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/lit/ is for the discussion of literature, specifically books (fiction & non-fiction), short stories, poetry, creative writing, etc. If you want to discuss history, religion, or the humanities, go to /his/. If you want to discuss politics, go to /pol/. Philosophical discussion can go on either /lit/ or /his/, but those discussions of philosophy that take place on /lit/ should be based around specific philosophical works to which posters can refer.

Check the wiki, the catalog, and the archive before asking for advice or recommendations, and please refrain from starting new threads for questions that can be answered by a search engine.

/lit/ is a slow board! Please take the time to read what others have written, and try to make thoughtful, well-written posts of your own. Bump replies are not necessary.

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Are you incapable of making decisions without the guidance of anonymous internet strangers? Open this thread for some recommendations.

whats the consensus on toki pona, the language of good
is it any good
kinda uselessly vague. The "conlang ""community""" is all about making conlangs that are accessible to every language group (i.e. has no 'th' or 'v' sounds because Mandarin Chinese and East Tagabingbonglandese speakers can't say those sounds natively, and also you can't make your vocabulary "eurocentric", it has to be equally unintuitive to everybody, bigot!)
If you left me to engineer a useful conlang, it would be a cross of English + German and with an expansive but regular grammar (even though it's designed to look irregular for asthetic purposes -- and actually be easier than it looks) so you can speak clearly and concisely.

Toki Pona is baby's first conlang. It's good only as a demonstration of the minimum viable product to be a semi-functional language.

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Badass edition.

Previous: >>23327661
it could be worse, I hope you'll agree. Hell of a song, lost era.

speaking of lost eras


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He describes classical music as offering nothing more than an aesthetic sensation, the result of aesthetic posturing, "the conception and estimation of art in terms of the unalloyed state of feeling and the growing barbarization of the very state to the point where it becomes the sheer bubbling and boiling of feeling abandoned to itself." For Heidegger classical music is pure metaphysics, an indulgence of bourgeois culture, because it is devoid of an ontological grounding and the ties of people to the earth. At best it's a harmless divertissement and nothing more; the total works of Beethoven nothing but a harmless divertissement!

His estimation of music as a high art seems very unfair, and likely the product of Heidegger's unfamiliarity with classical music as a discipline, but nonetheless I cannot account for such a negative evaluation.
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So what music would he like?
It's always weird to find a high-achiever has no appreciation for music. It's like knowing someone for years and then suddenly discovering he's only got one leg.

I was reading George Patton's autobiography the other day and suddenly came across this admission (see pic attached). He says two sane and sensible things:

— it's seems a bit silly to waste time and men teaching horses to do fancy steps in the middle of a war
— on the other hand, it's good to preserve skills, even if they seem a bit redundant

and then something ABSOLUTELY BONKERS:

— training horses to do fancy steps > painting and music

Painting, I have some sympathy with. We can live without painting. But we can't live without music. Oh well, I guess no-one's perfect.
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Man if this is the kind of music that "moves your soul" you must be some shallow person, elevator music supreme is what it is, I dont feel anything because there is nothing to feel, do you also burst into tears when looking a perfectly designed machine? Where every piece moves as it should and its fuction is flawlessly excuted? I doubt it.
>Now, are you really insensitive to the effects of art?
There is a lot of art that carries very little emotional weight, romaticism has been always despised for doing the opposite yet I find it more genuine, you know "art" does not equal guaranteed emotions, to take a more vulgar approach in music technical death metal is the biggest example, you cant possibly be a human being with a beating heart and listen to that SHIT and call it art, or say it carries emotions is just wankery, is just standing there screaming "I am a fucking boss at guitar/drums/bass" what makes you think classical music does not suffer from the same? Because you like it and its sacred to you? To say that Im insensitive to art is very bold and I doubt you can prove it beyond debating me on 4chins.
>expecting a nazi to be truthful and not serve some political interest
Why would you?
Didn't mean to announce a sage, and I didn't sage. Sorry

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Is masturbation actually bad for you? What are some books that will help me decide one way or another?
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I guess you’re right. I like self indulgence.

Get this - I even eat ice cream with Oreos in it. Do you feel guilty about that too?
Obnoxious cretin
my argument is that masturbation violates the design and purpose of sexual organs because it does't involve sexual intercourse. therefore, it's a form of self-abuse as it separates one's sexuality from its own purpose.

i feel shitty for masturbating with and without the impression that other people feel shitty about it as well. masturbation is against my conscience regardless of whether other people find it pleasurable.
>I even eat ice cream with Oreos in it.
That's why no one will fuck you and you have to jerk off. Next time try going for a run, fatass.
When it comes...

