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>nude posting
>Posting crying face
>Attention whoring
>Petty drama
>Making everyone hate them

Do you think they ever look back and think on how embarrassing they are to normal people?

What do they even say when someone recognizes them irl

I'll never understand the need to trip
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May is it?
you proud of yourself?
no not really it only took like 5 seconds.
but like if your proud of me i understand
no i actually think you should kill yourself nosy retard

old thread was at bump limit and it's still friday.
old thread: >>35543504
QoTT: How far would you go with cybernetic replacements if they were a viable and current way to transition?
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wait until the person asking for it is actively posting, then put it in a 10 minute or single-view unsee as an image for them
i guess that's one way to do it. either way i won't be trying to actively engage with creeps from here
yes u could ._.
i don't mean a hon will transform into a pretty lady, but when it comes to subtility contry rly does matters.
drop it now and I'll add you and then you can delete the post
throwaway mails/discord and then move to your main or just use the throwaway forever, no need to tell the dude about that

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>never had any dysphoria until I started using this website
>fixation on transformation stuff since early puberty
>wore high heels a few times in childhood
>never ever took care of myself or my looks
>I don't recall being jealous of women or really hating my puberty
I do dislike my face, but I don't know whether or not that is because I am ugly or masculine. I don't like my browbone first and foremost, it makes my eyes look weird.
Now I am only attracted to males. Never to women.
I have been on HRT for 5 or 6 months (not good at counting this) and I genuinely do not know if I like the changes. I absolutely like that my temples filled back in, but I feel nothing about my small tits and feminine body.
If I had to recall a period of """""dysphoria""""" it would be when I was freaked out as kid by getting morning wood and tried to ask my mom if something was wrong.
I thought ONCE to cut off my genitals but it might have been an intrusive thought.
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>. I know you might not think you had enough of these moments to qualify, but its normal to forget stuff like unpleasant memories over the years.
I think that's a cope. Like when people remember old memories and misattribute them to dysphoria and so on.
I dont disagree this is usually a cope. But im talking to OP, not all the trannies here. OP is doing the opposite of cope right now and is being unfavorable to themselves.
I am OP
>4chan gave me dysphoria
kek u aren't trans..
Do I have to stop taking estrogen now?

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total [REDACTED] death edition

chudpoon qott: what is your least favorite minority?
non-chudpoon qott: do you like kitties? :3c

previous: >>35545015
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>majority of reports are above the 1st percentile
guarantee the sample groups had a pre-existing reason to have an overinflated sense of self worth
probably all 1st year university students
1. people got bored during covid and now there's way more trenders than ever so in any statistics trannies resemble their birth sex more than the sex they transition to

2. pooners literally cut their tits off and get fake dicks because they ''feel like men''. that's an illogical thing to do and it aligns well with the fact that most ftms like art, languages, psychology, shit like that. a lot of mtfs troon out as a fetish and these ones keep the IQ stats higher
I want to forcefully do girlremoval on you
i already smell like a boy then cuz I don't notice a difference
I don't think you understood this post. You are talking about the light blue/teal/cyan line right? Also these aren't IQ stats it's self reported

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last >>35553550
qott do you prefer queso or salsa
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Is that a beyond meat söy burger with organic vegan beyond cheese?
>Like, is their disgust towards me actually justified
the girl im talking doesn't think she's cute or hot, when she's both times infinity
beyond burgers are good desu

how do you know if you love someone or if it's just limerence?
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>or if it's just limerence
we have a tripfag here called "kassandra" who loves describing herself as this way. i never read her posts cause she's a transbian , but i would've thought the entire point was she viewed herself as a hopeless romantic or whatever because of it. yet you are describing it as weak shit compared to conventional "love"
i mean my understanding is that limerence is just like, temporary shit caused by like chemicals or whatever versus love which is like permanent and based on like emotions and bonding and stuff but honestly idk
i mean i just read both the dictionary.com definition for it, and the wikipedia summary for it, and nothing even slightly betrays it being "temporary". and idk if you saying it's "caused by like chemicals or whatever" is supposed to mean it's less genuine than conventional "love"

