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Casual corydoras edition.

Discuss anything aquarium related here, including tanks, bowls, inhabitants, logs, decor, plants, and issues. Before asking questions in this thread, make sure you give us at least some details when asking a question, such as:

>Tank size (include dimensions, not just volume)
>Unusual Parameters (nitrate, pH, GH, KH)
>Any inhabitants + how long you've had them
>Age of the tank
>Pictures are always helpful

Tank Cycling:

Stocking and Water Change Calculator:

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I bought a bunch of pumice rock and I'm going to glue various mosses on them and make floating rocks to make a few bucks off my tanks. Do you think they will sell well?
I just have a hunch every norm is going to want some "avatar rocks" when they see them ready made with real mosses.
He has a pump with filter sponge on pretty much everything he does and his maintenance vids he talks about weekly water changes though?
I'm ready to start setting up my filterless, dirted tank, it's just going to be 6 gallons or so. Is there a consensus on how important it is to have a thick sand layer to get anaerobic conditions in the soil? Father Fish says plant roots can only take up nutrients under those conditions but I'm not sure if that's really true.
I plan to use amazon swords and then also some java ferns to plant it.
>4 minutes in
>mentions anaerobic bacteria completing the nitrogen cycle
this hobby is beyond cursed

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Land Whale edition

Previous Thread >>4685883

Speculative evolution is the exploration and imagining of how life might evolve in the future or could have evolved in alternate pasts. It's a multimedia sci-fi genre that harnesses scientific principles to create detailed and plausible hypothetical creatures, ecosystems, and evolutionary histories.

>One-stop shop for relevant background information for starting a project

>Fantastic blog covering all sorts of spec evo topics in-depth


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I wonder if herbivorous would prefer safe food over tasty.
Does it matter? Something gets eaten anyways. Fruits leaves the body of the plant safer but takes extra effort to grow and can't feed the plant itself like shoots do.
in his defense, it's a solo project, and he's never made a game in his life before. I think it's pretty impressive by that metric.
It's not much, but I look forward to seeing where it goes.
>watched for a year
>negligible progress
>added aquatic creatures
>overhauled the clade diagrams
>created whole system of seed dispersal for plants, including floating across water, sticking to fur, being spread by animals eating them, etc
>added grasses and floating algae
>added weather, natural disasters, etc
>a wide verity of new body parts
>overhauled the instinct system
>created poison types for plants and poison immunity for animals
>added multiple new food types, different parts of plants, blood, milk, etc
>overhauled the instincts system

you might be retarded, anon.
I'm also in indie dev circles. All of this would have been in the initial showing if he had any experience before. I want him to continue working on it, but he's going to have to do a major refactor to make it more than "my unity project #5".
>Spec Evo Gen
So wait, tourist here wanting to get this straight. I can post my OC made up animals here for my science fiction world building and get advice from armchair biologists on how to make them plausible?

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ITT: Products that trigger /an/
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never took my cat to the vet once and it is 10 years old
pet for poors
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This. True men buy a TOADLINE at 2-4 years average lifespan.
Because it's a very slow and painful death, but the sad truth is that it's by far the cheapest, simplest, and most effective way of dealing with a rat problem

Why do people keep saying this animal is trash? The Cheetah is literally the fastest animal on the planet, that makes it far better and superior than a Lion in my opinion.
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Tigers are fine, but they're also IRL monsters that will rip you limb from limb if given the opportunity, whereas cheetahs routinely get mogged out of their kills by hyenas and require emotional support dogs to exist in captivity
>we inbred them so severely the first time we domesticated them
That never happened.
> require emotional support dogs to exist in captivity
I want to emotionally support an anxious cheetah.

