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/vrpg/ is a place to discuss all types of role-playing video games, including single-player, multi-player, and massively multi-player, turn-based and real-time action, western-style and JRPG.

Does this mean RPGs are banned on other video game boards? No! /vrpg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on RPGs where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vrpg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/.

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they should burn for what they've done. i've actually lost friends to FFXIV because they inevitably troon out and become le heckin' wholesome queer PoC ally epic chungus le wholesome omg have you seen the nier raid its so cute <3
makes me sick
I can honestly see Nomura just ripping Kitase a new asshole for demanding changes and making a Remake Part 4 where it's just OG in HD now that they have the assets. The issues are making in-engine and Visual Works cutscenes but the mechanics and even enemy stats are in place, etc. It will be in between 13-2 and Lightning Returns-tier expenses, it really shouldn't cost that much to make.
We meet again fellow credits digger & SE historian.

>it comes from a place of wanting Nomura and Yoshi-P Full Control but also more consistent teams for each dev.
>it does worry me that consistent teams either exist or don't have to.
Yeah, I feel that and it does feel like a side effect of those games going through so much development turbulence and years in pre-production until an idea is fully formed. The Toriyama XIII trilogy was certainly not a planned route and you can see why it was so chaotic on the team side.
I look at FFXIV's CBU3 and EW and that big question about Nobuaki Komoto keeps coming up, the man bounced to work on XVI but IS he actually returning to XIV or going to another project.
On a more positive note and SaGa/Kawazu we're also seeing some of the more visible benefits of team members floating and drifting from project to project.

>that must be why there's so much outsourcing now with Team Ninja and Tri-ace.
I'm not averse to it. The Team Ninja SoP project was a beautiful thing to behold even if SE seems to have shafted them on crunch and they never found time to rework the models lol.
I do like the trend of Enix outsourcing and to point to another example (outside of drakengard for now) where it has given a very interesting result, I'd say Valkyrie Elysium and Soleil.
See you in the next thread friend.
lmao why is every second person i see online nowadays "trans" anyways?
>i've actually lost friends to FFXIV because they inevitably troon out and become le heckin' wholesome queer PoC ally epic chungus le wholesome omg have you seen the nier raid its so cute <3
I am this person but without the XIV to trans pipeline for now. Have you seen the YoRHa raid it's fucking despair filled fuck my life I'm turbo depressed, every single fucking day I wake up thinking about Komra and I love tower but if I hear those fucking PTSD inducing final song bells one more time I'm gonna fucking meltdown and the world will pay motherfucker justice for Komra.
Don't fret, that pipeline isn't as strong as it sounds, there's plenty of "toxic" people in XIV and some of us even devolve into XI players.

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Seeing as how Eiyuden seems to have left a lot of people unsatisfied, and half the discussion ended up being suikoden focused anyways, why not a proper thread.

Favorite game?
Favorite Castle?
Favorite rune?
Favorite Star of Destiny?

In my order
3, 1, Soul Eater, Chris.
Feel free to continue to talk shit about EC too if you'd like.
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I'm sorry you're so retarded you can't see the effort it takes to do lines for 100+ characters for every cutscene.
You're being disingenuous since not every character says something during every cut scene and you don't need to account for those the player hasn't recruited yet at the time.
Then there's also characters you can recruit, but not put on your party which you can discount as well.
Even if so, do those characters say anything interesting? Does it affect anything in anyway other than dipshit and butmunch saying "wowewowwow" outloud instead of it being a text reaction?
I do like the idea of side unique convos after scenes, because like bath scenes it's extra content to see the characters interact.
But if it isn't well written or interesting, who gives a shit?
Shit-eaters like the guy you're talking to, who probably was watching vtubers and anime while playing the game and thought it was good because it never offended him while he was barely paying attention.
Interjections that are not 'one liners this specific character would say' are pretty rare.
I do appreciate their existence for making any party member feel less liek baggage and having an occasional standout line (Reyna going chuuni about how beigoma plays become one with their top like she becomes with her sword is fun), but such details are cherry on top.

If the characters involved in 80% are not interesting, the whole thing sinks.
>you don't need to account for those the player hasn't recruited yet at the time.
You actually do, because of NG+ where you can have every lategame character in your party from the beginning and all of them will react to earlygame shit.

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This game is actually pretty fun.
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funny joke
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Wow so there's night versions of zones too.
Ah, good old walrus rape cave. Classic.
I actually just finished the part where you fight the bosses that feature that track and holy FUCK it is so good.
The second fight in particular felt kino once I got into the rhythm and timed my Flash Guards properly
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This character is super cute. I like her funny accent and I like it when she does that spinning attack skill, gets dizzy and falls down.

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Why do you guys act like RPG games is a challenging genre? I see a lot of people say, "Have you even played x game?" As if people would lie about playing something? I don't get it.