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So /lit/ What are you’re thoughts on this book?
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It's an ideological diatribe. Pure propaganda. They even made a simplified version geared toward indoctrinating good little highschoolers destined to rise through the ranks of student council.
Like clockwork
Nice passive aggressive reply
Interesting how you never hear about Ewish fragility when they are the ones who want to silence any criticism of their race
>Black Incapability
>Why Black People Are Incapable of Keeping Up With Literally Any Other Race Intellectually
The fact redditor basedboys would shit their pants and cry over this book actually proves black stupidity more than whatever's in the book.

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Shorter please, I don't have much time
And make sure to explain why
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Imagine creating strawmen to justify your intellectualization of your cruelty and callousness towards human life. There is no philosophical, intellectual, or moral superiority to be gained from trying to justify your own protective jadedness. Your feelings also matter, anon.
Shut up fag. It's because I sympathize (and empathize) with his pain that children in here posting about the Dao and recommending the Myth of Sisyphus are fags. Imagine thinking a lifetime of psychological pain is going to be healed or tranquilized by some zoomer's summer reading list.
Imagine being so weak and so arrogant that not only have you given up, you find others to be virtuous for doing so
Yes, there is a nobility in acceptance of the truth, instead of sticking around to impress fags who never gave a fuck about you anyways.
On the contrary to whatever you tell yourself about 'nobility' to justify patterns of inaction towards your own uplifting, the soul giving up before the body does is Aurelius' very definition of 'disgraceful'.

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What a chad.
Where to get started with him? Anything I should be familiar with beforehand?
man that book was a gas.
honestly might be the most exciting read I’ve ever had.
pour it on baby

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A third of the way through the year. TIme to take stock. How much reading we got done so far /lit/? Any trends? 15 for me, charitably including a play I read in an afternoon. Lot of travel writing with a focus on trains, just the one novel so far.
paul theroux?
Finished 10 books and I have maybe another 10 that I've started.
So far I've read and liked:
>Berlin Alexanderplatz
>Magic Mountain
>The Good Soldier
>Aeschylus (complete)
>Sophocles (complete)
>Tales From Ovid
I also read and didn't like:
>Dorian Gray
>Gödel, Escher, Bach
>a short story collection by Bohumil Hrabal

Currently reading Savage Detectives, but I'm really not feeling it. Decided to take a break and read Rimbaud instead, his imagery rocks. Probably going to read Flaubert once I'm done with those.

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Has anything like picrel ever happened to you when ordering a book?

>Has anything like picrel ever happened to you when ordering a book?

bought an ink bottle that came with a free fountain pen -- it smells awful and apparently the guy who makes them is some nutter who can't smell and use sulphur based plastic because of le environmente

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It's interesting that Chesterton seems to be something of a writer's writer. A lot of the great writers of the 20th Century held him in high esteem, especially his short stories, his novels, and his poetry. All the Inklings loved him, especially Lewis and Tolkien. Gene Wolfe loved him, too. Even Borges loved him.

Have you found Chesterton to be a great writer, /lit/?
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>t. tribalist retard
I'm sure someone that wanted even Scotland to be independent so that everyone lived among their own would have been thrilled by the jeet invasion just because he mocked the supremacists of a sub-haplotype and third decimal of cranial index.
I tried reading some of his christia works and they were extremely tedious and dry
Why is this board so obsessed with catholicism
>because it was referenced and one of the basis for the story of the videogame Deus Ex.
i wonder how many people read this book because of it

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When Kant says there is something "out there" one has to recognize this is pure metaphor. It is not the sensible; it is not nature; it is nothing that can be ordered with the categories of thought: the Ding an sich is unknown and in principle unknowable, and any claim that phenomena correspond in some way to the Ding an sich, whatever it may be, is to commit the error of applying the categories of substance and causality beyond (per Kant) their only legitimate domain. In other words, by claiming there is someting "out there" (metaphorically speaking of course since space is idiosyncratic to humans) you have already passed beyond applying the Categories to proximate causes and matter (what Kant calls 'phenomenal substance") and attempted the theoretical use of the Categories beyond phenomena to that which lies beyond phenomena, and therefore beyond experience. From the standpoint of the theoretical use of reason, even this use is forbidden according to Kantian principles.

