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This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.

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Do christfags have any evidence for noahs ark, Adam and eve, moses parting red sea, Jesus walking on water and other biblical bullshit or only atheists need to provide evidence for evolution?
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>Thanks for confirming what I talked about.
That you're a moron?
>You're afraid to either support or denounce global accelerated decay rates because you don't know whether the idea was pushed by the ICR.
I literally couldn't care less. Have you ever spoken to a psychiatrist?
Is that what the voices in your head told you?
> If you think he says it, you'll think it's brilliant. If you think he doesn't say it, you'll think it's garbage.
you're being strange and very unreasonable. you clearly have all manner of assumptions about what i may or may not think and do and nothing i say will change that.
im done with this silly game of yours where you imagine you're doing a good thing by acting the fool with anyone who believes in creation. hope you enjoyed yourself. goodnight!
>you're being strange and very unreasonable
That's atheists in general.
Yeah these guys aren't scientists they are salesmen, trying to get clicks to sell their garbage and since your article cited the work of Ken Ham I would say its based on the guy who built the ark in Kentucky. And in order to extend the lifespan of a species you would need to alter every single organ, so much so that it would likely result in an entirely new species. So significant enough to a point where the entire genome would be altered, which I said already. I guess your concept of DNA is that once upon a time there was goo DNA and bad DNA, which is why you would say things like 'error' or 'damage' which is not how DNA works and its an insane thing to say.
I'm still wondering why you believe this significant alteration happened and then stopped happening, why isnt there some evidence of this earlier species of human that lived so long, should be plenty since they lived longer and why should you or anyone else believe these websites are of any value?

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He did know about God and sin. And yes he would go to hell. See Romans 1:18-23
If God chooses give him faith and perfect repentance the moment before he dies, he won't go to hell. If God chooses not to give him this right before death which is the vast majority of cases, he will go to hell.
>fake quote
Salvia officinalis, the common SAGE or SAGE, is a perennial, evergreen subshrub, with woody stems, grayish leaves, and blue to purplish flowers. It is a member of the mint family Lamiaceae and native to the Mediterranean region, though it has been naturalized in many places throughout the world.
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He ended up knowing about God because the priest told him

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How can you support objective morality and preference it towards family/community/nation/race? Wouldn't that be an admission to morality being subjective?
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That's your subjective opinion.
I could say this about any other God with different values and you would dismiss it as retarded larp like I'm doing now to you.
You're the retarded who claims there are facts about what I *should* do, even if I don't care about doing them
I want to know how that *should* is supposed to work
God got a superpower that makes it so he can't change his mind about stuff
So you have no objections to me tying you down and torturing you?
The problem with atheists is you believe you are gods. That is why you're having so much difficulty with the fact that, since morality is objective, your permission is not necessary for you to be bound under the law. That is your duty whether you like it or not, saying "I don't care" is meaningless because you don't need to care, you will be judged by a God who is not impressed with your sophistry. The difference would be that I don't have any duty to care about your subjective feelings, nor could I without an objective moral code, so me saying "I don't care" under those circumstances exposes the irrelevance of your "moral" claim.
God has no free will lmao.

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What /his/ should I know as a half English half Kyrgyz man?

All this talk about inferior races or sexualities committing the most crimes (black thugs or Muslim terrorists or gay pedos or pajeet rapists or white school shooters or whatever), but we should name the real problem that they all have in common: XY chromosomes.

XYs, although making up 50% of the population, have been committing 99.9% of rapes, 99.9% of murders, 99.9% of vandalism, starting 99.9% wars, etc. regardless of the time period or the location. Why is it like this, and how can we fix this?
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>Men don't care about children because they don't want me to kill my children
You are mentally ill
It's a human life, therefore ending that life is murder, regardless of whether it's sentient or not. I bet you wouldn't have the balls to walk into a special needs school and demand that the teachers execute all the students for being an inconvenience
>Threatening to shoot me in the head while I'm sleeping because I believe women should have a right to choose to terminate a pregnancy.
I repeat my point, you are no different from AGP trans"women" who thinks lesbians not being attracted to them is akin to a hate crime.