If you can, name some RPG's you consider being the hardest. Because quite frankly, I don't think it's all that hard.
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I don't know or care what side of this stupid argument you're on, I just saw your post on the front page and came in to tell you you're a faggot.

Carry on, everyone.
I know, you love being a retard on a board for retards and can't help telling me about it.
>don't use items
>don't use debuffs
>don't use buffs
>don't use status ailments
>because "none of those do anything anyway"
>spend hours grinding levels to make up for a deficit you could've made up for with any of the above
>"wow why are rpgs so boring, grindy, and easy???"
the above is how the average "rpgs aren't hard and never can be" person's experience with rpgs goes.
>but that's a strawman!
no, it's a real man, one whom you've seen many of in your years of being online talking about video games.
>sigh, I wish more RPGs were like Super Mario RPG and Chrono Trigger..

This man often says this as well.
It's less about them being hard and more about them being unreasonably time-consuming.

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Are there certain in-game organizations or structures that you find very cozy? I really like the Brotherhood of Steel in Fallout games, and it gives me the same feeling as the Jedi Temple in Knights of the Old Republic games. I also like the Heroes Guild in Fable. What similar thing do you like in other games?
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>Crosbell. Home.
Fake state for faggots with no culture who think they deserve the luxurious benefits of fence sitting between two superpowers but aren't willing to pay their taxes for that right. Escalated a cold war because of their hubris. Had to be annexed so the imperials could purge the corruption. Fuck em
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I really think you should kill yourself.
>Learning skills that will carry you through life as a merc
>The prize winning hot dogs at lunch time
>Learning to drive
>Playing chicken with that fucking giant chicken lizard in the training ground
>Finding love at the Garden Festival
>Starting a student petition to retract the Random rule from your region

Man those were the days
Gold Saucer!!
Erebonia got cucked lmao
And their games suck!

>Title: False GamerGater
Play as a woman who infiltrates a major game studio (as a re-education officer), to find her missing husband who is a developer there.

Learn about the corruption and anti-gamer sentiments plaguing the studio. And free it from the mind virus that infects it.

>Download Link
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Tried making a volleyball minigame

~Video demonstration
Now put them in skimpy bathing suits
I'd play this!
How can I play this?
Is this more derenaged that the dude who made an rpg about how much the hate Yandere dev.
> Game Clip

All dialogues and interactions with the Diversity Officer in False GamerGater

> Video:

In due time, when the plot requires it.


Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.

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You didn't beat the game if you cucked out to the Supreme Court.
You didn't beat the game if you weren't bros with Petr or Serge.
You didn't beat the game if you paid Rumburg reparations.

Genocide all Bluds. Women's Rights "Movement" should be back to the kitchen. Throw Arcasian and United Contana traitors into Antel Rock. That is all.
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they'd have to rewrite all chat gpt dialogues first
You didn't beat the game if you don't beat and occupy Rumburg and your son doesn't survive
>Esquibel tells me literally all our neighbors support us for the gas field
>He lists off every country—all of South Merkopa
>"UnFoRtUnAtElY we couldn't secure enough votes for the gas field lol. How? Lespia and ATO, you see..."
yeah okay. Lists off every country one line at a time and how they support us in the AN, but then get told we got out-voted.
sure thing
The triggers are all fucked up, yes. That seems to be a constant complaint in these threads.
You didn't beat the game if you didn't pay Rumburg reparations.and united with GRACE against globohomo

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lol we just kinda forgot we grew up together
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If only it tied into something deeper...
Yeah thats around the time the story becomes incomprehensible trash. First 2 disc's are cool though
GF's give you Alzheimer's, stop victim blaming.
How is it in the jap script?
Thats the other thing, it goes nowhere for any of them except for Squall. At most it explains why Irvine was reluctant to take the shot but thats it, plotwise they only go back to Squall being in the orphanage, none of the others. So why go through all this contrivance to do nothing with it which included Selphie "accidentally Junctioning a guardian force last year" or something to explain her memory wipe.

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April is the month of Uula. Be nice to her.
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Absolutely. Ghost Path has crafting material grind, which I diagnose as un-fun.
Most normal drops are about a 1/10 chance, with some as bad as at 1 in 20/30/40.

Ideally, I think certain parts of the game would greatly benefit from a total re-balance, but I wouldn't even know where to begin on that.
Sounds like you’re doing a lot of good work for the game’s sake then. I hope you finish soon, it’s starting to sound like you want to fix a lot of the game’s issues. Like what sub-par did with Liberty Step.
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You can play the entire main story and most of the postgame now. The dialogue events, h-scenes and the superboss dungeons aren’t translated though
>dialogue events and H-scenes not translated
Why bother then...?

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Does anyone have a thing where they end up accidentally and nonironically loving divisive games that people fucking hate?