Post monkeys, talk about monkeys
For me, it's the pygmy marmoset
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It's a doll.
>Lol all republicans with no exception are animal haters, monsters and pro-Trump.
>Nooooo, you can't say dems are all groomers and pedos!!! Call the mods! I could talk about politics before but now I'm losing and I want all these posts deleted!
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stop schizoranting about politics you fucking monkey
Where would you even find these telegram channels?
>using your phone number to interact with criminals
All I can say is good luck. I've tried searching through IRC, some dark web shit, etc. They're either hiding it incredibly well (they know what they're doing is wrong) and/or I am just too stupid to look in the right places. I was going to try to piece together more information about it, so it could be a reference point for the "history of the internet" type of thing, but since then I've changed my mind entirely.

I am not asking for spoonfeeding either. I don't want to be a part of any of this. Think about it and consider if you do as well.

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So what, if you run into one of these things and it decides to attack you, you're just fucked? You die, end of story? How is that fair?
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I heard the cougar population is getting out of hand so much that cougars are now starting to pack with each other.
>or at least compete with it athletically
the fuck am I gonna do, challenge it to a game of basketball?
has anyone tried this? maybe you're onto something
Not at all, people successfully fight them off all the time because they don't stick around to finish prey that fights back. They wound, retreat and wait for you to die- but we have cell phones and are often in groups, so rescue is likely. Almost nobody dies to cougars as a result.
except when, you know, they don't

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/dog/ clothing:
For work and play
These harnesses are crash tested, but are too restrictive for exercise.

/dog/ training:
[YouTube] Why Mastering Reinforcement Is The Linchpin To Reinforcement Based Dog Training #196 #podcast (embed)
[YouTube] I REFUSE to Be the “Alpha”. What 4 weeks of Positive Reinforcement looks like with an Untrained Dog. (embed)

Be nice to /dog/s:
Just because hurting them works faster, doesn't mean it works better.

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She cleans feet, truely a blessed dog
If the trolls ever manage to scare away this dog I’ll riot
hey guys, so the breeder i got my pup from sold all her pups like 5 weeks ago and now i see on her social media that shes looking for an hostfamily for the mother of the puppys. The breeder has both parents and a lot of other dogs, why would they want to bring the mother of the pups to someone else temporarily? anything u can come up with? daddog continuous fucking? the breeder has the daddog up for dogfuckingbreeding shit so maybe thats why?
Are you interested? Just ask. There could be lots of reasons why depending on if it's a temporary or permanent thing, but remember for some breeding is a business, and it may be time for new blood, or just for that female to retire from breeding for their own health, and the breeder might not want to accumulate dogs that aren't part of the program anymore. Hope that's not too cold of an answer, but many breeders don't just keep the dogs as pets, the ones who do are usually back yard breeders (which isn't always bad, just needs the same due diligence)
My partner became an LPN and now nobody is home to watch the dogs.

What should I do? Rehome them?

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Why do these guys trigger my fight or flight so badly? Am I a pussy? Or should I be afraid?
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>I’d be creeped out if a lion or wolf did the same
I'm pretty sure that birds on my bird table get similar feelings when I watch them from my window (I do try to avoid doing it of course)
I think it's because you can tell that they're thinking and intelligent, but still soulless animals that will kill you if they could.
stumbling into baby barn owls is spookier
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why did you post the footage of my alien abduction?

Why do the mourning doves mourn? What tragedy has befallen them?
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This fucker.

For the people who are tired of being told they are abusing their dogs due to baseless claims.

For dogs who are allowed off-leash or working towards being off-leash because no dog has true freedom like running around with their own will.

Only webms of training dogs are allowed.
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based and true. no dog is ever 100% trained. they are not robots. even police dogs trained like roman soldiers, and even service dogs that have never known evil, bite their handlers and disobey - and dogs are apex predators. off leash dogs are disrespectful and dangerous to other peoples property. what if someone was walking their rabbit or cat? that's their pet on a leash, controlled, it doesn't deserve to die, and no matter how hard you hit the shock collar or how reinforced you thought your training was, dogs can and do decide that today, your pain isnt enough, and your treats arent enough, for them not to eat that tasty animal. the dog is not dangerous to people, they are still a good dog, but it is just their nature and you will never, ever fully suppress it, and the laws in your area might treat your dog more like an inanimate object and mandate they're destroyed as reparations.
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Seeing eye dogs are trained using the inclusion of positive punishment as all dogs should be. The best method has won time and time again and proven itself to be non-abusive as guide dogs are one of the most docile and stable dogs available. People rely on them to obey with their lives.

