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This board is for:
  • Asking for help in finding an image or the source of an image, or more of a certain kind of image.
  • Asking for photoshop requests.
  • Asking for recommendations for a new anime or TV series to watch, or a new manga or comic series to read.
  • Asking for tech support or help with your homework.
  • Any other kind of work-safe request.
Once you have posted your request, please check the catalog for requests that you can help others with.
All threads and images should pertain to "work-safe" material. For adult content please use /r/ - Requests and for help with personal matters please use /adv/ - Advice.

Do not post or request personal information ("dox") or calls to invasion ("raids").

Personal army requests of any form are strictly forbidden.

WebM files with sound can now be uploaded!

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I'm looking for every song that was used during the opening ceremony (+ timecode). The Youtube comments didn't give them all.

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Kinda a difficult request, and I'm not sure if this image helps.

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I don't know too much of the topic, but I want a good page with a good quantity of movies that isn't too underground to end up downloading for me a virus.
Learn 2 torrent
Just get a Roku, sure not everything is available for free, but there's enough to keep you busy

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Does anyone have the AI-generated image of a guy pouring oil down the sink and shrugging? It was made to look like a Pixar film poster.
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Found it this way:

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What is my faceshape?
1 reply omitted. Click here to view.
>weird guy from /soc/ again
>mfw i have no face
You should see (well, get lead) to your doctor about that condition

Lol what

Hello, I live in an area of europe where power outages aren't uncommon and I would like a haircut which I can do myself with simple tools like a well sharpened knife or scissors so that I can always look my best if I am not only working/sleeping.

What is there in store for me?
FYI I have curly long hair like matt stone in this picture.
19 replies and 8 images omitted. Click here to view.
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>haircut atm
Haircut at the moment
Assuming you're just retarded and not trolling, go to a barber shop or hair salon or some shit and tell them to surprise you. Maintain whatever they give you using >>1458048
Boom. Hairstyle. No hassle, no electricity. Just gas for the drive there and enough money to cover the first cut.
>Assuming you're just retarded and not trolling, go to a barber shop or hair salon or some shit and tell them to surprise you. Maintain whatever they give you using
The entire point of this thread is for myself to manage my own hair while using simple tools.
>No hassle, no electricity. Just gas for the drive there and enough money to cover the first cut.
you say this as if I have a car
still makes no sense

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Anyone know what the issue here is?

I've tried signing up for the Pro Edition of Inkarnate, and it just loads indefinitely, at the bottom. I tried contacting support, but they aren't available till Monday.

Yes, I have tried accessing it on multiple browsers. Yes, the card is still good.
2 replies omitted. Click here to view.
Are you using a card you bought somewhere like the grocery store? Sometimes they get picky about what zipcode you enter, there's some site where you can set the zipcode to go with a prepaid card...
No, I'm using a standard credit card.
VPN? They might not like that...
I don't have a VPN active either.

I did file a report, but I'm not sure how long that will take for them to even read, let alone rectify.
>Security Code
They might want the code on the front instead.

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Hey, pardon the intrusion I got a Rog strix laptop for like 1 or 2 y now and recently I've been having an issue where the internet disables itself out of fucking nowhere and I can't turn it back on so I need to restart the laptop, it's been happening frequently but it only started like last month or so, I've updated the drivers and it hasn't fixed it, does anyone have a good solution to fix this? Appreciate any help thanks.
sorry i thought we were on /g/ and i wanted to tell you to kill yourself.

what is your wifi card name. i assume u are using windows? does it work on other windows versions/linux?
>wifi card name
It's a wi-fi 6 ax201 160MHz
>are using windows?
Yeah 11
>are using windows?
I tried using it on 10 and it still happened, idk why I moved the laptop to the bathroom the signal gets weaker and when it happens for some reason the internet disables and I can't turn it back on, there's literally a button that says "turn on" I click on, it loads but it doesn't enable the internet as if it was like locked.
>we were on /g/ and i wanted to tell you to kill yourself.
Yea figured, asking /here/ would've be the better choice.
How far away are you from possible interference from other routers?

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Does anyone have any sort of "screams of the damned" type ambience track? Looking for smth to fall asleep to and that seems perfect.
4 replies omitted. Click here to view.
>more real
wait, you want REAL screams of the damned?!
yea or smth that sounds like it
decent but not long enough
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This randomly started happening today and it makes no sense. I can post images just fine from Edge, but no luck with Chrome. I thought it might be an extension issue so I tried it with an incognito window and no luck. I still get a similar error. I can post text posts just fine from Chrome, just not image posts.
Anything I can do to narrow down what's potentially causing this?
some faggot from your ip range has been spamming images the mods don't like so they blocked all images from your ip range.
Few years ago the added the ability to rangeban based on IP range AND browser agent.
>this reminds me of one of my favorite absolute boke moments ogli had where she just walks off from an eating contest during a fan festival because she felt the need to get some side/seasoning or something that she felt the food needed, which disqualified her immediately
Lol be glad you can even post at all on a vidya board.

I'm looking for an old piece of art with an anime girl, a big dog (I think it was a St. Bernard with the little neck mug, but not sure), and a bunch of little doggirl kids, with the obvious implication being that they're the girl and dog's puppies. I haven't seen it in a while and I don't remember it clearly enough to narrow down the tags. Can an anon help me out?
>>>/r/ would probably know, or >>>/trash/
It's a SFW image, but I guess I could take this over there if I don't get any bites.

what kind of hat is she wearing? i want to wear this kind of hat.
Sun hat
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I've been working on the railroad~
Requesting someone edit this image of Osaka to make her look like John Henry
the oc gods look kindly on this board.

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Is 3 years enough to gain professional/advanced level art skills as a self taught artist if pic related is my current skill level and the best I can do?
No, it is impossible to do so.
Her right hand looks like a spirit coming out of her spell, btw.
What exactly are you trying to achieve? Do you want to get a full time job with those skills or you want to be self employed or is it something else? I'm not an artist myself but it's not that difficult to figure out that AI can do a lot so you gotta have a clear goal in mind if you want to invest 3 years of your life into this.
There's an ENTIRE board dedicated to critiquing users' art and making suggestions: >>>/ic/
What do you mean by that? Profesional as in something you can make money from? You're already better than most people who make money from porn art. If you get good at shading, fix that hand, learn some animation and post consistently, you can be one of the top porn artists. Even if you only draw girls in skimpy outfits or just cute girls, you could still make decent money.
nvm, apparently that's the drawing of an /ic/ schizo

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Looking for a bigger version of this image
No luck with yandex or google image search

what is the meaning of these strange symbols?
Where does this come from?
I assume they don't have any deeper meaning and are just meant to look mysterious.
The tentacle-eye in the center sort of looks like the symbol for Hastur, but all tentacle-eyes tend to look alike.
That's a Maya pendant by Om Oro, the symbols effectively represent phonemes, often spelling names. Not sure if the meanings are strictly correct though.
>The tentacle-eye in the center

That's a head looking to the left
Oh, yeah I guess that's a big nose then instead of a stray tentacle.
That's geometric abstraction for you.

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