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This board is dedicated to the discussion of history and the other humanities such as philosophy, religion, law, classical artwork, archeology, anthropology, ancient languages, etc. Please use /lit/ for discussions of literature. Threads should be about specific topics, and the creation of "general" threads is discouraged.

For the purpose of determining what is history, please do not start threads about events taking place less than 25 years ago. Historical discussions should be focused on past events, and not their contemporary consequences. Discussion of modern politics, current events, popular culture, or other non-historical topics should be posted elsewhere. General discussions about international culture should go on /int/.

/his/ is not /pol/, and Global Rule #3 is in effect. Do not try to treat this board as /pol/ with dates. Blatant racism and trolling will not be tolerated, and a high level of discourse is expected. History can be examined from many different conflicting viewpoints; please treat other posters with respect and address the content of their post instead of attacking their character.

When discussing history, please reference credible source material, and provide as much supporting information as possible in your posts.

Historical photos that go hard
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Because he is posing for a picture, not actually fighting or being attacked by gas.
>literally something youd expect a chink or a nigger to do
>White people did it irl
If that doesn't activate your almonds, I don't know what will.
the lads
I found it more striking that I always wondered about why appeasement was such a big deal and how anyone could be so naïve to not realize that Hitler wouldn't stop after the Sudetenland.
But then I realized that I myself thought "Surely starting a land war in Europe in 2022 is the most stupid thing you can do" not too long ago and I assume the people in the interwar years were not so different

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>gets captured in Normandy
>escapes after like 4 tries
>somehow meets with the fucking Red Army
>fights in their side for one month
>returns to the U.S.
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>stopping genocide is genocide
>why yes, I have schizophrenia how did you know?
>France didnt declare war on half the planet
neither did Germany.
>neither had Germany
actually yes, they did.
>During the First World War the Allied leaders came up with a new concept, that once victory was achieved, defeated enemy leaders should face criminal charges for international law violations made during the war. On 25 January 1919, during the Paris Peace Conference, the Allied governments established the Commission of Responsibilities to make recommendations to that effect. As a result, articles 227–230 of the Treaty of Versailles stipulated the arrest and trial of German officials defined as war criminals by the Allied governments. Article 227 made provision for the establishment of a special tribunal, presided over by a judge from each of the major Allied powers—Britain, France, Italy, United States and Japan. It identified the former Kaiser Wilhelm II as a war criminal, and demanded that an extradition request be addressed to the Dutch government, which had given him asylum in the Netherlands since his abdication in November 1918. Article 228 allowed the Allied governments to try alleged German war criminals in military tribunals. In violation of the legal principle of double jeopardy, Allied prosecutions could proceed even in cases where the accused had already been tried, convicted and sentenced in court-martial proceedings under German military law. The German government was required to comply with any extradition order issued by the Allied powers to that effect.
This is disgusting.
>they had to pay a lot of money
and? Their economy was kept intact post war.
Germany was gracious in victory, both times.
>they werent a threat to half the world
A master race would be a threat to the other 95% of the planet lmfao.
>where was the anti-German bloc after WWI
around Germany in 1921 established by France and then furthered by England as time went on, oh and it was secret at first btw.
>Poland wasnt created by victorious powers
Yes it was. The Poland Hitler dealt with was created by victorious powers.
The Poland you refer to, the Kingdom of Poland of the 20s, was entirely and completely fine with Hitler, in fact it was ideal according to Hitler's personal feelings about the matter.
>reality is Hitler apologism
>as you accuse the Western allies
nope. The Western allies put Germans into Poland.
The Germans put no Russians into Poland, furthermore Poland was a buffer state, not a belligerent fall guy meant to punish the one who lost.
>millions of Russians living outside of Russia
its not.
Look at the map, there are few if any Russians living in these regions, they were inhabited by their respective ethnic groups like Galicians, Volhynians, Poles, Sorbs, and Balts.
>Poles living in Germany
and they were doing better than Poles in Poland while Germans in Poland were not only doing worse than Germans in Poland they were a discriminated minority.
>yes they were

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>Vichy France was controlled by the Axis
So why did Vichy retuse many important Axis requests then?

