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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

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Do we have any updated stats on how fat Americans are now? Most things are pre covid. Just by going off what I see, at least 70% of americans are obese with women weighing on average at least 180 and mean 240
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>A women with 30% body fat is normal
Why do you want so bad for extremely wealthy jews to have a free rein to poison not only the insides of our body with unhealthy food but also the outside with industrial waste?
So true brother. Same boat. It is easier to get a fat one and then convince her to get healthy than get a healthy person to date right away.
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This is a red/whitepill.
You simply need to be a normal weight to be better than 59% of the competition.
A year of serious lifting, even natty, puts you about the majority of the higher 41%.
>completely dodges the question
Cool just like I expected. Now you shifted topic to something completely different.

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>need to buy groceries (fridge is empty)
>mom took the car out
>too anxious to walk by foot to the store
>haven't eaten since last night
How do I solve this bros?
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>How do I solve this bros?
Cultivate a healthy sense of shame for being such a nancy pantyboy faggot, Alternatively come round and shine my cock and I'll give you a ride.
Just walk to the store you turbofaggot
just don't eat
He probably lives in a non-white area.

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Kettlebells, Comrades!
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Much appreciated, Boss.
Any dan john program is guaranteed to have slow but rock solid results. Do em.
>gym only has one single gay ass 12kg kettlebell
>my suggestion to buy 16kg/24kg/32kg ones fell on deaf ears
i wish i had money to build my own home gym
Seconding this. Dan John is the real deal.
Big fan.
Really makes you proper engage the core and is wonderful for shoulder mobility

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I quit videogames, anime, movies, netflix, youtube, news and Internet browsing in general and replaced it with gym, running, tennis, piano, cooking, baking and growing plants. However, now I have nothing to relate to other people, especially men my age (25) who all are into videogames. Girls also look at me weirdly when I mention what I do in my free time. What gives?
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By your own logic you aren't an npc, so what works for others won't work for you. Consider it this way: you're different, maybe even better, and others can sense that - so you have to be more convincing in your social affairs i.e not make it obvious you're doing things to impress people. The easiest way to do that is not do things to impress people and instead do things that bring you pleasure in such a way that they naturally impress others.
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>Cooking full course meals using rare ingredients vs meal prepping chicken and rice for the 1000th time
Fear the man who practices one kick 10,000 times, not the man who practices 10,000 kicks once.

My chicken and rice would make you weep and cum.
Model trains can get expensive as fuck. Knew a guy that a "train room" in his house that was worth half a million. Plus he had his own train and depot on his land - fucker had bought an old train, smallish locomotive thing, swapped a gas motor into it, laid track for it all around his place, then had an old depot moved.

Women like money, right? Model trains are a rich guy's hobby.
Why would you even want to make it the way NPCs do? Do you really think they've 'made it', or are they just living empty lives that they post all over social media in a desperate attempt to fill the void of their existence?

Also what >>74181213 said is correct and a good approach.

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>brew coffee at home
>feel sleepy
>drink coffee at a cafe
>feel energized
what gives bros?
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Can someone explain to me why would girl date such guy that abuse and hit them and treat them like shit while I make 200k a year and have my own place (paid) yet am virgin at 30 and no girl has talked to me in probably like 12 years.
Either the coffee at the cafe is stronger, they put sugar in it that gives you an energy boost or the act of being out in public actually just makes you feel more alive as opposed to sitting in your room drinking your hot beanwater by yourself staring at a monitor for 12 hours a day.
He’s fun to talk to between beatings.
Do you think the guy stabbed himself?
He looks like the type of guy to headbutt a window if she locked the car door so he couldn't get in

>Advice for new runners
- Build up speed and mileage SLOOOOWLY (start with 15 minutes, increase mileage 10% per week)
- It will feel like you're going slow, you are; don't worry about setting good times for a couple months
- If you start to feel pain anywhere, stop and rest
- Don't try to copy what pros are doing. Do what feels natural
- Once you can comfortably roon 6 miles/10km, start thinking about a goal in terms of race distance and time, and look for a training plan for that goal (see below for suggested plans)

>Couch to 5k/Bridge to 10k Guides

>I want to run a fast 5k, 10k, half-marathon, or marathon

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Rolling for number 1
You have muscle imbalances that cause your patella to not track properly over your meniscus. Work on your hips, glutes etc.
ran 35 minutes without stopping today. came in at 3.4 miles. feeling proud of myself. this is only the beginning
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Maybe I'm just an insufferable asshole but I hate how 95% of running discussion is composed of either
>people who started running < 3 months ago
>endurance runners who run 1:30 half marathons but can't bench 1pl8
Hang out with the hybrid athletes that can't do anything well. They're the descendants of crossfitters who didn't snap their shit up bad enough to never workout again.

