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Basic Barbell Lifts:
Stronglifts is a great resource for the five basic barbell exercises.

Mobility, Stretching, and Self-Massage Resources:
Yoga for athletes: Yoga can be done anywhere without any equipment and is excellent for building flexibility.
Mayo Clinic basic stretching guide
Athlete's guide to foam rolling
Make your own foam roller

Why is it so normal in modern to society to basically treat yourself like an elder once you go above say 25?

You see it everywhere on social media, moaning about everythint from aches, being tired, falling asleep, can’t get dick up etc

What the fuck are people doing to where their bodies are spent by age 25?
drugs and alcohol
I understand that /fit/ is a neurodivergent board, so allow me to explain in terms you may understand. What you're seeing is commonly known as a "joke." A joke, in its most elementary form, is a verbal or written construction that aims to provoke amusement or laughter. It typically involves wordplay, incongruity, or absurdity. In this example, the tiktoker is aiming to provoke amusement through the incongruity of portraying themselves as old while still being quite young.
Kek good "joke" my friend, althought this is a meta--joke and might difficult for OP to understand

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Do you mog the average blond man?
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It’s called having “blonde highlights” (in English) and it’s genetic. Don’t you have a mom to ask? Jesus.
In Spanish we call it having “blonde reflections”.
There are shampoos and lotions with chamomile that can boost that color but note this also is powered big by sun exposure, living close to the sea, etc. Do not expect magic.
>In Spanish we call it having “blonde reflections”.
But those are English words?
I wanna see what "Victoria martenelli" looks like
Are you retarded?

What year are you living in?
Normies don't bait

>programming advice?
post s/b/d@bw+height

>The official pastebin (includes books and videos on various things like recovery, stretching, programs, band usage, etc)

previous thread: >>74131324
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>Sounds like a (you) problem

Not really
>No he can't have possibly made progress since then!!!!!!
I've been doing grip work 3 times a week now

go pull it without straps buddy
Eventually I will. Today is not the day.
>My grip will catch up eventually
Sure. What's your max pull without straps? Dropping doesn't count.

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Does this type of sex even happen at 25+ or is this only how young people/girls fuck, especially with so much enthusiasm? Are 25+ years old women even interested in sex?
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Unless it's losing your dick and having to wait for a blood moon to kill the demon that stole it nope.
>I've read testimonies of supposed ladies' men who aren't too satisfied with their choices in life
I know many Chads, they are in my circle. Most now are married, but I have heard them fondly talk about their past college lives with women. I know a single chad who is 33 who doesnt have sex anymore because he despises whores. But he did say to me once "I had enough sex when I was younger to last a lifetime, i don't care about women anymore".
I read about that, too, but those studies also pointed out that it just might be a correlation due to the things I stated in my original post. People tend to let themselves go more when they get older, they eat like shit, they are unhappy, they don't stay fit.

>Would you also say it would be cool and worth it if someone loses his virginity at age 55?
Honestly, it's not such a big deal. People who are afraid of that, at least in my opinion, are just afraid of the stigma that comes with it. Sex isn't the most important thing in the world, it's actually pointless if you do it only to boost your vanity or to satisfye your needs.
in his case, when he was horny he didn't have sex? So it was wasted no? Also, this hasn't been extensively studied, but I have conducted my own research on this topic, and I'm actually debating finding a publisher to put this out there. But there is real mental harm that happens to the male brain if he is celibate for too long. It's vital for the male brain to be a sexual being during his 20s. Especially the period of age 20-25.
As a woman, my sex drive peaked at 20. I tried to lose my virginity at 21 and it was so bad that it put me off sex for a long time. I tried again with another guy, it was still as bad. I'm celibate now and don't care to try again. Maybe it's the same for other women? Men really suck in bed. I probably would've been normal if I weren't straight.

So what happens when you 'spike insulin' with carbs, why are carbs 'le evil' according to dudebros?
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Imagine if her toes got caught in a garden shredder
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I can feel my test rising

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Fren edition

>Who is /fat/ for?
For Unhealthy Uglies who are working towards a longer life and a better physique through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication. This is not QTDDTOT, stick to questions on fat loss. Post height and weight when asking for advice.
Join our Fatty Contest: https://www.fattycontest.com/

>What do I do first?
1. Read https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/
2. Calculate your Body Fat Percentage: https://fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy
3. Calculate your TDEE: https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/
Remember to use bodyfat% and use Katch-McArdle Formula with sedentary settings or your TDEE will be too high.
4. Plan your weight loss: https://www.losertown.org/eats/cal.php
5. Track your nutrition with MyFitnessPal (better for packaged food), Cronometer (better for generic food/macros) or LoseIt (great for both).

>Now what?