You don't care about those children after they are born. You also don't care if the abortion might be necessary to save a mothers life. You think all women should be punished because some of them would rather not risk a horrific and painful death that, by the way, would kill the fucking baby too. You just want to control women, you don't give a flying fuck about children.

special needs children are already born and most special needs kids who aren't just fucking vegetables on life support (who aren't even in school because what the fuck is even the point) are capable of fear and pain.
False equivalence. You're pretty fucking retarded honestly. I wish you retards could see how much of a joke you look like when you swallow such conventional thought paradigms with the zealotry of a converted teenager. Very predictable, very simplistic.
Your compulsive moralizing is a disease and you are a physically unattractive, weak individual with little to no agency or a personal will to power.

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that is true? I heard this phrase at my college.
Is agriculture really a basic and primary requirement for civilization? Based on this, pastoral or Hunter gatherers societies cannot create civilization and civilization necessarily depends on settled people
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oh yes. genius! and how do you think the Romans and Greeks got their population boom? I'll let you think a little.
have you thought? Well with agriculture, you negative IQ donkey
Both are wrong and are probably 13 years old, but without much detail what makes a civilization is the type of conditions that the earth can provide it with. agriculture is only possible on suitable soil (which is not true for everything in the north of France) and not only that, northern Europeans did not build gigantic stone buildings due to the lack of material necessary for this. they did what they could.
population increases in places with greater availability of local resources
Agriculture was practiced in northern Europe since the Neolithic
The people of central and northern Europe were mainly non-farmers than anything else. Many locals were still a bit "hunter-gatherers". the diet was still mainly meat, cultures like GAC were basically agricultural in culture, but their practice was not very common.
I'll send you a photo and you can draw your own conclusions.
idk the word civilization is a loaded word and it gets blurry. epipaleolithic hunter-gatherers were able to build megalithic structures like gobleki teppe and level of complexity even if not full on "civilization".

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What pheno is this?
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This is a Finnish appearance. of the Slavs can only pass as Russian(balto–finno–Slav mutts).
>Wide hips, long legs, correct body figure, a protestant cross - she's russian / slav.
There's less than 5 mln finns, and there are 140 million russian slavs. If you go to any russian city out of top 50, you'll see similar girls everywhere.
she looks Northern Russian (with a strong admixture of Finnish blood). Southern Russians are swarty and indistinguishable from Uki.
MetArt physiognomy
So 98% chance of either being Czech, Russian, or Ukrainian
Two quite different things. Original Finnic people were almost fully Baltic, Sami weren't and aren't.

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>Don't fight unless you're sure you can win.
>Appear weak when you're strong and strong when you're weak.
>Take your enemy by surprise.
>Make sure your men are fed and paid.

Yeah, no shit Sherlock. Why is this stuff treated as some genius revelation?
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>don'y fight if you can't win
and yet none have actually listened huh?
Yeah Sun Tzu is overrated as people claim his theories can be applied to modern day to day life. But if I met someone who had no experience of tactics and wanted to learn I would recommend it.
Its like socrates, not the greatest insights by today's standards but still worth a read.
Didn't Napoleon say while exiled that if he had read Sun Tzu earlier he would never had lost the war?
Read the actual book.
He didn't make vague statements and he isn't seen as important because he did it early. Phrases like "know yourself and know the enemy" are taken out of context to attempt to present them as meaningless, but if you actually read the book (it's not even that long) they are just the conclusions to arguments he made over a whole chapter, with detail.
The Art of War was written as an introductory textbook on how to not fuck up when leading troops. The advice is extremely practical and deals with the whole conflict, from the start (escalation) to the end (theory of victory).
Is it intuitive that if you defeat the enemy and take their camp, you should first have the food they left tasted by a few volunteers, before giving it to the rest of your army?
That's a piece of advice found in The Art of War to make sure that you aren't fucked by the first enemy commander that thinks of poisoning the food before retreating.
Mao Tse Tung's On Guerrilla Warfare is significantly better

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The one they hate the most.