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What's the point of roiding if you look like this when you come off?
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His hairline doesn't look receded in that picture?
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I'll bite. Post your hair.
>r-roid trannies!!!
>h-how dare they look better than me!!!
Why do zoomers care so much, it's their choice to inject their body with shit, doesn't affect me though.
Is it because zoomers are all mega faggots with 'muh mental health' issues and body dismorphia? Like a bunching of women.
Look at those lips

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previous: >>74168967
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then they should as another girl one that's thin so it gives the fat one a complex
I've eaten salads that look like that and I've lost a lot of weight, she is cheating and eating goyfilth on the side. Bitch is giving my guilty pleasure salad a bad name. I put onions and tomatoes on my salads too tho
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she could eat her slop and lose weight rapidly if only she sacrificed 6000 of her 7200 daily calories
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I guess the death of the west could be worse. She could've just killed the kids in their sleep. This is the better way.
Welcome to 4chum. Ur gay and enjoy your stay. Then go back to plebbit.

>Ate too much again
do more cardio
>tfw ate too much
>tfw can't eat more food
>tfw stomach not big enough
>sad grug.jpg
So? More energy to workout. Now metabolize! I SAID METABOLIZE NIGGGAA
weak willed loser
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>I stupidly fasted and dieted for so long my stomach is small and can't fit nearly as much food as I used too.

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what exercise would you recommend to make me look better? this is me btw

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Considering i have well defined abs, plateaued basically under the fat belly, what's the minimum body fat % I need to make them visible?
15% you'd also have to skip breakfast to keep them visible
12%. You'd be able to see your abs all day as long as your not bloated
10% and below. Great for photoshoots, not for performance.

>Shit pants
Is this what high protein diets are like?
It's why I'm a diapee boy.
you have to wear diapers for 8-12 hours after drinking a protein shake
Deload on your squat plug size for about a week until sphincter function returns.
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Over dependency on the squat plug. Now you'll always have to wear one.

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Remember why you're doing it.

>skip the meal
>get the bod
>choke the girl
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>You meet these insecure jackasses at every gym
Actually no.
My gym is like 30% broccoliheads and 70% boomer powershitters.
I was grossed out by what I saw in the mirror. That had to change. Now I just want to see how freaking huge I can get.
Women liked me when I was skinnyfat anyway.
>In the end, this also comes back to women
It can, but not really.
Women can encourage your pursuit for greatness, but men ultimately have an innate desire to conquer, build, and dominate. Men would be fighting to be the best among their group regardless of women existing.
The ones that are insecure and dysmorphic tend to actually obtain good natural physiques. The ones that are 'secure' and 'confident' are usually retarded DYELs that think they are 12% bf when they're actually 18%
Sounds like insecure projection to me
ngmi... unless you have a higher purpose.

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Threads unsplit edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For Chunky Chonkers who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?

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At 140 lbs you are already considered underweight. So no, don't lose more. You need to add lean mass: time to hit the gym.
So... i need to lose like 30 pounds in 40 days to achieve this year's goal.

I ngmi, am i?

Anyway, good morning faggots:
SW 97kg
CW 91.3kg
GOAL: Less than 75kg by the third week of june
OMAD on monday, wednesday, friday and sunday, dont eat the other days. Drink plenty of water and excercise.
Eat a lot of greens and proteins, little carbs (and what carbs you eat make sure they're good quality ones without sugar in them).
You can do it.
lots of cardio and protein sparing modified fast and you maybe could but if you don't have any serious reason like, someone bet you money or something, then it's not worth it
drastic diets are the same mental illness as binge eating and purging, if you have to do them you already failed
Weighed in at 82.2kg today
May shall be my final fasting month

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