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the mustached man edition

Read this:

Old >>199235
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>muh 5mm less
this confirms what I wrote at the end of the post: for quirky stuff chinesium is good
you're quirky
Rotor, croder, TA, INGRID, shimano, ridea, sram, first, suzue, hope, sugino, FSA ...
> what did he mean by this
just to name a few that I am pretty certain all have some sub 170 mm 130 BCD cranksets in their lineup and in most cases at least a little bit more reputation than chinkshit I had to force a pedal axle in.
Whats the general opinion here about motorized bicycles?
The chinese kits on ebay look sketchy and arent all that durable from what ive read, any better ones I could use?
No, i dont want an electric one.
Like, an internal combustion engine? I don’t think you need to ask here, I can tell you live in a third world country. Just go down to your local mechanical guy and ask him.
I'm sorry you got a DUI, ride the bus, and keep your weed whacker engine in the shed.
Trave Velo is a wonderful human being.
Is waxing a chain worth it?

>This is a

>Red Line train to

>Shady Grove
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If you build homes for the average BART hobo, they will just tear out the pipes and wiring and sell them so they can keep getting high on the street. For some people the only way to help them is through force, and if that doesn't work the best solution is a final one.
Oh and fentanyl dealers plus the bankers who launder their money should be flayed alive and left on screaming display on Market St, that would also help resolve the problem.
Exactly. Can't believe people still vote for these dipshits thinking that they'll solve the housing problem.
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>operator is high
>"red line train, red line train, thanks for boarding, five points next station"
>Shady Grove
that's when you know not to relax

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That the track is narrower? That it's elevated (chicago already has elevated trains)?
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The question is why is it cool and new
Which line is bangkok is monorail
Yellow Line

Monorails were a relic of the cold war. They were considered futuristic because they were elevated (separated from highways and freight lines). Also concrete beam fabrication was cheap at the time and considered a viable alternative to traditional tracks.
the lighting's fucked and legs don't move like that when you're jumping through a window

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every problem that people have with fixed gear riding would be solved by just using a front brake.
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Is this a controversial opinion? I think there are plenty of people who ride fixed brakeless who know they're making their lives harder, but do it because it's fun. I respect that.

Anyone who rides brakeless and tries to justify it as somehow better, or at least "not worse", are so obviously doofuses and shouldn't be listened to.

In any case, it's not like them riding brakeless affects your life in any way, who cares?? It's obviously an in-group behavior, let them have their fun. It's retarded sure but you literally "wouldn't get it". Thats why they do it, it's a common human phenomenon
i can't install brakes on my frame. how is a brake going to fix that problem?
>In any case, it's not like them riding brakeless affects your life in any way
Until it does because they can't stop in time.
>It's retarded sure but you literally "wouldn't get it"
Same goes for smoking crack. An in group behavior that I don't get. Still doesn't make me want them to have their fun or make it less wrong to do.
>You dont limit stopping power
The problem isn't the type of brake, all functional brakes are powerful enough. The limiting factor is how much grip the tires have. Not only are you using only half of the tires to brake, but you are using the tire with significantly less grip under deceleration.
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Yes you can bitch. Dia Compe makes a good conversion kit.

Post trains that are just a bit weird or different from the norm. All trains welcome, passenger, freight, locomotive, rolling stock, etc.

Saw this one in the Netherlands and it's a bit odd.
>Only one motor car
>Which has three bogies and one level
>Every other coach is a normal bilevel
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Brazilian mining concern Vale operates a handful of railways and ordered locomotives with 8 axles instead of 6. I believe they're also narrow gauge
Early bilevel EMUs from the 80s had a hard time fitting all the mechanical components. In Switzerland the first such "EMUs" were pseudo-EMUs consisting of three bilevel cars and a matching locomotive, all coupled together into a fixed set. Then they couple those sets together, up to three per train.
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>I (mildly autistic) am to this day bothered by the design of Stadler GTWs due to that fucking engine/electrics compartment. It's like putting a small freight wagon into a passenger consist just because.
>Inb4: they need to put the engine or electrical components somewhere
>So does Alstom, Siemens and Bombardier, yet they don't need a fucking freight car for it.
I understand your autism, but it's actually not a bad solution. The advantage is that except the far ends of the cars theyhave completely level floor at platform height, while other EMUs have a much more irregular floor height with ramps and protrusions hidden below the seats and whatnot. From that perspective I actually find them superior, although I think by now this is an obsolete model.
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Do you wear a helmet while riding your bicycle?
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I should adopt this practice. This might also be useful when some cager comes along with high beams merrily lighting you up as if they were only concerned with treating their kin right. Faggots will unironically do that for miles straight.
staged pic. looks like he cut a slot in the glasses
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>cager comes along with high beams
helmutothe,,,save!,again!,,i dip my headso visor blocks the lights but can see roadahead.,
,,,cage ALLWAYS dimms when they see me,,,,maybe a tiny "beep" apology after they pass?,
,,have BigFarm reflector on the rear so theyseeme miles away from behind.
>Diagnosed with 2 fractures, hematotympanum, hematoma and thrombosis
>He is recovering well, still has all his motor functions and still talks and acts the same as he did before the accident.”

