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Idk. Like, email me or something.
Who is this for?
Everything feels like its ending for me. I have to leave this life soon. It's just sad that there will be no more pets to love, no more pictures to take, or no more things to write. Oh well, all the cool creatives do it.
A girl named S.
Stacy? Lol

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Is it bad to have a mommy girlfriend?
My girlfriend's very motherly, caring, always cooks for me, taking care of me etc. Like pic related really. I love it, but it does kinda feel like a mom son relationship. I sometimes worry it's not healthy for me to give in to this so much.
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As a former mommy gf, now wife and actual mommy, it's alright as long as you understand there are times when you have to pick up the slack and you also dote on and provide for your girlfriend.

I love doting on my husband and when it was just the two of us he had my undivided attention, but whenever I needed him to pick up the slack he went above and beyond for me. Post partum I never had to lift a finger. He also has his own adult responsibilities - he provides for us, bought us a house, looks after our babies, etc.
Do what you want.
I can't save you people from yourselves especially if you are hell bent on self-harm.
You must learn by cause and effect, action and consequences.
Whenever the shit hits the fan, think about what you did to make that happen before you blame others.
It works better longterm than non mommy gfs. All this means is that she is not just gf material but mommy material as well. Don't fumble her.
Just make sure you have independence and support her and yourself and it’s fine. Don’t become infantilized and incapable of caring for yourself or her. Having someone who is caring and loves you is an incredible boon and you need to put in effort to keep it, because at the end of the day she is not your mother and you aren’t her son. She likely enjoys taking care of you because she loves you and just trying to create a feedback loop of that is how people keep their relationships put together.
Don’t be this dude, he’s a lazy faggot who wants a genuine mother to take care of his needs and only act like a dildo when he wants to. This dude is gross and nasty.
This, is exactly what I mean. These kinds of relationships are great and work out, but only if the man still recognizes his role to play. Mommy GFs are mommies because they want to be mommies and they can’t be mommies taking care of grown ass men who want a GF because they can’t take care of themselves. Be a good man, enjoy the mommy vibes and be filled with love and desire to care for her as much as she does with you and it’ll be fine.
Your girlfriend sounds morbidly obese.

What did he do wrong?
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>he was le pussy
He murdered people and got in a shoot out with cops. Asking women out isn't scary its humiliating and degrading like if you were homeless and had to beg for spare change and half eaten food on the street.
You're dead, that's all that matters! Burning in hell and being painfully ass raped for eternity.
>believes in an afterlife
retard christcuck
>Asking women out isn't scary its humiliating and degrading like if you were homeless and had to beg for spare change and half eaten food on the street.
Rodgers absolutely inability to do anything but melt down when he had to do anything beneath what he considered his dignity was incredibly unresilient.

people focus on his issues with women but he was also never able to hold a job or stay at a school to finish a degree. he was totally unable to subordinate himself to the point of willful self sabotage

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Going on my phone and the internet are really the only things that give me stimulation. I want to focus more of my time on books though. How do I cut down? I'm already planning on deleting Instagram and Twitter
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Isn't dope detox a load of nonsense? I've tried it for short periods (~5-7 days) with little effect. Going cold turkey like this on everything you like will set you up for a massive relapse into unhealthy behaviour. You need to make changes to what you do gradually.

Obviously works for anon, though, so I guess there's something to it.
I stopped caring about books when they discovered fire.

Outdated media that old fucks say is SO GOOD, but their full of shit.

You can learn more on the internet in ten minutes than you can reading a whole book.

simple minds = having to get the concept told to them in as many words as possible.

Don't sweat it. Stay on your phone. It's the future!
saved to read later in case it has anything to do with me and procrastination

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How to get over and stop imagining things with a girl whom you suffered a terrible and inconclusive end with?
Let me know if you find out.
Do you want her? I don't want her. I simply want to get over her. I want to stop having her in my head every waking moment of every day. I do nothing but think about her. I have no desire for action, it's just constant rumination, 24/7, every moment of every day, and it's even worse when I hop in my car. In my car, I physically cringe, for some reason. Meditating helps but it's no solution, and it's not getting better with time.... Do you have it this bad too?
I don't have that kind of an obsession, idk what to say.

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What exactly is confidence?

If you don't get 7/10s and 8/10s consistently, please refrain from giving stupid opinions.

I don't even care about 9s and 10s because those are in a differebt mindset towards rich/famous guys and top 1% chads, but if you somehow pull those, please chime in

Context before answering:

I am 33 male been single for 6 years.