Basically, for the same reasons that reason in its theoretical use cannot obtain knowledge about the Soul, Freedom, or God, reason in its theoretical use cannot obtain knowledge even of the Ding an sich. It is, in effect, an object of faith or belief, in the same way the other Ideas of Reason are.

As far as Spinoza's and Leibniz's speculations about what the Ding an sich is, for Kant that is a moot point, having no possible way to affirm their truth or falsity since they are beyond experience. And this is why Kant is so devastating to metaphysics in the traditional sense of "the science of Being qua Being" since we cannot know anything other than Being qua phenomena.

Let me emphasize: the Ding an sich , "the real world", is not an actuality for Kant-- we do NOT KNOW it actually exists or is or whatever (in fact, even using words like existence or being is already a misuse of the categories of reality, substance, causality, etc,) It is, effectively, for us humans NOTHING. To put even more clear, even our concept of nothing does not correspond to it, since it can never be an object of our thought-- if we think we are thinking or talking about it WE. ARE. NOT. It cannot be spoken about; it cannot be conceived. Not even the word "Nothing" corresponds to it.

This is the logical conclusion of the Kantian system-- the missing capstone of the Great Pyramid.
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The point is saying you have to grasp the entire system at once as a totality before you can even begin to criticise it is ridiculous and impossible.
>Let me emphasize: the Ding an sich , "the real world", is not an actuality for Kant-- we do NOT KNOW it actually exists or is or whatever
Misinterpretation, category of reality is distinct from existence, and the antinomies prove the thing-in-itself. Two-aspect interpretation is just an attempt to anesthetize Kant.
The actual existence of ding-an-sich can be proven by noting that the categories and intuitions can not be completed in our perceptions and can not be perceived in a way that merely their own character would be taken into account, which shows that there must be something totally other mediating them or we could constantly perceive the ultimate causality, the ultimate space
ding-an-sich? more like, ding fries are done. lmao philosophy majors
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A deaf musician! Can we imagine a blind painter? But we know a blind visionary. The deaf musician is now like Tiresias, for whom the world of appearances is closed and who is therefore aware of the basis of all appearance through his inner eye; undisturbed by the noises of life he listens only to the harmonies in his mind and from his depths still speaks only to a world – a world which has no more to say to him. Thus the genius is freed from everything external to himself and remains entirely with and in him. What a miracle it must have seemed to anyone then seeing Beethoven with the look of Tiresias: a world wandering among men, the ‘in itself ’ of the world as a wandering man!

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I have to admit, I find this very laborious to read, and I am not enjoying it at all. Does Homer simply not translate well to English?
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On the contrary, Homer is one of the most feminine voices from antiquity. The breadth with which Penelope secretly is the main character while everyone else’s faults shine through including her idiot son and her lying husband. It is not hard to see Homer’s voice as one lying in the back behind an unfinished tapestry prying onwards at the violence occurring before him but certainly taking no part in it or condoning it.
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Kek, it's exactly like the song of Roland
>Pierre, duke of yada yada yada *twenty lines later* was the bravest french who are all very brave and the most pious christian who are all very pious
>Abdulillah, duke of yada yada hada *twenty lines later* was the most cowardly and treacherous of the pagan dog
>Pierre charged and rammed Abdulillah so hard his chest was split in two
>Robert, count of yada yada yada the strongest of all *same shit for the rest of the song*
These were just written to make all those families known I guess
/lit/ is a Fagles board.
Fagless? I assure you it isn't.
>Does Homer simply not translate well to English?
You really think Homeric verses could ever translate well to a subhuman tranny language?

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what books should one read before experimenting with psychedelics? has jung said anything on the subject? i've only read "modern man in search of soul" and while i got the strong impression he was for their use i can't remember any specific passage refering to them.
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Becoming more "slow" in normal terms implies progress, tuning into higher realities which is why its harder to deal with the basic one.
Gravity's Rainbow
What, ego death is about abandoning your prejudices.
Thats a very strange trip, sounds so dry and uneventful
how about don’t?
what if you’re one if the unlucky ones whose psyche can’t handle it?
there would be no way of knowing beforehand, and so the risk-benefit breakdown is this:
a lifetime of mental health problems, medication, visits to the psych ward, inability to have relationships…
whoa man that was trippy.
t. one of the unlucky ones

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What are some books about willpower?
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here's 28 books

ip grabber
I don't get it, is willpower the strong blind man or the lame man who can see?

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