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Which Roman era Germanic tribe or state had the most impact? Hard mode: Besides the Franks and the Anglo-Saxons that is.
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Wish we knew more about the Gepids
We should rangeban Spain.
>because they could develop a thriving tourist industry
Spain is already the second most visited country in the world after France and the south of Spain does have one of the most thriving tourist industry that exist. Are you even trying?
Kek mods know full well this would have no effect as I'm not posting from Spain. The region I'm posting from was rangeban from making threads once or twice but I don't know if it's due to me or not.
So, if I had an I2 Iberian Y-haplo that correlates with Scottish and Irish branches, does that mean we wuz Germans and shit?
I always assumed it was pre-IE, Megalithic peoples who were mixed between WHG's and EEF's.
>So, if I had an I2 Iberian Y-haplo that correlates with Scottish and Irish branches, does that mean we wuz Germans and shit?
not necessarily no.

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Successor civilizations of the mongol empire:
>Timurids (world-historical empire)
>Golden Horde (world-historical empire)
>Ilkhanate (world-historical empire)
>Akkoyunlu (world-historical empire)
>Safavids (world-historical empire)
>Afsharids (world-historical empire)
>Mamluks (world-historical empire)
>Ottomans (world-historical empire)
>Yuan dynasty (world-historical empire)
>Qing dynasty (world-historical empire)
>Tsardom of Russia (world-historical empire)

Successor "nation-states" of the british "empire":
>India (shithole)

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>Qing dynasty (world-historical empire)
Eh? What did they accomplish besides getting btfoed by Euros and Chinese revolutionaries

>the universe came out of nothing
>we're evolved from ape like creatures and androgynous fish
>talking donkies and snakes? aren't you tired listening to silly skyfairy myths?
the independent freethinker ladies and gentlemen.
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A hilarious post from a guy trying to debunk evolution who is unaware of the concept of an evolutionary arms race.
Awww man, I don't like those things
Guess I'm a Christian now
Actually the data we're trying to explain, is caused by God who has the specific desire to cause the data we're trying to explain
Finally, a biologist. Where have you been?

Thank you, I may reply in some time, you have given me a lot of reading to cover.
I am not a biologist nor claim to be one. I am an anti-Darwinian for a variety of reasons, some of which I offered here.

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John Ferguson and two accomplices, Marvin Francois and Beauford White, were responsible for a bloody spree of murders around Miami-Dade County, Florida in the 1970s. They killed at least eight persons but the total body count could have been as high as twelve. John Errol Ferguson was born on February 27, 1948, one of eight children of an African-American couple. His father died when he was 13 and his mother raised her large brood by herself. John repeated the 9th grade three times before dropping out of school. His first run-in with the law happened at 13 when he took a neighbor's car for a joyride.

Ferguson's rap sheet continued to expand over the years; at 17 he was convicted of assault during an attempted rape and sentenced to ten years in prison but served less than four. In 1969, shortly after being released, he was pulled over by a Dade County deputy for running a red light. He grabbed his service pistol and told him to get on his knees and beg for mercy. The officer pretended to comply but instead had a backup gun tucked in his boot which he pulled out. Ferguson shot at him but missed and instead was hit by the cop four times, including a shot to the head. He was also convicted in 1971 of a robbery. In 1975, he was examined by a psychiatrist who determined that he was "extremely dangerous" and should never be let loose on the streets. Another psychiatrist said that Ferguson likely could never be straightened out and would continue to lead a life of crime. He called him "explosive...a dangerous person who cannot cope with day to day living." Ferguson himself bragged to friends that he "duped the shrinks" by faking insanity.
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man why was the 70s so violent?
>On January 8, 1978, a teenage couple named Brian Glenfeldt and Belinda Worley, both 17, left a Bible study meeting in Hialeah.
If they were so Christian why didn't their sky buddy come and save them from being murdered?
that's a man, baby
This sounds like Robin D'Angelo.

The "good guys" won the war.
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It's almost unbelievable how cartoonishly evil the allies were.
Would you believe me if I told you America condemned Washington for owning 19 negro slaves but not Roosevelt who attempted to genocide 25 million Germans?
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Why do you care about Morgenthau's plan, it wasn't even fucking implemented
Germany got all the Germans in two nations, also this map lies about the number of Germans in Polish Pomerania
Sweden was Nazi? Hecking based.
>it wasn't even fucking implemented
Yes it was retard
Are you ok?

