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/vmg/ is a place to discuss all types of mobile games, including both Android and iOS, phones and tablets. Please note that Nintendo and Sony handhelds are considered consoles, and that threads pertaining to those platforms and their gaming titles should be posted elsewhere.

Does this mean discussion of mobile games is banned on other video game boards? No! /vmg/ is just a separate board specifically focused on mobile games where discussions about your favorite games can thrive.

Please familiarize yourself with the rules and remember to use the spoiler function where appropriate!

Please note that, like /v/, "Generals"—long-term, one-after-the-other, recurring threads about a specific game are not permitted on /vmg/. Such threads belong on >>>/vg/

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It may be hard to hear, but it's the truth.

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Temesia edition
(what team setup is good for her?)
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Two banners or double banner?
Nice AI generated post, bot.
Hell yeah I reached last stage at resonance 200 yesterday and I'm getting 5k dust now
Got enough to upgrade 2 heroes to 210 already
whats wrong with atalanta?
she is a lesbian

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What we do here is go back
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500 euro total in most gacha isn't whale tier. Maybe 500/month
events and hell's park
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I eas checking my friend list and realized some of these players haven't play in a while.
I'll probably delete everyone else and keep the metatron dude and faglord.
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Cursed image do not open

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100 years of 'mana training' with the forgotten sorceress! Becoming a powerful SKKmagus with Arkhangelsk! Playing VR RPGs with botes (and TB) in the port! This is a mobile video game about naval warships, BTW. Discuss!
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>50 times
trust me, that's nothing
Not really.
it all comes down to statistics
I wish Eugen's skin was l2d.
I want to pull down on those strings of her shirt so bad.
That's actually a fast way to turn Monarch into META, I think.

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The situation is quite crappy at this point, so I might as well give a try to check assets for mobile. I didn't investigate it yet but I might not be able to use them as is for PC version because of possible incompatibility, aside of being obviously lower resolution (which sucks but better than nothing). So I probably would have to manually "convert" ~50 files, not sure if I would still have enough motivation to go through that.

I don't know a thing about 3D models. Necessary assets are certainly there, and there is no protection to read files. Most likely you can easily get what you need.

As far I know, devs disabled GG at some point, I think it was about 2 months ago. Some files of it are still in game folder but I am quite positive they don't do a thing. The very least, it does not give me any errors which it would normally produce.
No one understood what it mean so wait a few weeks we get a grasp or more events to explain it
How different is this game from Atelier Resleriana?
Wasnt it meant to be the same game but different skinned?
If one gets offline patched then other one will happen too. You may use Resleriana for PC version
Not really sure why you would ask me that question. I didn't play and have no plans to try Atelier Resleriana so can't comment on how it was meant to be and if anyone would try making offline version of it.
I played and likes first two BR games and played Sun, and despite not liking Sun I still wanted to try preserving it anyway because it's most likely the end of the series.
This game wishes it was Atelier Resleriana.
It was fucking garbage and I'm still mad I even bothered playing it.

Nikke thread.
My daughterfu finally got some love.
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What's appealing about getting easy 4000 gems a month minimum from PVP alone.
Thats huge for free to play since they can compete with lazy paypigs who started at the same time
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> got Crown from two multis in a row
She's good, right?
At this point I guess I should keep summoning for the second dupe and then buy the last one with golden mileage
Sounds like an unhealthy obsession tbdesu.
>easy 4000 gems a month minimum
That can't be correct, where do you get that number
So, they want gems for doing PVP, in order to spend said gems for doing more PVP...?
Makes no sense to me, unless you have gachaPVP brainrot.

Are you still waiting for goblal?
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Well it was a good run
What woke does LO even have? The Commander is fucking bioroids every single event to the point they made a schedule for him to have more time spread between themselves, the bioroid church is all commando unless the underwear/swimsuit is consecrated first by the Commander, some units have borderline naked alts, one of them being outright nude and so on.
Ignore that idiot.
This, If he had a point he would've posted proof instead of doing drive by vomiting for attention.
Brown elves and hags ruined the game

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Some new coomer gacha just dropped. Any of you lads try it out?
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Just use the browser version
Any /vg/ or /vmg/ guild? Getting spammed by chink guild invites.
Am I paranoid, or this game has AI art?
The love link scenes aside the final ones are AI yes
Alot of the assets for the game are made by AI

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new freya sexo skin is out
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Dyrroth bros we have been eating good this patch.
Shit's so broken even hardest tank build easily penetrated.
>HOK has bots in Diamond
It's DOA outside of China
Oh shit, I got Kyo on the my 20th draw. That's the luckiest I've ever been on these events.
See the fucking map

