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A thread dedicated to Futas showing off their insurmountable penile superiority over men.

Any content is allowed, as long as the futa is bigger than the male.

Previous thread: >>10837546
175 replies and 96 images omitted. Click here to view.
Man, imagine what Muchin could be if he wasn't obsessed with gross hypercocks, gore, and piss.
This month's wasn't bad, it was the best I've done in the last 6 months. The main problem that Muchin has is that he draws only a few pages per story, he should have at least 10. It is true that his fetishes often ruin the stories but I still really like his work. They have very good drawing and characters but they do not take advantage of all the potential they have to make slightly longer stories and take into account the recommendations of their fans. I don't understand how in a month you can only draw 3 or 4 pages when you literally copy and paste each page, I don't hate that but why are there so few pages?
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I was horny and I had no internet. I love size comparison to a much bigger futa.

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Camping Edition
Previous: >>10974656
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Anyone have a better resolution for this one, by the way?
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And a Seiga, we need more big objectively evil women

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Just girls who loves to eat.
No vore
No preg
No super fat weight

Theme questions:

What women are used to appease low status males?
What role do women and their submission play in religions?
How does society use to put strong willed women into their place?
Or what about encouraging men to control the women in their lives?
How does the system of social status/class play out between men?


Imperial Patriarchy stories:

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I’ve been working on my own patriarchy world building for a while, and I have some stuff relevant to the thread topic.
>Background Information
There are two eras in the setting, Patriarchy and Neo-Patriarchy. The former is a near-future where changes to education, technology, and the law result in several male-led nations around the world following a period of wars. The latter is further in the future, where as a result of a devastating war with extra-planetary colonies, a much more extreme form of patriarchy emerges from the bunkers. They are very much “the bad guys”. (I can give more details about the setting if there’s an appetite).
In the Neo-Patriarchy women belong to one of three castes.
Wife-worthy, respectable and impeccably behaved women that are unaltered genetically, and capable of bearing sons and legitimate daughters.
The largest caste, women who through heritable genetic alteration can only bear (bastard) daughters. These women are the concubines and most of the female labour market.
In a word, slaves. These are the only caste that genetic alterations other than Y-control are allowed for. Most are sterilised via tubal ligation, but a couple of slave categories require them to be fertile, in which case they are only permitted to bear more slave daughters.
>Neo-Patriarchal religion
Even in the old patriarchy, there were isolated communes of extremists which openly practiced polygyny and secretly practicing slaving. These groups outnumbered the more moderate patriarchs when the war with the colonies (just called “The Nukes” in common parlance) forced Earth’s population into bunkers. Within a generation, they dominated the underground society and by the time it re-emerged to the surface, a new order had come about. Their society was structured around a new religion, a melding of Abrahamic faiths with fertility and male worship. Men were in the image of God and women were made to serve them.
(Cont.) With the Neo-Patriachal religion, all sex is a holy act, especially reproductive sex. Semen is seen as basically magical, especially by women, who believe they are blessed whenever it enters their body. There is still a role for chastity, though, as infidelity and promiscuity are vile sins to the Neo-Patriarchs. A maternal girl who is discovered to have lost her virginity before being wed will immediately be made servile. Sororal women who are too slutty are given the same treatment. The ability to establish lineage with certainty is paramount in the Neo-Patriarchy. For these reasons, maternal girls often locked in chastity belts until marriage, and seldom permitted to leave the house/estate of their father. Sororal girls are sent away at puberty to all-female boarding schools for five years, only coming into contact with men again upon graduating. If a man brings his wife out in public, she’ll usually be dressed in a brightly coloured full-body veil, hiding nearly all of her form from the eyes of other men.
The Neo-Patriarchal religion, often just called “the Chapel”, runs the all-female boarding schools and other institutions, most notably the abbeys. These are essentially sacred brothels, centred on fertility worship. Men, especially those that can’t afford personal harems of more than two or three, can go there and, in exchange for a small donation to the Chapel, have sex with their pick of the nuns, sororal women serving in sacred prostitution. Any offspring from these couplings are raised by the Chapel in orphanages, which also house unwanted bastard or slave daughters. They can be trained as nuns, or after their time there be auctioned into concubinage or slavery, look for a suitable job, or bent sent to a slave academy that provides specialist training.
(Cont. II) Once nuns pass their fertile window, they are retired from “carnal services” and go on to teach in boarding schools or orphanages. Abbeys are directed by an Abbess, the head nun who functions as a brothel madame, and an Abbot, the male Chapel official with ultimate authority over the sisters.
Marriage is one of the most holy acts in the Chapel religion. The Neo-Patriarchy is technically monogamous, as each man may only have one wife, but they are also permitted (and encouraged) to have as many concubines and slaves as they can afford. Under the Chapel’s religious law, once a sororal woman is impregnated by a man, she becomes his concubine. He is obligated to house and provide for her, and she is obligated to be totally obedient to him. If these obligations are broken, men are punished with a fine and occasionally the confiscation of the concubine by the Chapel, who make her into a nun. If a concubine is found to be disobedient, insolent, or otherwise dissatisfactory, she will be made servile and sentenced to a term of imprisonment, followed by slave training and auctioning her off.