Why did Christianity fail?
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Augustine and his allies doomed it more than anyone. His strict doctrine of original sin constituted a history of humanity where human beings were once literally, bodily immortal on earth and immune to suffering. Then, once the original sin was committed, death was introduced into the world, necessitating the death of Jesus as an atonement for man's sins so that humanity could be spared what should've been its just punishment; Jesus had to die as a substitute sacrifice so that God wouldn't exterminate humanity. Jesus' resurrection then opened a chance for man to reunite with Yahweh and be restored to literal, bodily immortality on judgment day, although by the second half of the first century a second doctrine of getting to live as a soul in heaven in the afterlife while awaiting judgment day also appeared. Ultimately, death was an unnatural result of original sin; the human body wasn’t meant to suffer and die.
The discovery of evolution by natural selection has shown that the doctrine of original sin is complete nonsense; not only have humans always been subject to suffering and death, so too were all its ancestor species. Animals have always suffered and died, and humans are no less animalistic than any other species of animals. Beyond that, it’s also impossible to determine who the “first humans” were, since it’s impossible to pin-point an exact generation which would’ve distinguished Homo sapiens (or even Homo sapiens sapiens) from its immediate ancestor species, Homo heidelbergensis (iirc.) It’d have to be assumed that after 4 billion years of living species being created, reproducing, and dying that there was a unique generation of sapiens who were chosen by God and given immortality on earth (in contrast to their parents, who died like all the rest,) only to eventually squander this “natural” state of humanity by committing the first sin, returning mankind to the “unnatural” state of having to die like all its ancestors, and like every other species on the planet. At no point have humans ever been literally, bodily, immortal on earth, making Jesus’ death to restore humanity’s bodily immortality nonsensical. If there was an original sin, the punishment for it wasn’t the introduction of physical, bodily death, as the holders of the strict doctrine of original sin assert.
What about theistic evolution?
Christianity could still be salvaged by claiming Jesus' death and resurrection were necessary for the forgiveness of one's own sins, although that'd be backtracking on the beliefs of first century Jews and Christians that humans were once bodily immortal, and can only be restored to bodily immortality on judgement day through faith in God (for Pagan/Gentile converts, this meant faith in the death and resurrection of Jesus.) But this would at least allow Christianity to hold itself up somewhat, since bodily death is no longer a punishment, but bodily immortality in the Kingdom of God on judgment day is the reward for good works and for faith in God.

However, Augustine's primary motivation at all times was containing Pelagianism, a movement that (whether fairly named or not) seemed to suggest that because a just God would never punish one for the sins of another, it was theoretically possible for someone to go through life without committing any sin (even if it were practically impossible irl.) Bodily death wasn't a punishment for the original sin but simply something that always happened to people, although immortality was the reward for a life of sinlessness.

Augustine couldn't have this, since it didn't make the clergy and the sacraments absolutely indispensable for salvation, even if virtually every human needed them to be saved. Since people weren't born into sin, the church would be reduced to nothing more than a necessary institution for one to be saved, instead of being the path to salvation itself. To make the church unquestionably important and give it an indispensable place in the world, everyone had to be born into a debt that was the original sin.

Why was it ok for people to carve naked people for their churches in the Middle Ages but it’s considered “unchristian” for Kanye to film himself fucking his wife
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not the same because the Torah does not blaspheme Christ and the Virgin.
The Babylonian Talmud was written in Sura and Pumbedita probably with some Persian assistance as the Sassanids had a vested interest in weakening the Christian Roman Empire. Jews helped them during Khusrow II's 20 year invasion and before. They would help the Rashidun and Umayyad later in similar fashion.
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You didn't answer my question
Nigga is wild
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AD 70 answered your question.
I always thought this little guy had a very womanly shaped ass.

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Where does the bible say masturbation is bad?
It says adultery bad, which is basically betraying your partner, but I can't find anything about masturbation
It doesn't explicitly mention it but the argument if that masturbation is giving into lust, and whether through your imagine or through pornography you're degrading women, something offensive to God
The Bible doesn't explicitly say that cannibalism or suicide are sins either yet Christians get all high and mighty about those "sins" too
Are you an idiot ?
Is masturbation giving into lust in the same way that eating a delicious food is giving into gluttony or wanting to earn money giving into greed?

Texas, as part of the Solid South, was also part of the lynching belt and recorded numerous episodes of mob justice in the late 19th and early 20th century, mostly against African-American and Latinx persons. Some whites were lynched as well, although less frequently--one notable episode occurred in Waco in 1921 when a child molester named "Curley" Hackney was dragged from jail and hanged by a mob. The last person lynched in the Lone Star State was white--a bank robber named Marshall Ratliff who committed what became known as the Santa Claus Robbery in 1927. Ratliff (DOB 3/26/1903) was an ex-con who had been residing in Cisco before being caught and jailed for a bank robbery committed in Valera in 1925. He was sentenced to 18 years in prison but after serving just two, Governor Miriam Ferguson pardoned him--Ferguson pardoned almost 3,600 persons during his tenure as Texas governor and it was suspected that he'd accepted bribes for many of them.