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flipper friends...
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There were rumors that they would be skipping the Celebration event, but I'm really glad they're going through with it. All the free shit will make for a super memorable EoS party.
I'm glad Kakao ran this game well.
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speaking of Droids, World Flipper artists are still making art even to this day.
Dragalia... LOST
I’ve thought about this a fair bit lately and if World Flipper gets revived as a console game then that would be pretty cool but if they make it another Gacha game I’d have mixed feelings about that. Even though I thoroughly enjoyed World Flipper during it’s first year my enjoyment has slowly declined since then due to a variety of things like power creep, and the game feeling less like pinball and just become swipe left right and up to win. However for me the biggest thing is how events and characters were handled. When you have so many characters it feels like such a waste of potential as well as being lazy when they’re not apart of something. Take the Halloween characters for example the first Halloween characters were part of an event, but then subsequent characters were just added along with a rerun of the Halloween boss. Of course each character has their own character story and while that’s at least something I just feel like it’s not enough especially if new characters are added and then they get an alternate version for an event like anniversary Couette for example. I don’t have her original version so I didn’t care much for her or know what she does since the 2nd anniversary was my first time seeing her. If they added her original version as part of an event that would have been better because more players would get to know her through the event rather than having to summon her.
I’m going to have a little bit of bias and I know I’ve said this before but Yukata Leon and Nephtim should’ve had some kind of event and it was such a waste that they didn’t. I’ve only read up to chapter 10 and I might be misremembering but neither of them have been in the main story aside from Leon’s small background appearance in chapter 9. And Nephtim, has only been in one event, and she wasn’t a main character as she appeared towards the end of it. And I just find that astonishing especially since she was very popular. I know they could’ve worked elements of both their adventurer stories to form some kind of event, focusing on the memories of those who passed on, regrets or having to come with terms that death is inevitable in life. It could’ve focused on Nephtim, having to realize that the people she cares about may not be around the next day, and that could be another step of her slowly, becoming more mature as seen in her adventurer stories, or it could focus on Leon, struggling with the fact that he’s never been at peace because of his lingering regrets and survivors guilt. By the end he could have started to make peace with the past. Something like that could’ve been done but it wasn’t and it feels like such a waste. If World Flipper 2 or whatever does become a thing I feel like it would fall into the same patterns if it were to be another Gacha. Thank you for listening to my Ted talk and good luck in your future summons.

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>no Clash thread
I am confuse. Is this really only a gachashit board?
How are you lot doing? I made it into TH10 and now infernos are bodying me.
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is this thread slow because it's on /vmg/ or because clash games are dead?
>kill clash mini, an interesting auto battler with >potential
>immediately announce a global launch of a shitty game without proper beta testing
it's gonna be worse than Boom Beach in terms of profit
i think it's mostly that the overlap between 4chan users and coc/clash royale players is small, royale has a really big audience even if it's not doing as good as it used to just going by how easy it is to find full clans, games, yt numbers, etc.
no idea about coc but it's supposedly doing better than royale so yeah
Anybody have a better setup than this? Keep getting destroyed when people raid me. It sucks.
Also I'm using 10 balloons, 7 Electro Dragons and 11 Lightning Spells but even after upgrading them I still struggle to get 3 stars. I love using dragons but man it feels kinda bad, especially when they just actively avoid the Town Hall.
>be me
>lost access to my SC ID
>go to "Help and Support"
>get asked trivial actions like its tag and trophy count
>"sorry, information you provided isn't sufficient enough to restore your account :("
>email support
>"if you want to restore your account, please use in-game "Help and Support""
>"ticked closed"

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Megawhales addicted to spending money.
Couldnt even give us a free multi for femLaw? Nice anni.
It's not the anni yet, just the pre-anni bait banner.
They should at least be counting down with a free multi, whether its on a new banner or just a outdated trash banner.
Units this shit don't deserve any pull, not even for free

Do you like Konomi Suzuki and her songs for She is Legend?
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Yeah, they even have a menu for it now, so you don't miss it existing. Pay attention during day 2's dungeon, there's a hidden branch.
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I see it's weak to dork and Akarin is my strongest ST breaker. I'll give it a shot.
So the event just ended there?
Miya walked out of the dojo all badass-like while her sister was crying on the floor?
Will the brass confront her about the secret she just learned (what year it is), or will they play dumb since she hasn't figured out the actually important part (Narvies) yet?
It seems that Maeda now wants his events to be properly integrated into the story instead of just being side content. We got swimsuit 2 directly affecting 5.1, and this event seems to be setting up the actual main story subplot.
I would prefer it that way actually. Set up the backstories beforehand, so they can be referenced without disrupting the flow of the main story too much.

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Patch 3.4.0 - https://dislyte.farlightgames.com/m/detail.html?6593dc745be0f725157fca80
Log in for free Yun Chuan and his Divinate.
But why Jin Qiu? His update made his r2 broken. Can even solo Andras.
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Furries are like a tide, they come with a force than retreat.
The secret is making them come again.
Or rather, making it count.
Like they missed the memo when after they released JQ and saw a push from furries again, they somehow forgot that it's also because they updated his kit to be decent too.
Hard to appeal to anyone with this horrible gacha.
I remember that when they released the warden tiger, I came back to maybe get a chance to get him... yet there wasn't one. At least not for someone who doesn't have the special currency from whaling out. And so, I decided to spend my 60 or something gold records, only to mostly get upgrade materials for characters I don't have.
Nobody is going to play this shit if you don't even get characters from the main gacha, such a retarded system.
You can buy golden records with the crystals.

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