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>great in the summer
>great during winter
>great during fall
>great unaged
Tequila mogs whiskey anyday of the week.
I'm not drinking tequila unless it's with mexican food
All restaurant food is technically Mexican food.
maybe in America, but white people cook our food over here
>>21078680 (OP)
Never had tequila, only ever drank rum or whiskey straight. What am I missing out on?

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What's going on at Texas Road House?
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>>21078667 (OP)
I remember when BWW changed to cheaper carrots.
>He killed himself because of tinnitus a couple years ago
Fuck is that true? My brother has that and has tried all kinds of things over the years to treat it but nothing works.
>>21078667 (OP)
We used to fuck guys like that in prison.


Texas Road House is my regular Saturday night thing.
>Fuck is that true?
>My brother has that and has tried all kinds of things over the years to treat it but nothing works
Yeah it fucking sucks. Sorry man.
Tell him to try doing this, as last resort because it works on a wide range of disturbs.

Make him STOP eating these things for at least 7 days:

>milk and dairies
>any kind of sugar included fruit (has fructose)
>cereals of any kind (no rice, no corn, no wheat and so on…he can eat pseudo cereals such as quinoa, buckwheat and amaranth)
>alcoholics and wine
>pork meat

These things must also not be present inside the goyslop he eats, so always check the ingredients and even better make him cook every single meal from scratch with fresh whole ingredients. He can’t cheat absolutely, he has to be strict.

All the things I listed are pro inflammatory foods, if the tinnitus gets better or goes away it means that one or more of these things is what is causing him the illness.

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what happens if you eat the brown part of a banana?
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>>21079003 (OP)
anyone who opens a banana upside-down like a chimp needs to be deported far enough away where they cannot post here anymore
>>21079003 (OP)
You explode
>t. disgusting incel

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>Oh, uh, me flakes, then uh, scrambled eggs, bacon, sausages, tomatoes... toast, coffee... marmalade, I like marmalade. Yes, porridge is nice. Any cereal, I like all cereals... oh God.

Majority of redditors answered, "Home Run Inn" to this question... And it was legitimately the worse frozen pizza I ever had.

Can someone recommend me an actually good frozen pizza?
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I bought one of these and thought so too, actual asshole tastes better than this.
These used to be better, used to have buffalo mozzarella
The Sourdough is good, if it intrigues you try it, at the very least youll get a unique taste experience. But the stone-fired crust line is the best Newman's Own Crust imo. The thin crusts are nothing special and not worth the price.
I bow to the grocery pizza master, what’s your most hated pizza?
I havent eaten frozen pizza in months but here every subjective pizza score i ever gave. If it says "glowing" it means I was highly intoxicated when I ate the pizza so take my score with a grain of salt

How do people eat goat/lamb/deer. I know that shit is gamey
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>>21078634 (OP)
Greek spit roast lamb is one of my favorite things to eat. Goat is also great, Deer I haven't had in a long time but I remember it was good - it's all about how you prepare it.
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>spit roast
>>21078634 (OP)
You write like a fucking nigger and probably are one. Fuck off nigger.
>>21078634 (OP)
rabbit stu

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whats yer favrit bear?
>>21078897 (OP)
Pizzly bear
Its a limited edition bear
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>>21078897 (OP)
A cracked open one.
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M'kay talk to'em
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>>21078897 (OP)
Whatever's cheapest. I'm Australian and the cheapest beer you find here is like $15 a 6 pack of the crappiest shit.

We have domestic wine that's actually decent and under $6 a bottle, though. It's a shame we have beer tax but not wine tax, because all wine is trash and all beer is good.

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Currenty moving out of my parent's.

After using an expensive nonstick pan there for a few years (bought the pan myself), I noticed how it still wears down despite very careful handling.
I will now get a stainless steel pan and stick with that. heh
checked the IKEA one, but the handle isn't perfect, balance is weird too.

What else do I need to get as absolute basics to cook? I kind of want to keep it minimal. I have a knife and think that i should get a steamer pot.
where should I splurge?
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stainless steel pan is really the best.
I also use Cast Iron pan but, you can't deglaze in it and i find that deglazing is really important to get the full flavour that you get from browning.
you can get those enamel coated cast iron and i see them a lot on youtube cooking scene but i don't know. i never got to have them.
Cast iron is a meme, more so than teflon.

I fell for it (luckily only one 10"). Cast iron is heavy as fuck - no flipping and dogshit for fried rice; can't handle acids - no tomatoes; awful heat distribution - fucks up things that you want to cook evenly like bacon; and has minimal advantages over stainless.

Basically the only good properties of cast iron is that it is seasoned (but you can season carbon and stainless steel as well) and it has high emissivity, which are not even close to worth the drawbacks.
>>21077243 (OP)
Stainless steel is very flexible in its uses, but it's sticky.
Carbon steel is a lot less sticky than stainless, but will lose its seasoning in braises or acidic sauces and needs to be seasoned, which can be finicky if you haven't done it before.
Cheap nonstick with replacements every year works fine if you don't mind eating fluorinated chemicals and don't need super high temperatures.
Pick one, it's all tradeoffs. Except cast iron, which is just a worse version of carbon steel unless you're searing a steak or baking something.