That’s all I wanted to share regarding the thread topic, but there’s plenty more details if people are interested.

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A thread for wholesome, adorable, and fluffy boys. A little lewd is fine, but this is a cuddle zone first!
Besides that, anything goes! Solo, yaoi, het, as long as it is cozy and sweet, and a cute boy is at the center of it, it's welcome!

(Also, friendly reminder and warning that lewd shotas can get you punished!)

Last Thread:
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Depends a bit, but below average.
Not so small it's irrelevant, but still cute and sensitive.
Above average but not painful to have sex with
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The bigger, the better.
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Small, short Prince cute dess.

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Previous >>10882507

Would appreciate all rare Toobies
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There isn't one. Whenever somebody doesn't like a post somebody made, they call them a berryfag and the thread goes to shit for a couple of hours while everybody argues.
one schizophrenic (pictured here >>10986170) hates berryfags with all of his heart and will cry about them on here and bbwchan unprompted for the rest of his life because they're his scapegoat for being molested/beaten as a child
FW isn't sending his best.
Kafei is the GOAT as always. Is it bad I enjoy her self-insert content?

Men topping Futanari and Shemales/Newhalf. Images with no penetrative sex are fine as long as they still follow the theme.
Futa power bottoms are fine as well.

Previous thread
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Proper male and futa size ratio.
> Tatsumaki obliterates yet another villain
> This one had the bright idea of sticking her with some sort of crazy ass lust-boosting drug, thinking it would make her lose control of her psychic powers
> It DID make her horny as fuck, but not enough to keep her from atomizing the monster first
> It was what came after that that was the problem
> The urges are just way, way, way too strong, so she flies for the closest thing male she can find and more or less impales herself on his dick. Namely, you
> Threatens to do the same thing to you that she did to the monster if you so much as breathe a word, either of protest or about this to anyone else
> Once you get over the initial shock, though.... you know what, fuck it
> You may die, but you're not gonna die a little bitch
> Shove her down, pin her to the ground, and start fucking her as hard as you can
> She's too surprised to react for the first couple of seconds
> Then afterwards, she really doesn't want to
> Holy fuck, THAT was what she needed, keep it coming you beautiful bastard
> There's nothing gentle or loving about it as the two of you fuck like absolute animals, her massive cock throbbing and jerking underneath her with every slapping thrust
> You going off is what sets her off in turn, shooting every last drop of cum as deep inside her ass as you can, her own rod absolutely coating the ground beneath the two of you in sympathetic response as she screams out in orgasm
> She's a little dazed as the two of you separate, both of you just quietly panting, staring at you blankly

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> The second time is even better than the first, with both of you a lot more lucid
> She doesn't seem to have any interest at all in her own cock
> All she wants is yours
> Out there in the world she's the big bad Tornado of Terror
> With you, she's a desperately horny little slut who needs to be stuffed as full of dick as you can get her
> Internally she thanks God for that villain last month
> Probably never, ever, EVER would have trusted anyone enough to have sex with them without that drug
> Or allowed anyone else to ever top her
> But holy fuck, when she's being put in her place, it's fulfillment like she never dreamed
> The Hero Association catches on pretty quickly but stays very hands-off
> If anything, they seem to subtly do everything in their power to make it easier for Tatsumaki to spend time with you whenever she wants
> You're the first person since Blast who seems capable of getting that loose cannon to calm down and loosen up a fucking inch
> No way they're risking that
> You DO notice your food and water start tasting a little funny, though
> And within a month or two your dick's definitely a little bigger than before, and your stamina has gone up too
> Tatsumaki sure isn't complaining, and you're pretty sure that's the point
> Fucking mad science bullshit