What are some cities with both good highway/road infrastructure AND good mass transit systems?
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New York
Tokyo highways are not good, nothing special, except for how slow, expensive, and low capacity they are. The expressway system fits the area's needs, but it is not a good system. Grade separating through such tactics as building over a river is not a good look. Tokyo transit is good, but unable to meet the demand of the area. Bicycle infrastructure is largely unnecessary, biking in tokyo is pretty decent ignoring the climate. When I've had to commute during peak hours I much preferred cycling to the railways.
your having a laugh
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>slow, expensive, and low capacity
this describes any busy highway
>transit unable to meet the demand of the area
based on what, the meme of pushing people into overcrowded trains? the worst line in that regard was the yamanote line in the 90s, at 250% capacity. it's now at max 150% due to opening parallel routes.
>Bicycle infrastructure is largely unnecessary
it really isn't, it might seem that way if you're used to worse standards but good infra makes a huge difference to the amount of people riding bikes and their comfort/safety.
>this describes any busy highway
Tokyo highways have ridiculously low speed limits for a "highway" in many places. Other places in the world have untolled highways. Different highways certainly have different capacities.
>based on what, the meme of pushing people into overcrowded trains? the worst line in that regard was the yamanote line in the 90s, at 250% capacity. it's now at max 150% due to opening parallel routes.
Unless you're referring to the Ueno-Tokyo line connection or the Fukutoshin metro, no, there haven't been any parallel routes built.
Tozai, Chuo Sobu, Sobu, Saikyo, Yokosuka, Chuo, Tokaido, Tokyu, Seibu lines are still quite bad. Getting from Chiba to Tokyo in the morning is not fun.

What's the most retarded bad faith argument against improving transit and walkability you've come across?

I'll start with "But but but, AMERICA'S TOO BIG"
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>retarded ass take
>how retarded they sound
>NIMBYs lack self-awareness
Post discarded.
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Mackinac Island
Good luck finding parking buddy
>two weeks of groceries
sorry, I don't eat processed garbage like most Amerifats so I need to visit the grocery every few days anyways

>Saudi Arabia has been forced to scale back its $1.5trillion plans for a 106-mile linear desert megacity, according to reports, in a humiliating climb down for the kingdom.

>The Line - part of the country's audacious and futuristic NEOM project - was meant to be home to around 1.5 million residents by the end of the decade, with plans to ultimately increase its full capacity to nine million people.

>Now, according to people familiar with the project, the development will only stretch 1.5 miles and house fewer than 300,000 residents by 2030, according to a new report from Bloomberg citing sources close to the project and documents.
Lol it didn't take long to happen exactly what /n/ said would happen.
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Yup. Now they say there's no scale back.
>scale back
that's funny
you mean "abandon"
NL has a lots of recreational culural offerings such as theater plays, events, festivals, concerts, cinemas, night life, museums, hot girls, drugs, bicycle scene ... Travelled there many times
>none of that interests me
Those staying at home not doing anything while rambling online that theres nothing to do always shine with a special flavour of brain retardation
Kek saudis where literally 80IQ goatfuckers 40 years ago. Of course the most important thing for those idiots are golden lambos.
Its the same with niggers in the states, give them a bit of money and they turn into those weird flashy subhumans that transplant diamonds in their head like those weird rappers
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Same reason they keep building giant towers in the middle of nowhere. The people deciding what gets funded are oil barons who want to see who can build the biggest dick.

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How much does this stuff annoy you train autists? I love trains but in a different way to you
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It's cool.
If it's the subway then why the fuck do I care? It's the fucking subway.
I'm not sitting in an observation car
>If it's the subway then why the fuck do I care? It's the fucking subway.
"The demoralization worked"
I don't mind on euro trains since they already look like shit, but on American/Japanese style stainless steel trains, it's terrible. Covers up the natural beauty of the material and the artistry of extraction and manufacturing.
You have to be a real boring joyless mf to prefer a boring wall or ads over graff

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Why does this keep happening?
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>I should know, I’m a pilot
you say this to the cashier when checking out groceries, or the UPS guy when he delivers a package, don't you?

i guess i would too, you guys are hot shit.
Those clowns over in ATC need a refresher course on Vitaly Kaloyev.
>i guess i would too, you guys are hot shit.
Thank you for kneeling, subject.
Swiss does transatlantic flights with A220? Quality fucking journalism.

