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>subtle thirdie signs that you need to get the fuck out of that neighborhood asap
firstie sissies posting plastic chairs and painted tree trunks need to not apply, this thread is for thirdie chads
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>firstie sissies posting plastic chairs and painted tree trunks need to not apply, this thread is for thirdie chads
Backwater USA gets like this. My neighborhood has multiple cars on blocks in overgrown yards and a pack of semi-feral dogs, and across the main road there's an arroyo full of land pirate drug zombies
i saw a new burnt out car when i walked to the shopping centre to buy groceries
happens in your country?
ford taurus

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"mastermind" edition

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I tried modern gushers recently and they ruined them.
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Please explain.
my hockey team won :D
37 and I still need to jerk off every day. The OF whores are pushing what can be shown on regular websites. YT is letting nude yoga and transparent clothing tryons.Tiktok lets girls flash their pussy, as long it's quick and not the main draw of the video. Insta does both.

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kurva anyátok
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a szűzies magassarkús poloskapeti vs a csanád sámlis
>brühühü nincs pesszív inkámom ((tm)) csak pár millióm kurvázni
>nincs érettségim, nincs jó szakmám, miért nem vagyok gazdag, nem igazságos
pls legyél lárp
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Through me you pass into the city of woe:
Through me you pass into eternal pain:
Through me among the people lost for aye.
Justice the founder of my fabric moved:
To rear me was the task of power divine,
Supremest wisdom, and primeval love.
Before me things create were none, save things
Eternal, and eternal I shall endure.
All hope abandon, ye who enter here.

>föllapozom kindlén csantét
>berakom a frutyubról az ereszkedés a pokol 9 bugyrába vergiliusszal kazit
>harapok avokádos aktivált mandulás csandellót
és elképzelem milyen KÍNAÚ lett volna egy jankovics-féle isteni színjáték
Ilyen kamu szarokkal próbálnak szánalmat ébreszteni.

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About 3-4 years ago I wageslaved in a delivery and we had a grandma cleaner there. She was in her late 70s or early 80s. However, she was so fucking energetic that she mogged everyone there in terms of energy. She was somewhat crazy too.
Well, she was talkative enough, and every other day she would talk about how back in USSR they had an expedition to India. And she would just constantly repeat how beautiful it was, how many exotic fruits were there. She would always mention that people were crying when they were leaving, how unbelievable beautiful India was.
The half-year trip to India is in her top3 if not top1 memory ever. I don't know, maybe it was just because she was in her 20s/30s and just enjoyed jumping from one 10.24 to another, or maybe India really is butiful at least in some areas.
#StopPajeetHate #MakeWorldABrownerPlace

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Do women like this exist in your country? How is she so rich?
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Which one is your favorite?
I don't think I've bought any new clothes in the period since April 28 last year. I'm just using ones I already had. 3 pairs of sweatpants, about a dozen t shirts, 3 sweatshirts, about 30 pairs of socks (down to around 20), 2 pairs of jeans, 3 dress shirts, one jacket, 4 pairs of shoes, 3 hats, 2 windjackets, several items of sportswear, 1 scarf. Probably forgetting something.

I will need to replenish my sock supplies soon. But buying socks and replacing lost/destroyed items is the only clothes shopping I do.
I ride a 125cc shitbike around town most of the time because it's the least hassle. Got a proper
Got a honda cbr650, old 600cc KTM and a 125cc chinese shitbike.

You can probably guess which is the one I ride around town usually.
It seems I accidentally hit post mid rewriting lmao

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>one chance at life
>not born white

Fuck it ahahahahahaha

I can't wait to see who women are going to fetishize next once whites go extinct.
black kang of course
Preferably light skinned Dominicans right?

Turkish barber
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>Cuck chair
>yeah, I'm going to shred some parmesan on your hair

Why don't white people spice their hair?
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why is their culture like this?
do turks really???

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>buy chinese EV
>car crashes and catches fire
>air bag didn't pop out
>car door locked because EV
>3 people burnt dead alive in the car
>discussion tag mysteriously disappears from weibo trending list
Did you fell for the EV meme in your country?
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Your fault for buying chinesse
Dont american rescue workers have power tools that can cut soft and thin metal cars are made of?
It's the same as your father's aging odor.
cops don't carry hydraulic rescue tools in their cars.
Why didn't they break the glass

When are you planning on traveling to Turkey for your hair transplant anon?
Why do they always get such an unnatural looking hairline
he looks good, why are you hating dawg?
Not planning to. My hair is fine and I sometimes buzzcut because it looks good on me.

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Would you be happier if you moved to Edinburgh?
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>What place isnt?
>You should change your name btw.
why? I assume he's dominican. it's not the most creative name, but it's functional enough. I generally enjoy seeing tripfriends on 4chan and think we need more of them.
I am. I've proven that many times.
europeans developed white skin for the express purpose of living in such conditions.
I assumed afrolatino. You cant say youre dominican and bash a diff type of nigga. Thats why he should change his name. Its confusing.

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What did she mean by this?
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Not Somali. Don't care about Bantus. I'm a Chushite master race.
you trying to tell me there are different types of nigga?
Salvador Sanchez arrived and vanished
Only twenty-three with so much speed
Owning the highway
Mexico City bred so many
But none quite like him sweet warrior
Pure magic matador
There are. But, we are not niggers. We are camel herding nomadic people in the deserts of East Africa. We have some Bantus here but we're different people.
I was literally just saying I need a bbc and you start insulting me lol. But im the one that’s rattled?

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India is developing in the reverse direction lol
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>who is responsible for indians losing indian industrial jobs while indian farming rises
Idiota mexicano.
Indians are responsible.
Exactly, that's why banks aren't investing enough into it
It's funny how this dynamic still remains with the US soyraging at non-aligned countries while China is just cool with em
You just know something will be bad quality if it says made in India.

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Which architectural style is the most prevalent in your country?
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>Which architectural style is the most prevalent in your country?
Decrepit commie blocks.
But we have some really nice areas with modern or bauhaus styles.
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You are 100% a suburbanite
Art nouveau and commieblocks
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Not bad.

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