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I am experimenting with buttermilk strips
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is there any merit in things like using self rising flour, flour with baking powder, or combinations of flour and corn starch?
Color is just putting paprika in the flour mixture or not.
I don't know, but want to point out that self raising flour is the same thing as flour with baking powder. It wouldn't be hard or cost prohibitive to test for yourself, though.
what is the best non-sneed oil to fry with? someone said one of the animal fats had too low of a smoke point but I forget which one it was. also everything except lard is super expensive.

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Imagine eating this good.
based and incellic/10

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Food related funny images/webms.
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These places always have a time limit or people would just hang out all day
Seriously, i often order food without pickles or olives. If they fuck it up then i just sigh and remove any excess and keep eating it. It would have to be a fundamental fuckup like missing items or something being completely inedible for me to ever bother complaining at a fast food place.
yeah i saw that on parallel pipes rabbit hole iceberg video
Pontificate upon this particular scent
How often are dudes into muslims jihabfished? She seems pretty but her hair could be a total mess

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Share some stories about slop shops or sit-downs that think customers are fucking stupid idiots who deserve to lose the money they steal from you.
May as well just say it, because the last honest franchiser in my city finally got on board. Dairy Queen steals. One thing you can test anywhere is upsizing the fries or drink on a combo meal.
Normally, the surcharge is the difference in the a la carte price between the two sizes. 90% of the time it's up on the menu, so if you want, you can walk the wagey on the till through how they're an accessory to fraud. The Dairy Queen franchiser will program another bloated surcharge in the POS instead. Like, $1.65 instead of 70 cents.
The manager or whoever's in charge at the time will try to confuse you by claiming the value meal is a big aggregate charge and the included fries and drink is lumped into this. But even then, the difference between a medium and large would still be the SAME. The only difference between pricing down the principal entree or the entree item is how it looks on the receipt. They can't advance their practiced defense past this point. But they always say the same bullshit, which tells me they're knowing accomplices to fraud.
I know what you're thinking. Fast food slop isn't worth the trouble of complaining like this and I must be a bloated deathfat. This is the same reason I've refrained from going to a lawyer to get a class action going. But for fuck's sake, they do it right in open view and it's so depressing how we're thought of as retarded chumps.
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He's asking them to give him the bundle meal, take out the fries, and then get the large fries separately. That's how it works in any chain that sells a combo meal. The part left out of OP's rant is that presumably a large fries on their own is $1.65
See, I can't even talk about this shit because of people like you. Even if I'm not fat, I'm autistic for even caring that the places I've bought fast food slop from my whole life are all run by crooks.
It's definitely wrong now. Grilled burgers are the kind of trash you can get anywhere. The cancer-coated overdone brazier shit is something I miss dearly.
The way a value combo or whatever is programmed into a POS system is either:
>Aggregate of entire value meal, plus any applicable surcharge
>Principal entree item (sandwich), plus regular charge for side item and drink
In the latter case, it's just a matter of substituting a large sized item for a regular. In the former, it's a simple added surcharge. Either way, the price difference isn't relevant.
If the difference between a regular and large is 50 cents, and your bill says you were charged 90 cents, then you've been defrauded. The items' a la carte price are almost always right on the menu, so you don't even need to ask how much they cost up front to test this.
Every Dairy Queen in my city and surrounding area does this now. There's no one honest running them.
Go there and take a picture of the menu with all of the prices, and then post your receipt so we can see exactly what's happening.
Give up OP, people are retards. Hardly anyone even uses money so they are completely disconnected from where it goes. I don't understand how they survive but rest assured they will not much longer.
It’s that expensive? I can get a burger from a local burger shop for 10 + fries (but they’re kinda shit)

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chicken filet and tomato pepper sauce sandwich.
bad consistency, 7,5/10 taste.
>bad consistency
Bet it would be great dipped in some soft boiled egg yolk.

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Everybody loves fudge
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nobody likes you faggot
I hate this shit, it hurts my teeth so bad
You must really have some bitch-ass teeth
Stop eating so much at once you fat bitch
1/2 cup coconut oil
1/2 cup peanut or almond butter
1/4 cup maple syrup
1/2 cup cacao powder
little salt

combine it in a pot over medium heat until smooth but don't let it boil. pour it into a lined pan and chuck it in the fridge for 2 hours

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I live in a 120sqft studio apartment thing. There is no kitchen. There is an attached bathroom with a shower and a sink. I want to cook inside from here. What are some equipment I should buy?
>no fridge
>no cooker of any sorts
>no kitchen sink
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Seconding the rec for a really, good rice cooker

A really good rice cooker will let you steam meats and veggies at the same time as your rice. It's not glamorous but it's a surefire way to get protein, veggies, and carbs in every meal. Slather it in sauce of some kind or seasoning.
>120sqft studio with no kitchen or even fridge
>apparently expensive enough to knock OPs budget to $50
The American Dream is dead.
I do not care for your question who is the woman
You're Australian. Negative gearing on property is Australian.
When I camp I boil water then wash my dishes in a tub. You could do the same putting the tub on your shower floor so you can dump the water out after.