Add a small amount of oil first. As the heat goes up, it will become less viscous and flow in small rivulets. People call this "shimmering". Add your food as soon as the oil starts to shimmer. This works for 90% of applications.
i find that making pancakes or pita bread/flat bread works best for cast iron.
i do have to move my cast iron around the stove to get it heated evenly. lifting thise heavy ass pan around the stove for its edges to get even heat is kind of a pain in the ass
BUT i love the results, it's so much faster than oven, and i can see how it's cooking directly.
Steel gets VERY hot. Start with something like stir fry to get used to it.

>co-worker gets lunch Door Dash'd every single day, without fail
It's amazing how many Millennials are completely incapable of even preparing the most basic forms of food like even a ham sandwich. He's paying over $20 a day not including tax and tip for some shitty fast food to be delivered.
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>>21076135 (OP)
That's why he will never own a home and posts on r/Socialism.
Financially illiterate.
>>21076135 (OP)
You mean Gen Z. Most millennials are In their mid 30s now.
Being a student doesn't prevent you from buying groceries and storing them at home. Even in the smallest room is some space for it.
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>implying fast food delivery (in its current form) hasn't been a thing since the 1970s at least
I bet you also think normalfags never used the internet before smartphones were invented? Fucking revisionist zoomers.
No fast food places delivered you dipshit. The only places that delivered were pizza and chinese food.

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Is it my imagination or do Pringles just taste like shit now? Specifically the Sour Cream and Onion and Pizza ones which used to be the best ones but now they taste terrible

I bought some Pizza ones with the freshness seal still attached and they tasted stale.
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for me, it's LAY'S® STAX® Original Potato Crisps
>>21074663 (OP)
Pringles, like every other potato chip on the market, do indeed taste like pure hot dogshit compared to even just 10-15 years ago. Frito-Lay is another offender, their flaming hot Cheetos are actually just 100% inedible now. To say they’re disgusting would be an understatement, every aspect of Hot Cheetos and even Doritos, are astronomically worse than ever before, they aren’t even worth eating for free now. I sincerely think what they’re doing to the quality of snacks now should be illegal.
>even if they are hallucinating i will tell people things are worse because thats what we do on 4chan
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>Memphis BBQ
what difference

Spaghetti thread
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I like to break my spaghet into quarters, personally.
>>21061611 (OP)
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It's only good with meatballs in it
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they didn't even have the decency to shoop out his blank mouthole?

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the breakfast
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I always ask for an S, an M, or an L at american starbucks and they always know what I mean. If you can say "yeah can i get an uh, whatever, size S", to an english speaker, how is a japanese person saying "ohio! duraivu-turuu-kun, can i getto an, eh moooo, esu saizu burekotofesto wurappu, da ne? eataduckimust!" dumb?

Everyone in japan obviously knows enough english to know the words small, medium, and large. They're pretty essential for communicating with foreigners with a limited vocabulary. A shitton of people who are either english or ESL visit japan every day.
Nobody cares, you tragic weeb. Pathetic.
japanese know how to cook a mcnugget let me tell you
>>21076309 (OP)
thank you op
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anytime little buddy

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I think about a Cheesy Gordita crunch every morning when I wake up. Before I go to sleep, it’s the last thing on my mind. I even dream about them. I’ll never stop loving the cheesy gordita crunch. I would do anything to have one all the time. I think I always deserve a cheesy gordita crunch. I love you, cheesy gordita crunch.
Even as a joke this is pathetic and sad
>>21078806 (OP)
Good man, the CGC as I call it is primo to the max and totally bitchin', it's sicknasty (good way)

Nothing can top the humble, belly filling ease of a classic dump recipe

>open half a dozen cans of stuff
>add ground beef/chicken
>add some water and seasonings maybe
>slow cook for a few hours
walla, its sloppa time
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Kek gottem
>>21077299 (OP)
I thought it was interesting that if they don’t get enough orders for this infomercial stuff to make money they just don’t make the product and cancel the orders.

Filipinos call it pagpag (I get where you’re coming from though)
>>21077299 (OP)
>add some water and seasonings maybe
>seasonings maybe
Why would that ever be optional?
>>21077299 (OP)
This is as good as American cooking got and it hasn't changed at all.
the content of the cans might be seasoned already, chili beans are pretty good

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is caribbean food good?
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I'll send you the medical bill for my neck you monster
>>21075961 (OP)
Yeah. A number of carribean dishes are enjoyable. Callaloo, stewed meats, uniqie barbecues, a plethora of starches cooked in many ways and excellent drinks are characteristics of the cuisine
>>21075961 (OP)
It's pretty good, maybe a low B tier. I hate how they have a dish made from rice and kidney BEANS (and coconut, chill, etc) and they call it "rice and PEAS". Sick of people in the Americas butchering my language
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I would like to make jerk chicken a regular thing, but I'm not going make the sauce myself. What jerk marinade do I need to buy? What spices do I need to slap on the chicken before dumping in the marinade?

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