While I've faced challenges, I'm actively working on bettering myself and my interactions with others.

Most comments to me feel dismissive of my experiences and struggles, and I'd appreciate it if you could all refrain from making assumptions about me.

Also here is a story from my 20s which proves it isnt all in my head:

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>What exactly is confidence?
Open up a dictionary. Yes, it works, but I doubt you'll suddenly become confident at 33 after a lifetime of autism and terminally online brain rot. Feel free to prove me wrong.
>Confidence means feeling sure of yourself and your abilities — not in an arrogant way, but in a realistic, secure way. Confidence isn't about feeling superior to others. It's a quiet inner knowledge that you're capable. Confident people: feel secure rather than insecure.

I have no skills or abilities not even in autistic hobbies. I have no talent or gift at anything and never even bothered in life cause I knew I would suck. Most of you here say you are confident but you are arrogant.
Also you did not say if your "confidence" helps you get women or shown proof :^)
I regularly pull 9s and 10s but I can't really help you since my dating strategy is basically: Step One: be Chad Step Two: Win. I will say mindset helps because when I was underageb& I lurked r9k a lot and it gave me a defeatist mindset until I realized I was a dead ringer for that Nick Bateman guy everyone was seething about and all that blackpill hypergamy stuff was actually to my advantage. If you are as fugly as you think you are, I suppose you need to do something to set your self apart from the other fugly guys and aim for below average girls. Like it's unlikely you'll get a 7 if your a 4 but it's possible you'll get another 4. Remember, male is the high risk/high reward gender, so you'll still have to distinguish yourself from the other 4s to get your looksmatch. And let go of some of the hate, it's there for a reason but it's not very helpful.

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I'm a CS major about to achieve my Bachelor's in a few weeks, and I would like a full-time position in something software-related. I'm told that I need to rush to get a job since it's so competitive and the longer I wait the lesser my chances of getting something. And they probably are right.

Problem is, I've been listening to so many advices, and I don't know which one works. They tell me to network, I do at LinkedIn, and now what am I supposed to do with these connections? They tell me to apply to small obscure jobs, which I do, but how am I supposed to know if they are not scams? I looked to many places, Indeed, Handshake, LinkedIn, USAJobs, etc. I went to the career services at my uni, but they haven't respond back. I've been tailoring my resume, and I feel like it's never good enough. I mean, I had a summer internship last year and was part of a Google-based extracurricular, but I see other people winning hackathons or actively working on leaderships or volunteers at universities or elsewhere and I feel like I'm not good enough. Majority of positions I find are either not entry-level or ask for skills and knowledge that I have no idea what they are.

Is it too late for me? Should I just flip burgers or be a gay twink prostitute or dwell in my mother's basement? Is the job market bad right now, or is the problem lying on me? What should I do in the meantime before I get an offer?

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>not seen her in 8 months after i got fired
>message her her name randomly out of the blue to start a conversation
>she replies instanly within 5 seconds

does that mean she loves me?

I try to mitigate my "uhh"s and "um"s but a lot of the time when I get silent instead of saying "uhhhh" as I try to find the right words or response, the other person will just repeat what they said, thinking I didn't hear them. Or if I stop for a second while I'm already giving a response, they immediately say "What?" even though I was just taking a pause and I was intending to come back to finish my thought. I get that it's my fault for not talking fast enough, but some people will do this shit if I pause any longer than half a second, and it's extremely annoying sometimes. I am Gen Z, so a large part of it is probably ADHD and short attention spans because I feel like in the past, conversations weren't conducted like an intense game of tennis, but now everything has to move so fast. Can anyone relate to this? Is there anything I can do on my end to alleviate this issue?

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I have adhd and I'm socially retarded. I can't go into group conversations and be a normal person. I'm very shy.

I've gone into new groups of people and not said a word. This makes people think I'm a weirdo.

I've had friends I've known for years witness this and stop wanting to be my friend and hate me. This makes me avoid any group social situation with new people, because I know I'll just shut down.

How do I fix this realistically?

pic related: me, driving away from every new social event
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people with my same mental problems can seem to socialize a lot better than me

thats really scary
is the problem online or in real life?
normies are inferior to us. Honest to God I believe that.
Reproduce then. Nature speaks.
This. Spaghetti holders can't ever compete. People (lol) unable to speak or tie their own shoes shall inherit the planet.