in the end, it's not even necessarily worth citing hard resources for identity shit (unless this is something that can be diagnosed by a psychologist or something), since you have to depend on colloquial usage for that, and it may or may not be documented. but i don't really see why you would use such an obscure term that means to feel something strongly, and then consider it weak or fake. but, again, maybe i am missing colloquial context only you would know, as someone with that word in your vocabulary. i do not have enough context to participate in a convo on it
stealing this pic
well the basic rundown is i have very strong feelings for someone but don't know if it's serious or just like, i called it limerence but i guess i just mean i'm trying to tell if it's real love or just something that feels like it i guess.

Does anyone else feel like there is no place for us? The TG/TS/femboy lovers crowd all love performative femininity. They prefer shaved crossdressers over passing mtfs that are a bit boyish. Even from out own community we don’t get FtFemboys levels of hate but we are severely misunderstood nonetheless.

Anyway this is a place for boys who are kinda like girls who are kinda like boys.
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I feel like a just want to be kpop twink…
We need more AAP MTF representation. Like yes I am a woman and stuff I guess but like it’s be sooooo hot to be a boy. Or to like kiss a boy while being a boy? It’d be great I’d be so hot if I was a man. But I have dysphoria so I can’t do that.
Even with how I dress, like I don’t dress super masc or anything but I very rarely wear dresses. I mostly just wear baggy androgynous woman’s clothes in earth tones. It’s not even a dysphoria thing I just really like how it looks. Idk if I could classify as a tomboy or not tho. I definitely have a fair few boyish features, like I still pass but I think I’m seen as an androgynous woman abd I really like that.
Regardless it’s easily the fucking best gender presentation for me. I love being able to have a little bit of boyish charm to my look while still getting to be seen by society as a woman. Like being a girlfag is the peak of human existence. Lowkey I’d love to see a study on MTFs with AAP cause I feel like it’s a wild internal experience
The further you go into transition the easier it gets to just relax and chill in masculinity/androgyny.
Like I took hormones and got FFS and that all helped but going back to a more andro presentation and not caring as much or forcing anything feminine was what really did the final blow to dysphoria. Like I live in peace now. I wake up content, can look in the mirror, none of my personality is filtered, curated or rumated about, and I just go outside. Ultimate bliss. Girlfag is peak existence
It’s so great and honestly I’ve been thinking about making my gender presentation more masculine or androgynous lately. Like I’m not trying to look like a boy exactly but I wanna look a bit more boyish. Like get a short hair cut and stuff. Honestly once you reach a point where you can present this way and still pass things feel so much more free. Plus like it just fits my personality, I am often a very kind bubbly person which is stereotypically more feminine but my biggest interests are all out doors stuff. Like I love being in the woods and looking for animals and plants in the dirt and like those are just activities that you expect a tomboy to do. Plus being a girlfag is just more fun in relationships. Like I get to be seen as a woman and date men and at the same time I get to fulfill my fujo brained yaoi fantasies. It’s great
God please. I don’t wanna stop being a woman or anything but the idea of kissing a boy who is kissing a boy? Omg, like if I wasn’t MtF I could have been the hottest gay guy doing hot gay stuff. Dysphoria is a bitch

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--- Bizarre Ballad Edition ---

>QOTT #1: Do you listen to much new music or are you more set in your ways, having found music you like?
>QOTT #2: Do you wear/own any jewellery?

Previous thread: >>35495057


>Am I bi if I like women and femboys/traps?
>Am I bi if there's this one member of the same-sex I'm desiring, but normally I like the opposite sex?
>Am I bi if I sexually like both sexes, but only interested in romance with one of them?
Yes, sexual attraction to both sexes is bisexuality.
>Do you love me, OP?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Damn, I guess my search is still ongoing. I'm guessing you atleast shred the guitar
>It's true, every bass player is a lady killer. It is a curse how many women and men love us
You'll be more of a lady/lord killer if you record yourself playing bass naked.
(You sitting in my face while doing it is optional)

>Honestly I think that really motivated me to do so.
I'm glad it worked, my man. Keep crafting your soul into your art! No time is waste when you improve yourself in the fine arts. It's a great journey. Hope to see more of your bass around here!

