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The /mu/ Wiki:

Discover music:

Check the catalog before making a new thread >>>/mu/catalog

Personal music/band projects should go in Bandcamp/Soundcloud general threads.

>If the Feels brought you here, search in the catalog before starting a new thread. If they aren't vaguely music related, go to >>>/r9k/

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Which record labels are legendary?
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hopeless records and fueled by ramen basically created the 2000s pop rock scene
this is a bad thing!
>Jai Paul
>The Avalanches
>Vampire Weekend
Ultra shit
R&S Records / Apollo / Global Cuts
FNAC Music Division / F Communications
Mute / NovaMute
Plus 8
Underground Resistance
>no mention of The Prodigy
>no mention of SL2
>no mention of T99
>no mention of Wink
>no mention of Layo & Bushwacka!
>no mention of Basement Jaxx

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kot desocking so you can get a better shot
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is this an edit?
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Metal isn't music just because you play your instruments really fast and loud and scream lyrics about druids and dragons it doesn't make it music
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you prove time and time again why frogposters are the worst, I know its bait but I'll take it, Chris Poland and marty friedman are some of the most skillful musicians in the game and I guarantee they are more skilled than all your favorite artists in the game
None of these bands are proper metal or metal at all but I still want something to whine to for the next hour
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Pepe was around before you were even born kid
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I'm a lot more metal than OP, who - let's face it - is a bit of a fag really.

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Post your AOTYs from 1965-2024 (so far). Come on, we all know you have the time.

non-schizo'd link: https://topsters.org/
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wtf is wrong with this thread? I don't really listen to a lot of music from before 1970 or after 1999 so i just did the 70s, 80s, and 90s.
I already posted a pick for one year and got no replies, meaning it was correct, or no one cared enough to correct it. The rest is OP samefagging and acting butthurt like >>121600943.
I'm sorry to inform you that your music taste is not credible. Try to recover from that bombshell if you can.
Just more basic bitch RYM-core. Right up OP's ally, though.
>meaning it was correct
you don't like music, you listen to what you think is correct and credible, i fucking guarantee you watch fantino and read pitchfork, you're a sad little faggot and i pity you

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Metal equivalent of having sex with a woman edition.

Previous: >>121593084
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I prefer jazz-fusion metal *farts*
Demoltion Hammer trend hooping poser fans are worse than the newbie fake TISH fans
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This is kind of boring. I don’t like clean production or clean guitar tones
No, this one sucks I'm sorry.

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Take heed of the dream
Take heed
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You suck.
tell me how you really feel
Pink Floyd went to sit once Syd left
No, they got good as soon as he left.

Are there any other bands who still do B-sides?


The B52s drummer looked like a male model.
Modelmaxxing Mewingmaxxing frfr

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how did metal become popular among zoomers
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>uncool things of the past
is that why the most popular bandsof the late 90s/early 2000s was Limp Bizkit, Linkin Park, Slipknot, Korn, etc.? This post reeks of neckbeard metalhead.
Not unironically, at least.
Who is that?
>zoomer unironically thinks nu metal bands were the most popular bands of their time
jesus fucking christ...
When I go to metal concerts it's mostly adult in their 30s and 40s.
There's young people, but fewer

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not only do they have the same name, but they dress exactly the same, and have the same exact hair style

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Kill Uncle [Sire/Reprise, 1991]
What kills the faithful is the anonymously supportive production, never distinctive enough to threaten (or challenge) a fading superstar in the throes of permanent identity crisis. But though they do meander into the insufferably ruminative self-pity that never used to bother Smiths fans, the songs start out plenty striking, guitar signature or no guitar signature. Tart as a grand aunt, louder on the gay subtext now that he's no longer an antipinup, Morrissey isn't just another English eccentric. He exemplifies what's made eccentricity a staple export of that once-proud nation for generations. Good show. B+
Does he like or dislike The Smiths, out of curiosity?
He gave The Queen is Dead a frickin B+ like Morrissey is a little schoolboy desperate for an older mentor to tell him where he can improve.
>fear of speaking in his true manchester chav accent
I really doubt he's faking his accent, being an introvert brought up by two Dublin immigrants makes sense that his accent is like a very soft posh Irish one, see also Daniel Day Lewis
Too based

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Travis Barker is objectively a great drummer, but I think the issue with him is he plays overly complicated things for songs that don't need it.
This is more the case with his drumming in the last 10 years, his prime stuff in blink works really well with the song (see: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7eFKw4Y94E )
But when since say 2011 and onwards he has been obsessed with playing something so over the top for the song at hand; It sometimes sounds like hes playing to a different song
I'm sure there is others too

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Were they the only decent post grunge/but rock band?
Yeah thier lyrics were cringe nickelback tier but guy hand cool voice and they played quite good,
Drift & die was good and blur was not so cringe.
What you think anon?
Were they best butt rock/post grunge?
If not then what other band?
Those were their only 2 decent songs
She Hates Me, Psycho and Famous are awful

Early Foo Fighters or Alter Bridge are the best butt rock bands

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I’ll go first
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There aren't any pop songs I'm embarrassed to admit liking
Homemade Dynamite by Lorde. Peak pop song.
lorde's pretty kino you shouldn't be ashamed of that. her first album especially is great
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None. For stuff that the average /mu/tant (at least from years past) would class as "embarrassing", I offer Dua Lipa. Not a song, just in general. Neo disco is always an easy win for me, and while there's plenty of that already, she's a step above the rest by fully leaning into the camp of it all. My Illyrian Queen.
Great picks. If all radio pop sounded like this, it'd be a much more tolerable format

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