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
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Morning lads, progress still going well. This weight loss sponsored by publix supermarket, where shopping is a pleasure.
You are not actually eating that much, faggot
No, I'm not eating very much. I'm trying to lose weight.
I know that feel

Fatty Contest

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>have a crush on gym Stacy
>never gives me the light of day
>fast forward a few years
>she's in her mid 30s
>haha roastie will hit the wall and turn into a cat lady
>look her up
>she's dating some super solider-looking uber chad

There's just no winning, is there?
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what shoes are those?
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Don't listen to retarded blackpillers like this guy.
Always strive to be better and succeed. Otherwise you'll get to 70 and think "Wait, what if I tried to succeed at 35, maybe I would have".
Besides, having sex is one of the most intuitive things, love your partner and don't get in your head too much.
>Besides, having sex is one of the most intuitive things
if that was true, there would be no such thing as someone being "bad" at sex.
I don't give a shit.
>never gives you the light of day

Okay anon... Tell us. What move did you ever make on her other than being a crying faggot in the corner of the gym.

Victory needs to be seized. It doesn't come to you.

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Is it too late to get in shape at 33? I really let myself go through my late 20s and got even worse during COVID. I'm not super fat, but I'm in the skinny fat/dadbod territory with a sort of beer belly (except I don't drink, so it's probably just the fat and lack of ab muscle?).

Can I be saved? Or is it too late for me?
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>That's completely doable. By this time next year you can be unrecognizable if you wanted
Even fixing the stomach? I don't know why it juts out, I don't drink at all and I can only guess it's from sitting at a desk constantly. I really just want that to flatten out/be level with my pecs.

Reducing chin fat would be good too but I hear that never happens.
Diet down, do weighted crunches and leg raises, don't use a belt when lifting, and avoid foods that cause you bloat or intestinal distress. That gets you a permanently flat and nice looking stomach
>Reducing chin fat would be good too but I hear that never happens.
Can't spot reduce fat. Just have to lose overall fat to get rid of chin fat
> Or is it too late for me?
It is. You've gotten the mentality of a NGMI faggot and thus are NGMI.
(change the mentality faggot)
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I’m 30 and did this in 4 months going to gym 3 times a week, not even lifting that hard, and barely having a coherent program. If I can do this while making it up as I go along, almost anyone can do something similar with a thought-out plan.

You’re not a kid but you’re still young enough to do this shit pretty easy.
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How many steps do you take a day?
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About 11k.

Walk about 5.5 miles a day to and from work.
I don’t count my steps but it takes about 1 second to open the health app on the phone and see what it is. I enjoy taking long walks and walk a lot at work so it’s fun just to check how big the number is.
Nobody asked
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>How many steps do you take a day?

Well... all of them.

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I have a thick waist and I will start doing this. I will post prog after 6 months or less.
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Doesn't training it with one heavy dumbbell put more emphasis on the oblique
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Thoughts on windmills?
no spanish
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no, but if u lift db with straight arm straight up and internally rotate shoulder and keep microextending elbow with full internal shoulder rotation while ur arm is up above in exact position sodomite op proposes (second image when spine bent) u will isolate side delt and it will grow overnight because it is the first time ever u've isolated it, wvwe
>Thoughts on windmills?
retarded, what is it supposed to do?

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im overweight. should I cut, bulk, or stay at maintenance caloric intake for maximum gains? I understand putting on muscle requires caloric surplus but since I'm overweight I'm wondering if I can build muscle efficiently while losing fat on a cut
you should first overcome your need for instant gratification because weight loss and muscle gain take a long time. a good place to start would be to quit asking the same thing that gets asked every day and read the goddamned sticky

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The previous generations knew they had a future. Gen Z knows they don't.
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there's a difference between looking more mature/developed and looking more uheatly/older
you zoomies are subhumans
The previous generations thought the world was on the immediate brink for ww3, a nuclear war and they'd just seen the horrors of the previous one.
Their futures were restricted and they lived much simpler lives.
What future does a zoomer think they don't have?
Lmao left was not 17. The test decline is real though. I guess zoomers are too young but it was crazy how hairy greatest gen was. Back hair was not out of the norm. Boomers are hairy too but not as much as greatest gen. Millennials are way less hairy. I know it’s test related because after I did a few test cycles I got WAY hairier, especially chest hair. Test makes you look older too. Not really in a bad way but people are obsessed with youth now so they freak out about it even though looking like a teenager in your late 20s as a man is NOT a compliment.>>74150092
This guy gets it
They have way more unrealistic expectations and have a fucked up world view from social media. It’s like watching porn and then breading over dick size and having a fucked up sexuality. What they don’t realize about boomers is most of them had pretty modest aspirations. And though they were obviously lucky in a lot of ways the main reason they are so rich right now is they worked full time from the moment they graduated college until their mid 60s while spending modestly. Zoomers put in zero effort in school, fuck around their entire early 20s, put in the bare minimum at work, and then are mad they aren’t as rich as someone who’s worked their whole lives.

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I don't get it
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The alt right has this thing where they promote lifting to get guys ready for physically fighting for their cause. I assume this is referencing that, a way to promote far right causes without raising flags
you're telling on yourself hard here and you don't even realise it
I lift so i can murder nazis

With what army? Fags and women don't make for great compatriots

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doesn't matter what kind of white man, they always get the ugliest ones
truth bomb
thats 100% looksmatched, whats there to me mad about?

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