>I love them their basslines are always so fun. It also helps that they are all really hot
Agreed. And talking about sexy, please watch this videoclip and listen to the song. They match perfectly. I fucking love Husky Rescue. It's one of my favourite songs of this band and the bass here is simply divine (even tho a simple bass). Pure sexyness and love, my man. Trust me, it was part of my sexual awakening:
i don't play any instruments, i just used him as an example because he's the first bear type guy in metal that came to mind
>you record yourself playing bass naked.
Maybe for your birthday if your lucky

>Hope to see more of your bass around here!
I might upload more at another time if I think it sounds good enough, idk we will see what happens

I like the song! It makes me want to go late night driving or take acid, I am gonna put it on one of my Playlists. The bass is groovy too. It also kinda reminds me of this song
Makes me feel like I'm floating

It's OK I still love you even though you can shred

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Hi qott - whats your favorite car? I like the civic del-sol.
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The human centipede was a good movie
life goals (it's what all humanity deserves): one long endless human centuboros
i gotta check out stuff from that time period then. omg i love battle royale!!!
what kind of movies do u usually watch?
same ;___;
it's fucked
Idk mostly just 'semi pretentious' stuff for people that want to pretend they know things about cinema. I don't think I know that much but I like the movies.

I like sergio leone, kurosawa and tarkovsky a lot. As a genre I really like musical movies they make me kinda happy feel good. Especially the old timey ones from the 50-60s. My favourite is probably 'The Umbrellas of Cherbourg'.

It's the weekend, what are you drinking?

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i grabbed it but it doesn't smell used. i feel scammed.
sex pest
That's my parasympathetic nervous system sis
Me have libido. It's ok.
ok ima watch it tonight then

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QOTT: What if we accidentally spent our entire life making sure that everyone else felt comfortable just to realize that, that whole time we never felt comfortable within ourselves?
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no, I need people who ask to talk to me to respond after I do. I am starting to think there is more wrong with mr. 5'6 than his height
0-5 I cum to jennie's pics
6-9 I cum to triss's pics
Those were not even odds anon. kek
I need you so bad you’re everything I’ve wanted in a girl
I'd like it, you look really cute with blonde

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I'm a straight man who larps as gay in bar bars.
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It's only gay if you push back, smile and don't say "No Homo"
Because it makes me feel less lonely while I drink alcohol and sometimes the music is good.
You do know that you don't have to pretend to be gay to be in a gay bar... Right?
not op but can you say you're straight and still be at a gay bar? Thats sounds like cheating
I think people will look at me down and will acuse me of being an spy, liar or both.

Why aren't more trans girls getting into porn?. i wanna see you all get railed on camera
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is that "medium" compared to anamoding twinkhons or "medium" to a normal, sane person
normal, its a normal butt
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sorry love i like fat bitches
why is it so hard to do e-sex work DAMN
gain like 30-40lbs and then we'll talk dosh

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i confessed to my girlfriend that ive been having some doubts about my gender identity but she has been much more 'accepting' than i anticipated
she immediately asked me if i was going to start taking estrogen and i said that it was a possibility and she seemed more excited than me, she said she was going to support my decision if i did and later admitted that imagining me as a girl turned her on
what does this mean am i dating a fabled agp cis woman
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idk what i expect exactly honestly but at least i think she is on board
She's gonna have fun turning you into her pet fag but after she gets tired she will leave you for a real man.
she likes women too
All women do
>.t salty straight hon
this wont make him love you, fyi

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if you don't pass you don't deserve to have your pronouns or gender identity respected. shrimple as that.
yeh, but more like u only deserve to be gendered the way u want if it just happens and u don’t have to ask for it. if u won’t get gendered how u want without demanding it from people, it’s over and u should unironically detroon.
i mean what's the point of correcting people in the first place? all you're doing is creating an awkward situation by pressuring people to play pretend against their better judgement. they still won't see you the way you want to be seen. it's rough but that's just the way it is.

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