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what a dumb mouseka
make a rimworld run but make everyone namefrens of this hovel.
magick gangrape
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Your fortune: Very Bad Luck

I love Karen!

Your fortune: Good Luck
now i ruin your thread lek

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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but she aint messin wit no broke niggaz

Your fortune: Good Luck
7 replies and 1 image omitted. Click here to view.
should i drink mosnter
a ten load of fifties

Your fortune: Godly Luck
what im sippin arn
You really believe this don't you

Your fortune: Bad Luck

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Holy crap I door dashed some water and drinks and my fucking cousin Juliana was the Dasher but get this..she didn't recognize me nor I her. Because she's a "man" now ahahaha oh shit small world

It even had a gotee lmaoo
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now /qa/ is gone, this is the meta thread
complain about [s4s]'s discord fags here
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Your fortune: Bad Luck

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pls post bmi so i can reevaluate if your opinion matter or not.
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Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail

Your fortune: Good Luck
esfotes boys will literally give themselves an eating disorder cus they want a cute grabbable waist
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Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン

My cade spotted a retard :)
holy shit she spotted me :D

Does anyone know what this site is? or at least where is it from? history of photographs? what is it even written there?
18 replies and 7 images omitted. Click here to view.
Out of all the shirts he could have recorded himself doing this in, he chose that

Tranime posters truly have no self awareness on how pathetic they come off as. You are a grown man, you look nothing like the little cartoon girl you are posting, you do not come off as “kawaii” by trying to self insert as a little cartoon girl
i mean if youre killing yourself you probably dont care anymore and arent going to think about how you present yourself as you commit suicide on livestream. i would say no one would ever think "hmm... maybe i shouldnt wear this anime shirt for this suicide stream... let me grab something else so i at least look normal"
Just because you are going to die, doesn't mean you can’t die with dignity. All it would have took was 10 seconds to change that retarded shirt, it would have took millions of times less effort than getting his camera in position took
>csam sites but i'm pretty sure they were honeypots to sniff out and follow traffic of people looking for real cp... probably
>this literally never happens
not true. fed conspiracy theorists are retarded but they do do this

the site or download link they set up won't have actual CSAM though (there are some cases where they'll silently take over an existing site, like with silk road, and not reveal their presence until they can collect enough evidence, but this is rare)
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exactly, the way these sites were put together was like an absolute shitfest, keyword upon keyword and the most ludicrous layouts and backgrounds and images - as if it was supposed to be some kind of parody - while housing nothing, thankfully :^)
i've stumbled upon a few legitimate csam sites before and their layouts were quite literally just like any old (amateur) porn forum really

it pleases me that people still appreciate the older web, i hope you may find many a lulz along your adventures!
it's been quite some time since i've talked with someone about this too, and it's been a blast :-D
have you found managed to find anything interesting?? i promise there's things better out there than just these porn dumps ;_;
i'll state that i've been on this site for way too long, but i daren't even call myself an oldfag :^)
i won't express how old i am, but i've got the feeling you're both overestimating my age and knowledge - at the end of the day i'm just a fig that surfs the web
for how long i can stay, i'll probably stick around till this thread archives, but my response times tend to be quite long to the point that threads often die before i get back to them...

on a side note, has anyone seen a dollfucker thread around lately?
it's been so long since i've seen one, i honestly forgot they were even a thing till today when i stumbled upon a site where someone was making them

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It's Saturday and my favourite socks
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i want to take cute pictures too :< i haven't showered in months
would love to huff your intoxicating fumes
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It's Sunday and my most comfy favourite pants
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And a really cool stick I've found

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I love classical music
The views and opinions expressed ITP are not those of the collective community of [s4s] and do not reflect on the values we strive to emulate as a whole. We at [s4s] do not condone the alienating and disparaging usage of slurs whether intentional or not especially ones that are specifically belittling to various minority groups, it is of grave importance that our threads in the future more accurately reflect the peaceful, charitable, and welcoming atmosphere of our fine board.

Please consider >>>/b/ if this is of any negative consequence to your pleasure.

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[s4s] stands with Israel
70 replies and 14 images omitted. Click here to view.
Yeah I ain't clickin on that even with your two same numbers
it's only a sewer Jew no need to fret
unchecked doubles on the last page!
israel fucking won retard
wtf ? an empty slot ?

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happy morning [s4s]!
the sun is coming up
morning dubs!

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again
happy morning cute passposter!

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What do you think of my dinner? Sorry I already ate it.
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what it was we may never know a true mystery
It looks like you scraped the bowl with your spoon to lap up all of whatever was left instead of tossing the rest like a normal person
Actual sub-human take
unchecked doubles on the last page!
where have seen black sand before ?now the chainsaw

Your fortune: Reply hazy, try again

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if you're reading this I love you

Your fortune: ( ´_ゝ`)フーン
11 replies omitted. Click here to view.
what the fuck are you gay or something stop talking about sex with me thats disgusting
number 2
we were already friends from the start
I don't think I can be friends with someone so rude...
you're misinterpreting seek help
my blankie loves you too anon!!

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger

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What would it take you to become a parent?
The media tells everybody that being a parent means washing all of yourself away and droning out.
Do you feel that the media propaganda has effected you?
9 replies omitted. Click here to view.
i'm not doing it
im supposed to want to make children come out of the girl
i dont like the girls now
i dont want to make them live anyway
maybe i'll reconsider after Britain gets genocided
You’re big in Japan

Your fortune: You will meet a dark handsome stranger
do you mean they know me or do you mean they like me or do you mean i am like them
The last one
Their birth rate is like yours
Probably for the same reasons

Your fortune: Good news will come to you by mail
because women are prostitutes and fat and entitled and i dont want my children to live in this world i understand
but its also because i am older now, and i think women my age break a few years ago and theyre not worth that.
plus if i was to take a woman of my own age there is increased chance of genetic abnormalities and the woman being fucking worthless molesters anyway, two more reasons i dont want to make them.

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