Interestingly, I came to the conclusion that the fallen angels created the white race (chosen people) myself by comparing the biblical myths to their counterparts when they also appear in other legends and religions. Then some schizo started calling me a christian identity nut and so I looked into it, and sure enough, the likely sources have already carved out the truth as against the law.

Wild stuff.
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>How did they get from thinking
Oh that's easy, they weren't thinking. It's a massive cope.

>And how can they think that when Mizrahim exist
They deny the existence of Mizrahim or argue that Semitic is actually an IE language.
>supposed to be pure
that was the idea that the angels who fell pridefully assumed would be the case when they bred the Holy Spirit into the flesh of man to create the children of God

they did not know that with a free will we would choose to do evil and create disharmony on earth between ourselves and God the Father, who then sent the Christ who redeemed the fall so that we could rejoin the Father
>If you took your headcanon to an actual CI, you'd be laughed out of the room. Or maybe more politely reeducated.
So would CI people in a room full of legit historians
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>legit historians
still waiting on the zebra excuse to be recanted

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>Just learned about the existence of Tengrism
It's... It's the perfect religion, and yet nobody practices it...
Tartaria was stolen from us
Tartaria has fallen.
Billions must settle.

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if white people are superior then how come every single ancient civilization was built by brown people?
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the latins had more than 10% blue eyes, the study includes the outliers, i checked the supplementary

>Idgaf about irrelevant tribals.
>everyone that i don't like is an irrelevant tribals
those light pigmented southern italians were the natives, south italy got mutted
given that it's autosomally similar to daunians and picenes and is geographically sandwitched inbetween the two i would say that it's fair

the average southern italian looked like a modern french in the past
>area that gets a lot more sunlight were actually light skinned because uhhhhh master race
do you niggers even listen to yourselves lmao
why do you hate northern europeans?
why do you hate blonde hairs?
why do you hate blue eyes?
why do you hate white skin?
why do you hate straight nosebridges?
im white so i dont, i just find we wuz niggers who think that the true natives of sunbaked regions are actually pale to be hilarious.

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>At no time will suits be worn in the pool and boys will not need them any time during the entire program.

>All family members are invited to attend the final swimming session to watch the boys that pass the test receive their YMCA swimming certificate.

Why did they let girls watch boys swim completely naked at the YMCA?

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What was Soviet Ukraine like?

Was it more developed than Russia? Less developed?

Anyone here experienced it in the 80s or even earlier or has stories from their parents? Was their an air of brotherly comradeship or were they already hating each other?
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Bullshit, obviously.
Ukraine in modern borders didn't exist until 1991 when it was first formed.
Before that, pieces of other lands were added at different times to make USSR, a Ukrainian republic. When famines happened in 19th and the beginning of 20th century, we had no chemical fertilizers and no inter-country UN level agreements for countries to help each other during famines. So famines happened.
No. Chernobyl was one of the largest nuclear power plants at the times , nuclear energy was generation 1, experimental etc. etc.
It produced very cheap energy for a large territory in Ukraine.
The problem is Holodomor could have been easily avoided. It wasn't some regular shit the Soviets couldn't do anything about.
Less developed than Russia outside of big cities like Kiev and Kharkov but mostly a series of factories and farms
As I mentioned above. No chemical fertilizers, no UN level agreements on food. I think british started making fertilizer early, but don't think large quantities were not produced until 1930-ies, but you can check.
Before that - famines happened.
>no internet
>no cellphones


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If you are a christian why are you not moving to the most christian places on the planet? None of them have any serious visa requirements probably and are cheap to live
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>You're just like them
You wish, Carlos
Yeah guys, let's just go to Haiti.
why do you not want to share a neighbourhood with your fellow christian men
>the most christian places on the planet
Probably doesn't include countries where Christians are a small minority (most of these)

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