>Final Fantasy 8 is my favourite mainline Final Fantasy and I like it more than 7
>Chrono Cross is my favourite out of the Chrono games
>Kingdom Hearts 1, DDD and 3 are my favourite Kingdom Hearts games
>Nier Replicant is my favourite Nier game over Automata

I found out there was a 20 year history of internet fights for some of this shit.
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>I hated it so much I didn't try playing another FF game for over a decade.
This is one of the issues the FF franchise has and it's very rampant in the community.
The idea that one game defines the series when there are so many varieties. You have fans who started with VII or X who think that the entire franchise must conform to these games they played and then get upset when there's titles like XI or XII that meet different flavours.
VIII while being a Kitase/Hashimoto/Ito/Nomura/Kojimbo jam isn't VII, it isn't IX and it isn't X and while I think its execution didn't hit the spot for me it's certainly interesting like FF II is.

I understand that for new comers and those who aren't interested in game dev that it's hard to see how this split happens and that different creative teams exist but when it's all under one big umbrella with a shiny name on the box you can see why the phenomenon exists.
Not a sleight to you for not playing another FF game for 10 years but rather a commentary on the FF problem.
>get upset when there's different flavours.
It's pretty funny. I guess managing player expectations is important, but some people expect what they want to expect.

Then again, I've never hated a video game, so this whole thing is foreign to me.
But VIII's problem isn't that it's different; it's that it's bad.

>You have fans who started with VII or X who think that the entire franchise must conform to these games they played and then get upset when there's titles like XI or XII that meet different flavours.
A good majority of the franchise from 1-9 DOES conform, though, especially within their respective console pools; 1-3 are all very much cut from the same cloth, as are 4-6. Even 7, 8 and 9 have a lot of the same DNA; the issue, as I stated previous, is that 8 just sucks. So many concepts are fumbled, the characters are repulsive, and the plot is half-baked and just not very fun or interesting.

Complaining that anything beyond 9 feels different is just stupid, though, since the series was clearly, purposefully trying to find a new direction after that, and arguably still is.
>purposefully trying to find a new direction after that
Advancements made it seem possible that the games didn't have to be limited to turnbased anymore. Pretty sure I wasn't the only one playing VII and thinking how great it would be to control the characters myself.
>especially within their respective console pools; 1-3 are all very much cut from the same cloth, as are 4-6.
I, III & V are, II, IV & VI are but back then the games were focusing on gameplay > story > gameplay but II stands out because it was Kawazu'd.
Yes, the games played similar but they were always pushing boundaries trying to be something more. By the time we got to IV they were already searching for a new direction with both ATB & the larger focus on narrative. V we were deep in the gameplay mines with jobs/subjobs and VI being an evolution of IV & V with a more rigid structure and larger focus on story.
It isn't until VII that we see the repetition truly settle in and again, a greater focus on something else. Narrative & presentation. VIII did this again but tried to shake up the gameplay and IX feels closer to the FF formula because it's a love letter detached from the Kitase/Kojima train.

>as I stated previous, is that 8 just sucks.
>So many concepts are fumbled
Yeah, in that regard it's similar to II and while I adore II that game can be played wrong and the desired story was tanked by the hardware.
>Complaining that anything beyond 9 feels different is just stupid, though, since the series was clearly, purposefully trying to find a new direction after that, and arguably still is.
I also agree on this but would point as far back as IV, where it was very clear the game was searching to be something more and it's something that persisted. Like >>3474023 says they really wanted to lean into trying to changing the battle system and you see it in X too where more tweaks were made to the battle system to make it feel more dynamic, more focus on narrative and even character building. It didn't stop there because you see the same happen again in X-2 and XII but this time with the reintroduction of jobs & gambits.
Outside of FF JRPGs were trying new things, new battle systems, ARPGs were ramping up too and FF was always on that evolutionary path.

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How come this game is utterly unknown??
It is really good even if you ignore fan service, and that part is also great.
I have problem with finding guides or understanding how to perform attacks. That Juicing skill, you are supposed to somehow trigger it and it should cause HP damage, but I just get overrun by goblins and raped to death.
I find it crazy that game like Fear and Hunger is all over the jewtube, but this one, it is like only russians and chinese are playing it. Whole first level is literally anime adaptation.
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it's an interesting experience of being a shitter that crawls through mud to stab people to slowly collect enough money to leave the country
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Which is ironic coming from someone who very much wants to stay on his little island and drive all the (perceived) intruders out.
I'll only play it if it has a purity route.
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As mentioned earlier in the thread, you can keep Lona pure, but you basically need to git gud at the game (or savescum a lot).
LonaRPG aka latest stable straight from the source

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>Parliament is about V5 politics, which are impossible to take seriously
>Night Road has the twink
>Book Of Hungry Names makes being an unstoppable killing machine lame
WoD fans are cursed
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>What are you, poor?
Kinda yeah, thankfully I just got into junk trading so I might start making money off of that. I was also literally just now going to become a photographer and have it become a sort of "Nightcrawler" type situation. But turns out its not implemented
>Wear summer topcoat
Summer? Winter? Not a problem
>junk trading
>Work the streets
>Raise arbitrage to like 10
>Sell crack, edge, spikes etc
Jobs are a waste of time and resources sinks for addicts
Except for Pimping and the Depot, yeah.