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Until last week, a few OF girls alongside my ex gf were paying me to fuck them. I was a hooker. But, I'm done with that life and I'm trying to heal from it. I've recommitted my life to Christ and I'm reading the Bible+praying daily.
I have a couple issues, though.
>Monk mode day 6 and my dick is completely dead
>Hard time sleeping
>I have vivid and graphic sex dreams every time I DO fall asleep
>I'm getting anxious about not talking to any girls
>I still miss ex despite me KNOWING she is horrible for me for many reasons (she's a hooker too) and get mad that she's fucking other men
>I feel unworthy of a normal, healthy, loving relationship
The endgame here is to put all that shit in the past and get married to a nice virgin church girl that won't cheat, gaslight, hit, torment, disrespect, or belittle me. I want to take a pretty girl on a date and feel like she deserves for me to pick up the bill. I want to be wanted for something more than my body.
My body's definitely a plus; I think I'm one of the hottest men around the church I'm going to. But, I'm just having SO much trouble getting better from my old life psychologically. I have zero interest in sex right now and I know that will be a massive hindrance to me in my everyday life.
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Seriously, every guy I know who got laid a lot never had any problems switching to monogamy mode, dumping chicks, or feeling bad about what he used to do.
It started with my ex, then one of her friends, then one of her friends' friends. The OF girls were for content. My ex was because I broke up with her for hurting me so many times but the sex was nothing like any of us had experienced before, and since she grew up rich she only spoke the language of green. So, she'd offer me 50 bucks+a gift+dinner to fuck her.
I've literally never done this before. I've always had a girl on my dick even when I was single, but I want to be celibate out of respect for my future wife at this point. I can't imagine how she'll feel about the past I already have, and I don't want to make more of it for her to feel shitty about.
To be totally real with you, I'm a little mentally unbalanced and tend to fall in love very quickly. So, even though I had all this going on, I genuinely loved and cared for every single one of them.
Who is this semen demoness?

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>What is /htgwg/?
How to Get Women General is by men, for men, about women, so bring all of your questions about getting and dealing with women here. Some anons on this site actually get laid, and some of those even want to help. If you're trying to meet and date women, then this is the place to ask questions, seek advice, and share experiences. We know how hard it can be. We got you bro.

>What is /htgwg/ not?
These threads are NOT for whining, moping, incels, volcels, MGTOW, hopelessness, or demoralization. We're all aware that meeting and dating women is hard these days, and even harder for some, but /htgwg/ is for men trying to overcome the challenges. IGNORE the posters who complain, who have given up, or who insist that there's nothing they can do. This site has other boards and threads that they can fuck off to.
BE SMART: Spot the bait, don't reply, and DON'T WASTE TIME ARGUING WITH THEM!

>How to ask for advice
Context is important: be more specific than "This girl ghosted me, why?" We can't help if we don't know the situation, so try to provide as much (useful) info as possible ("I was at the bar, this chick was checking me out..."). What's your relationship with the girl? How long have you known her? Any conversation screenshots? Etc...
Don't forget to ask an actual question.

>Books and Resources
"Models": https://ufile.io/f/jrw9j (expired?)
"No More Mr Niceguy": https://libgen.li/edition.php?id=143167290
"Mystery Method": https://pastebin.com/cMHcY4dc (old pastebin)

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>I don't even know how to display sexual interest or intent without thinking I'd come off as a creep. Help me out, I want to start using my newfound power
I had a big issue with this as I have a huge libido but spent years acting like a sexless little brother, hiding all signs of sexual interest. Once I realized that was a problem, I struggled to figure out a balance because I still desperately didn't want to seem like a perverted creep just because I was perverted.

So I decided what I would try would be to start by not changing anything I said or did and instead simply talk to all of the same but while actively thinking sexual thoughts. My plan was to slowly change, moving towards being more overt but I apparently didn't need to. My sexual intent was apparently clear on my face and body language and the response I got was much different.

tl;dr: Talk to them normally while thinking sexual thoughts.
I was fetching cereal and typing you big baby
Yeah my bad, I got a little butthurt, thanks for the insight
>when we matched on bumble and the connection to my sister came up the first time, she told me that we should just stay friends (which was disappointing but I accepted that).
>But later on, as we kept talking/texting more often we also got to know eachother a lot better. And then a few days before our movie date, she told me that she really likes me
It sounds like because of the relationship with your sister that she wanted to get to know you better and make sure you were a decent guy before committing to a date. I would stop worrying about it at this point.
>only 2-3 weeks ago
that's not too long to be an issue at all, just ask her out again
Sometimes women will say what you two "should" do because they are feeling conflicted and want you to convince them so they feel better about acting against what they know would be smarter.
As in "We should stop" when they really mean "We *should* stop but I want to fuck you without seeming like a slut or moving too fast and ruining the relationship."

