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Post webms of bicycle-riders crashing/getting hit.
248 replies and 50 images omitted. Click here to view.
i live in nyc. i hate these bike niggers
But why? You understood the comment and the point of language is to be understood. Idk, you do you but my friend - we have much larger and much more exotic fish to fry as a species, than to wet yourself because your brain had to an extra 0.001% more work. Are your mental resources really so limited that "break = brake" gets your blood pressure all uppity?
He had to make an extra effort to untangle the mess of the mind that communicated the message instead of enjoying interacting with a crystal clear message.
>we have much larger and much more exotic fish to fry as a species
If you can't master the basics then you don't get to the advanced stages.
>But why?
Because it's the beginning of turning the language into something unrecognizable. Also, why are you okay being wrong?
>we have much larger and much more exotic fish to fry as a species
I can be mad at more than one thing at a time.
Words are words for a reason. Get them right. It's the difference between knowing your shit and knowing you're shit.
You're one of those fags that thinks "I'm not at school, so who cares if I get it wrong" aren't you?

Weird, cute, funny, - birb, fish, doggo, kot - whatever you'd like
137 replies and 110 images omitted. Click here to view.
Not. Freaking. Real
contemplate the odor
Pontificate the fragrance.
Leading them to the promised pond
we are team wasp here

75 replies and 51 images omitted. Click here to view.
It's how they've slid through
Dig deep and check out the Frankfurt Raid. That is a bomb that is still active. It's also why America has gone silent for the last while.
Their entire government is a shadow government.
Another successful op that made the world realize that reality is so fucked up it's laughable.
I'm more interested than outraged. It's obvious that a particular subset of people have gained power out of shitting on white people and calling out 'white privilege' whatever that means. But why? To gain power? To make the world a better place? To just hate on white people? I'm genuinely curious. Because if white people were so horrible and evil then wouldn't everything all over the world be way shittier for people other than white people or did they somehow forget that and let people claw back the power? And if that's the case then how come only white people are to blame? Does it have to deal with the fact that they think a certain way, or are they really just worse people overall.
Joshua Tomar

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Random thread
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It's not a remix, just from the OST
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a man miming the song torn.

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Post Russia
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Remember that only Russia and China make propaganda. No Western country would ever sink to that despicable level.
America is like 40% Mexican already
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>More Ukrainians are gonna die
well probably but a whole SHIT ton more of russians will die so the world has that going for it, which is nice.

also notice that russian shills never mention the vast amount for russians that are dying... why is that? it's because russains don't give a fuck about human life.
What a trashy commie dump lol. All vatnik cowards will soon be made to "revert" to Islam.
Russia's Kushchyovskaya Air Base Hit by Drones target was fab500 glide kits. obviously there are orc snitches.

russian defense ministers Ka-32 helicopter destroyed by molotov cocktail.

Belgium to donate F-16's.

Krynky still holds inept orcs can't do anything about it.

All the reasons putler invaded Ukraine (to prevent) has resulted in Ukraine achieving. except the nazi thing. that's what russia turned in to.

anything with the N word
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the nigger/nigga truly doesn't matter. the nigger freaks out if you say nigga OR nigger.
just say nigger. its derives from yiddish meaning 'black' (negger). the same people who sold them into slavery (jews)
t. N

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The feeling of DREAD one gets from seeing how society has become dependent or degenerate thanks to technology.
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i'd really like to see a full budget one and a half hour movie of this. i guess upgrade is the closest thing.
this is reality in most cites believe or not
I moved from city to country side few years back have to say that was best decision of my life
what if there was like a blade runner tier test every morning making you say the most cringe shit with a straight face and AI detects any subtle change in tone or flinch

Post video game music
Previous Thread: >>5503175
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you're a giant faggot and should kill yourself
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File: Fallout dog.webm (397 KB, 616x576)
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Post Video game related stuff
Fallout is now a TV Show edition
Old Thread
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She's a horrid fucking creature.
File: Cube Chaos Sand Fall.webm (2.39 MB, 1920x1080)
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I don't understand this game i bought
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empire of the sun

File: mystery of love.webm (2.6 MB, 720x1280)
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Doesn't matter if audio or not

Old one maxed out >>5510987
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Architects edition

old >>5500178
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yuck, of course that $0y garbage is going to make you gag
I am foaming at the mouth and clawing at my eyes
I skipped season 2 and I was right this looks awful

13 replies and 7 images omitted. Click here to view.
To you, vacuum means "all the air is sucked out of things", because you're a moron. In reality, space being a vacuum means "All the free-floating gases are attracted to large bodies of mass which hold them against their surface, thus there aren't many particles in between these massive bodies".
Because you're mentally a child, you hear vacuum and think of mommy using the vacuum cleaner. That gives us a glimpse into how retarded the REST of your logic is as well.
The schizo's mantra is "do your own research" but then if you actually "do your own research" the schizo will just attack your sources. Turns out what the schizo means by "do your own research" is literally just "get your info from my source only (which is just some other random schizo on the internet)".

aaaaaaaaaaaaand you lose.
Falsification is independent of replacement. Nobody needs to provide an entire perfect working model to refute your claim. We looked and we can see too far. Earth's motion has never been detected and every experiment proved the opposite. Keep lying, coping, seething, dilating and committing logical fallacies. Anyone who is honestly looking for the truth will see shills like yourself and wonder why fallacious arguments are the only way to defend the globe. You have nothing, you are a bootlicker and a cocksucker.
Ball priests already admit mass attraction doesn't exist.
Black science man himself can't explain what gravity is.

Speedruns, smash tournaments, conventions and the autistic/cringe shit associated with them
57 replies and 36 images omitted. Click here to view.
>If you're blind, you could make mistakes.

Thanks pal, as a deaf guy, I'd like to say: dwsjsfdjfsd fkljfsjfsak ejje jfjfskf
NTA, but you missed the point.
It's not about the fact that mistakes can happen while doing things blindly, it's about the meaning or the repercussions behind making such accidental mistakes.
Yea, he was being really creepy, you might even say kind of a creepy cunt. He ended up getting banned for it in the end.
Hope this helps
Thank you, i was hopping to find this gem.
In other words, fake story until proven otherwise

284 replies and 137 images omitted. Click here to view.
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moses grass
If you eat it you absorb its power
holy fuck I hate you proselytizing atheists more than the door to door Mormons and Jehovah's Witness
after 2020
when dipshit "won" and food prices went through the roof
Why is it heartwarming to see the rescue videos despite knowing these are basically pests a lot of the time and the thread is also full of damage caused by these adorable retards?

Bro moment

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