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>What is this?
A place to share and discuss the piss, shit, farts, sweat, smell, burps, etc. of VTubers. We maintain a collection of real instances that have happened on stream, fanart, and fanfic stories. Reminder: visible scat is not allowed in /d/
>Why "ringo"?
>>>/vt/5422936 tl;dr /vt/ memes that lead to euphemisms for piss (ringo), shit (choco), farts (braps), and sweat (water)
>The usual BRAAP
Browse stories and greentext: https://rentry.org/ringotext
Rentry links: https://rentry.org/vtuberingo2
Artworks collection: https://mega.nz/folder/T81nEZJI#3rwtDHdd7RExZNH7k6A2xA
Anon's creations: https://mega.nz/folder/aCpmnIDY#a6wR-s7376_R3HWvM6KEgg
Previous thread: >>10923206
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here's some of the better AI pieces from pixiv:
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>Shiori: an idol meeting without pissing?
>Kokage washes her hands, but rarely showers
>Runie scat RP with AI
>Nenechi is unchi king
>Fauna sniffs a fart in her streaming room
>Numi wants a woman's piss in her mouth
suichans butthole...
AI stuff is also likely done by someone who enjoys the fetish themselves, it doesn't just appear by itself. And at least for choco it can't be that much worse then the atrocities most "real artists" draw. Beggars, choosers, all that crap.
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Pomu/Mint scatbros…

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previous thread >>10948212
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reposting WIP
Glad to see we've got confirmation she's got an in-universe micropenis.
I'm probably the minority viewpoint but I wish tansho wasn't a micro penis, rather it was just small but not like basically a clit.

And I think he partially regrets making it that small, as I'm not sure how an actual sex scene can even work with how small it is.
>kissing in the penis church
>tansho is now an even quicker shot to push the gallons of cum narrative

Just like with Mara and Funou being too big to fit into a person, all these choices were made when he didn't think it would have sex. Tansho's joke was just to be the opposite of Mara, being too small for her erection to be seen under her skirt.

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Didn't see a thread.
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I yet live, but I haven't had time>
to draw anything in a while. Last gobbo thing I made was the short story a few months back.
It's a long chain of being in generic fantasy setting tm. Old sketchy of some ideas from back then.
I should correct this grievous insult to gobbokind at some point though.
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>accent on washed, non-smelly feet

why is this shit so rare, im tired of that putrid feet stench fetish everywhere

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everything oral-fixation related
gags, biting, fish hooking/fingers in mouth, etc.
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what's your favorite type of gag ?
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forgot the link

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I'll Loan You My Body - Idol Edition edition.

Previous thread: >>10960639
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i just wanted to share that the artist of the isle of TS monster girls is working on a new game like the last one i believe
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Yeah, someone found a demo and posted it in the F95 thread, but it seems to have gone through two machine translations (first Korean, then Chinese) so the text is practically gibberish.
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Cute idol fox

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I really like this one for some reason. The fact she tried to protect her at one moment makes it hot
interesting concept, I personally enjoy it when shit like this happens. That aside, I dislike that most of these stories are with children, which are not my niche
>new viral miku song about hypnosis
I am so excited for all the porn that's going to come out of this.
Song? Post it
Why is it so rare? It seems like femdom now is mostly either hard core shit like pegging or chastity BS, or NTR.

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neet Ange edition

/ag/ chuuba rentry: https://rentry.org/agchuubas
/ag/ literature rentry: https://rentry.org/exq5m

previous thread >>10917174
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3D chuba too fat to get through a doorway, which has left her stuck in /d/
So is anyone gonna bake a new thread on /vt/ soon
Just did fren
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Last thread >>10824009
Post big people fucking or otherwise being intimate
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Good premise, but...
>Tingle tells me some of the little mites found their way down my piss slit
This line immediately killed my boner. I would never want shit crawling up my piss slit. Also, can you explain what Portalfux is for those of us in the back?
hot, fuck a navy sometime with some big booty chick
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Does the Portalfux app tell you where the micros are? Would be awkward to find out you still have one living person somewhere on your body that you can't find.
the tiny food groups
1) male cum
2) female cum
3) toe jam
4) seeds or undigested bits I can scavenge out of your asshole

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