And sometimes they mean exactly what they say and that you should stop.

It comes down to gently pushing for more, giving her opportunity to pull away, and keeping aware of if she's comfortable or pulling away.

In your specific situation, if she pulls back, I'd ask her how she's feeling outright rather than guess.

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> orphan
> fide master, 2200 elo
> openbsd, gentoo
> C, Lisp, Awk, POSIX Shell
> multiple papers on mathematical logic, point set topology, functional analysis
> multiple offers to work in local unis
> 8/10 looking, 6'2
> 19yo

i knoww, i know.... you gonna fucking diss me that i am attention whoring or wasting my potential or something. I understand that better than you trust me. The question is, I have about 10 000$ on my account and i live in third world shithole. I live alone and i am desperate to move out and live in west or central europe. Here my ideal is to do something that will help me retire from copmuters and mathematics and live very simple life with my lover. For that I need to make enough to by my own house, take some time to adapt to the new place and stuff you know. Please imagine you are me and you need to make as much money you can for next few months. You are all alone and you cut yourself from every academic circle. You are used to solidue and you live completely alone in soviet shithole apartment with one room. Obviously i could get fucking IT job or something like that but i need the money super quick. I am willing to do everything. Thank you for reading this i really thank for your attention. Please mods dont ban it just move the thread if its not the correct board thank you.
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You should look into applying to work for prop trading or high frequency trading firms like Jump, Jane Street, etc. Find a way to contact someone there and see if they can bring you to the US for a few years. After that you'll have enough money to coast and take it easy in Europe doing whatever you feel like.
When did you start hrt?

>apply for a job in the west. Then you can apply for a work visa and use your saved money to move.
Fuck off we're full of jive talking monkeys
THANK YOU FINALLY FUCKING SOMETHING. I am very new in crypto and trading. Ill note this thaank you very much for a fucking constructive reply.
Do not listen the jelly fags here.

With your skills in programming and mathematics, consider freelancing on platforms like Upwork or Freelancer. You can offer services in C programming, Lisp, Awk, and other areas of expertise. Look for projects that pay well and have a quick turnaround time.

Leverage your knowledge in mathematical logic and functional analysis to offer online tutoring services. Many students seek help with these subjects, especially at the university level. Platforms like Chegg Tutors or Tutor.com could be potential options.

Since you have experience writing papers on mathematical topics, consider freelancing as a writer or contributing articles to websites and publications focused on mathematics or computer science. This can be a lucrative way to monetize your expertise.

While you mentioned avoiding IT jobs, consider remote work opportunities in software development or data analysis. Many companies offer remote positions, and your skills could be in high demand.

With the $10,000 you have saved, consider investing in stocks, cryptocurrencies, or other financial instruments. Research and educate yourself on investment strategies to potentially grow your wealth over time.

Even if you've cut ties with academic circles, networking online through forums, social media, or professional platforms like LinkedIn could lead to job opportunities or collaborations with individuals or companies who value your skills.

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What is like being married?
Yeah what being married is like
You should have an affair. That's what I'm doing.
You could probs ask atoga
We started off into each other until I realized she isn't someone I want to be with. I've moved passed those feelings. She hasn't.
She's slipped up 3 times about loving me in person while in a relationship, but I'm not the type of person to sabotage relationships or entertain the idea of ruining a good friendship or being a part of drama due to someone being so indecisive.

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Whenever I see a woman that isn't super old, my eyes go straight to her buttocks.
I can't help it. Even if it's a married woman with her husband and she has her kids with her I ogle the shape of her ass for a few seconds.
I'm not even a prude I just wish I could control this and show some decency towards others.
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What if the thought of burying my face in there and inhaling her ass close-up gives me a rock-hard hardon?
>if the answer is no*
LOL at anon's "Fruedian slip."
Unfortunately you can't really stop it. Not easily anyways. Women dress like whores to get gawked at. Coom brains are drawn to whores. It's part of the programming.
A lot of people in this thread sound like rapists
Once I had an affair with this woman who had the most gorgeous ass that looked so good in yoga pants. When I got her alone with her kids and husband out of the way, I convinced her to meet up with me at a hotel and we had mindblowing sex. We had an affair going for five months after that and we spent the last time at her house. We ended it after that and, three years later, nobody knows except us.

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