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For games like Ultima, Might and Magic, Gold Box stuff, etc. what's the best title for someone who hasn't played older CRPGs?

I tried Might and Magic III and it's not super brutal but still overwhelming as I'm not used to games in this style/from this particular era (specifically looking for something from the early 90s. I suppose; not incredibly retro but certainly not from the genre's beginnings).
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Might and Magic 3 is about as user friendly and easy as it gets like >>3473293 said. You can try World of Xeen instead. It's slightly newer but looks better. Maybe it'll filter you less.
I'm actually interested in something top-down versus something first person; any recs in that sense?
Ultima 6 for the SNES. It's basically the same as the DOS version but the dialogue system doesn't require you to type in keywords. The GUI in general is far less confusing. It's as newb friendly as Ultima games get.
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Dark Sun. It's kinda like a proto-Fallout in a D&D setting.
Dungeon Master 1 (with map files, because there's no automap and I wouldn't expect anyone born this millennium to hand draw maps on graph paper)

also this

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what went so wrong?
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Yeah I don't get this guy's >>3473098 perspective here. I first assumed it was ironic, because freedom, random things to do, and character development are what the game stands out for.
I've played 1-13 and 9 has the most freedom and things to do (once you get out of Lindblum the first time it opens up, then more later as you get vehicles).
Almost every time you hit a new moment in the story (beat a boss, get to a town a second time, whatever) there are more things you can do, if you look. There's always some minigame, sidequest, a new chocograph to dig up, NPC dialog only available at one moment in the game, or off-the-path location with loot.
As far as character development, I don't think there's a ton, but it's there and what many people have praised the game for in the past.
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No, definitely not. FF9 is extremely story dominant and even though there are lots of "things to do" in terms of sheer volume of random side content like minigames and collectathons, you absolutely are heavily railroaded for almost the entire game, far moreso than any previous entries (except 8 maybe, I haven't played more than 2 hours of that one).

>once you get out of Lindblum the first time it opens up
The fact that one walled-in overworld field with 2 minigame locations counts as "opening up" is part of the problem, the other part being that it takes several hours to even get there in the first place. FF7 at least has a convergence of good reasons for the way they did Midgar and everything up through the bike chase event is a fantastic combination of gripping narrative, appropriate atmosphere and solid gameplay.

>then more later as you get vehicles
It takes forfuckingever to get access to vehicles in FF9.

Here's the basic problem. Prior Final Fantasy games featured "incrementally expanding" access to the world. Story was linear, but progression would be rewarded with vehicles and shortcuts to get back to places you'd already been as well as new areas to explore. Occasionally you'd hit a one-way event that closed off access to prior locations for awhile, and sometimes certain locations would remain restricted, but on the whole the incremental access trend was true. And speaking of events(which are inherently anti-freedom), triggers were typically far more limited. You'd explore to find the main event trigger and there would usually be only one or two per location.

FF9 isn't designed this way. FF9 routinely closes off prior areas and the game is LOADED with events. In FF9, simply entering a new town almost always triggers an event. Progression through areas often involve frequent interim events before the big event.
>Prior Final Fantasy games featured "incrementally expanding" access to the world. Story was linear, but progression would be rewarded with vehicles and shortcuts to get back to places you'd already been as well as new areas to explore. Occasionally you'd hit a one-way event that closed off access to prior locations for awhile, and sometimes certain locations would remain restricted, but on the whole the incremental access trend was true.
This is more true of FFIX, that's what I'm saying. You can upgrade chocobos shockingly early to open up water, mountains, and air. And you get a boat then an airship.
In IX these unlock more things to do and places to go than vehicles in any other FF game. That's the freedom I'm talking about. They all have railroaded plots.
Every FF game has times when you close off previous places (esp at the beginning) or you're closed off to one part of a town for a story event. Look at your pic and tell me Cloud doesn't constantly get walled in to certain sections of Midgar or Junon early, and Squall is stuck in locations and towns all the time for story moments. Or in earlier games you couldn't leave a castle until talking to an NPC that triggers an event for example. That's normal in these games.
This is just a comparison to other FF games, in most other FF games once you hit an event you'll open up the next town or a cave and that's usually it even with an airship / dragon.
Nothing really went too wrong in this one, it was a great game.
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Beatrix and Lani are clearly best girls.

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