This thread is for discussing teas, tisanes, and other herbal infusions.

info: types of tea, where to get tea, how to brew tea

previous thread: >>20389604 (OP)
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>Were you using the fish cup or do you just like having it around?
I like having it around so I ended up using it as a waste water bowl when I'm brewing gong fu.
Gotta love spring, the urge to buy green tea is hitting me..
what is the best tea brand out there for someone who got bored of lipton tea bags?
How you feeling about all those dancongs, have you got a favourite so far?
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Glazed kyusu by a local potter, Bizen yunomi by by some Japanese potter

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personally, I am of the belief that anything below 50% is not even real chocolate at all, and 70% is milk chocolate. I prefer 90%. How about you?
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so we just lettin racist pics be on ck now?
>90% is suitable but also tryhard
I seriously just like the taste of 100% I don't get all the weirdness on either side of the argument
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for me, it's negro choco
Who raped you?

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I need your best guide to making pizza, I don't care about fancy garnish or anything else, I just want a nice simple pizza.
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/ck/ regulars
300g flour
210g water
20g olive oil
8g salt
8g sugar
3g yeast

mix water, salt, sugar, and yeast.
add oil to flour, add yeast slurry to flour
let sit 20 minutes then stretch and fold the dough
let sit 20 more minutes then stretch and fold the dough.
let rise 1-2 hours until doubled.
oil your pan, half sheet pan would work best here.
roll out dough let proof 30 minutes to 1 hour.

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do europoops really measure things with a scale instead of just scooping the exact volume?
Why do they keep eating this food looking like that?
They chose food over social acceptance at an early age so now all they have is food.

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this kills the e**ropean
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This pleases the OP
is that a pizza with fucking sprinkles
This place near me does seasonal pizzas and I had their pierogi pizza which had these on it and also drizzled sour cream

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Thread for discussing coffee and coffee-related topics

Targeted Individual Edition

If you're new or confused, start here: https://pastebin.com/UEzwuyLz

If you're old and confused, make any youtube videos lately?

Previous thread: >>20372717
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My wug was only like $80 in fees kek.
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you gain a great deal of control over the final cup in exchange for being a part of the brewing process
plus its fun
Direct lever kino from the 8th page? I think so.
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golden rule is trash anyway

hell yeah
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Buy a banner.
There used to be this vanilla milkshake drink stocked at my local CVS, it was in a blue bottle and I cannot remember what it was called.
Anyways, I'd kill to get a coconut type milkshake drink in stores because I never want more than a bottle or cup worth.
mr dad works at dr pepper
I'm 11 days off of the Dr's sauce. Feels good man

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Post food you eat when you are depressed and can't be bothered cooking.
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glass of milk and some slices of cheese
How much better is a sweet potato on a 1 to 10 nutrients over a reg? I dislike them but I should probably eat them.
People are social, exchanging mental burdens is part of the human experience. Someone else might have a problem you think is trivial, and your problem is trivial to them, both can feel better after bitching about it to one another. Just how it works, you can't fight human nature. Even autists need social support, even if they themselves have shit social skills.
Calories and Macronutrients:
Sweet Potatoes: Lower in calories and carbohydrates but higher in fiber compared to russet potatoes. They also contain slightly more protein.
Russet Potatoes: Higher in calories and carbohydrates but lower in fiber. They typically have a bit less protein than sweet potatoes.
Sweet Potatoes: Exceptionally high in vitamin A (from beta-carotene), providing more than 100% of the daily value in one medium-sized sweet potato. They are also a good source of vitamins C and B6.
Russet Potatoes: These potatoes do not provide vitamin A but are high in vitamin C and also offer a good amount of vitamin B6.
Sweet Potatoes: Offer higher amounts of manganese and are a good source of potassium and magnesium.
Russet Potatoes: Typically higher in potassium than sweet potatoes and provide good amounts of magnesium and iron.
Sweet Potatoes: Rich in antioxidants, especially beta-carotene, which gives them their orange color. They also contain other antioxidants like anthocyanins in purple varieties.
Russet Potatoes: Contain antioxidants such as flavonoids and vitamin C, though generally less diverse or abundant compared to sweet potatoes.
Glycemic Index:
Sweet Potatoes: Have a lower glycemic index compared to russet potatoes, which means they cause a slower rise in blood sugar levels.

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I really like it. Kinda nice that my rice cooker already had the feature so I didn't need a new appliance, unitaskers are somewhat annoying in the kitchen.
I guess you could emulate a slow cooker with a pot on low heat, but that means you'd have to pay a little more attention to it, which somewhat defeats the purpose. The nice thing about slow cookers is that you precisely don't need to care as much about them.

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Are there actually any good food recipes from Russia, other than Borscht?

This is the best I can come up with and even then it looks disgusting. Are the Slavs incapable of cooking?

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Chicken keiyv
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>Are there actually any good food recipes from Russia, other than Borscht?
No, of course not. Communism killed most Slavic cooking, including things they were best at, like caviar. Today caviar from Western Europe is far superior to whatever's left of the Russian/Iranian Caspian Sea.

On top of that Poland, Hungary, Serbia and Slovakia further destroyed their culture in favour of technocratic/corrupt policies. Best examples are Tokaji wine, paprika and Mangalica pig. Once jewels to the crown of Hungary, now made better everywhere else. Hollowed out, whored out, and now no longer Hungarian. There are regions who do succeed: Slovenia, Croatia, Czechia and Romania all have booming gastronomical scenes.
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I see people just talk about shit but no one mention a real recepie or name of a plate, well ahve a list of my favorites.
Try Chebureki(like russian beef patty), Olivier salad (nothing beats my mother or babushka Olivier), Golubtsy(meat and rice dumpling), Syrniki(cheese pancakes), Tèlnoye (fish dumplings)

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