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Post Your Bike Thread
Slow Roll Spring Edition

Previous Edition
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This is my first road bike, had to replace old claris sti because of a retarded car driver, also replaced the seatpost with a toseek
im glad you fixed your seat angle
a what
Toseek is the brand of the new seatpost, I bought it from aliexpress
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I am new to biking. I use "fahrradwaffe"(her name) for city commute & for fun weekend rides. She is a folding bicycle (I am told). Opinions? How can I improve her? (I have moved the seat up since taking this)
I hate it but love you.

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If you want help picking out a bike, post your height, what you will use the bike for, and a link to your local craigslist.

>I want to buy a new bike. What should I watch out for?
Don't buy Wal-Mart garbage.
Don't buy department store garbage.
Beware of amazon and alibaba garbage.

>Should I buy from Bikes Direct?
If you are clueless enough that you need to ask, no. If you have no mechanical ability, no. If the alternative is walmart, maybe. Ask first.

>I want to buy a used bike. What should I watch out for and where should I buy?

Craigslist is good for old bikes. Pinkbike.com/buysell is good for used modern mid- to high- end mountain bikes.
Ask in /bbg/ if uncertain.

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
I'm familiar with both these cities but I would have to travel to both of them
I'm looking for an older road bike, ideally something that I could put a rack on. I'm not well versed in bicycles, I've only rode cheap mountain bikes from when I was younger. I would be using it mostly on paved roads, bikepacking being the end goal. I'm 6 foot.
if you're inexperienced, looking for vintage and don't want to spend an arm and a leg, i suggest buying a $20-$50 pos, and spending the rest of your budget on basic tools and new tires. this way you can learn what you like and don't like without spending a lot of money. you'll also learn basic maintenance which will be beneficial in the future. if you hate the bike, you just put the old tires back on and re-list it for the same price you paid and try something else. 80s jap bikes are a great value. Miyata, Nishiki, Centurion, Panasonic, Shogun, etc.
Putting bikes direct and amazon/walmart bikes in the same category shows you have no idea what you're talking about. Just because there is a cultural taboo against swapping the 105 crankset and putting in fsa and still calling it a "105 build" doesn't mean it's in the same league as grip shifting monstrosities. I agree the marketing is skeezy and the bikes have negative prestige and many of the customers are probably pretty clueless but it's still better than a random craiglist dumpster dive, and btw you'll need mechanical ability on a mail order bike, unless maybe it's a canyon or something where it's meticulously done except for clamping the bars and sticking the front wheel in the dropouts
How much do fork materials _really_ matter on a bike? I'm looking at Cannondale vs Trek for a hybrid and there's a $400 difference between otherwise similar bikes with Steel/Alloy/Carbon forks.

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Performance enhancing drugs edition

Old >>1972124
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nta but don't people who cycle regularly just automatically develop an efficient stroke narurally? the phrase "pedalling like a retard' doesnt even make sense to me.
nta but the most efficient stroke may require changing your saddle position, cleat position, etc. you might arrive at what seems most comfortable to you in the immediate future, and settle on that as "most efficient" even if you could gain a lot more efficiency by fixing your shit, even if it feels unnatural in the short run
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you lure in a swarm with a queen?

What is the most pleasurable airport to be a passenger in?

Pic unrelated.
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Yeah, the best airport meal I have ever had was in Atlanta so I am willing to forgive it a lot.
In Paris they have Xbox and you are free to play
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La Palma. Canary Islands. Its smol also.
DCA's central position and having a Metro station immediately next to it is great. Although I like the Dulles design better (and the new silver line connection seems cool athough I haven't tried it yet).
MIA needs work, train was down for a while and every time I've been there's some busted walkway or escalator.
New LGA is good. A+ imo.
The tunnel's lighting and ambient music (?) is cool.

Way fucking far, but okay looking and competent.
Rocking chairs and observation areas are neat. Is this a final destination for anyone? It's a great hub but fuck if I know about parking or local transportation options.
Landing in a valley between mountains is amazing to see. It's a tiny airport with some regional connections but it's amazingly comfy. They have a nice outdoor deck and the staff is very friendly.
The new silver line connection to Dulles is not nearly as conveniently located unfortunately. It's not *bad* but it's much further from the terminal than DCA and the tunnel to get there feels like walking through the Catacombs. Navigating the airport is just kind of weird in general because of how labyrinthine it is. Once you get to the terminal you go back downstairs and into even more tunnels then back upstairs again.

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