From the seeing eye dog manual:

>Use a snapping or popping motion with the leash while the leash is still slack.

>If the puppy doesnt stop trying to pull… strengthen each correction.

They also encourage the use of headcollars and chain training collars.

>you shouldn't let your dog be happy b-because there's a 1 in 20,000 chance something (entirely preventable) happens

Just watch your dogs’ surroundings and call them off before that and you'll be fine 99.99% of the time. Also what dog do you have? Eitheir none or some geriatric senior dog whose mind is broken to think the world only exists with a 3-foot tether. Sad. If you don't train your dog to be off-leash you're doing it wrong and don't deserve one.

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they clogg their butt holes up with old poop that hasn't been pooped yet for said hibernation.
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>old poop that hasn't been pooped yet
you shuld bing it if you don't belive me. the eat some food, and then go to sleep without pooping. the poop becomes old and clogs the butt up.
imagine having to take a pooop but holding poop in for months and it becomes old and poopy.
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I think I accidently shined one of those powerful green lasers into my cat's eye and I'm scared that I actually did it and hurt her eyes
please help
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bro just vapes
hey retard
don't play with "powerful" lasers. you will go fucking blind or make somebody else go blind. if the laser is over 5 milliwatts then it causes damage before you can reflexively close your eyes. if it's over 5 milliwatts you need laser goggles and you should not have your cat or any other living thing that doesn't have laser goggles anywhere near you.
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>go on a hike
>all trees are the same kind
>no animals
>no insects
>maybe one or two songbirds and one woodpecker
>streams completely empty, no frogs, no fish, no bugs
Why are forests here (NE USA) so empty? I grew up in a thirdy world Asia and there were insects everywhere--beetles, grasshoppers, praying mantises, butterflies, dragonflies--and small animals like frogs, toads, and all kinds of birds. Every stream was filled with fish, amphibians, and sometimes crayfish.
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Some hiking trails have been poisoned too much with anti-tick chemicals that no longer work on the ticks, and that DEET spray.
That's just, like, your *opinion*, man.

Next, what is latitude?
How ONE beetle's simple little trick Changed the world forever
Always funny how new yorkers make excuses on, how their concrete jungle makes their kids grow up tougher, since they can take easily brush off noise and smells.
Yeah, real tough, cries and pisses uncontrollably touching dirt, or even thinking about a forest
Good posts. Yeah, the trees in NH look super young, they are also managed in the parts where people actually live in. It is too big to be managed by the existing population, but, you can see some bits here and there getting trimmed down every few years.
If you explore in certain spots you can find turkey, racoons, and frogs.

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he's just minding his own business
He's real neat. I'd name him Terrordog
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I was thinking it reminded me of a crocheted blanket.
I don't believe this is real. Very nice CGI but you made it look too much like a silly Pokemon to be believable.
Wool ball

Welcome to /Plant/. Where we either keep or trade tips on Plants or ogle at them from our screens.

>NZ Endemics.

>Flora of the World

>Plants of the World Online

>Hardiness zones

>Plant ID Sites

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It would more like this. Note that the water concentration for the right pot is slightly higher for a given depth, due to the extra drainage the gravel provides.
When you have a single hole at the bottom of the pot and it's all dirt all the water has to make it's way through the dirt to that single spot to drain out. On the other hand if there's is gravel at the bottom it's as if the whole bottom of the pot was one big hole and the water can drain down from any point in the dirt. After the water is in the gravel the gravel provides little resistance to the water and it can easily drain out through the single hole.
What determines if a forest is gonna be evergreens or normal trees?
the seeds, and pH balance
What determines the ph
How much cum drips out of your moms ass while she takes a piss after the satanic gangbang

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