No sooner did he step out of the prison gates than Ratliff began hatching a plan to rob his hometown bank with the help of his brother Lee, but the latter was jailed for an unrelated offense so instead he enlisted two friends named Henry Helms and Robert Hill he'd met in prison and a fourth man who was an expert in safe-cracking. However, he became sick with the flu so Ratliff got the help of a cousin named Louis Davis--Davis did not have a criminal record and apparently participated in the heist out of economic necessity as he had a family and was in need of money, promised a large cut of the plunder taken from the bank for his help.
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His insanity ploy was convincing enough that jailers Pack Kilborn and Tom Jones let down their guard. On the night of November 18, Ratliff escaped his unlocked cell and grabbed a six shooter from the jail office. He shot and mortally wounded Jones while resisting Kilborn ferociously. Kilborn finally beat Ratliff unconscious and dragged him back to his cell. The next morning, an angry mob gathered outside which eventually swelled to 1,000 people although it does not appear that all of them were there for the lynching. About 20 men broke into the jail and dragged the prisoner out with the plan to hang him from a guy wire between two telephone poles but the rope broke and Ratliff fell to the ground. The mob tried again with a thicker rope and he finally met his end almost two years after the Santa Claus Robbery.

The body was displayed at a furniture store in Eastland before a judge ordered it to be removed from there and properly disposed of. Ratliff's mother claimed the body and arranged for a funeral in Fort Worth and eventual burial in Olivet Cemetery. None of the mob were ever charged in his death.

Robert Hill meanwhile received 99 years in prison for his part in the robbery. He made three unsuccessful escape attempts from prison. The first was on September 3, 1928 while clearing a field as part of a work detail; he was quickly captured. The second attempt was on April 11, 1929 when Hill and two other inmates accompanied Bob Silver, a popular local singer in Texas who'd recently had his death sentence commuted to life. The four kidnapped two students at the Sam Houston State Teachers College and forced them to drive to Houston, where they were released unharmed and had their car stolen.
Hill's third escape happened September 27, 1929 when he and a dozen other inmates dug a tunnel under the kitchen of a work farm and went under and outside the fence. He remained on the lam until January 18, 1931 when he was caught in El Paso trying to cross the border into Mexico. Hill was tried a second time in Eastland County for the Santa Claus Robbery, this time for the murder of the two cops but the jury was unable to reach a verdict and he was returned to prison.

Hill behaved himself from thenceforce and Governor Coke Stephenson pardoned him in 1945. The pardon was conditional and he managed to find work in addition to marrying a widowed woman and adopting her children. There is nothing on record indicating why the governor decided to pardon Hill but he had been a model prisoner since his last escape attempt and World War II had resulted in the need for laborers anywhere they could be found. He was completely pardoned in 1964 and passed away in 1996 at age 89, having lived as a law-abiding citizen for half a century as a free man.
I wonder what they were planning to do with the 10 year old girls? Or should we just not ask that question.
>I wonder what they were planning to do with the 10 year old girls? Or should we just not ask that question.
probably negotiating chips. now take your mind out of the gutter, please.
That bank was fucked in two more years anyway.

How did his theories get popular when they ran counter to what people had been doing for ten thousand years or more, selective breeding based on parentry?
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>feds really want you to support hereditary genetics over socio-economic and environmental factors
You're ass-backwards.
Lysenkoism was right and in recent years has been reexamined due to its merits that had been suppressed
>hereditary genetics
>so trve! 14/88!
Because honestly we really didn’t know a lot of shit back then. We didn’t even know that DNA existed or what the exact mechanism for passing down genes was yet.

It’s easy to shit on Lysenko in hindsight but he had just as much proof for his communist version of evolution as people had for Darwinian evolution. What was really fucked up about Lysenko was the political suppression that was enacted against anyone who went against his theories and the application of his theories by the government.

Let's talk about events you consider to be highlights of that decade.

Anything goes, from historically relevant stuff to less relevant stuff like sports, culture, tech, etc.
...the fall of communism?

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*destroys atheism*
That jew worshipper is doing a bad job.

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