a people who don't want it. I really think humanity would be better off if we understood that there are staunch differences between different peoples, countries, and religions, and any attempt to enforce a belief or "bring everyone together" would only result in bloodshed and self segregation, as it always has.

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Holy fuck, I know the comic is considered a masterpiece but I had no idea the cartoon was also so good.

Someone upscaled the whole thing and uploaded it on youtube, enjoy
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and the copy that I had was provided to me through mutual friend. I did later find alternative copies, they slightly differed between each other, but were similar enough to know more or less what was in the original copy. AFAIR, the original manuscript was taken by anonymous lucky guy from safe during WWII and never recovered. And yes, the original manuscript was written on (used) toilet paper.
They understand the character, the vibe, it's very good.

Don't read much about Vivès, he's drawing, pretty well, and that's it.
You should read more Vives, if you want to cum hard. Like, really hard
Fascinating. Don't mean to sound smug, really, I'm very glad to find a real Sade fan. I just am touched that I know a lot of those. I'm proud of myself that I know stuff a PhDian is mentioning. I am touched. I of course know about 120 being unfinished past first chapter, I've read all of it -and the notes on further chapters. I know the trials, his mother in law issues, his conflict with the revolution leaders becoming essentially new emperors. The supposed prank his friends played burrying (human?) bones in the garden. Juliete, Jystine(iirc Justine, Juliete's sister is the "miseries of virtue" one, Juliete was quite the sadian party girl) such great books. Juliette is my favorite book ever. I love it so much that I've left it unfinished so there are always some pages left for me to read.
What fascinated me the most from him was his booklet about essentially a direct democracy, with the tech of his age (he didn't have internet, duh, he described mass voting with traditional ways) and "dialogue between a priest and a dying man". I found a small collection that had these two along with what I later discovered was an excrept from Juliette, and that was how I started with him.
Ironically I was introduced to Sade via a French Writer (Michelle Onfray) who hated Sade. I liked the first book of Onfray I read, but the second I got my hands on had a long part about Bataille and Sade being the worst, that included parts of their work. And as I read, I was enthused.
It's quite possible that I could lose my PhD, if people learned that I made up the sources. Or maybe it's possible to correct the sources somehow?

>booklet about essentially a direct democracy
yes, and this is very interesting, because for all of his degeneracy, De Sade was actually a person with a strong moral code (or maybe he pretended to be one - I believe that he was writing about all of this, because he couldn't cope with what he was witness of).

When reading books about De Sade, majority of them, try to put him in the context of the epoch, he was active during. And people like me, who try to attribute him universal truths, are usually frown upon as "not scientific approach". While at the same time, I knew about situations when the printing companies refused to print his books, because they were obscene - I tried to prove that his writings were not only ahead of the times, they were universal in the fact, that they would be never part of any movement, because De Sade, being unintentional nihilist, could never fit any era.

If you want to read good books about De Sade, you have to go to eastern europe, russian, polish, czech books about De Sade. I don't remember the exact names of the books (they were written when these countries were under communism), these books did approach them in a cold scientific matter, but because of that, they provided cold facts, without commentary. It helped me immensely understanding facts about Donatien's life. I really enjoyed reading his letters to the father, when he pretended to be virtuous, because he wanted his father to shell some money for prostitutes and wine. Truly, a man of all ages.

I do feel like De Sade was did wrong by history, because people identify him with ultimate degeneracy, while he was actually smearing the elites. The Aristocrats joke starts with De Sade, because he was the one to do a Smear Campaign against the elites. Okay anon, that's it, I'm going to sleep. It was nice talking to you (..)

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